MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 34

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Everyone thinks that Qingchuan has become famous this time, and the next step is to leave the studio and establish its own business, but Qingchuan did not. His argument is that he is not good at dealing with all kinds of trivial matters, and if he is independent, he will spend a lot of energy on these things that he is not good at, and he is not so eager to make a name for himself.

Qingchuan chose to stay, his prestige is a bonus to the studio, and it is also a resource. The big boss reciprocated, she authorized Qingchuan to have the ownership of all his designs, as well as more favorable treatment, and even left the studio's power at any time.

"If I leave the company one day, you can leave." The big boss is not too young, in his seventies, with white hair, but he always wears makeup and dress appropriately, and is elegant and old. go. Her studio has an heir, her daughter, but the two have different ideas. Compared to a designer, the big boss's daughter is more like a businessman. She doesn't appreciate her daughter's style, but has to make her his successor - she has only one choice.

Design is not quite the same as pure art, it needs to fit the market, so designers will have a lot of confusion, not knowing how to find a balance between art and market. The big boss has always done a good job. She took the high-precision customization route and became popular in the entertainment industry.

Her daughter has different ideas. She wants to do a two-pronged approach. There is nothing wrong with this, but when promoting civilian models, it is necessary to abandon some elements that the designer himself likes the market but cannot accept, which is somewhat disliked.

In fact, Qingchuan is more acceptable than the big boss. He has always been a gentle person and can understand the difference in public aesthetics. Therefore, there is no objection to the promotion of civilian models. Even if it is his design that has been modified beyond recognition, Qingchuan at most asks the designer not to write his name.

So the studio soon launched a clothing that combines metal exoskeletons, such as a golden collar surrounded by scorpion double claws, armbands covered with bone spurs, carapace buttons and so on. It's still very popular and sells well.

In fact, it is not Qingchuan's original design concept at all. He first designed 'gu girl', which embodies 'external softness and internal rigidity', emphasizing the toughness in the bones, harmless softness is just a disguise . The source of inspiration is the women who are struggling in the workplace, the weak exterior, the tough interior, and the defensive posture in the face of external discrimination and harm. But the civilian models launched now, the metal exoskeleton is more to reflect the personality, coolness, etc. It is a kind of personality show off.

He still didn't say anything, it was everyone's choice, he just provided an element.

The fashion circle is no better than the entertainment circle. Qingchuan's personal show is a big event in the domestic fashion circle, and everyone pays attention, but outside, it's just another option for custom evening dresses. Qingchuan felt that the biggest change was probably that his title had changed to 'teacher' inexplicably. Even someone older than him, as long as the social status is not as good, seeing him as a 'brother', has risen a lot.

And then came the invitation from the entertainment industry.

An urban fashion drama invited him to be a fashion consultant.

A drag show invited him as a stylist.

He was going to reject all of them, but the system jumped out, "It's the first time the hero and heroine meet! Let's go watch~"

I almost forgot, this world is a derivative world of works, and there are gods and heroines and plots.

"None of the male protagonists have been adopted, so the plot is still the same?"

"That's not true, but you have to believe in the attraction between male and female protagonists. I just checked, the female protagonist is a makeup artist in that variety show, and the male protagonist is one of the transformation objects. Well, because of the change in the plot, the male protagonist did not go to college without funding, but he has a beautiful face, so he was selected to participate in this variety show. The setting is a teenager who can only live in a black factory because of poverty. At the end of the film, "because the image is suitable", I will participate in the filming of a TV series as a debut. In the original plot, the male and female protagonists were originally the actor and his exclusive makeup artist."

"Set it up... So does this type of variety show also have a script?" Qing Chuan shook his head, "Okay, I have nothing to do recently, I will take you to see it."

This variety show is the copyright purchased by a large-traffic TV station from Japan. It has been adapted according to the local situation. This is the first season. The invited objects include the editor-in-chief of the first domestic fashion magazine, the former world number seven female model, Qingchuan, a new domestic first-class designer, a veteran stylist in the entertainment industry, and a popular little fresh meat known for her fashion sense.

Twenty people, five people at a time, four times a season.

The title of the variety show is a 28-day transformation, so every seven-day recording and broadcasting is cut into one episode, four weeks is a complete episode, and a season is four episodes, that is, four months . As stylists, Qingchuan and others do not need to show up every day, they are required to show up at least ten days a month, and they are paid quarterly.

"7.8 million per season? After tax?" I finally saw the earning power of the entertainment industry. Although it is not difficult for Qingchuan to make so much money, it only takes four months to make money. He was still amazed that he could get so much in 40 days. It's no wonder that so many people have smashed their heads into the entertainment industry. Others see that this industry is so glamorous and makes money quickly, but they have to lose their senses?

Signed the contract, Qingchuan deliberately squeezed out some time to watch the same type of variety show, he found that he could neither be as well-rounded as those guests with a strong sense of variety, nor could he express himself Bring out the qualities that the audience likes to hear - such as just the right turtle hair, obsessive-compulsive disorder, contrasting cuteness, etc. On the contrary, it is easy to think black, and it is right to be arrogant and dismissive.

"I may not be popular." Qing Chuan said sadly and systematically.


Have you misunderstood yourself?

A few days later when they went to record the show, Qingchuan appeared in a low-key car, with a neat suit and orderly hair, looking like a businessman. The only thing that can reflect the designer's maverick is the black jade bracelet on the wrist, not to mention, although it is strange for men to wear bracelets, they still look good.

He has a three-layer toolbox in his left hand and a large-capacity hot water bottle for an old cadre in his right hand. If the younger brother at the door hadn't seen the photo of the guest, he would have almost stopped him outside the door as an unrelated person. When other guests came in, let’s not talk about bringing an assistant with him. This one is good. He came alone, and his left and right hands are full. He is like a relative visiting relatives in the countryside. How can he look like a fashion person?

Qingchuan came sooner or later, he was the third. There were two people sitting in the room, one with a high ponytail was a former world number seven female model who had changed jobs and became a designer. She said she was Qingchuan's junior, so she stood up when she saw him, "Mr. Ryan, come here. La?"

"Miss Weiwei, good morning." Qingchuan turned to another direction again, leaning forward and bowing slightly, this is a veteran stylist in the entertainment industry, "Mr. Wei, good morning."

Wei Guoxin is an old man in the entertainment industry, and the apprentices he brings out support half of the entertainment industry. What he is best at is the design of ancient costume TV series, which has a sense of history without departing from the aesthetics of modern people. Most of the styles he makes are suitable for ancient and modern times. Although people outside are unfamiliar with him, whether in the fashion or entertainment circles, they have to be called a teacher when they see him.

It was the first time that Qingchuan and Wei Guoxin met, but Qingchuan's attitude made the old man feel comfortable, he smiled and said, "I know you, the young man has a lot of ideas. Last time you were in the spring show in China. It uses a lot of classical colors, which are very fresh and stable.”

"Thank you, I'm glad you like me. The dyes are all pure plant minerals, so the color will be milder. Would you like some red jujube tea?" The two poured red-brown jujube tea. His thermos cup is very large, with a large capacity of 2,000 ml, and it looks like a thermos.

After a while, Ms. Luo, the number one fashion editor in China, who has a cool makeup but is actually very talkative, and Jiang Wei, who is known as the best dresser, also arrived. It's okay for Ms. Luo, I've seen it before. This is the first time I've seen Jiang Wei Xiaoxianrou. He is indeed the artist who knows how to dress best. He is stylish and solemn, and he is more like a fashion circle than Qingchuan.

Qing Chuan felt that this smiling and very polite little fresh meat seemed to have a grudge against him. His expression could be trained, but his true emotions were hard to deceive. It's strange that you have resentment after you haven't met him... But there are many people in this world who hate him who haven't seen him. This information flashed through his mind and was left behind.

They got to know each other and rested for a while before the person in charge of the variety show appeared.

She explained the specific process of this program and sent a program list. In fact, the degree of freedom given is quite high, and guests are welcome to play their own personalities, which is not the kind of very specific script that Qingchuan thought at first.

It takes nearly a month to transform the object, so it is not limited to the transformation of appearance, such as hairstyle and clothing. More in-depth there are posture, living environment, living habits and so on. Of course, it's a bit far-fetched to say that you want to change a person in a month, but what the show wants to show is the theme of how good you can become in a short period of time, improve self-confidence, and change your attitude towards life.

At the beginning, the program team selected five people to the guests, and let them discuss how to choose internally. Of course, at the beginning of the show, you still have to pretend to compete to increase the watchability of the show.

The transformation objects carefully selected by the program team are of course more extreme types, so that there is a dramatic "before and after transformation". In addition to the down-and-out male protagonist who worked in a black factory that Qingchuan noticed at the beginning, there were also short and fat non-mainstream girls, a dead house who hadn't gone out for three months, an IT man who failed 50 blind dates, and who was obsessed with makeup but the clothes were very cheap and bad. The black and red pseudo-mother anchor.

"I like this, what about Mr. Wei?"

"It feels like this young man has a lot of potential."

"Then I'll be this girl."

Everyone divides people like a cake. Qingchuan chose an IT man who failed 50 blind dates. The male protagonist with the most potential looks was chosen by the former world-class female model Wei Wei, the most topical pseudonymous anchor was chosen by Mr. Wei, the only female, the non-mainstream girl was chosen by the fashion editor Ms. Luo, and the remaining two A dead house and an IT man with similar positioning. Jiang Wei politely asked him to choose first, and he chose the IT man.

The aesthetic weakness of IT men lies in the uniform straight men's dress. From the information given, at least they are not lazy and have no self-control. He doesn't even need to reverse the other's straight male thinking, he just needs to give some more templates, just like a formula, and just put it inside.

Of course, because of this, those dramas, conflicts, contradictions, etc. are not to be seen, and they are destined to be low topic, but Qingchuan is not here for fame, so you can be Buddhist Some.

They walked to another room, and the five transformed objects were already waiting there. They pretended to compete, and each chose the person they chose. The show team assigned a cameraman and assistant to each pair, and they followed for the next four weeks. In addition to the fact that the pseudo-girl live broadcast has an extra makeup artist, that is, the heroine, everyone else has the same configuration, but they all have their own assistants, not like Qingchuan going into battle lightly.

Next, the program team will definitely introduce sponsors. It is neither a clothing brand nor a beauty brand, but an old-fashioned daily necessities. It is said that the big boss came here in person. A variety show sponsor also has to make a trip in person. Do you like this advertisement?

? !


"The little prince has grown up." Qing Chuan's eyes were curved, and his mood index rose by five points. The boy who fled in embarrassment back then was like an abandoned cat, but now he is a mature and stable adult. He exudes an air of success from top to bottom, and his frowning brows are also missing the hidden and unobtrusive feeling. The anger and resentment sent out seemed much more peaceful.

"Little prince? What little prince?" The system is more forgetful than Qingchuan, it only took a long time to connect the mature man who smelled like a boss with the little wolf cub of that year, "Huh, these What happened in 2009? Did that cynical glaucoma boy grow up so well? Geez, time is great... Does he remember you?"

"Forget it." Qing Chuan thought, "It's been less than half a year."

"Didn't you remember?" said the system.

"Oh, because it's a cute kid, of course I remember."

The host said some scenes, and the gold master came over to shake hands with them one by one, even if they were also wrists in their respective circles, they were still short of breath in the face of such capital bosses, don't care How good the attitude of each other teacher is, this side will never dare to treat it lightly.

He walked all the way to Qingchuan.

Qing Chuan stretched out his hand and was about to shake it, but unexpectedly the other party held his hand, and his subordinate tried hard... Well, he didn't pull it, which was embarrassing.

'Stable as Mount Tai' Qingchuan stretched out his hand, his expression indescribable. It will take two more seconds, and the person will be thrown over his shoulder by him. How embarrassing, so many sponsorship fees can make up his high salary. Should we take care of the fragile creature like the gold master father? What about love?

The other party laughed, for example, all the polite smiles were real, "Long time no see, uncle." He stepped forward and gently hugged Qingchuan, and it took four or five seconds to separate.

Qing Chuan frowned, "Long time no see, little prince." He refused to have more expressions and words.

But the other party is already satisfied.

If you don't enter the sword, you can't stab.

Which of the five guests standing here was not made by fire and wind? This attention ceremony is not even a breeze.

"It's as if I threw him." Could it be that I entered the Shura field between them? Qingchuan couldn't help but reflect for a moment, but after thinking about it, he and the little prince hadn't seen each other for more than ten years. Where did the Shura Field come from? Well it doesn't make sense.

Do you think they had a period?

More than ten years ago, the little prince was still a child, a child of thirteen or fourteen years old. Taking ten thousand steps back, it is inevitable that children are ignorant, and youth is ignorant, but are adults also ignorant? In the face of underage crossing the line, the only thing adults have to do is to refuse. Even if you don't have this self-control, you're too embarrassed to call yourself an adult?

This can all be misunderstood, the thinking is really dirty.

"Host host, I just checked it urgently, the little prince and this Jiang Wei seem to be deputy cp, little star and big gold master, the setting is that little star is the only light of the big gold master, The big benefactor is the biggest paranoia of the little star. But now the marriage line has been completely broken. Because the big benefactor already has a small sunny garden, and no candles are needed. Host, your pot. "
