MTL - Awakening-Chapter 288 fear

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After coming down from the taxi, Shan Jiu-shang looked depressed in front of the public middle school where he had spent three years humiliating student life.

He has been unable to count how many times he was pulled by the seniors or students who were taller than her to the open space behind the teaching building to extort pocket money or directly punch and kick.

But he did not dare to talk to the teacher or his parents, because he was afraid of being subjected to more severe retaliation. The only way he could protect himself was to endure patience or to avoid those people through absenteeism.

He didn't want to go to a private high school where his father and mother wanted him to study. After all, he wanted to escape from this place, but he knew that he was not a smart person, and he often missed classes, so although he had tried his best, But some things can't be done by hard work alone.

He doesn't want to be arbitrarily bullied, and he doesn't want to be scolded endlessly by his parents. He has already had enough of this life. After climbing in from the outside of the fence, Shan Jiu Shang immediately walked to the teaching building.

Although there are many houses around the school, most of them are lit up, but the teaching building is dark and fascinating.

The mountain is still the first time that the school at night was so terrible.

With a terrible feeling of fear, he spent nearly ten minutes and walked upstairs to the roof.

Slowly, he walked to the edge of the railing. Then look down.

Not looking good, this look. His face suddenly became scared.

I saw the darkness below. It is like a bottomless hell.

At this time, he felt his feet tremble constantly.

After a while, he finally trembled and climbed outside the railing.

"Don't do this." Suddenly, a young woman's voice came through the stairs.

Shan Jiu Shang people were shocked by this sudden sound, and quickly looked back and saw a girl who looked very young and walked over to him and said, "You must never do this stupid thing. Climb over.

"You, who are you?" Shan Jiu Shang people are still very scared, he is not even sure that this sudden woman is a person or a ghost.

"Don't be afraid. My name is Kui Cang Ai. I am a student living nearby. Can you climb up first?"

"You go away, I don't want you to control, go away quickly." Shan Jiu Shang people know that this girl is just an ordinary person, immediately shouted.

Kwai Cang love immediately advised: "You listen to me, you must not do this stupid thing, nothing can't be solved."

"My business has nothing to do with you. You will give me a roll. You will stand for me. If you come over, I will jump." Seeing her getting closer and closer, Shan Jiu Shang immediately stopped her.

"Okay, I am not here, you should not be so excited." Kwai Cang loves to stand still and dare not move.

"You will roll me right away. You are all jerk. Everyone will only bully me. I want you to know the consequences of bullying me..." Shan Jiu Shang said while crying.

"His grandmother, I want to die and hurry up, crying fart in the middle of the night, not afraid to quarrel with others." When Kikura love is trying to continue to persuade him. A cold voice suddenly came from behind her.

Shan Jiu Shang people looked up and saw a man slowly coming up from behind the girl.

"Positive... Zheng Zhi." Kui Cang love was shocked by his words.

Lei Yin ignored her and continued to move forward step by step.

"You, don't come over, you will jump when you come over again." Shan Jiu Shang people looked at the man with a little fear.

Lei reveals a sardonic look. "I have never seen you before. Do you think I really care if you jump?"

"You don't come over again, I really jumped!" Shan Jiu Shang people threatened loudly.

Lei Yin did not hear the ear, continued to walk and sneered and said: "The playground is very fun? How about the taste of those French cuisine? What about the woman who just went to bed with you? You should still be a virgin before this, how? Is it cool when I have **** with her? All this is fine if you have money. These can be enjoyed at any time. Is it easy to spend money at random?"

"Why, why do you know?" Shan Jiu Shang people looked at him unbelievably.

Standing in front of him and glanced at him, Ray Hid suddenly grabbed his collar and said, "I want to die, right? I will help you." I pushed it back at once.

As if time suddenly became slower, Shan Jiu Shang felt that his body was completely uncontrollable and slowly fell backwards.

Fear, at that moment, Shan Jiu Shang people experienced the fear of death for the first time in their lives. The fear is too sudden and too big, which makes him feel like he is dreaming, but the dream is different. He knows very well that he is not dreaming. He knows very well that he will die soon. .

The whole world turned upside down and he saw the sights he had seen before. I saw it under the faintly visible school building. It was a deep darkness, as dark as the bottomless hell.

I don't want to die... I don't want to die! Shan Jiu Shang people shouted in the bottom of his heart, and the roots of the nose began to emerge from the nose of his eyes.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped his body, and at that moment, he felt that time seemed to stop.

A faint look at the teenager who was grasping his right foot with his hand, Lei Yin slowly and one-handedly brought his whole person up, and then threw it on the ground.

Kui Cang loves it and can't recover from the series of changes. I looked at the teenager lying on the floor and then looked at him with amazement. "Zheng Zhi, he..."

But I haven't waited for her to finish. Like a dead, lying on the ground, the mountains and the people suddenly burst into an earth-shattering cry.

"Let's go." Lei Yin didn't look at him again. Just said this to the Kui Cang love.

"But..." Kwai Cang loves a little overwhelmed and looks at the crying teenager.

Lei did not say anything, took her hand and walked straight to the stairs.

When he walked halfway up the stairs, Kikang Ai finally couldn’t help but say: "Zheng Zhi, if we don't care about him, he may still commit suicide. Can we go up and see him?"

Lei Yin pulled her down and went downstairs and said: "When he came here, even if we didn't show up, he wouldn't dare to commit suicide any more. Not to mention the fear of dying. You think he still Have the courage to jump on the horse?"

For a time, Kwai Cang loves to say what is good.

After a while, she whispered: "Zheng Zhi, he really won't commit suicide again?"

"Don't worry, he may have a long life in the future."

Kui Cang love couldn't help but smile, and his mood slowly calmed down. At this time, she discovered that he still took his hand. Although he knew that he was only afraid that he could not see the road in the dark and fell. There is no other meaning, but her heart is still unable to restrain herself.

"Miss Changgu, can you dance with me?" A young man in an Amani suit came over and smiled and invited.

Naoko discovered that many people in the garden have begun to dance with music.

The man smiled and said: "It's just an ordinary social dance. It's easy to learn. In addition, this little girl can take care of her to the uncle's servant."

Straight son just wanted to talk, a young girl wearing a **** sling dress suddenly came over and hugged the man's arm and said, "Andy, I just looked for you everywhere, let's go dancing!" At the same time, the girl was provocative. The eyes looked straight.

Being held tight by her, Andy said a little slyly: "Round. We just didn't skip it?"

"But I still want to jump with you again, can't I?"

Andy became more and more embarrassed and was about to push it. But then Naozi smiled and said: "Mr. Andy, I really don't know how to dance. You still jump with Miss An. I lost." She said, she pulled The little girl's hand walked away.

Looking at her moving back, Andy looked disappointed in her eyes.

An room ringer said a little angry: "Do you like this woman?"

Andy said a little impatiently: "There are people who have a fiancé. I want to take a break. You can find someone to jump."

"Don't go, I want to jump with you." An room ringer immediately followed.

Although it was a celebration dinner held in the garden, but there were a lot of guests, and all of them were wearing suits or evening dresses, which was not inferior to the formal dinner party held at the hotel.

Because I don't want to bother to talk to other guests, Naoko will sit with her honey and sit on the side. If she was not afraid of being rude, she would have liked to go home.

Looking around, I was holding a glass of juice in the forehand and talking to a few famous ladies who were wearing expensive ladies. The straight son sighed softly in his heart. She found that this good friend of the past changed a lot and seemed to become more and more strange.

Suddenly, she felt someone gently licking her clothes. It turned out to be honey.

"Love honey, what?"

"I want to go to the bathroom." Maybe the weather is hot, she didn't eat much, and the juice drank a lot.

"I will take you there now." After that, she took the little girl and walked to the bathroom.

While walking, Taosheng Liangzi just saw them, she said to the ladies, and then quietly followed them.

When Amy's came out of the bathroom, Zhizi had just returned to the venue, but saw that Taoshengzi was coming to her.

Tao Shengliang looked at her and said, "Son son, let's find a place to talk about?"

Straight nod. Pulling the love of honey behind her.

The garden is large and surrounded by flowers and trees. Tao Shengliang came to a pavilion with a straight son. Then she was asked to sit down on the opposite chair.

The two sat down. I have not spoken for a while.

I don't know how long it took, Taosheng Liangzi said slowly, "Hey, I can see you again, I am really happy."

"Me too, I have been missing you since I graduated from high school." Zhizi said sincerely.

Upon hearing this sentence, Tao Shengliang looked up at her. The eyes are filled with a complex look that is both sad and nostalgic.

After a while, she suddenly whispered: "Hey, you have to be careful about Yamamoto."

Naoko did not show a surprised look, but softly said: "Good, as long as you are willing, you can start again."

Tao Shengliang said with a smile: "You have seen it. You guessed it is correct. I am not his wife. I am only his mistress. In fact, in the upper class, this phenomenon is very common. As long as it is not official On the occasion, bringing a young and beautiful mistress is more than having an old and ugly old woman. This is what they have to say."

Naoko said with a little sadness: "Good son, I will be old with you, don't you really worry about it? Do you think that person can really entrust you with life?"

Tao Shengliang shook his head and said, "I certainly know this. When I am no longer beautiful or if he likes other women, then I will become worthless in his heart. But I can't look back. You know? I have a casual dress that is equivalent to the salary of my previous few months. I am used to having a maid service, driving a brand-name sports car, wearing brand-name clothes, and I can’t work hard for that one. Work overtime with a little salary, or pour coffee into the tea-filled boss.

Don't worry, I know what I am doing. The villas and sports cars I live in now are already under my name. I also got a lot of money from the mountain itself. I was actually a deal with him. He wants my body, I want his money, isn't this a very reasonable deal? "Speaking of this, she laughed at herself."

Zhizi said very sadly: "Good son, this is wrong, you should not waste your youth and time for those things."

Tao Shengliang held her hand and said: "Son son, do you love your fiancé?"

Naoko looked at her and then nodded and said, "I love him more than I love myself."

"Does he love you?"

Naoko said softly: "There will be no better people in the world than he is to me."

Tao Shengliang smiled and said: "Hey, you are more fortunate than me. Well, I will go back to the venue first, otherwise Yamamoto will doubt me."

"Good child." The straight son screamed at her.

Taosheng Liangzi smiled back at her and then slowly left.

Looking at the back of my friend's silence, the tears slowly flowed down.

I don't know how long it took, she felt a small hand gently touch her hair, she looked up and saw that Michelle was looking at him with concern.

Naoko couldn't help but reach out and gently hug the little girl's soft and warm body.

Come from the hidden hand, the little girl said: "Ray, straight son is very sad."

"I know. Can you go to sleep first? I want to go with Pei Zizi."

The girl nodded very obediently.

After she closed her eyes, Ray went out of the room and went to the room of the son.

"Sleep?" Pushing open the door and sitting at her bed, Ray Hid whispered.

In the darkness, the straight son slowly sat up and then leaned gently into his arms.

"Ray, I am very afraid, I am afraid that people will change, and will become completely different from before." Naoko said softly.

"Others will not change us, as long as we do not change. I will take care of you forever." Lei Yin gently stroked her hair.

"Ray..." Straight son hugged his waist tightly, trying to feel his body temperature as much as possible.

Lei hides her in bed, then bows her kiss on her forehead, and her left hand continues to gently stroke her hair.