MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 25

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Time to return to the tasker community.

"Why are the reward points so high? More than three million side points? System, have I completed any side points?" , Although the skills have not been upgraded, the diamond income is a lot, and the special props produced generally reach good quality.


“My first world also helped a county get rid of poverty and become rich. It seems that there are no branch points.”

"Because you are the county magistrate, it is your responsibility and obligation to help them get rid of poverty and become rich. This kind of work should be done well, and it should be done poorly."

Is it so difficult to be an official these days?

"But in any case, good people and good deeds are still advocated, as well as protecting the environment and animals, which are all points."

"Is that so? It seems that doing good deeds is a way of accumulating good fortune and virtue, or is there some basis for it?"

"All tasks have a time limit of 100 years, which is one day in reality. This is also to prevent the tasker from getting lost in the task world. The real purpose of the tasker community at the beginning The confused tasker of the world change has a 'home' and has a feeling of real survival, rather than a world changing an identity, changing and changing to get insane, so the time of a task world is only one day. After the task, a vacation is provided, Relax your mind and do your next mission better. After all, it is the charity of capitalists."


Is it really okay to mock your immediate boss like this?

"Since it has been proved last time that the secret book is universal, I am going to sell it to the system. But the price is really low, less than 500 diamonds, the mastermind is really a big profiteer." Qingchuan Looking at the row of zero sighs behind those secrets, but soon he thought of something happy again, "I improved the secrets."

"You? Improvement Tips?"

"Very strange? I have learned two worlds, isn't it normal to improve it? Let you see the results?" Qing Chuan smiled and snapped his fingers, and a small light spot appeared At his fingertips, it was like a small firefly.

The spot of light flew up very fast, and a circle of light circled around his finger.

"Mental power embodied?!" The system floated over to take a closer look, its eyes widened, "How did you do it, host? You know the cheapest book in the system to cultivate mental power How many diamonds are there? For a poor system like ours that only earns a hundred dollars in a world, that's an astronomical amount."

"Huh? No..." The system suddenly reacted, "When did you improve it? Why didn't you tell me? It's not a matter of time and a half depending on the degree of visualization."

"That's right, a day ago."

"How is it possible?" The system didn't believe it at all, and circled around Qingchuan, "Tell me, tell me."

"Really a day ago, you told me that a guy created his own recipe. Since he can create his own, what's the problem with me modifying it?"

"A day ago? Obviously a world ago!"

On the gem avenue of Emerald Park, all kinds of gems are seen as rare treasures in the world. A true emerald tree, every leaf is green emerald with the best fineness and water head, every flower is a masterpiece of gold, silver and precious stones, the trunk is a tree of jade, and there are colorful birds docked, every bird on the bird body is a masterpiece. A feather is completely fake craftsmanship.

Qing Chuan and the system chatted while picking a red rose with a tender green emerald leaf.

"I think you still have something to hide from me." The system put his arms around his chest and meditated on Qing Chuan's shoulders.

"Don't make trouble." Qingchuan picked another flower, the petals were transparent yellow with ice cracks, the stamen was a semi-transparent protein gem, and there was a crystal clear bug in the center of the flower.

"It's the intuition of the system."

"The system still has intuition?"

Qing Chuan put the branches and flowers into a small basket one by one. He participated in this particularly girlish game to relax his mind, but he didn't want to listen to the system nagging.

The annual event of Emerald Park, looking for the most beautiful gem flowers, sounds super boring. The most beautiful topic is a false proposition, because aesthetics is subjective. And the prizes aren't all that attractive—the top prize is a one-year free Emerald Park pass. Who would like this kind of thing except dragons and some women who have no resistance to shiny gems?

He wants to start a new task directly, but the system insists on pulling him out, saying something to relax, relieve it, and eliminate the fatigue.

There's nothing tired...well, maybe, maybe, a little bit. So when raising a child, you will inevitably have to worry about raising a child. Raising a child is 100 years old, and often worrying about 99 years. Even if the other party is an old man who is about to die, he can't help but be a little worried. Isn't it normal for people?

Alas...that's stupid.

So, what kind of children are you raising?

Qingchuan felt that he probably understood, those long-lived races, what cultivators, what vampires, why do they always retreat and sleep? It is to avoid these unnecessary interactions and doomed emotions.

That's it.

Qing Chuan was expressionless and harmed a flower.

Although I didn't upgrade to a god-level skill last time, the branch line was completed well, so the evaluation is still very high, you can skip the difficult level and choose a level like nightmare. The always conservative system, of course, is to hope that he will follow the steps, choose the difficulty first, and have a little insurance at the first level. Qingchuan has his own plans.

Yes, he made the decision by himself, and this time as well.

"I want to try."

He said so gently.

What can the system say? It's not the first time I know him, when has it changed the host that made up its mind?

The more, maybe he will find that his system is especially incompetent. Will not, hate it?

As the first generation system, it was originally an experimental work, with few functions, and it is not as convenient to use as the younger generation. Just like a big brother and a smartphone, of course, the gap is not that big, but there is definitely a certain distance.

But there is no ability to check the changing plot at any time. Other people's systems can detect maliciousness around them, and they can connect to the network in the high-tech world to provide data and information assistance to the host, but neither can it.

Here, if you want skills, you must be down-to-earth step by step. But the more advanced system already has the function of "One Dream, Thousand Years", which allows the host to follow the master's footsteps and experience the other person's life in a dream. After waking up, the memory is blurred, but it only takes a period of practice to master the master's skills.

The host applied to change the system. This was originally not allowed, the craftsman system found the master to replace it by itself. There is systematic pride in the system. They are indeed a piece of data, but they are special data, with thoughts, feelings, and disappointment and sadness.

The original system is not too much, plus it is only a single digit. Because of being outdated, everyone was gradually eliminated and recycled into a newer system. But that is already 'reincarnation', and it has nothing to do with the past.

"What are you thinking?" A hand fell on the system's round head, pressed to the chest, a big hug, "Your emotions tell me that you want a warm hug ."

"Huh?...Don't mind me."

"You know, I can't control it, I can only accept it passively. Besides, normal people know that your expression is wrong. So, what are you worrying about?"

The system carried the round body on its back, "I'm worried about my host who always makes up his own mind, and one day I encounter something that I can't solve and encounter Waterloo."

"Isn't that still you?"

"Me? I can't help..."

"How could it be? Just having you is helping. Don't you know that human beings are always particularly powerful when they want to protect something? This is the power of ideas. As long as When you think that my failure will affect you, you will have new courage in your heart, no matter how sinister you are, you will have to fight. Yes, like the 'heroine' who is a spiritual symbol, you are my 'heroine' '."

"Really?" The system was dazed by the sweet words of human beings, completely forgetting what he was worried about just now, and eagerly said, "Don't worry, host, I will definitely not be held hostage and wait. The extent of your salvation. I have cultivated the escape ability beyond the ordinary system for so many years, so there must be no problem!"

"Okay." Qing Chuan, who easily promised the important position of "heroine", didn't take the matter to his heart at all. He held his chin happily and browsed the forum information.

It's still a comfortable feeling, like a pink soft marshmallow.

One of the most popular posts nowadays is 'S-level killing B-level in the street, the punishment is only three tasks for free? Is the personal safety of our low-level taskers still guaranteed? ’

"What aunt post?" Qing Chuan jumped over the headline and found the D-level quest world information column. As the saying goes, the slogan despises the enemy, and the strategy attaches importance to the enemy. Although he said that the task of the nightmare world is as simple as searching for things, it does not mean that he does not pay attention to it in his heart.

He needs to know what the difficulty of the so-called nightmare level is.

'It's obviously according to the process, why is the completion rate so low. ’

Process? Do tasks and processes? Qingchuan was curious, he clicked in and found that it was a negative energy sticker. It was particularly miserable as soon as she appeared on the stage. She clearly asked the system to find her a Bai Fumei, but in the past she found out that she was the new widow of a wealthy family, and there was a baby underneath. The ancient background is not much better than the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The kind of world where women are particularly difficult, the door can't go out, the man can't see it, and the woman thinks she is unlucky. However, the task of the plot is to teach ten disciples to become dragons and phoenixes as adults.

"Where is the difficulty?" Qing Chuan couldn't help but turn around and ask the system.

"Can't get out?"

The two have big eyes and small eyes, and they don't quite understand this girl's misery.

Next baby, ready-made student. Wealthy family, there must be many maids, potential students. It is very suitable for teaching, and it is clean. That is, the concept of dragon and phoenix among people is a bit difficult, because it is divided into two situations, referring to social status or knowledge. But no matter which one it is, it will not reach the point where the degree of completion is so low.

He continued to look down.

It is written above that the dragon and the phoenix in a person refer to social identity, status and knowledge. Men are based on career achievement, and women are based on reputation. The landlord started looking for students according to the general process. Although she is a widow, her family has status, so she also found a few daughters from her uncle. The landlord himself had some foundation, and began to teach piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

However, the problem comes again. Everyone knows that no matter what skill, there is a talent. Although the landlord taught very carefully, and her system also has some special effect cards that can be used by people to increase their learning status and comprehension, but... there are always two muds that can't support the wall.

At that time, the landlord thought, give up those two, she still has eight students, and she still has a chance to score high. However, he worked hard to teach for seven or eight years. That shabby era simply did not allow women's fame to spread outside the boudoir. No matter how beautiful and multi-talented they are, a concubine will limit all future development. Unhappy marriage, no one is happier than others after marriage, firewood, rice, oil and salt.

So the task completion rate is very low.

After that, a lot of people complaining about the difficulty of nightmare.

"...The so-called nightmare difficulty, is it difficult?" Qingchuan pretended to be cute, "The tasker was wrong at the beginning, the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting were only auxiliary, and the most important thing she did not teach. Male society. In feudal society, who has the right to speak? In the hands of the gentry. What are their weapons? Rules. Where do the rules come from? , they have to learn the Four Books and Five Classics. Although they do not take the imperial examinations, at least they know what their father is thinking, what their future husband is thinking, what they want and what they are afraid of.”

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Knowing and knowing that he would not fight against each other. In this way, they want to achieve the goal, and the right medicine can be used. Father treats him as a high-level NPC to gain favorability. As for your husband, once you know what he is most afraid of, you will no longer have any fear in your heart. Once you know his bottom line, you can do things calmly. It's not easy for an unmarried woman to make a name for herself, but it's the end of it. Marriage is much easier. There are many difficulties. They have dowries and shops in their hands. They operate well and make more money, build more roads and build bridges. Wouldn’t the reputation of a good person be gained? Who still restricts the family’s wife from saying that you are not allowed to do charity work? Yes? Men want fame, too."

Qingchuan has seen some posts, but luckily there are not too many people like the girl in front, everyone thinks it is not too difficult, the high score is a bit difficult, but the middle score is very easy. After all, it is a D-level world, and their initial primary selection world is a simple D-level difficulty. Since they have all passed the first test, they are naturally not idiots.

But why are so many people staying at this level?

Because...don't want to go forward. Most of the missionaries are very ordinary people in their source world. They don't have a strong sense of victory or defeat. They feel that such a day is very good, safe, and can experience a different life. Sixty thousand years old is one point more. waste.

I don’t know if the scenery in the high places is beautiful, but the high mortality rate is true.

I was very excited when I was selected at the beginning, I felt like the protagonist of the legend or something, and the whole person trembled. But after going through two worlds, I found that that's what happened. It's actually a special job. Don't take yourself too seriously, so you can live a little easier and happier.

The following people posted a thread, saying that they are still new and have only participated in one world. The task completion rate is not very good. I was a little depressed, but now I have calmed down. He wants to travel a few more worlds at this level, and everything goes with the flow.

"Look, how good it is." The system peeked at its host.


"Just one? Don't you have any other ideas?"

"Everyone thinks differently. I think let nature mean that after working hard, you can face the result openly, so let nature take its course. It's not that before the game starts, you find a Pile of excuses, eating and waiting to die, let’s just say let things take their course.”

"Okay, I'm giving up. You choose the mission world."


"Why not?"

"I always feel like I've forgotten something."


"Maybe I'm wrong."

Qingchuan pointed.

Modern, parallel overhead.

"...Wait a while, remember to exchange a righteous skeleton for me!!" Qing Chuan's voice echoed in the space.

Read Loser System and Berserker Me
ActionComedyFantasySlice Of Life