MTL - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs-Chapter 98 [Seven] Mongo: How do brothers change their enemies?

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When I saw Meng Ge's body, an unusually thin and tyrannical dragon was flying toward them. I felt that this Tyrannosaurus rex was like Galle, but he felt that he must have read it wrong. How could it be? It’s Galle.

Before the volcanic eruption, he specifically told the ethnic group of Galle. He also saw that the ethnic group of Galle escaped. Later, he knew that the ethnic group of Galle re-established the territory after walking out of the volcanic ash and did not migrate with them. .

Therefore, Galle is absolutely impossible to appear here, how is it possible?

The unusually thin Tyrannosaurus ran and shouted, "Hey, Mongo, I am Galle, I finally found you."

I can’t believe my ears. Is it really Galle? What happened to Galle, how did it become like this?

Mongo also heard the voice of Galle. He looked back and he couldn't believe his eyes. It was really Galle.

Galle went straight to the front of the donkey and leaned down and hid under the shackles. He shivered and said, "Hey, hey, I finally found you, it’s terrible, it’s terrible, scared me, oh."

Pado saw that Meng and Mengo’s reaction knew that they must know this thin, tyrannical dragon, but when the tyrannosaurus was lying under the shackles, he was instinctively trying to protect the cockroaches, instinct. I want to hit this tyrannosaurus with a corner, but fortunately he resisted.

Carrying the poor Galle and asking, "What happened to Galle, how come you are here, how did you make it like this?"

Galle was still hiding under the hustle and bustle, and he said, "Oh, you know, if it is not the one you told me, I will die, and the death is very miserable. Oh, it’s terrible. ”

Pado and Mongo also listened carefully to the description of Galleria.

Galle, "Oh, it’s terrible. It’s really terrible. It’s so big and big. Our territory is divided into many pieces. A lot of dragons have fallen. I ran and ran. I also saw our territory. I fell into the sea, the big sea, the big waves, our territory was eaten by the sea, my brothers were eaten by the sea, I almost got eaten by the big crack."

It’s even more powerful to say that Galle is shaking. I don’t know how to say it. “Hey, do you know, mountains, high mountains, crowded together, there are so many high mountains, it’s hot and hot. Something, sprayed from the ground, and the sea is also spraying, it’s terrible."

In a word, I summed up everything that Galle encountered and the Yukan continent began to split.

Galle continued to say, "Hey, you know, all the dragons are dead. Only I escaped. All the dragons are dead. You told me that if there is earth movement, I will run into the forest without mountains. I took my ethnic group and ran to the forest. My ethnic group survived for a while, but then the forest was separated. The sea ate more than half of the forest. You told me that if the forest began to split, it would be Run away from the sea and away from the mountains. Don't run to the ground up and down like a wave. I have to run around when I am going to the left and right. I only lived."

When the Kalah ethnic group ran out of the volcanic ash cover, it took for granted a new territory nearby. Although Galle migrated like a scorpion, the Tyrannosaurus rex never migrated, and he had no reason to follow it. Migration.

I have long known that the Yukan continent will split, but he does not know when it is unpredictable, so he told Galle earlier how to escape if there is a particularly large ground motion.

Galle just followed the embarrassing escape strategy and escaped, but the embarrassing escape strategy only saved Galle himself. Galle could not use it without knowing the deep-seated principles, and there was no way to save his ethnic group. To be more precise, it is a miracle that Galle himself can escape.

In fact, when I told Galle these things, I hope that Galle will never be used. If the mainland splits in the territory of Galle, then the possibility of escape is negligible.

I can think of the terrible scene of the split of the mainland. You can also think of it. Galle escaped from such a terrible catastrophe and escaped all the way. How many hardships he will encounter in the middle, it is a miracle to survive.

Galle is shaking all over. "Hey, I will never leave you again. I will never leave you again. Oh, I am so scared."

He kept glaring at Galle. Galle used to be a particularly powerful leader of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Now it has become like this.

While taking advantage of Galle, he is also comforting him. "Nothing, Galle, all passed. Everything has passed. Are you not finding us? I will protect you. I will protect you and Mongo in the future. Don't be afraid." Don't be afraid"

I have to sigh, what about the more powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex, in the face of large natural disasters, the powerful dragon group is also dead in minutes.

Mongo also comforted him "Galle, don't be afraid, you have found us, my community is always welcome to come back."

Galle looked at Mongo and said, "Mongo, I have already left your ethnic group and I can’t go back. I am looking for you. I will lay my own territory next to the Pado ethnic group. I am going to kneel. Oh, I don't want to leave again."

I saw Meng Ge’s look on his face, as if he was saying, how did my brother become awkward?

Galle kept licking his neck and said, "Hey, I will never leave you again."

Then Galle squatted in front of Pado and said, "Pado, I am sorry, I didn't really know that it was your ethnic group. I promise that I will never hunt your tribe. I will have so many dragons here. Triceratops, I can hunt other triceratops, and if you want, I can help other people to drive away other carnivorous dragons."

Pado "You don't need to help my ethnic group to drive away other carnivorous dragons. You have to play in the territory next to my ethnic group. I have no opinion, but you can't appear near my ethnic group."

Galle quickly promised "I won't, Pado, I won't, I just have to look at you from afar, and I will not be afraid to see you."

Of course, Pado will not say anything.

咕噜 Continue to ask some key points. “Galle, how long ago, the earth movement in your territory is long before you escaped on the road.”

Galle seriously thought back and said, "Hey, I don't know. I have a big earth movement in my territory. I started running and kept running. I just wanted to come to you. If I didn't think I could find you and Meng." Ge, I must have been unable to do it for a long time. I must have died long ago. When I was in the ice field, I almost died of freezing. I stayed there for a long time. When I came out of the ice field, I was almost stopped by an female Tyrannosaurus Rex. Tyrannosaurus also stayed there for a while, so I don’t know."

According to Galle's description, he speculated that the land movements in Galle's territory and the beginning of the split were at least half a year ago, and it was almost time to find them at this time.

Galle suddenly thought of a question, "Hey, there won't be splitting here. It won't be eaten by the sea. It's really terrible, oh."

He comforted him "No, absolutely no, believe me, Galle, the best territory here, definitely will not split, absolutely not."

Although he is so steadfast in comforting Galle, he does not know whether it will split here. Now the continent of Jukan is in a state of rapid division, and any place may be divided.

But besides here, you can't find a better and safer territory.

Before there is no other better solution to the premise, it will be fearful that it will split here. If you are worried about it every day, you should not think about it. If you do this, you will never split. It is absolutely safe.

At least I don't want Mongo and Pado to worry about this every day. He will pay special attention to some changes in the natural environment to predict in advance. This is everything he can do.

Galle, who has been divided by the mainland, is already a "bird of surprise". Galle is too afraid of the division of the mainland, and he can only give him enough security.

Galle’s absolute trust, he said, he will not.

The prey here is very rich. After about half a month, Galle has become very strong again and won the territory with six Asian adult kings. The territory of Galle is in Padua. Next to the territory.

Galle has always been a very powerful male dragon.

In the past two months, under the strict training of Pado and Mongo, it has been easy to kill two dwarf tyrannosaurus, which is simply impossible for the Asian adult Triceratops.

In order to close the second stage of the training, Mongo and Pado decided to hide and let the cockroaches completely in the absence of assistance. Of course, they are not far from hiding, and they are in danger of life. They can rush out at any time.

Pado first took the donkey to the river fern planting where he was trained. Then Pado lied to the Hui community to see it. Mongo would soon come over and let the fear of it, and then Pado hid.

After waiting for a while, I didn't wait for Mongo, but I waited for two dwarf dragons, no Mongo.

In fact, Mengo chased the two dwarf dragons to the vicinity, forcing the dwarf dragon to take the initiative to attack, and then he hid himself.

Two dwarf tyrannosaurus rushed to the same time. He knew that Pado had gone far. Mongo didn't know when he would come, but he was not awkward at all. He was confident.

I am even very happy that there is no Pado and Mongo around, because he thinks that there are Mongo and Pado nearby. Those short tyrannos are lost because of the instinctive fear of Mongo and Pado. It is not his true strength. reflect.

Today, I finally know how much I am weighing a few pounds. I am very excited.

Using Meng Ge and Pardo to teach him the method of fighting with two dwarf dragons, it was very easy to kill a dwarf dragon, another dwarf dragon more fierce attack.

But soon, he won the dwarf tyrannosaurus with an overwhelming advantage. He lifted a foot and slammed the head of the dwarf tyrannosaurus. When he went down, the dwarf tyrannosaurus was basically abolished. Then use the horn to wear the belly of the dwarf dragon to get a big win.

The dwarf tyrannosaurus looked at her, and her eyes burst into tears. She prayed, "Oh, beg you, let me go, there are little scorpions in my stomach, they are about to be born soon, I am going to be numb, I am going to be numb. I haven’t been a tyrannosaurus that has already killed so many tyrannosaurus. He has caught so many tyrannosaurus to kill you. We haven’t attacked you and Yuya’s little nephew. We just want to live well. Go on"

Looking at the belly of this female dwarf dragon, I should have really had a small throat, and my stomach is bigger than the average female dragon.

This female dragon continues to plead with "Oh, not a carnivorous dragon. If you kill us, we can't eat our meat. I beg you, let me go. I will never step into the territory of Mongo. I just want to live. Under my little sisters"

Hesitant, if he does not have human thinking, if he is the original Triceratops, he will not go to a poor carnivorous dragon. All Triceratops will never miss any chance if they can kill the carnivorous dragon. The carnivorous dragon of the little scorpion, but also to die, these little scorpions were born and hatched and did not know how many triceratops to eat.

This female dragon is probably confused, or the extreme fear of dying has made her lose her sense of reason. She knows that if the Triceratops know that she already has a small scorpion, she will even kill her. There is absolutely no reason to let go.

Although Pado and Mongo are relatively far away, the hearing of the dinosaurs is particularly good. When they heard the words of the female dragon, they also saw the hesitation of the dragon. They actually intended to let go of the female dragon. They were very angry.

In the end, he finally fell down. He stepped on the head of the female dragon, then slammed into the belly of the female dragon, and the blood sprayed him instantly.

There are blood and tears in the eyes of the female dragon. I seem to hear that the female dragon is talking about my little scorpion. Sorry, Ma Ma does not protect you.

He still ran around the "trophy" as usual, and kept roaring, proclaiming his victory and power.

Running and running, just a little bit of embarrassing emotions are completely gone. The only thing left is the excitement, joy and excitement of hunting the carnivorous dragon. Only the blood of the cavity is so cold, he still wants to eat the meat dragon and kill many, many The carnivorous dragon, which made him happy from the heart, which made him boil.

It was only then that he realized that he was probably completely beastified, and that human pity and kindness were far away from him.

At this time, Pado and Mongo came out, and they came to the side of the beggar.

Pado is very angry. "Why did you hesitate why you didn't want to kill the dwarf dragon?"

Mengo is also very angry. "Hey, you know, if you hesitate, you may be directly killed by a powerful carnivorous dragon. Many carnivorous dragons are pretending to be dead, and you will be pitiful. You pity them. They won't pity you, they will only eat you bit by bit."

Hey, a little wronged. "I haven’t killed him yet, I have no pity on him, I am just"

Pado and Mongo screamed at the same time

I lowered my head and said, "I am wrong, sorry."

Pado "You still hear him say so many fights, no matter what the carnivorous dragon says, you don't need to respond, kill them."

Hey, "I know, Dad, I am wrong."

Mongo "When many carnivores are not able to beat the herbivorous dragons, they will deliberately say something to distract your attention, and will use fake actions to lure you into attacking them. How many times have I and Pado taught you how many times? You are still like this"

He whispered, "I know that he can't resist, and"

Meng Ge interrupted anger. "No matter how he can resist, no matter what the reason, you must kill him when he has a chance to kill him. This, how many times have I emphasized with Pado and you?"

Pado, "Hey, you make us angry too much, punish you for hitting the tree. Before you knock down, think about where you are wrong today and come over and tell me and Mongo your reflection."

I was shocked. The tree was surrounded by adults and couldn’t hold it. When did it break?

Pado is often stricter than Mongo, and he looks at Mongo. His eyes are full of help for Mongo. You can help me with Pado.

Mongo said more sternly, "I don't want to go soon."

咕噜 撒 撒 撒 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

Mongo and Pardo said with a fire-breathing look that they are not late yet.

He knows the character of his two big daddy, but he really doesn't feel that he is wrong, and he is grievous and ran to hit the tree. He hit hard.

Mongo and Pardo are watching and watching, they want to become the most powerful Triceratops in the entire Yukan continent, the invincible Triceratops.

咕噜 砰砰砰 砰砰砰 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞 撞Nasty tyrant

I don't know how long I've been hitting. I have already been stunned. I have small stars in front of me, and the stars fly and fly, but this tree still doesn't move.

He felt very desperate. He looked at Pado and Mongo. The two big men were completely indifferent to his begging for mercy.

At this time, he suddenly realized that his mistakes could not be forgiven. If he was really bitten by a carnivorous dragon because of a little bit of heart, Pado and Mongo were much more desperate, and Barbana and Ziya, There are also younger siblings.

Thinking of this, I feel that I am really wrong, and that Mongo and Pado are so angry.

In the cruel world of dinosaurs, as long as you can survive, the rest is not important.

I tried to hit the big tree with all my strength, and I was tireless.

In fact, at this time, Mongo and Pardo can see that they have already known where they are wrong. Before they smashed the tree, they were unwilling and unwilling. If they admit their mistakes, they always find a bunch of reasons to defend themselves. At this time, I really feel that I am wrong and I am punishing myself.

I felt my head smashed, my neck was about to break, and I turned around.

Gradually, I felt that the warm liquid had flowed down my head. He knew that it had broken the scalp. The skin of the Triceratops was thick, but it could not help but be hit for so long.

Mengo stood up and wanted to stop the cockroach from continuing to hit the tree, but it was stopped by Pado. Mongo was already very distressed and could not bear to be fined again. Pado said harshly, "No pleading for him, he will be ate by the carnivorous dragon." What to do if you die."

A loud bang, the cockroach fell to the ground in the opposite direction with the big tree.

I am sure that I started hitting the tree from noon. It is already in the evening, the sun sets, and the sky is burning.

After the tree fell, it ignited heavy dust and smashed ferns.

After lying down, he couldn’t move when he was lying down. He was too tired.

Meng Ge couldn’t control himself anymore. He ran to the side of the beggar and gently used his nose and mouth to lick the blood on his head. He screamed at Meng Ge’s big head and said, “Mongo, I’m sorry, I don’t. I will let myself have a little bit of danger, absolutely not."

Pado stood in the spot and looked at his little nephew. He knew that he would become a triceratops who were much more powerful than him.

With Mongo's head standing up, Mongo and Pelican went to Paddo.

Pado looked at the sunset and the sly and Mongo coming to him. Suddenly there was a strange feeling, as if he was walking in the sunset with Barbana, of course he quickly denied this strange idea. .

Mongo stood side by side in front of Pado, and the stern Pado looked terrible.

Under the conscious consciousness, hiding behind Mengo, he lowered his head and said to Pado. "Dad, I am sorry, I know it is wrong. I really know it is wrong. Don't be angry."

Pado sternly asked "what is wrong?"

Intimidated and went to hide under Mongo, did not dare to see Pado.

Mengo lowered his head and gently groaned and said, "Hey, don't be afraid, let's say what's wrong today. Look at Pado and say, Pado won't be angry."

咕噜 起 起 勇 仰 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 帕 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常It’s very powerful, and I won’t be conceited. I will never give any chance to fight against the dragon that I am fighting.”

Pado is very satisfied with the result of the introspection, not only deeply aware of today's mistakes, but also extends to the future even if it is very powerful and will not be conceited.

I dared to go out from under Mongo and tried to take a trip to Pado. I was afraid that Pado was still out of breath, and my little eyes were hiding and looking pitiful.

Pado lowered his head and took the initiative to swear and said, "Okay, Dad is not angry."

Oh, this dare to rush to Pado's body, oh, oh, oh, oh, dad, you are too fierce, you know, it’s fierce and fierce, it’s scaring me, bad dad ”

When Pado was not angry, he was very petty. He said, "Okay, it’s all bad for Dad. If you don’t make mistakes, Dad will not be fierce again, okay?"

I don’t know why I am so naive. He especially likes to be a coquettish person with Mongo Pado. He will be very happy when he turns himself into a real little sister. This simple happiness is something that adults never have. .

In fact, I have studied why I have become so naive. It is probably that the brain of the Triceratops is always incomparable with human beings, not to mention the Triceratops. The brain capacity is too small and too small for human beings. He became Triceratops cubs, unconsciously, will change their way of thinking and habits.

Mongo looked at him and Pado, and his heart was itching, and he wanted to marry him.

Pado "Hey, the sun is setting, and it’s time to go back with Dad."

Hey, "Dad, I still want to play with Mongo for a while. If you go back first, Mongo will send me back."

Meng Ge quickly said, "Pado, let me play for a while, he performed very well today, I will send him back before dark."

Pado licked his skull and said, "If you want to listen to Mongo, don't play."

Mania nodded, "Hmm, Pado, I know."

After watching Pado leave, he lie on the back of Mongo's body, "Mengo, you are so fierce today, you are as fierce as Pado, you are not helping me, bad Mongo, I decided Do you like it?"

I don't know why, there is Pado around, he is embarrassed and mongoy, this kind of feeling is very strange, but it can't be said where it is strange.

Meng Ge deliberately reveals his mouth full of fierce fangs and said, "I still dare to say that I am fierce. I found that I am too used to you. Is it too long? I am afraid of me, so you are not afraid. I, dare do not like me, do not want to get pounded. "

I put my big feet in the mouth of Mongo and said, "It’s already gone. I like you. I won’t murder me again. I will cry for you.”

Meng Ge opened his mouth, and he rubbed his teeth on Meng Ge's teeth, and the old skin and dregs on his feet were smashed by Meng Ge.

I have to say that Meng Ge feels that all of the body is fragrant, unlike the carnivorous dragon, the herbivore dragon is really fragrant, it is the fragrance of the grass mixed with the fragrance of the earth, even the feet are Toon.

Gollum took his foot from the foot of the big mouth Mongo out, stand stood up and said, "Mongo, you come after me Yeah, you do not want to beat me, catch give you beat."

Of course, Mongo immediately chased it up, and the two chased and played around the river, and they were very happy.

Running and running, I heard Uulan’s roar coming from the other side.

When I stopped to look at the other side, Mongo naturally followed and stopped to look at the other side.

I saw Uulan on the other side stepping on a particularly strong male king, Wu Ulan was blood, and she declared her victory and absolute ownership of the territory with roar.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on Uwulan's body, making her like a beast with a gold armor.

Wu Lanlan stood next to her three small scorpions, each of which was very strong and long, and Tata has grown into the strongest of the three little scorpions.

In fact, I have always admired Wulan, although she is bloodthirsty and cruel and ruthless. For every little girl in Wulan, she is definitely not good, but she is indeed the most successful female dragon.

Uulan alone has raised three tyrannosaurus cubs, and each one is so strong. Many tyrannosaurus couples can only support two scorpions at most. A female tyrant can only feed a small scorpion. Very good.

Therefore, in this respect, Wulan can be said to be the greatest mother of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

I know that this tyrannical dragon on the other side of the Mongo territory is very powerful, very powerful. Otherwise, it is impossible to occupy such a good territory alone. It is unbelievable that Uwulan can defeat such a huge and powerful dragon. .

Wu Wulan roared around the male dragon, although she was bloody, but she did not feel pain, and even wanted to fight another one. The gene of Tyrannosaurus rex was engraved with absolute love for blood and killing.

Then Uwulan roared against the huge sunset that fell. From the perspective of the scorpion, it seems that Wulan is full of blood and broken meat and has eaten the fiery sunset.

Finally, in Wulang's roar, three tyrannosaurus scorpions and Wuwulan fluttered together on the male tyrants, and Wuwulan bite down a strong hind leg of the tyrant.

The three tyrannosaurus scorpions ate the meat on the back of the dragon and the belly.

Tata is very overbearing. He screamed and rushed his brother to the **** of the tyrannical dragon, and his brother did not dare to say anything. Who told him to beat Tata now.

I am happy for Tata. Although Tata has become like his older brothers and sisters, I am really happy for Tata. It is better to have a brutal bloodthirsty to survive. This is the survival of Tyrannosaurus Rex. law.

Tyrannosaurus rex is very fast, and after a while, the tyrants that Wang Baon has been eaten are not left.

Now the three Tyrannosaurus scorpions have grown very large, and they are very strong. They have to eat a lot and eat enough. At most, another year, Wulan will drive them away, but they can’t afford it. It is.

As the saying goes, "Half-size son, eat poor Laozi" is also applicable to Tyrannosaurus Rex. Now the food intake of three small dumplings is almost the same as that of Wulan. Wumulan must try to hunt every day, otherwise I don’t have enough scorpions at all.

Tata was full, but he saw that his brother had a piece of meat in his mouth that didn't swallow. He ran over and bit the part of his brother's mouth hanging from the outside. His brother looked grievous, but Still spit out the meat to Tata.

The current Tata is too strong and overbearing. It is normal to grab the meat from my brother and sister.

After eating, Tata walked alone to the side of the fern plant to sleep, although he is now Wu'lan's strongest little nephew, but he still does not like to stay with his brother and sister, but do not like to stay At the side of Wulan.

Tata’s sister seemed to want to win over this powerful younger brother. She walked over to Tata and tried to lick Tata’s neck.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex is the one that will join the powerful little scorpion to reject the weakest one. Tata is now the strongest, and his sister wants to pull him up again.

Tata was screaming at her sister fiercely, not allowing his sister to marry him, not even letting his sister approach him, roaring and driving his sister away.

I can feel that although Tata has become the most powerful little scorpion in Wulan, it will surely become a powerful leader of the tyrannosaurus like Mongo, but Tata is still as lonely as before. Tata rejects his brother. Sister and Ma Ma, Tata closed herself up.

When Tata faced his brother and sister, his eyes were a fierce one, which made his brothers and sisters very afraid of him. When facing Uwulan, Tata’s eyes were cold and cold, only one alone. When he was in the dragon, his eyes had a little bit of temperature.

After driving away his sister, Tata said to a banyan tree, "Hey brother, when the tower grows up, Tata will come to you when he grows up. Tata wants to be the leader of the Tyrannosaurus Rex like Mongo, Tata. Tata will be very happy to be with his brother forever, and with his brother."

As he spoke, Tata lay down. He gently licked the banyan tree and regarded the banyan tree as a cockroach. He snorted and said, "Hey brother, Tata miss you very much. You haven’t looked at the tower for a long time. Tower, my brother is a bad brother, brother, you 哄哄 Tata, Tata wants you to take a look."

At this time, Tata, who spoke to a banyan tree, looked radiant in his eyes. His tone was lively, light and even childish, just as he was the innocent when he was the weakest little scorpion.

Tata's position could not see the shackles on the other side, and he couldn't see the eyes of Tata when he spoke to the banyan tree. He only knew that Tata had changed and became a ferocious tyrannosaurus with his brothers and sisters.

I think Tata is more brutal and bloodthirsty than his brothers and sisters. There is no ignorance in Tata’s eyes. There is no point at all. I believe that if necessary, Tata will not hesitate to bite him. Brothers and sisters, even Wulan.

Despite this, he was very happy for Tata. He admitted that he was double-labeled. Who let him know Tata, he liked Tata, no matter what Tata became, as long as Tata had a good time, he would be happy. .

In the next few days, Mongo and Pardo did not train again, and gave him a few days off. He was happy not to do it. Every day, Meng Ge took him out to go crazy.

Mongo often played with his shackles in his territory, the territory of Pado, and the territory of Galle.

He also found that there are not many female Tyrannosaurus rexes near the Mongo ethnic group. There are also many female Tyrannosaurus rexes near the territory of Galle.

Mongo is the most powerful king of the whole Yukan continent. Galle can also enter the front row. They are all about to become adults. They will undoubtedly become the spouses who are eager to find the female dragons.

What's more, the territory of Mongo and Galle is very good.

The area where the Mongo, Galle and Pado ethnic groups are located is arguably the “urban cbd” of the dinosaur era. It has the most fertile territory, and the most powerful ethnic group can have territory here.

Of course, the number of female Tyrannosaurus rex outside the Galle territory is still far from being comparable to Mongo. The number of female Tyrannosaurus rex outside Mongo's territory is at least twice that of Galle.

However, I can fully understand that this territory occupied by the Mongo ethnic group is really the top territory of the carnivore and enjoys the absolute center of the "eight-party worship."

If you put it in the human world, Mongo is not just a "home to live in a ring". Mongo's territory belongs to "my family is the whole circle." Mongo is not only "one party," but it is appropriate. The mainland is the overlord of the whole world."

I feel like a perfect male dragon like Mongo, let alone the female dragon of the entire Yukan mainland will be tempted. If he is Tyrannosaurus Rex, he must be tempted.

Therefore, Mongo is too ferocious to these female Tyrannosaurus Rex, these female Tyrannosaurus Rex did not dare to enter the territory of Mongo, but have always been outside the territory, not willing to give up.

On this day, Mongo also played with the ethnic groups who came to Galle, mainly because he wanted to play.

I am very afraid that they will have a continental division here, so I want to go to more places to "explorate". The addition of Mongo Pado and Galle’s territory is particularly special. He feels that as long as these places are not divided, The signs that the continent they live in will not split.

And I want Galle to help him a little busy.

The last smashing scorpion and Mongo fell into the big pit and almost hungry, and the dragon has not been found yet. The dragon is really smart.

The dragon was called "Ming", and it was the leader of the dragon who was in the same name as the dragon. It was especially powerful. Of course, these were discovered later.

The sinuous dragons are so powerful that they do not need to rely on the Sword Dragons to survive alone.

In order to save his own ethnic group, Pado drove the tribes out of the caves, so that the ethnic groups were hunted by the ice-cold dragons, and the whole family was eaten by the brilliance, which was the vengeance of the genius. In the extreme degree of meditation, Pado, who does not get it, is as miserable as him, and will never give up.

I believe that as long as the dragon dragon leader lives a day, they are very dangerous, so he must find a way to kill the dragon dragon leader.

During this time, the curved dragon did not come out to die, but he knew that he must hide in the dark to observe the ethnic group of Pado. As long as the time is ripe, he will certainly retaliate. At that time, he may retaliate against the entire ethnic group of Pado.

In fact, Mongo and Pardo have been looking for the dragon, but everything on the way to migration is too vagairous. The dragon is too clever, and they can't even see the shadow of the dragon.

When the migration ended and both Mongo and Pardo had laid their own territories, they went down the "wanting order" and the whole continent wanted the dragon.

The reward condition given by Pado is that if the triceratops discovered the dragon and told him that he could let the triceratops join his ethnic group, if other herbivorous dinosaurs discovered the dragon, he could Let the herd of the herbivorous dinosaurs eat for a month in his territory, which is very tempting for all herbivorous dinosaurs.

The conditions given by Mengo are even more "entangled". As long as there is a herbivorous dinosaur who discovers the dragon and tells Mengo, Mengo promises never to hunt the ethnic group where the herbivorous dinosaur is, if it is a carnivorous dragon. This bends the dragon and tells Mongo that Mongo can hunt for the carnivorous dragon for a month.

But given the conditions of such a "dragon", they still could not find the dragon.

I want to lead the dragon in the territory of Galle. The curved dragon is too clever, only the lure will come out.

When Galle saw the cockroach, he was so excited that he couldn’t do it.

After running to the front of the donkey, Galle kept talking on his neck and said, "Hey, hey, you don't know that there are a lot of female tyrants, I don't like them, I like you, I will wait for you. Big"

Hey, he has to doubt his own ears. He looks at Galle with a stern look.

When Mongo saw Galle's eyes, it changed instantly. From watching the brother's eyes, he became bloodthirsty and wanted to instantly tear the other's eyes.

The gas field of Mongo’s whole body seems to be talking about pulling the sword.