MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 45 draft

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When Qin Shiwu heard the voice, it was already a long time outside.

He moved his body and found that he was wrapped in a quilt by Qin Chu, a shameless person, and his eyes were completely dark.

Qin Shiwu tried his best to twist his direction, revealing a pair of puppy eyes, and saw Qin Chu's situation clearly at the moment.

Qin Heng was really mad at his son.

Of course, for any parent, seeing their alpha son wake up from Omega's bed would not be in a very beautiful mood.

Moreover, he also has a temporary relationship with this Omega.

Lu Tong recovered from the stick, and his chaotic brain barely restarted.

Qin Chu had already got up from the bed, and jumped off the bed while putting on his pants in order to hide from his father.

"Dad! Dad! Let me explain! Don't hit me! It hurts! It hurts to death!"

Lin Siyin originally thought that she should be more angry, but before she got angry, seeing Qin Heng's posture, she was quite frightened when she was used to strong winds and waves.

"Old Qin! Hit it lightly, this stick is solid."

What she mainly wanted to say was: My son is still on the bed, what if you beat Lu Tong like this!

At this moment, Qin Heng didn't listen to anyone's words at all, and only saw the half-naked body of his brat.

The corner of Lu Tong's mouth twitched, he grabbed Qin Chu, and pushed him into the bed while pulling.

He said, "Uncle Qin, listen to my explanation..."

—Why is this scene so familiar?

When he said this, Lu Tong himself felt it was funny.

Wasn't this the scene in the political and religious office yesterday?

Sure enough, nothing good happened when he was with Qin Chu! Just being "caught for rape"—or a trumped-up "rape"—was caught twice.

Qin Heng looked at Lu Tong, holding a stick, trying to reach Qin Chu who was behind Lu Tong with the stick.

"Get out of the way, if I don't beat this kid up today, he won't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

Lin Siyin was puzzled: I didn't see Qin Chu coming in from outside at all yesterday, how did he get into Lu Tong's room?

This question, at the same time, surfaced in everyone's mind.

Then, in the next second, Qin Chu showed them how to get into Omega's room without going through the main entrance.

Lu Tong pushed him: "Where are you going?"

Qin Chu opened the window and went out without thinking.

Qin Heng stared at Qin Chu first turning to the balcony outside the window, then jumping onto the peach tree next to the balcony, jumping all the way down, and then turned out of the yard, ran wildly, stirring up a cloud of dust.

This skillful movement, the heroic posture of flying over the eaves and walls, it seems that it is not a peerless martial arts that can be practiced overnight.

"Capable." Qin Heng's face had already turned black: "Stinky boy, you are really...too capable."

With a movement of his body, he seemed to follow Qin Chu to get out of the window.

At the critical moment, Lu Tong slammed the window shut.

Lin Siyin also quickly pulled Qin Heng: "Old Qin, is it suitable? He can turn over. With your identity, it's embarrassing to be seen when you go over the wall!"

Seeing that Qin Heng couldn't catch up with Qin Chu when he climbed over the wall, he immediately turned around, went out from the door, and went downstairs to chase after him in the backyard.

After Lu Tong got dressed, he didn't have time to change his shoes, so he chased after Qin Heng.

Lu Zhiyan yelled at Lu Tong, but he turned a deaf ear.

Lin Siyin was exhausted after making such a fuss early in the morning.

After seeing Lu Zhiyan chasing after him, she sat on the bed panting.

At this time, Lin Siyin noticed that there was a strange "long object" in the study, as if a person was wrapped in a quilt.

Lin Siyin:?

Qin Shiwu had a bad premonition, he slowly retracted his head into the quilt.

As a result, when he moved, Lin Siyin's feeling of doubt grew stronger and stronger:? ? ?

"Who?" Lin Siyin asked.

The long object in the study slowly rolled up, and then rolled to the edge of the cabinet, facing the wall in thought.

Lin Siyin: ...

She walked into the study, came to Qin Shiwu's side, and poked the quilt with her fingers.

After Qin Chu's incident, Lin Siyin has calmed down about all kinds of weird creatures that appeared in Lu Tong's room.

"Is there anyone in there?" she asked.

Qin Shiwu replied in a muffled voice, "No one."

After thinking for a while, Qin Shiwu added, "I'm a spring roll."

Lin Siyin: ...

As soon as she pulled the quilt away with force, Qin Shiwu's little face was exposed.

After holding his breath for a long time, his whole face turned red, and his hair was messy, so cute.

Lin Siyin saw right away that he was an Omega, and this young boy's face was very familiar.

Seeing that Qin Shiwu couldn't pretend anymore, he tried his best to smile: "Aunt Lin...I am..."

Lin Siyin remembered: "Are you that friend of Lu Tong?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Qin Shiwu thought to himself: Am I his friend? I am his son! grandmother!

But this is absolutely unacceptable, he hastily lied: "I came here with Qin Chu yesterday, and I just wanted to play with Lu Tong."

Thinking of Qin Chu's tragic end, Qin Shiwu, a son who was very filial, excused his father, "Last night, I was supposed to sleep with Lu Tong, but Qin Chu seemed to have a fever, so Lu Tong and I slept together. Let him sleep on the bed. In the middle of the night, Lu Tong got up to take care of him, maybe because he was too sleepy, he squinted on the bed for a while."

Lin Siyin asked: "Why don't you come through the main entrance? Do you want to climb over the wall? You also climbed up from the backyard?"

She murmured in her heart: It's too dangerous. I need to add a power grid to the backyard in the future, otherwise anyone can get in. Isn't his son's situation very serious?

Qin Shiwu faltered and said, "It's's because..."

Seeing that he couldn't explain why, Lin Siyin felt like a mirror in his heart.

There was a third person in the room, which at least proved that nothing irreversible happened to Lu Tong and Qin Chu last night.

Lin Siyin sighed: "Go downstairs and eat first."

Qin Shiwu solved the problem calmly.

Qin Chu's end can be said to be in dire straits.

His father didn't know where the perseverance came from, he chased him all the way and refused to let him go.

Lu Tong's family lives in the center of the city, no matter whether you turn left or right when you leave the gate of the community, it is a busy city.

Qin Heng was not familiar with this place, seeing that his father was about to catch up with him with a stick, he immediately chose a random path and rushed up here.

In an emergency, Lu Tong grabbed the wrist.

Qin Chu was stunned for a moment: "Why did you follow?"

Lu Tong: "Nonsense! Or let you go to the main road to embarrass yourself? Run this way."

The two turned back and chose a path with a little less people to pass.

When Qin Heng reached the fork in the road, Qin Chu had already disappeared.

"You bastard..." Qin Heng gritted his teeth and cursed.

Lu Tong dragged Qin Chu, both of them were half-grown boys, they ran like a gust of wind without leaving anyone behind.

Although Qin Heng was a soldier when he was young, he has to obey his old age now. Standing where he was resting, he was furious.

Ji Rang was shopping in Yintai with his new girlfriend today. The girlfriend was tired from walking and asked to sit in McDonald's for a while.

He carried the big and small bags, and chose a seat by the window with his girlfriend.

With his girlfriend leaning comfortably on his shoulder, Ji Rang was distracted, thinking that the time and place are right, and at this time, as a man, he should do something.

The girlfriend also noticed it, smiled shyly, blushed her ears, half-closed her eyes and waited for the kiss.

In the end, the intimacy didn't come, but Ji Rang said: "Fuck."

The girlfriend opened her eyes displeased: "What the **** are you doing?"

Ji Rang said it again: "...fuck me."

He looked straight ahead and turned his head from left to right.


Ji Rang swallowed: "I seem to see Qin Chu running over with his upper body naked?"

Hearing Qin Chu, his girlfriend became excited.

Although she is already a married woman, her enthusiasm for the school grass is still the same as before: "Qin Chu? Impossible, he is running here in broad daylight? With his upper body naked? Running naked? How about eating enough? Didn't you sleep well last night, you're blind."

Ji Rang was dizzy and thought about it: "It should be because of blind eyes..."

Otherwise, how could he still see that the person who dragged Qin Chu to run was Lu Tong?

Such a dreamy scene, even if it is a dream, you can't do it!

what is this? Do you want to play Blue Love?

Ji Rang took a sip of iced Coke, calmed down, and said for sure: I must have read it wrong.

The girlfriend took out her mobile phone, took this as a joke, and shared it on the campus forum. When posting, check the content as a "life" post.

-Title: I laughed so hard, I went out shopping with my boyfriend today, and he told me that he saw Qin Chu running naked on the first floor on Yan'an Road: On the side of Yan'an Road, my boyfriend and I came to check in a new gourmet restaurant~ pretty Delicious~Follow post: -Your boyfriend not only didn't sleep well, he should even go to the hospital to have his eyes checked-Which internet celebrity shop is it?

-Has the quota for Qin Chu's posts for today been reached? You girls are endless all day long. This is a campus forum, not Qin Chu's back garden?

-Why don't the upstairs scold Lu Tong's post?

-Hehe, cowardly, if you have the ability to scold in front of Qin Chu.

The post was crooked by the end.

In campus forums, there are not only female students but also male students. Whenever there is a post by Qin Chu, there will always be male students who come in and make fun of it.

The girlfriend stuffed it in her pocket after posting, and ignored him.

There are many delicious foods on Yan'an Road, and there is also a book shopping center and shopping mall.

The No. 1 Middle School and several middle schools are located nearby. During weekends, you can see many familiar classmates on Yan'an Road.

It's not that I haven't met Qin Chu here before, and every time someone encounters someone by chance, there will be a lot of screams in the campus forum to block Qin Chu.

But it's not common to meet Qin Chu running naked here.

In fact, to say streaking is an exaggeration.

Qin Chu just didn't put on his clothes properly, buttoning them while running, the buttons on the front row were buttoned crookedly.

When Qin Heng was thrown away, both of them collapsed on the ground exhausted.

Lu Tong found a stool and sat down, bought two bottles of water from the vending machine, and handed them to Qin Chu.

"Why buy two bottles? Waste."

Qin Chu unscrewed the cover and handed it to Lu Tong.

Lu Tong gave him a surprised look.

Qin Chu hadn't reacted yet, until he saw that Lu Tong was about to unscrew the lid, his brain went crazy, and he was so hot that he was dazed.

I am sick.

Qin Chu thought to himself: Why should I twist the bottle cap for him? Is it because he can't unscrew it? how is this possible.

This action is quite protective.

Lu Tong thought for a moment, and remembered that this **** had already lost all the face he could lose in front of him today - especially the beating in the morning. Now screw the lid off for him and get back a little bit of manliness, and I can't give him face like this.

After all, in his impression, Qin Chu's second-school illness was a shame.

He put down his water calmly, and lied without blushing: "Thank you. I just can't unscrew it."

Qin Chu didn't expose him, and after Lu Tong finished drinking, he asked, "Do you have any money?"

He ran out in a hurry in the morning, put his mobile phone and bank card in another piece of clothing, and now he has no money on his body.

Not only no money, no shoes.

The two looked down and found that Lu Tong was fine, at least he was wearing a pair of slippers.

Qin Chu came out barefoot, stepping on ashes all over the floor.

Lu Tong was looking up, the pampered "Miss Qin" was in a state of embarrassment at the moment.

With crumpled clothes, ill-fitting pants, and frizzy hair, there is only one face, which exudes the beauty of the past regardless of the weather.

Qin Chu: "What do you think I am doing? Do I have money on my face?"

Lu Tong felt all over his body and found nine yuan from his pocket.

Qin Chu didn't bring any money, did he?

He ran out in a hurry, he was only wearing a coat, and he was still pajamas inside. It is already a good harvest to be able to dig out nine yuan.

"Look in your clothes for money." Lu Tong reminded at the beginning.

The clothes on Qin Chu's body were also his, and they were a bit small on the other party's body.

The latter fumbled in one pocket for a while and found a fifty-cent coin, then fumbled a while longer and found forty cents in another pocket.

Lu Tong said regretfully: "Just now I spent three yuan to buy water, otherwise we would have twelve nine yuan."

Qin Chu leaned on the chair: "Do you know what nine dollars and nine can do?"

Lu Tong said modestly: "I would like to hear the details."

Qin Chu motioned him to look up.

As soon as Lu Tong raised his head, he saw a few large characters in front of him: Hangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau Marriage Registration Office.


Qin Chu: "You can go in and buy a red book, it only costs nine yuan."

Lu Tong: "With whom? With you?"

Qin Chu raised his head: "Otherwise? You want to get a certificate with the senior brother? After all, this young master is more handsome. Can you make a lot of money if you get the certificate with me, and you can just stop the old man's mouth."

He always said these cross-border ambiguous words with an indifferent face, and Lu Tong's head hurt when he heard it.

Qin Chu's personality is like this, he speaks and does things according to his own preferences, and he doesn't feel that a few fluffy words can bring much shock to others.

It is more appropriate to describe him as draughty.

That sentence, which was still very fashionable sixteen years ago, was like this: it was unintentional to draft the wind, but it happened to attract mountain torrents.

Lu Tong sneered: "Let me tell you, why should I waste the rest of my life."

Qin Chu frowned, "What's wrong. Don't say such things in the future. Get up."

Lu Tong raised his eyes and looked at him: "What are you going to do?"

Qin Chu said: "Why don't you do it, let me tell you a truth, if you talk nonsense, you have to bear the consequences."

Lu Tong looked at him blankly.

Qin Chu had already stood up.

When he spoke, he was condescending, with a kind of "eldest lady" coquettish meaning, snorted lightly, and said: "I'm very angry now, you'd better think of a solution, otherwise I'll be angry until night. "

He glanced at his empty wrist with a sense of ritual: "From now on, you have two hours to coax me, no more waiting."

Lu Tong was speechless: "Why should I coax you...Qin Chu! You stop for me, where are you going?"

Miss Qin, adhering to the persona who is now angry, raised her noble head, not like Lu Tong.

Lu Tong couldn't laugh or cry because of his sudden young lady's temper: "How do you want to coax me? I don't have money or a car now, can I touch you with my spirit?"

Qin Chu pointed to the public bicycle on the side of the road: "Isn't this a car?"

Lu Tong also confessed: "I don't know how to ride."

Qin Chu walked to the phone booth and called the housekeeper.

Within ten minutes, Lao Chen drove over and brought Qin Chu a set of clothes and a pair of shoes by the way.

Another set of clothes was obviously for Lu Tong.

Qin Chu's clothes didn't fit him well, and his whole body was covered in the clothes, making him look a little thin.

Lu Tong's skin is fair, and the housekeeper is wearing a black suit.

After he put it on, the fragile porcelain feeling on his body became even stronger. Although he was a tall and straight boy, he revealed a completely transparent and weak feeling for no reason.

Sixteen years later, his male fan followed him, and used this unwarranted sense of vulnerability to believe that Lu Tong's second gender was Omega.

Lu Tong: "Do you know that the housekeeper didn't call early?"

When he said this, Qin Chu had already tidied up and turned back into the usual high-spirited young man.

He hissed, and stretched out his hand to touch his back: "The old man's attack is really ruthless, my spine must have been broken by him!"

Lu Tong sighed helplessly: "Let's go, go buy medicine."

The two found a resting place in the shopping mall where there were not many people and sat down.

Lu Tong picked out a few tube-shaped anti-inflammatory ointments from a pile of medicine jars, and first applied them on the back of Qin Chu's hands.

The wound on his back definitely couldn't be painted now. People were coming and going in the mall, and it would be indecent to take off his clothes.

When Lu Tong applied the medicine, he was careful and light.

Looking from Qin Chu's angle, he could see the neckline hanging down from his chest, his skin was snow-white, and there was a shadow further inside.

He remembered that Lu Tong's skin was very slippery, and he felt it when he hugged her to sleep last night.

Looking back now, I feel that I didn't hug enough.

Speaking of which, Lu Tong is good-looking, has good grades, and can take care of others.

According to what Qin Heng said, getting engaged to him would not be an annoying thing.

The key is that Lu Tong needs him. Once this idea was formed in Qin Chu's mind, it made his heart swell infinitely.

Lu Tong needs him, and besides him, no one else can do it.

After staring at Lu Tong for a while, Qin Chu suddenly said in a nonchalant manner: "Lu Tong, you are engaged to me."

The mobile phone of a girl next to her suddenly fell to the ground - it was originally held in her hand.

With a ponytail and his back facing Qin Chu, he looked like a high school student.

The person tremblingly picked up the phone, turned it back on, and it was the home page of the campus forum.

Lu Tong's hands that applied the medicine trembled, without changing his face, he squeezed half of the tube of ointment on the back of Qin Chu's hand, and said in a steady voice, "What do you want?"

Qin Chu: "What appeal? No appeal, I'm telling you something serious. Do you hate me?"

It used to be quite annoying.

Lu Tong thought to himself, isn't a **** just annoying?

It's hard to say now, I have been entangled with Qin Chu for so long, and I know a little about him, so I don't hate him anymore.

"It's okay." Lu Tong said.

"What does it mean?" Qin Chu asked back, eyes widening: "Did you answer like that? They all regard you as a friend, yet you secretly hate me?"

Lu Tong patted his hand hard, hehe said: "You also know that you regard me as a friend? What kind of friend of yours are you engaged to?"

Qin Chu said: "It's because of—" Lu Tong replied, "Don't feel sorry for me. Didn't we agree before that I only want your temporary mark, and when I get to university, I will remove the glands. You too You don't need to rely on your own head to get engaged to me because of Uncle Qin. I don't need you to be responsible, Qin Chu, these things are not your fault, and you don't need to feel guilty. "

Qin Chu was dumbfounded.

Lu Tong thought for a while, and then said: "Besides, getting engaged is not a small matter. Qin Chu, you are not ready for this at all. This is not something you can use as a joke. If..." He hesitated for a moment, then said: "You Miss Caiying knows, so I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Although invisible to the naked eye, he always felt that the copper wall on Lu Tong's body that kept people away thousands of miles away began to thicken layer upon layer, shutting him out firmly.

Lu Tong said: "I'll leave if there's nothing wrong. You take these medicines home and remember to take them."

He: "In this case, don't say it in the future."

Qin Chu was blocked by Lu Tong.

He didn't move for a long time, and Lu Tong even felt a little guilty: Did I speak too seriously?

This little brat grew up with a lot of stars, probably he hasn't been rejected so directly before, right?

Self-esteem won't take a hit, will it?

But fortunately, it was completely opposite to what Lu Tong thought.

Qin Chu is not a person who likes to beat around the bush, and his brain circuit is very complicated and confusing. After listening to Lu Tong's words, although he was a little confused, he didn't have any negative emotions.

He didn't get any of the important points such as being sad, depressed, hurt by love, rejected, etc., but because of his stinky and narcissistic character, he came to a shocking conclusion.

Qin Chu suddenly realized, tapped his hand, and said confidently, "Are you jealous?"

Lu Tong: ...

Ok? ?

Ok? ? ? ?

Qin Chu said in surprise: "You also have to be jealous. I have nothing to do with her. I don't like her. Can we get engaged now?"

Lu Tong: ...Brother, you don't like me either! Is it a matter of jealousy? ? Don't make engagement as simple as eating, okay? Not all brains are single-celled like yours!

He thought about it, and said firmly: "No."

Qin Chu was puzzled this time: "And why?"

Lu Tong shook his head and couldn't bear to say it: I'm really worried about the IQ of the next generation to get engaged to you idiot.

Qin Chu said: "Don't worry about anything else, since we have decided to get engaged, we will start from the first step."

Lu Tong was exhausted by his nonsense: "Are you finished? What kind of decision is a unilateral decision? Qin Chu, if you lose your temper again, I can give you two slaps right now."

At this moment, Qin Chu began to skillfully pretend to be deaf and dumb again, staring at the lips he had been coveting for a long time, and finally revealed his ultimate goal, and proposed righteously, righteously, and very seriously: "Start with kissing." Right! Anyway, this is also a kind of temporary mark."