MTL - Back Then, I Adored You-Chapter 16 Entertain you (6)

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Some of the embarrassment of Gu Yusheng's toss, Qin Yu love for several days, have not been able to get out of bed.

Fortunately, recently, Liang Dou has no itinerary, Qin Yu love does not have to go out, can stay at home, take a rest. It was a week later when she escaped from that night and escaped.

During the week, Gu Yusheng, as before, still does not go home every day.

Gu Yusheng’s landline at home, except for himself, is only known to those on the side of the old house.

Since Qin Yu loves to live in this home, Gu Yusheng has never called the family once when the family does not exist.

Therefore, this machine, in addition to the old house on the phone, will be used for purposes, other times with the ornaments are no different.

This afternoon, when the phone rang, the housekeeper was making fruit tea in the kitchen. He happened to be sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching TV. He thought that it was the phone from the old house. He didn’t go to the electric display, and he picked it up.

The handset has not been raised to the ear, and a concise statement came from the phone: "Let her prepare, at six o'clock tonight, I will pick her up."

It was the voice of Gu Yusheng... Qin Hao’s action of lifting the microphone stopped.

Is this the person who answered the phone as a housekeeper? The "she" in his mouth refers to her?

Just as Qin Yu loves to hesitate to go back to "oh", or take the receiver to the kitchen, and when the housekeeper returns to "oh", Gu Yusheng at the end of the phone seems to be aware of something wrong, suddenly speaking again, discourse It’s obviously a lot colder: “How is your call?”

He didn't give her the chance to answer at all, and then he opened his mouth again: "Grandpa's command, the charity party held at the Beijing Hotel tonight, you must participate!"

When he said this sentence, he deliberately bit the word "grandfather", although he did not have any extra words except to inform her, but Qin Yu love still understood the meaning of his words.

He thought that this charity party was the grandfather she went to, let him take her to...

Like fulfilling her guess, Gu Yusheng said with a deep voice: "Your time is really good, I just came back on business, my grandfather's phone came over...hehe..."

When he said that he chuckled, very low and short, and across the phone, Qin Yu love still felt his full mockery.

Subsequently, the phone was quickly hung up by him.

No wonder this week is very quiet, there is no phone on the old house. It turned out that Gu Yusheng was on a business trip...

Now when he returned, Grandpa immediately took the opportunity to marry her with him.

Qin Yu loves to know that Grandpa is kind, but... it’s just like Grandpa’s kindness again and again, it hurts her!

The nightmare of a week ago, she still has her heart tonight. If she really meets Yu Yusheng tonight, she does not know what kind of method he will make to toss her.

The first two times, the occurrence was too sudden, she was avoiding the opportunity to avoid, this time is different... She could not know that she would be miserable tonight, and sent it to the door to accept the terrible situation.

Qin Yu loved her face in a quiet and quiet manner, staring at the bright sunshine in the afternoon after watching the window, and suddenly she passed the word "business trip" that Gu Yusheng had just said to herself. Then she thought of something like that, fast. Pick up the landline and dial a phone to go out.