MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 17

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There is a son of a worker and a son-in-law of a city man, the old lady has not suffered the sin of starvation.

Qingchuan sent 200 kilograms of dried sweet potatoes early. A piece of dried sweet potato can be doubled by boiling it in water. better. He also brought a pack of rice noodles to his little niece, which my sister-in-law used very sparingly. She ate a month's amount for three months.

He still sends alimony to the old lady every month. This year, he will not send any money. Instead, he will send food, usually more than ten kilograms, sometimes brown rice, sometimes millet, sometimes Buckwheat... The type is not accurate, add some eggs and meat.

The old lady always makes up her mind that her youngest son is reluctant to eat and drink, so she has worked hard to collect food and send it to her. She cherishes these food very much, and will not take it out until it is critical. . In fact, Qingchuan eats and drinks very well every day.

The eldest sister also sent things twice from the city, each time there were 30 to 40 catties of refined grains.

Therefore, when every household had to run out of food, the Qingchuan family lived relatively well, and it was obvious from the look on their faces that they were not short of food.

The eldest brother knew that he was relying on his mother and brother, so he specially invited Qingchuan to dinner on New Year's Eve. In this difficult time, inviting others to eat is a treat that can only be given to a life-threatening friendship. Where is the meal? It's life. What's more, the eldest brother's family rarely cooked a fish, stewed an old hen that couldn't lay eggs, and made rice cakes with glutinous rice, which was very rich. Take out all the delicious food that you can't bear to eat on weekdays.

But Qingchuan still refused, "No need, I have already cooked it there, there are fish and meat." He smiled weakly. Yesterday I ran around the village in the dark. I was really like a thief. Today I am very sleepy. I just want to sleep and think about nothing else.

The eldest brother didn't know the truth. He was bewildered by Qingchuan's weakness. Qingchuan brought it back.

The kindness was hard to resist, Qingchuan went back with the chicken legs. From eldest brother's house to Qingchuan's house, we have to traverse half the village, and Qingchuan can smell the smell of food from other houses from time to time. There is even the same old hen scent.

Many hens are slaughtered if they have no nutrition and cannot lay eggs. At other times, it can be fooled. The New Year's Eve dinner is always a little richer, even if it is a good omen. In addition, the opening of the door today, every household got unexpected food, so I let go, I just wanted to use wooden chicken and wooden fish to deal with the past New Year's Eve, but I actually slaughtered chicken, cooked fish, and cooked serious food.

Wood chicken and wood fish are chickens and fish carved from wood. In the past, poor people couldn't afford chicken and duck for the New Year, so they used wooden chicken and wooden fish to set up a plate. This is the new common sense that Qingchuan learned only when he arrived here, and it is really insightful.

He felt that after passing through one by one, he could become a well-informed person.

Waiting for the kids to come to the door. But it was not until noon that the children came. A group of children were pulling their heads, their pockets were flat, and they looked like they had nothing.

Yes, even sweet potatoes are almost unaffordable these days, where do I have the money to prepare candy for the children? It would be nice to fry the pumpkin seeds I collected before for the children.

Qingchuan distributed the candy to the children, sent them away happily, and closed the door of the yard.

Today the system provided an unexpected big fish, bigeye tuna, two meters long and weighing up to four hundred catties. This is a carnivorous fish, which usually tastes great, is delicious raw, and is good in easily preserved canned fish, and the liver of this fish is also great for making cod liver oil.

He basically learned to handle fish last year. He was 'fishing' every night, and he touched all kinds of species, including bigeye tuna.

Qingchuan likes seafood very much, but the conditions are limited. I haven't eaten fresh seafood for more than a year. Now I can eat tuna, and my heart is really beautiful. Such a good fish is canned To eat, or to make dried fish to eat? Qing Chuan was delighted, took out the fish-cutting knife, and began to gesture which part to strike first.

The flesh of the tuna has an attractive red color and is very firm at first sight. Qingchuan removed the bones and cut the large pieces of meat into pieces. Such a big fish, even if the fish bones are removed, there are still hundreds of pounds of meat. Qingchuan separated the meat of different parts according to the different meat quality according to the knowledge he had learned. This part is air-dried to make dried fish, this part is canned fish, and this part is now directly used to make fried fish steak... Arrange a fish clearly.

The system gave him a high score of 88 for his fish-cutting skills, and he was credited with 88 points. Although he couldn't use it, he was very happy to see the points rising every day.

He put the cut fish steaks on the bamboo steaks in the backyard to dry and air dry. After the fish bones were cut, they were boiled in a large pot. The glass jars have been cleaned, and seventeen high and low jars are placed on the ground. In a while, he will make canned fish, keep some of the canned food for himself, and give some of it to others. Last year, he foolishly left the mutton alone and ate it every few days, until he got angry and smelled disgusting. This year, he can't do this stupid thing.

On the second day of the first day, the canned fish was ready, and the pink and white fish was soaked in the soybean oil fish soup. The meat is softer and more brittle, which can be eaten by the elderly and children, and is easy to digest.

Qingchuan took two cans of fish and a can of fish liver to my eldest brother’s house. Today, my eldest sister and brother-in-law are coming to visit relatives. He is going to send a can of fish liver to eldest niece. He goes to work every day, and most of the affairs in the village are handled by the elder brother, and the elder sister has sent him rubber shoes several times. He needs to pay back these favors.

I was busy in the middle of the night yesterday, and I woke up late today. When Qingchuan arrived, the eldest sister's family had already arrived. "This is a canned fish made from sea fish. I got it by accident. It tastes fine." He gave the canned food to his sister-in-law and sister-in-law. The little niece was hiding behind her mother, but when she saw Qingchuan coming over, she immediately reached out and rushed over, and was very affectionate to this uncle who often brought her delicious food.


Picking up her niece, Qing Chuan noticed that the atmosphere in the room was rather strange, not very good.

The eldest sister saw Qingchuan and reached out to hold him, "Little brother, eldest sister, how about one thing?"

"Originally, I shouldn't bother my family about this matter. I know that the village is also difficult now, and it will be difficult to raise two more children. There is really no way. The eldest sister has her own difficulties. I won't even bring it home. It's not that the eldest sister can't tolerate people, this matter... let your brother-in-law talk about it." The eldest sister's mouth was like a machine gun, but it stopped abruptly at a critical moment, leaving infinite space for association.

She just gave birth to a baby for less than half a year. It stands to reason that women who are breastfeeding will be more plump, but the eldest sister is thinner than before. It can be seen that life in the city is indeed not so easy. Qing Chuan looked at the brother-in-law who was holding the child. The brother-in-law lowered his head and only looked at the little son in his arms. His two older children stood in the shadows behind, like two small animals hugging each other for warmth, shivering in the cold wind.

Brother-in-law looked embarrassed and said things dryly.

It was originally just a trivial matter. The child had a conflict with the child next door. His eldest sister, who wanted face, pressed the child to apologize to them. As a result, the eldest daughter of his family was particularly aggrieved. It was the neighbor's child who started it. Why should they apologize? If it's not my mother, I don't know how distressed people are. This sentence is particularly exciting. Sister Qingchuan is particularly unbearable. In addition, it has not been long since she gave birth to a child, and the hormones are also more emotional, so the two sides directly entered the ice age.

That's all, the eldest daughter of the brother-in-law's family secretly carried the little brother out. Children's thoughts are simple and cruel. She feels that without her little brother, she and her brother can go back to the past, and they are everyone's little treasures. Of course, things didn't work out, the little girl still had moral guilt, and the child was brought back. But this time, Sister Qingchuan couldn't bear it no matter what, she would either divorce or send the two children away.

His eldest daughter did such a thing, and Sister Qingchuan did not hide it from others. Everyone knows that relatives and neighbors, thinking that such a small child can do such cruel things, feel cold. Who is willing to accept such a natural white-eyed wolf? Even grandpa and grandmother dare not, and several aunts and aunts are hiding like the plague. In desperation, they thought of the eldest sister's family.

Brother Qingchuan, how dare he listen to this? His eldest sister thought of Qingchuan. Qingchuan had no family and no children. "The older ones will take care of the younger ones. All you need to do is keep food for them. I will send them their food rations and clothes. Just be a big sister and beg you, just raise them for two years, and I will pick them up when the kids are older."

Let a young bachelor raise a little girl, this is really unreliable, and the ex-wife's child is raised by the second-wife's brother-in-law, what do you think? Qing Chuan nodded, "Okay. Remember to transfer your student status to the town primary school. The county town is too far away, and it is inconvenient to pick up and drop off sooner or later."

The eldest sister almost cried with joy. The eldest brother-in-law's expression was a little more complicated. He sighed and said with a stern face, "I will listen to your uncle's words in the future, and I will come to see you in a while."

The older child is called Zhang Lili, who is nine years old this year, and the younger one is called Zhang Shijie, who is seven years old this year. tip. Later generations like this kind of appearance, but it seems to be more aggressive in this era. The luggage of the two children is very complete, with a change of clothes, bedding, and toiletries, and two large bags are stuffed.

"What's the matter." The old lady sighed. She doesn't feel good about her sister and brother. It's only natural that they want to hurt the old lady's grandson. Of course, the old lady is not satisfied. Now the sister and brother have to trouble their young son, even if there is a ration subsidy. , is always a bad thing.

"Mother, let's think for the best, my brother-in-law gives two children 30 catties of food a month. The two children can't eat that much, and the younger brother can also eat more. The younger brother has no urban household registration, so he has the money. It is inconvenient to buy food, and there is no surplus to sell in the village, and now with this subsidy, I will not be hungry." Brother Qingchuan said.

Qingchuan returned to the residence with two children and a pile of luggage. Although it was a bachelor's house, it was in good order. There was a bed in the guest room. He cleaned it a little and took out the spare mattress to put it on. There are spare washstands, washbasins, etc., and even a writing desk. The two children watched him clean inside and out like wooden men.

The opening time of the town's primary school is January. After the New Year, the sister and brother have a few days to rest. After that, you must study normally, and dropping out of school is absolutely not allowed.

Qing Chuan saw that it was almost time, so he was going to prepare dinner, "You guys should familiarize yourself with the environment first, but there are no people nearby, so don't go too far."

He didn't need to eat a lot at night, he found a handful of sweet potato vermicelli and boiled them, poured them in fish bone soup, each bowl of vermicelli soup contained two large pieces of fish, and fried them in the sun Poached eggs sprinkled with chives and blanched greens. Such a bowl of noodle soup with fish, eggs and vegetables can serve guests even in later generations, not to mention this time.

"You said you were impatient to take care of the child, does your face hurt now?"

"How can you be cared for after a year or two? It's just temporary care at most." Qing Chuan replied.

He went to the guest room and asked the siblings to come out for dinner, and the siblings slowly walked out of the room, like two snails who had to temporarily leave their snail shells, cautiously and very frightened . A series of encounters made them lose their temper, what was said above. Everyone thought they were little devils who didn't grow up, but Qingchuan knew they were cute children.

Zhang Yong said that his youngest son was almost taken away by his sister and lost. What Qingchuan felt from Zhang Lili was fear and panic of doing something wrong.

The real devil never knows what to fear. Qingchuan had seen this kind of natural devil, and he went to see them one by one, those juvenile delinquents who committed heinous crimes but still lived in style, some of them killed younger brothers and sisters, some of them pushed strangers under the wheels, Some set fire to their own schools, and some even dismembered their classmates.

Qingchuan couldn't experience anything warm from them. They were really hard-hearted and cold-hearted.

Sick and nauseating.

So Qingchuan never felt that he was the same kind of animal. He had a bottom line and he liked all beautiful things. Children are one of the wonderful things.

In the third year of junior high, Qingchuan was going to work. He left lunch for his sister and brother. The brown rice and sweet potato porridge was warm in the pot, and the charcoal below was still warm, which could be kept warm until noon. On the table is a plate of tuna fish, a stack of pickles, and a stack of scrambled eggs with chives. It is said to be a stack, because the portion is really small, only enough for two children.

But when Qingchuan came home in the evening, he came back with a can of milk, but the dishes on the table basically didn't move much, and there was some porridge left in the pot. Qingchuan re-boiled a pot of porridge, took out the fresh fish steak left over from yesterday, simply marinated it, and fried it with oil. He cooked rice for the two brothers and sisters, divided the fried fish into three, and also separated other dishes little by little, and put them into their bowls with public chopsticks.

"Children think too much and won't grow taller."

After dinner, Zhang Lili took the initiative to wash the dishes, but Qingchuan didn't stop her. He prepared some hot water to prevent it from being too cold. After a while, he boiled the milk, added a little sugar to it, and divided it into three bowls. "After drinking milk, brush your teeth and wash your face, and go to bed early."

Yesterday, the eldest sister left 100 catties of food, which is said to be the ration of two children for three months, and ten dollars, which is probably the legendary escrow fee. Since people are giving money and food, they still have to take good care of their children, otherwise, what is the point of taking this money?

They live in such a friendly way, my brother sometimes calls him Uncle Qingchuan, because he can tell stories and pamper children, and the little guy who lacks some fatherly love will go to him to play , my sister is more defensive and has never called. But the little girl is very good. The two brothers and sisters wash their clothes by themselves. On weekdays, they help to feed the chickens and wash the dishes. They also sew the buttons themselves.

The day before the school started, Qingchuan took a day off, and took two siblings to see the new school, met the teacher, and had a meal in the town.

When the school officially started, Qingchuan steamed multi-grain steamed buns for both children, shredded eggs, dried tofu and green vegetables, and stuffed them into the steamed buns together. When he made the steamed buns, he specially put some wheat bran Sprinkled on the outside, it looks rough and hard to swallow, but the inside is soft and sweet with the sweet smell of pasta, "I'll pick you up later."

After all, he pushed the two children into the school gate.

"Uncle." Zhang Lili suddenly shouted, "Come and pick us up early."

Qingchuan took a breath, as if he had conquered the first level of a game, "Okay."

"Raising children is like pinching a clay figurine. If you succeed, you will have a special sense of accomplishment. Hey, I like when people call my uncle, which is very kind. Anyway, their parents don't want them anymore, you say me How about taking it back and raising it? Even marriage is saved."

The system snorted coldly, having no idea about this host who slaps her face on a daily basis, "You can be a person."