MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 9 Father and son recognize each other

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"Lu Tong, do you smell it?"

"What smell?"

Lu Tong looked back at him, and the Omega's pheromone suddenly disappeared.

Qin Chu continued with this sentence: "Omega pheromone."

Lu Tong paused for a moment: "...Are you feeling hot?"

Qin Chu almost rolled his eyes at him, and he turned his head away.

Seeing that he was not interested in continuing this topic, Lu Tong sweated in his palms.

"You son of a **** has a good nose." He complained in his heart, "Forget it, I won't teach you after this lesson, just love whoever you want."

With lingering fear in his heart, he touched the back of his neck unconsciously.

This is the place where the glands exist, and it is also the most sensitive part of Lu Tong's whole body. It can't stand being touched at all, not even blowing.

In fact, it's not a big deal to be found out to be an Omega by others, at most it will cause a discussion. Lu Tong standing in the center of the crowd is a bright spot, and he is not afraid of being discussed by others.

It's just too embarrassing to be discovered by Qin Chu.

If both of them are A's, they can be more evenly matched. Asking him to admit that he is O is tantamount to admitting that he has lost to Qin Chu, and that he has lost a bit of momentum for no reason, Lu Tong is not willing.

Both were absent-minded.

Qin Chu held the test paper to delay the time, Lu Tong was a little guilty because of the leak of pheromone, so he didn't continue to stare at Qin Chu to trouble him, but focused his attention on himself.

Zhao Yan was cutting fruit downstairs, while Xiao Nan was crawling around under the supervision of Aunt Wang, and the doorbell of the cottage rang for the second time.

"Come on."

She opened the door, and there was a young man standing at the door. Zhao Yan was surprised and surprised: "Qin Shiwu?"

Qin Shiwu was wearing a black short-sleeved shirt with a black long-sleeved high-necked bottoming shirt inside. The trousers were high-waisted straight-leg trousers with a wide belt that just fastened around his waist. He was wearing a pair of sneakers, and his bangs were tied behind his head with a sports headband.

She didn't wear glasses, but she wore invisibility, revealing a delicate face that hasn't seen the sun all year round.

It's no wonder that Zhao Yan was stunned when she saw him. Usually, Qin Shiwu is a villager and a rustic. He can wear a pair of baggy flared trousers to go to the street in his trousers. He also wears thick beer bottle glasses on his face. The beautiful boy dressed as if he was going to debut is completely two people.

"Teacher Zhao." Qin Shiwu grinned.

His original body is very similar to Qin Chu's, even the position of the small canine teeth in his mouth is the same, and his smile is particularly deceptive. Lethality, is a walking sister and aunt harvester.

It's a pity that Qin Shiwu's body is a little weaker now, but his affinity for smiling is still very strong.

Zhao Yan remembered Qin Shiwu, but she couldn't remember clearly.

The reason was Qin Shiwu's personal reason - he "before" was too unknown in the class, too small and transparent, resulting in being bullied for several months, and Zhao Yan didn't notice anything unusual.

She only knew that there was such a No. 1 person in the class, and she rarely communicated with herself. She didn't know how to find her home, and now she ran over.

Zhao Yan asked: "Qin Shiwu, did you come to see me?"

Qin Shiwu said, "No, Mr. Zhao, I'm here to find Qin Chu."

He gritted his teeth a bit in what he said.

At the end of the evening self-study that night, Qin Shiwu never added the person "Qc" again. He sent a temporary message and found out that he had been reported!

There is no reason for this, Qin Shiwu has been in Provincial No. 1 Middle School for so many years, whoever sees him is not eager to flatter him, or is it the first time someone dares to reject him? It's okay to refuse, and block him!

So, when he returned from the holiday on Friday, Qin Shiwu was completely depressed.

Traveling back to sixteen years ago, Qin Shiwu encountered the greatest threat to survival in history. Every day, he watched rumors about Lu Tong and Qin Chu flying all over the school. "Fight when we meet" and other topics almost completely crushed Qin Shiwu.

He occupied the magpie's nest, thinking hard about countermeasures in the original "Qin Shiwu"'s home.

How to make Qin Chu fall in love with Lu Tong, or how to make Lu Tong fall in love with Qin Chu, this is the problem Qin Shiwu is currently facing.

No matter how they are arranged and combined, the two problems seem impossible.

The establishment of the discussion group failed, and the parents were suspected of being rivals, and now they have lost contact with his father—mainly because they cannot recognize each other.

Qin Shiwu hugged the pillow and thought: The discussion group can not be established for the time being, and the matter of the parents' suspected rivalry can't be solved for the time being, the biggest problem is the last one, how to recognize Qin Chu.

This seems to be the root of all problems—as long as Qin Chu is willing to believe that he came sixteen years later, everything will be solved.

Qin Shiwu couldn't sleep at night, so he put on his clothes early the next morning, and bought Qin Chu's home address with a huge sum of money in the newly joined "Learning Base for Pure Girls High School Students".

After getting the address, he was surprised. Qin Shiwu did not expect that Qin Chu was a "social orphan" like him, without parental discipline.

However, Qin Shiwu is better than Qin Chu. Although Qin Chu and Lu Tong don't care about him, he can still hang out at home. Qin Chu can't even mix up at home, and now he's become a hermit crab .

Zhao Yan asked suspiciously: "Are you looking for Qin Chu? He is making up lessons. What's the matter?"

Listening to her tone of voice, normal people can usually hear the rejection.

In this day and age, as long as a child who does homework at home is absolutely impossible to be called out to play by another child.

Qin Shiwu: "I have something urgent to call Qin Chu, old class. I'll tell you at the door in just ten minutes."

Zhao Yan glanced at the time: "You wait, I'll call him."

On the second floor, Qin Chu was wasting time, but Lu Tong ignored him, and the two of them were doing their own things in the room, and the atmosphere was tense for a while.

Zhao Yan pushed open the door: "Qin Chu, is someone looking for you?"

Qin Chu didn't raise his head: "The girl is gone."

After hearing this, Lu Tong thought to himself: "Pretend to be struck by lightning."

Zhao Yan: "It's not a girl, it's Qin Shiwu from our class."

When Lu Tong heard the name, he felt a little familiar.

Qin Chu recalled it for a while, and seemed to remember who Qin Shiwu was.

Isn't this the classmate who was beaten up by himself after harassing He Yuanyuan to no avail?

Speaking of this matter, Qin Chu was still a little angry.

He taught Qin Shiwu a lesson, of course not because he helped He Yuanyuan get ahead.

It was Chen Anqi, who was about to annoy him to death. Qin Chu had many suitors, but he had never seen such a courageous and fearless one. It would be useless to refuse in front of her. Qin Chu annoyed Chen Anqi to harass him all the time, and he couldn't really hit a woman, so Hu Si gave him a bad idea, telling him to use He Yuanyuan as a shield to make Chen Anqi calm down for a while.

Qin Chu felt that the opinion was good, and happened to meet He Yuanyuan expressly implying that Qin Shiwu harassed him in a text message, so Qin Chu followed suit and beat Qin Shiwu up.

After this incident, Chen Anqi really stopped for a while.

Qin Chu also felt that this method was good, but Qin Shiwu seemed to have lost his mind after being beaten, and opened his mouth to call his father.

He had already forgotten about this incident, but thanks to Qin Shiwu jumping up in front of him again, Qin Chu remembered him again.

Moreover, Qin Chu is now breathing the same air as Lu Tong, and feels uncomfortable all over his body, so he immediately went downstairs when he heard this sentence.

He is not uncomfortable in his heart, but physically uncomfortable.

The last time this weird feeling appeared was when he first differentiated—in the same room as an Omega.

At that time, Qin Chu couldn't control his own pheromones, and he couldn't resist Omega's pheromones. But now, let alone one Omega, even if ten Omega stay with him, he doesn't feel it.

It's just that the room with Lu Tong always makes him feel inexplicably restless, and his mood is more excited than usual, which is very strange.

He glanced at the cloudy weather outside the window, it was stuffy and hot, Qin Chu unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, feeling that the weather made people thirsty.

He went downstairs, and as soon as he reached the yard, he saw Qin Shiwu standing at the gate.

As soon as Qin Shiwu saw him, he was like a puppy seeing his own father, with his ears pricked up and his tail wagging: "Dad! Dad!"

Qin Chu: ...

He stepped back, decisively and quickly, to close the door.

Qin Shiwu's eyes were sharp, and he quickly blocked Qin Chu's way, and hurriedly said: "Dad! Listen to me! In fact, I came here specifically to find you as a relative. Although this matter is outrageous, but you believe me, You are really my dad! Dear dad, the kind of biological one. I saw you in a hurry last time, and I didn’t have time to say it. Now I can explain it to you! You know, the truth is usually shocking!"

Qin Chu looked at him like an idiot, stared at him and said, "Are you out of your mind?"

Qin Shiwu had no choice but to say, "Dad, you open the door first, and I'll tell you when you come out."

Qin Chu hesitated for a moment, and looked at Qin Shiwu. The opponent's small stature was not enough for him to beat him up, so he opened the door.

Qin Shiwu hurriedly explained: "Listen to me, you are really my father. I am really your son. You believe me!"

Qin Chu crossed his arms, and watched Qin Shiwu go crazy speechlessly and amusedly.

Qin Shiwu clasped his hands together and said reverently, "I have traveled here sixteen years later, do you know about time travel?"

He looked at Qin Chu eagerly.

Qin Chu nodded.

Qin Shiwu patted his thigh: "Yes, yes, that's it. I just came from time travel. I'm your own son. It's more real than real money!"

Qin Chu didn't want to go up to face Lu Tong, so he simply stood below and listened to Qin Shiwu's nonsense: "You came here through time travel? How did you come here through time travel?"

Qin Shiwu said: "It's like this, let me make a long story short. Sixteen years later - I have some problems in my thinking, but at the same time I am very capable of acting. Because someone insulted my personality, I couldn't hold back for a while. He was beaten! Then my class teacher invited you and my mother to have a school meeting, planning to give me an ideological education. But I was young and frivolous at that time, and I didn’t know that what I was facing next was a leap forward Traveling in time and space, so I had a big fight with you and my mother, and I rushed out of the classroom, but I was accidentally plotted against and fell into the wishing pool. When I looked up again, I saw you hitting me gone."

He finished speaking in one breath, and looked up at Qin Chu: "Do you have any specific questions to ask?"

Qin Chu uttered a sentence coldly: "Who is your mother?"

Straight to the point... As expected of his father!

Qin Shiwu took a deep breath and made up his mind: he must not confess Lu Tong.

In the current situation of the two of them, what if they changed the course of history after telling the truth?

In which rock crevice did Qin Shiwu plan to go to be born?

What's more, Lu Tong is so wild now that he dares to pretend to be an A in Provincial No. 1 Middle School, but he dare not reveal Lu Tong's secret to his "rival".

"I can't tell." Qin Shiwu was dejected, and suddenly he raised his head again: "But! Dad, listen to me, my mother is definitely not He Yuanyuan. Break up with He Yuanyuan!"

After speaking, the atmosphere was silent for a moment.

Qin Shiwu and Qin Chu looked at each other. After watching for a long time, Qin Shiwu saw the naked word "crazy" in Qin Chu's eyes.

Qin Shiwu: ...

"Dad, don't you think that because I like He Yuanyuan, I made up such a bizarre urban legend to beat mandarin ducks?"

Qin Chu asked indifferently: "Isn't it?"


Qin Shiwu is going crazy!

"I don't like He Yuanyuan! And you are not mandarin ducks!"


Qin Shiwu really collapsed, and at the same time as he collapsed, he thought: In Qin Chu's eyes at this time, I am afraid that I really look like a fool who can't go crazy in courtship.

Angrily, he kicked the stones on the ground.

Accidentally, the stone hit Qin Chu's calf.

A bolt of lightning suddenly struck down from the sky, piercing through the entire cloud layer.

Qin Shiwu was stunned.

Before Qin Chu started to beat Qin Shiwu, Qin Shiwu screamed like a groundhog: "Dad! You see, it's true! A son beats his father, and an unfilial son is struck by lightning! Even the heavens Believe it, isn't this enough to prove that you are my father!"

The author has something to say: Qin Shiwu: A Small Theater of Superstitious Recognition of Relatives: Qin Shiwu looking for Qin Chu is like a kitten looking for a kitten, one kitten is "meowing" outside, and the other kitten is inside" "Meow", they all wanted to come out to play, but the master Lu Tong held Qin Chumiao's fate by the throat, and said ruthlessly: "Go play with your son after finishing writing."

Qin Chumiao still felt that his wife was more important, so he licked Lu Tong's face and compromised the betrayed Fifteen Meow: Meow! ! [scream ·

Thank you for the little angels who voted for the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution for me~Thank you for the little angels who voted for [Grenade]: Deer Pass xs1; thanks for the little angels who voted for [Mines]: Amaimai, Chumi 1 ;Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]: Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!