MTL - Back To Qiqi Farming To Raise Children-Chapter 34 brazen

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  Chapter 34 Brazen

  The ones who came were of course the Chen family. Chen Yongfu came in aggressively with his wife and four sons.

   Behind, followed by a group of spectators.

  Everyone is also curious about how much money Xu Shiyan made this time. I even want to see what will happen if the Xu family takes on the Chen family.

   "I said Chen Yongfu, are you tired of life, old boy? How dare you come to my house to make trouble?"

   Without waiting for others to do anything, Xu Chenghou was the first to rush out of the house, and started cursing while standing in the yard.

  He was already suffocated, and he couldn't get angry at his son, so couldn't he be angry at outsiders?

   No matter how disobedient his son is, he is his own, a member of his old Xu family, and he can't be trampled by just a cat or a dog.

   "As far as you are, you are not as tall as three pieces of tofu.

  With your crotch clattering all day long, how can you still go up and down the mountain? Are you not afraid to put yourself in it? "

   Xu Chenghou was tall and burly, a head taller than Chen Yongfu. When the two of them stood in the middle of the courtyard, Chen Yongfu lost first in terms of momentum.

   I have to say that Xu Chenghou's mouth is really bad enough, and he always uses Chen Yongfu's size to talk about things when they meet.

  Chen Yongfu is short, and the children in his family are not tall.

  In ordinary days, when someone compares the Chen family with the Xu family, the first thing to do is their height. This is an eternal pain in the heart of the Chen family.

  Others talk about it behind their backs. Today, in front of the face, Xu Chenghou belittled him so unceremoniously. How can Chen Yongfu hold on to his face?

   "Xu Chenghou, you are tall, what can you do with your height? You stand like a wooden stake, and it takes two feet more cloth than others to wear clothes.

  What are you proud of? "Chen Yongfu jumped up in anger.

   "Standing tall and big in front of the gate, you don't need to work to look good. I don't lose my strength. I can work alone for you two.

   Just like you, I can slap three people with one slap, what's the matter? you have a temper "In terms of verbal battles, Xu Chenghou has never lost.

   The critical strike doubled, and Chen Yongfu's face turned purple from anger.

   "Well, I didn't come here to argue with you today. It's useless." Anyway, I lost my temper, thinking about the purpose of coming today.

   "Your third son stole the black blind man I trapped, we have to talk about it."

  Some people are so jealous that they have lost their minds. They have been saying this for the past two days, and now even he himself feels that this is true.

   "I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen you so shameless.

  Chen Yongfu, do you think you can enter the mountain? You turn around and ask the people behind you, do you believe it or not? "

  Xu Chenghou pursed his lips, looked at Chen Yongfu from top to bottom with a contemptuous face, and then snorted twice.

  As soon as the words came out, many people inside and outside the courtyard laughed.

  Actually, few people in the village believed what the Chen family said.

  Don’t forget that most people hate the rich. If I live poorly, you can’t live well either.

  Even if everyone knew what was going on, they were willing to join in, but they just wanted to make trouble for Xu Shiyan.

   "I don't have the ability, but your son has it? As far as his virtue is concerned, no matter what he does, he takes his time and is not as good as a good old lady.

  Can he kill the blind man? Who will believe it? "

  Chen Yongfu followed Xu Chenghou to learn, and also began to attack personally.

   "Hello, your son. Your son is just like you, like a three-inch nail. Those two short legs."

  Don't look at Xu Chenghou scolding his son all day long, but he can't stand if others say something bad about his son.

   Not to mention, his son is now well-off and earns so much money.

  When he went out these days, many people came to flatter him, saying that San'er must be the leader next year when he releases the mountain.

  Xu Chenghou didn't just talk about it, but he was quite proud of it in his heart. Naturally, he couldn't let others bury his son like this.

  Seeing that the two old men were over a hundred years old together, and they were arguing like children, Xu Shiyan felt embarrassed standing there.

   "Father, you go to the other side, I'll come." Talking and talking can only be scolding, but can't solve the problem.

   "Uncle Chen, you said that the black blind man was caught by you. Tell me, what kind of trick did you use? Where did you get it?"

  When Xu Shiyan asked this question, Chen Yongfu was immediately stunned.

  He doesn't know how to hunt at all, but he was teased by his wife to take advantage of it. How would he know what kind of holster to use?

   "Line 8, the cover made of line 8 is near Qianchuan." Chen Yongfu murmured for a long time before choking out this sentence.

  The brothers of the Xu family came back from the south of the village that day, and everyone saw this.

  Qianchuan is more than ten miles south of the village, where there is a brigade of ginseng, and Lao Litou killed a black blind man near there.

  Chen Yongfu took it for granted that he should be the blind man killed near Qianchuan.

  As soon as Chen Yongfu said this, the few people in the village who knew how to hunt couldn't help laughing.

   "Old Uncle Chen, go home quickly, don't be ashamed of yourself here. Line 8? You can really tell."

  Line 8 is a type of iron wire with a diameter of about five millimeters.

  The **** blind man weighing more than 300 catties is very strong. Let alone the No. 8 wire as a cover, even an oil silk rope as thick as a finger may not be able to trap it.

   Once, when the villagers went to the mountain, they met a black blind man who had been dead for some time, with a piece of oil silk rope tied around his neck.

   It was the black blind man who broke the oil silk rope in a daze, but couldn't get rid of the cover, and died of starvation and strangulation.

   It is pure layman's words to be able to say that line 8 is used as a cover, so everyone laughed.

  Chen Yongfu didn't understand what the people around him were laughing at, but Chen Deyong was more thoughtful, so he leaned over and whispered a few words, and Chen Yongfu blushed.

   "No, I misremembered, it should be oil silk rope." Chen Yongfu quickly changed his words.

   "Okay, since Uncle Chen said it was an oil silk rope, the blind man must have worn out the fur around his neck in order to break free."

  Xu Shiyan knew that the Chen family was messing around, but in order to solve this matter, some things must be made clear in front of the big guys.

   "Daughter-in-law, you go home and bring that black blind man's skin, and let everyone see it."

  Xu Shiyan turned his head and asked Su Anying to get the bear skin.

  Su Anying nodded, and walked out. There were a few trustworthy little daughter-in-laws, and they went to Li's house together.

   Not long after, a few people came back, holding the bear skin.

  Xu Shiyan unfolded the bear skin. At that time, he peeled the skin completely. There was no trace of friction on the black bear's neck.

   "Look, everyone, there are two gashes on the black blind man's stomach, which I cut with an axe.

  According to the size of the black blind man and my height, I should also be able to tell that the black blind man stood upright at that time and wanted to pounce. "

  Xu Shiyan pointed to the two wounds on the bear skin and said.

   "As I said before, this blind man got into my hut, drank the wine I brought, and walked out drunk.

   It happened that I went back and had a face-to-face meeting with it. When it stood up and was about to pounce on me, I cut it with two axes. "

  (end of this chapter)