MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 72 go home

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Qin Chu tentatively took two steps forward, and soon he pulled Lu Tong up from the ground.

Lu Tong's mood collapsed a little, so Qin Chu had no choice but to hold him in his arms and take him to the lounge beside him.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't find any comforting words.

The light in the emergency room was still on, but Qin Chu knew it wouldn't be on for long, there was no movement inside, and after a while, the light would go out.

"It's okay, Lu Tong, your son just went back."

Lu Tong closed his eyes, rested for a while, and then felt that he had the strength to speak: "Did you really go back?"

Even if he knew that he was going back, he couldn't face a cold and lifeless body.

Qin Chu coaxed him: "Of course. Think about it, if he doesn't go back, he will be dragged here, won't he be tortured even more. Your son loves beauty so much, if he doesn't go back, he will have chemotherapy next time, and his hair will all be damaged." Falling out, do you think he is willing?"

He: "Also, don't be so pessimistic. Isn't the person still in the emergency room? Thinking about the bright side, maybe the operation is a success?"

Lu Tong didn't speak.

Qin Chu knew that it was useless to comfort him at this time, so he also remained silent.

There was no sound in the corridor, so it was even more depressing.

After a while, Lu Tong's phone started to vibrate.

Lin Siyin sent him a text message asking him when he would be home for dinner today.

Lu Tong took a look, and replied without strength: I'm in the hospital and I won't be coming back.

After a while, Lin Siyin replied weirdly: Why are you going to the hospital? Physical discomfort?

Didn't he often go to the hospital during this time? Lu Tong felt a little puzzled.

Lin Siyin knew that he was going to accompany Qin Shiwu, and that Qin Chu was also with him, so his mother was relieved, and it was unlikely that he would come to ask Lu Tong about dinner.

Qin Chu looked over his head, but he didn't see the text message, he saw the message column first.

His eyes widened slightly, and he said in disbelief, "Lu Tong, you..."

Lu Tong followed his line of sight to look at his message bar, where the number of text messages in the inbox was displayed.

His text messages are all spam text messages, besides, Qin Shiwu and Qin Chu sent the most text messages.

Now, there were more than 400 text messages in the inbox, and the number 432 on it is constantly beating.




Without any operation by Lu Tong, the inbox was emptying the text messages by itself.

Before Lu Tong was surprised what was going on, he saw all the messages Qin Shiwu sent him disappearing one by one.

"what happened?!"

Lu Tong immediately stood up from the stool, and he pressed his phone anxiously, trying to save the messages.

But the screenshot button seems to be out of order at this time, no matter how you press it, there is no movement.

Qin Shiwu's text messages were still disappearing, withdrawing one by one from his sight.

Qin Chu exchanged glances with him, and the two rushed to the emergency room.

At some point, the lights in the emergency room were turned off. Lu Tong put his hand on the door and listened carefully, but there was no movement inside.

Qin Chu moved faster than him. After pushing the door hard, the emergency room was empty!

"Impossible." Lu Tong turned around, and he grabbed Qin Chu's arm: "Where is Qin Shu? You saw him being sent in, right!"

Qin Chu nodded: "Yes. Don't panic, look for it again."

He wanted to ask if he remembered the wrong location, but there are only two operating rooms in the entire corridor, the one on the left is still undergoing surgery, and the one on the the operating room that Qin Shiwu entered before.

The operation on the left was also finished, and the doctors and nurses pushed the patient out.

Lu Tong stepped forward and asked, "Doctor, where are the patients in the operating room?"

The doctor glanced at him: "Operating Room No. 2?"

Lu Tong nodded quickly.

The doctor was surprised: "This operating room is broken, is there any patient in it?"

Lu Tong was surprised: "Bad?"

Doctor: "Last year, the circuit inside burned out, and all the equipment was moved out. It was left unused after that, and no one has used it until now. Did you find someone?"


Lu Tong looked at Qin Chu blankly.

He picked up the phone, and all of Qin Shiwu's text messages had been cleared.

Lu Tong did not give up and opened WeChat again. Qin Shiwu, who had been on the top, disappeared, and he searched for his name in the search bar.


"Qin Chu, it's impossible, it doesn't make sense..."

It's probably the first time that Lu Tong has encountered such a mysterious thing. Qin Shiwu was still in front of him last second, even if he saw a cold corpse now, he would recognize it, but this person suddenly disappeared out of thin air, why? What's going on?

Qin Chu took out his mobile phone, which was exactly the same as Lu Tong's, and all Qin Shiwu's messages were deleted.

Lu Tong went crazy, snatched Qin Chu's cell phone from Qin Chu, and called Qu Muyao and the others one by one.

The first person to answer the phone was Qu Muyao, and she called him "sister-in-law" as soon as she opened her mouth. When Lu Tong asked Qin Shiwu, the other party looked surprised: "I haven't heard of it, are you a classmate in our class? I don't know. I transferred to another school." Come here, let me ask Gu Chi for you. Gu Chi! Looking for you, is there anyone named Qin Shiwu in our class?"

Gu Chi's voice sounded from the other end: "It seems to be a classmate in the first year of high school. After a few days of studying, he fell ill and took a break from school. He hasn't been to school since then."

Lu Tong heard the noisy voice of the class over there, and asked tremblingly, "Are you at school?"

In the afternoon, they were still in the chapel together, why did they show up at school?

Qu Muyao: "That's right, it's not like you're an idiot for making up lessons at school, it's annoying to death. By the way, sister-in-law, why didn't my brother come to study today?"

Lu Tong opened his mouth, and asked blankly, "Have you...have you come out today?"

Qu Muyao was surprised: "There's something wrong with you, didn't we come out together, and went to the chapel for dinner. Ji Rang! Don't mess with these balloons, they are needed for the New Year's Eve party, fuck, I'll break you His mother will go to the small commodity market to buy by herself, my mother will not go!"

"It's not broken! I'll blow two for fun..."

Lu Tong hung up the phone.

Qin Chu heard it clearly from the side.

A very clear idea came to Lu Tong's mind: The world has forgotten Qin Shiwu.

"Don't panic, go to the inpatient department to have a look."

Qin Chu took Lu Tong's hand and squeezed it.

"If this is the case, it means that your son has really traveled back. There is nothing to be afraid of, and you will definitely meet again."

The two found the inpatient department along the familiar road, and when they got upstairs, they found Qin Shiwu's room.

Sure enough, like the operating room, there was nothing in Qin Shiwu's room, only a cleaning lady was making the bed, and another nurse was recording the form in front of the bed.

Qin Chu knocked on the door, "Excuse me, where did the patients here go?"

The nurse looked up: "Are you the family members of the patient?"

Qin Chu nodded.

Nurse: "He was discharged last week."

last week?

Last week, Qin Shiwu was still receiving an infusion in this room, and went to the intensive care unit on the way, how could he be discharged from the hospital?

Qin Chu: "What's the name of the patient here?"

The nurse hesitated: "Aren't you family members?"

Qin Chu twitched the corner of his mouth, not knowing how to explain it to her.

Fortunately, the other party didn't get too suspicious: "It's a big brother who suffered a stroke. His family refused to treat him last week, so he was taken home early."

"Lu Tong?"

The two stood at the door of the ward, and someone outside called Lu Tong, it was Dr. He.

Lu Tong turned around, and Dr. He asked, "Why did you come to the inpatient department?"

Qin Chu said, "Are we looking for someone?"

Dr. He: "Who are you looking for?"

Qin Chu hesitated for a moment: "Qin Shiwu."

Doctor He asked back, "Qin Shiwu?"

He came for rounds, followed by a few nurses.

Dr. He said, "Let's go, Lu Tong, since you're here, you just have a physical examination. Have you finished the medicine prescribed last time?"

Lu Tong was very upset, and nodded perfunctorily.

Dr. He said, "Come to my office."

Pushing open the door of the office, Dr. He said, "Sit."

Qin Chu asked him: "How long will Lu Tong take the medicine?"

Dr. He poured a cup of hot water, Lu Tong took a sip, and the chill in his limbs was dispelled. He came back to his senses: "Do you know Qin Shiwu?"

Hearing the tone of Dr. He's rhetorical question just now, it is clear that he knows something inside.

Before Lu Tong could relieve the great sadness in his heart, the following series of ghost story-like plots completely disturbed his heart.

Dr. He: "I know. You are a student of No. 1 Middle School."

Lu Tong's mood fluctuated a little: "You know him!"

Dr. He nodded: "He lived in our hospital a year ago, and a friend of mine performed the operation on him."

Lu Tong's face became embarrassed: "A year ago..."

Wasn't that when he was a sophomore in high school?

Qin Chu pressed Lu Tong's shoulder: "Where is he now?"

Dr. He looked at the computer, prescribed medicine for Lu Tong, and answered casually: "The operation was not successful, and he failed to come down. He died at a young age."

Lu Tong: "Impossible."

Qin Chu quickly interrupted him: "Is it just these medicines?"

Dr. He gave him a list: "Go to the western pharmacy to get it, but I have a suggestion. The case of the two of you is special. If you can complete the marking, it is better to complete it as soon as possible. Don't delay it. In case any other problems arise That's troublesome. By the way, Qin Chu, are you—are you eighteen years old?"

Lu Tong had already stood up and walked towards the door.

He walked eagerly, as if he wanted to prove something.

Qin Chu didn't dare to let him go alone, so he followed Lu Tong to Qin Shishi's house. The villa door in front of his house was locked tightly. Lu Tong stood for a while, and in the garden, Aunt Chen, who had been taking care of Qin Shiwu, left. out.

"Who is at the door?"

Lu Tong calmly said, "Auntie, I'm Qin Shiwu's classmate."

Aunt Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Are you here to see him? Just go to Nanshan Cemetery."

Aunt Chen didn't hear Lu Tong's answer, and asked again: "What's the matter? What's the matter with Ms. Yang?"

Lu Tong: "It's about Qin Shiwu..."

His eyes darkened, and he grabbed the railing with his right hand: "No, auntie, I want to ask, has Qin Shiwu's mother been back this year?"

Aunt Chen: "I came back once, it seems to be some kind of business."

back to business...

Lu Tong's hand slipped from the railing, she clearly came back to see Qin Shiwu...

Because Qin Shiwu was hospitalized this year, because he was sick, and because he needed a lot of money...

Aunt Chen was still babbling: "Miss did not do a good job in business this year, I lost Gado's money, and I haven't been paid last month's salary..."

"You don't have to come in if you have nothing to do, I'll close the door!"

Aunt Chen closed the door, completely blocking Lu Tong from the door.

Lu Tong was so dizzy that Qin Chu quickly hugged him.

He looked at his mobile phone, which was empty, as if this person had never existed in this world.

Qin Chu asked him, "Would you like to visit the Nanshan Cemetery?"

Lu Tong shook his head and asked hoarsely, "Has he gone back?"

Qin Chu: "Looks like I'm going back."

Lu Tong: "Did I have a big dream. Qin Chu, do you remember him?"

Qin Chu nodded: "I remember."

Lu Tong: "But others have forgotten him..."

He suddenly grabbed Qin Chu tightly: "Will I forget him too!"

Qin Chu said, "No way."

Lu Tong said suddenly: "I'm going to Nanshan Cemetery!"

Qin Chu didn't catch him, so he chased him and said, "It's snowing so much outside, can't you go later?"


Lu Tong was terrified, afraid that it would be too late, even he had forgotten about Qin Shiwu.

He went out from the gate of the community and walked along a snow-covered sidewalk, but he slipped on the electric pole within two steps. Qin Chu hugged him into his arms and found that Lu Tong's body was terribly hot.

"You have a fever, Lu Tong."

Lu Tong lay in his arms and was quiet for a while, then began to sob softly, and then turned into a cry of despair.

Qin Chu hugged him tightly: "You will not forget him. Neither will I, Lu Tong, we will meet again."

The first heavy snow on New Year's Eve came suddenly, almost wrapping the two teenagers in the snow.

Qin Chu looked at the buildings decorated with lights and festoons not far away, and said in a low voice, "New Year's a day for reunion."

-Qin Shiwu had a very long dream. The cold instrument patrolled his body, he felt very cold, and there was darkness around him.

He kept walking until he saw a small point of light.

The closer Qin Shiwu got to the light spot, the brighter the light spot became, and his eyes couldn't bear the stimulation.

He just woke up.

Qin Shiwu's eyes opened a crack, and the eyeballs seemed to have not moved for a long time, and it was still a little difficult to turn them.

With the ceiling above his head and salt water hanging on both sides, the scene is very familiar.

"I'm not dead yet?" he thought to himself.

With so much blood, I thought I was going to die this time. Unexpectedly, the medical skills of this hospital are so superb, and I clearly heard the beep of my heartbeat stopped, and I was able to rescue myself.

Qin Shiwu's rusty head began to turn. Although his head hurt a little, his body was extremely light.


Qin Shiwu moved his hand in surprise, it didn't hurt at all.

He had that ghost disease before, and there was never a day without pain all over his body. Because of the low immune system, there were many complications. Qin Shiwu suspected that he had experienced all the diseases in the world.

"Wow, come back to the light."

Qin Shiwu sighed, he quickly raised his hand and found that his hand was much whiter.

The nurse opened the door and came in. Seeing that he was awake, the two of them looked at each other. The nurse paused, and suddenly shouted angrily toward the corridor: "The one in room 2032 is awake!!"

Qin Shiwu was dumbfounded by his yelling.

After a while, a lot of doctors rushed in.

As soon as Qin Shiwu woke up, they pushed him to check it from beginning to end.

He went through two rounds of examinations in a daze, until the doctor said: "There is no problem at all, and we can arrange to be discharged from the hospital."

Qin Shiwu: "I'm alright?"

The doctor smiled and said, "Yes."

Qin Shiwu was horrified: "Your hospital is really awesome..."

Terminal illness can be cured.

The doctor said, "I'm ashamed."

How awesome is their hospital? It’s not that the young master fell into the water and suddenly fell into a coma, and suddenly couldn’t wake up. After a check, there was nothing wrong with it. The vice president of central control put pressure on the leader. Twelve meetings a day were held for this golden baby, and after a month of research, nothing came of it.

In the end, the young master was fine, and he woke up as if nothing had happened.


The doctor burst into tears in his heart: Hateful capitalism.

Qin Shiwu thought he was lying sixteen years ago, and sighed: "Don't be humble, you are really good." He paused: "By the way, where is Lu Tong?"

He must have been frightened just now. When he was sent to the emergency room, Qin Shiwu still deeply remembered how Lu Tong was lying on his bedside crying, his heartbroken. When Qin Shiwu thought about it, his eyes became sore.

Doctor: "He has been notified, and Mr. Lu will come over soon."

Qin Shiwu walked out of the door surrounded by everyone, feeling strange in his heart.

It had been a long time since he had enjoyed this kind of hugging feeling. Ever since he became a little transparent Qin Shiwu, his status had plummeted, and now he was suddenly treated like this, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"What are you doing, I can walk by myself."

The doctor smiled and said, "You are just right, it's better to sit down."

Qin Shiwu had goose bumps on his arms.

Why did this doctor suddenly treat him like a dog?

Speaking of it, it seems that he didn't see the attending doctor who had been in charge of him before...

Turned around outside the hospital and returned to the ward.

Qin Shiwu thought in his heart: Have you changed the ward? This ward looks a lot taller.

The walls are all like new ones. Could it be that they were newly built by the hospital?

He lay back on the bed obediently and covered himself with the quilt.

Seeing that he was fine, the nurse pulled out the salt water beside the bed.

Qin Shiwu closed his eyes, with lingering fears in his heart, as if he was still immersed in the feeling of walking through the gate of **** just now. He will always remember the pain of being torn apart all over his body, and all the organs in his body are against him. He really wants to die.

This pain is too much, how can anyone bear it.

And there is no end in sight.

Qin Shiwu closed his eyes and rested for a while.

However, after not sleeping for long, the outside of the ward became lively again.

He heard a burst of hurried footsteps, and suddenly stopped when he reached the door, and then the sound of the door being opened.

Qin Shiwu sat up and turned to look at him.

Then both of them froze.

It was Lu Tong standing at the door, that's right, the quilt in Qin Shiwu's hands slipped from his chest to his waist.

Sixteen years later, Lu Tong was taller and more mature than before. He was wearing a shirt and just looked at Qin Shiwu like that.

Qin Shiwu sat on the bed in a daze. After a while, he lifted the quilt, walked off the bed slowly, put on his shoes, and walked in front of Lu Tong.

There was still a distance of one person between them, Qin Shiwu tentatively grabbed the clothes around Lu Tong's waist.

it is true.


am i back

Qin Shiwu asked himself blankly, Dou Da's tears didn't transition, they just rolled out of his eyes and hit the ground directly.

Qin Shiwuyue grasped it tighter, his hands crawled from his waist to the back of his waist, and then hugged Lu Tong silently and forcefully.

He closed his eyes, buried his face deeply in Lu Tong's arms, and sobbed softly.

The latter squatted down and put his hands on Qin Shiwu's shoulders.

Qin Shiwu gritted his teeth and endured it for a while. After being silent for a while, he finally couldn't help crying.

Lu Tong lay on his shoulder, suppressing his crying, and hugged Qin Shiwu even tighter.

"Where did you go..." Lu Tong closed his eyes, his heart was stirred together, and asked him brokenly, "Where did you go..."

The only one who responded to him was Qin Shiwu who cried for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

The author has something to say: focus on the baby's timeline! Then the timeline of mom and dad will be written in the extra episode! That's why there is a baby!

rest assured! There should be a lot of extra episodes! certainly! The text is not over yet!

· Then there is a humble little request! Because there are too few collections of new may not be on the list, so I specially come here to ask everyone to help me collect them, it doesn’t matter if you don’t read them! That's it... I want a favorite to be on the list...orz will pre-collect it in my column "Something About My Brother" next year! Pseudo-orthopedics, no blood relationship, sick and tender green tea attack!

Copywriting: My brother is a bit insane, he only has money in his eyes and I am different without me. I am a lunatic. Not only do I have him in my eyes, but I also want to **** him

The third person, the Lord accepts!

Please help me collect it! thank you very much! On behalf of my relatives at home and abroad on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, thank you all! Kneel down! I promise to write good-looking ones!

·Thank you for the little angel who voted for me as the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution~Thank you for the little angel who voted for [Grenade]: Wu Xiaozong 1; thank you for the little angel who voted for [Mine]: I don’t remember my nickname 4 ; Yin Nuo 3; Tao Tao Tao, Huan, aa, Jichuan, Cemetery, Wuyikouchaifei, Dongguliang, EliaukYebo, Hansu, Qingse, coconut milk oatmeal 1; thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrient solution]: I said 70 bottles; others are 50 bottles of hell; Jika 49 bottles; Gu Jinmian 40 bottles; Qin Kaixuan, Rabbit Loves Lotus, Weizi, Lemon Essence 30 bottles; ;I feel the leg hair blowing with the wind 11 bottles; July, Black Honey, 34487698, Qingyun, Wu Xiaozong, Haiqingheyan, Graveyard, Coconut Milk Oatmeal, Fuyao, a handful of green tea, Chu Meng Mi Ye, Ning Ning , 10 bottles of Argued°; 9 bottles of Lu Muyi; Xiaoxi Muya!, 8 bottles of Xia Chiji; Dongguliang, Siyue Qinghe, Dede, Jiujiu 5 bottles; aa, big bowl 3 bottles; I want to go to heaven! 2 bottles; Orange cat, C·P·Y, Chushiweiji, Potato, Jiang Yu-, Ye Que 1. 1 bottle of Luo Luo, Teacher Ju's Little Cute, Xiao Xihe, and Qingliang Yixia; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!