MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 517

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Strictly asked if there is a white-horned woman in the Stan Valley.

Stein’s gaze fell on Sumen’s body. “The White Horned Newborn?”

"Yes. He is also my disciple." Strictly added.

"Your disciple?" Stan looked weird. "You worked with the White Horns?"

Strictly, I didn’t expect to be able to hold on to this. I was very honest and nodded. "The tribes have not been together for a long time. The white horns are small. Seeing the red horns will be the three tribes and become the tribes of the three races. How can the white horns of the real king be reconciled? Our appearance is equivalent to a turn for the White Horn."

Stan is not convinced of the cooperation between the strict and the Baijiao. He only said: "Hulian arranged three levels for you and your soldiers today. The first, those hornless warriors and witches; the second, the white The horned woman; the third, I. If you follow the normal route, you should first encounter the first two, and finally you can see me. Look at your appearance, you have not encountered the first two?"

After thinking about it, I replied: "I saw six hornless warriors on the way, but I avoided them."

"There are now more than six hornless warriors in this valley." Stan swept the big python. "This python is already a semi-wisdom creature. It is one of the mountain spirits in this valley. You can get it to help. No wonder you can avoid the first two levels. No!"

Stein suddenly changed color. "Some of the demon warriors can listen to the sound of grass and wood, and some can control the snakes. Even if you have this python to lead the way, you can't avoid all the vegetation. You..."

Strictly grinning and grinning, "Probably the mountain spirits in this mountain prefer me."

Stein seems to want to reach out and touch him again.

The original battle endured pain.

Fortunately, he did not like to give people a random touch. When Stein reached out, he quickly changed the subject. "What problem does the white-horned woman have?"

Sumen doesn't seem to care, but he has already raised his ears.

Stan raised his hand and put it down again. "I don't know what the woman has, but I can feel her soul is terrible. Her trembling soul tells me that there is something in her body."


Stein points to Sumen. "This child is the child who chanted in the woman's mouth?"


"Then you let this little white horn go to the woman, naturally I know what is in her body."

Strictness may allow Sumen to take risks, especially if he knows that Hu Lian and Neil Wang want to kill Summen.

But Sumen suddenly spoke at this moment: "Master, I want to see her."

Severe headache, "I don't know what's in her body, if..."

Sumen ran to the side of Yan, hugged him and looked up: "Master, you will protect me, right?"

Strictly... reach out and apprehend the little face.

The original war caught Sumen. "The woman saw me when I came over. I took him in the past."

"Don't, let me take him in, at least I can protect him with a shield."

Stan's socket: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome. Wait until I let the woman walk over. There is not much time. I will use witchcraft now. You will stay here to help those hornless people remove the slave bone. As for you..."

Stan looked at the original battle: "There is a **** of the gods with rich blood in the body. Your blood is very complicated. I can't see which god's blood you have, but your soul shines to tell me that your soul is very stable. I am not affected by the absorbed blood. I propose to work with you today, except for Xiaomo, who also has your reasons."

Strictly speaking, it is not surprising that Stan can see that the original war absorbed the energy of the blood stone. These old monsters always have special abilities that ordinary people do not have, such as sorcerer. Maybe because they lived from that era? So "seeing more knowledge"?

The original battle was very faintly asked: "What do you want me to do?"

Stan: "I need you to cooperate with me and make a fight with me."

After a while.


A huge explosion sounded in the Blue Mountains.

This noise even spread to the three cities in the distance.

Shen Tucheng.

"Look at you!" A red-horned warrior stopped the beast and took a surprised finger toward the blue valley.

With the soldiers of his team, he looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw that the blue sky was suddenly raised in the sky above the Blue Mountain, which was passed down as the Devil Valley. There was a lot of dust almost. Cover the sky.

"what is that?"

"What happened to the Blue Valley?"

The sound of the explosion came one after another, and the dust in the Blue Mountain was more and more diffuse. It seems that the mountain shape has changed.

"Call!" The huge stone suddenly flew up and slammed into the valley somewhere.

In contrast, those black and red figures like clouds and fog began to wriggle, shuttle, and dance in the air, slowly connecting together, and then turned into a skull shape, and later became a crying woman, and then A huge baby appeared crawling up and down in the sky, and his hand reached the direction of the Three Cities.

The black and red figure floated more and more from the valley. Soon, the original blue mountain was covered by these red and black unknown objects. The shadow of the mountain could be seen in the periphery, but the center could not see a little green. Only some flying sands will fly out of the circle.

“Is there someone fighting?” A lot of Red Horns stopped and looked up at the Blue Valley in the distance.

The light of the flames rises up and can be quickly suppressed by the black and red shadows.

"Let's see it in the past!" Many Red-horned warriors couldn't help but curiosity and rushed toward the Blue Valley.

It is not only the Shentu City that can see the change of the Blue Valley, but the Baijiao of Lorraine City also discovered the changes in the valley. People gathered in the high places, hoping to see what happened in the valley far away, and some daring Large people have begun to concentrate on the Blue Valley.

When the Syrian Arabs heard the report, they quickly went to the balcony of the high-rise of the temple.

The senior priest at his side worried and said: "Suma is now there? We really don't have to send people in the past? If they can't help..."

The Syrian witch also had concerns, but he did not reveal calmly: "We do things on our side, how can we grow up without going through the storm? The sufferings he has suffered and the ones he has suffered will become his biggest in the future." Treasure."

He can only believe in the ability of the two hornless people now. The Baijiao did not send people to protect Sumen, but in the case that they did not know the whereabouts of Sumen, it was no problem to send people to check, but if you send too many people, it will be doubtful.

However, the Blue Valley is now so busy, they have reason to send more people.

Outside the temple, the patriarch and the sergeant Sami, who also received the news, led a group of soldiers to go out to see the truth. The temple immediately sent 20 middle and senior priests to support.

At this time, Xuan Yucheng, the farthest from the Blue Valley, also knew the difference in the Blue Valley, and also sent people to check.

At the highest point of the Wangcheng Temple in the center of the Three Cities, the beautiful and sorrowful Hulian priest stood in the platform and the wind blew his clothes.

Neil King stood behind him, staring intently at him.

"Begin." Hu Lian's mouth twitched slightly.

Neil Wang’s eyes shifted. “Is that ghost witch practicing witchcraft?”

Hu Lian did not answer directly. "I can let him display this kind of large-scale witchcraft. It seems that our two hornless friends from Jiuyuan in the Eastern Continent are even more powerful than I thought, but they are even more powerful. It’s today.”

At the beginning, if it wasn’t for him to lure Stan into a pre-prepared trap, it is still unknown whether a horned man can occupy all the Western continents.

Any horned bones can be attacked and defended, but they can't deal with Stan's soul, keep, and can't keep their souls. At that time, there were many horned warriors and gods who died under Stan's witchcraft. ?

But no matter how such a powerful hornless wizard was caught by him, he was secretly imprisoned and controlled by a special slave bone. Although he knows that leaving this person to him and the horned family is a double-edged sword, if it is not well controlled, it is likely to be countered.

But he was too eager to know Stan’s knowledge of witchcraft in the soul. When he later discovered that no matter how he punished and abused Stan, he could not kill him or even leave a mark on him. He wanted more. He wants to know the secret of Stan's immortality.

Then he guessed that the secret of Stan's immortality was probably related to his tattoos all over the body, but he asked him how to torture Stan, and Stan would not confide in the matter about tattoos, even if he finally killed his people in his face.

When I thought of the madness that Stan saw the tribe being slain, Hu Lian still had some numbness in his heart. Just because Stan was desperate to go with him, he was seriously injured, and even he failed to control the highest power of the three tribes in the first place, and spent a lot of time and energy back to restore the flesh.

He thought that Stan was also dead, and he wanted to absorb his flesh and blood.

"Your Majesty, the priests, Xuan Yu and Lorraine have sent their own hands to the Blue Valley. Do you want to stop them from entering the mountains?" Someone came up to report and ask.

Hu Lian and Neil Wang looked at each other and Hu Lian smiled: "It seems that some people want to add more souls to the Blue Valley."

In the heart, Neil King reassessed the ability of the Stan Ghost, and ordered: "Except for the Red Horns, if the other two people discourage them from using them, they will go in and out with them."

Waiting for the pass, Neil Wang asked Hu Lian: "Would you like to go outside the Blue Valley?"

Hu Lian looked into the distance and said: "Let's wait."

He knows Stan's ability, but he doesn't want to run to death at this time. That Stan is crazy... Hey!

In the blue valley, the wind is blowing.

The change in the valley scared the small Summon into a stern arms.

The big python also showed obvious tension and anxiety.

Severely surprised that Stan can make the ghosts come true, and the ghosts of the sky full of valleys can not stand even him, not to mention the children less than ten years old.

Sumen probably has a long nightmare.

Strictly seeing Stan's nails open the palm of his hand, the **** fingers painted some strange patterns in the sky and the ground, and those patterns did not disappear, but slowly spread to the surroundings. Wherever the blood pattern spreads, the dead ghosts will float out and become visible to ordinary people.

Stan raised his arm and pointed his finger at his own eyebrow. The body slowly swayed with a strange but beautiful rhythm, and his mouth seemed to be calling silently.

In the distance, someone seemed to be controlled and staggered into the valley.

That is a hornless person!

And behind this hornless person, there are still a few people who seem to be equally lost.

"Fast!" Stan only spit out a word.

Suddenly and quickly put Sumense to the big python, the original battle is busy, no time to see children.

The eyes of the hornless warriors who are controlled are all eye-opening. They are sober and know what they are doing, but they just can't control their bodies. It seems that some people are tempting their souls to go somewhere.

Yes, they know that their souls are tempted, because they are divided into two people at this time, one is desperate to go somewhere, and one is desperate to drag themselves away.

The "thoughts" that I want to go to are getting heavier and heavier, finally overwhelming another idea, and finally causing them to come, but because they are not very willing, the result of walking is like drunkenness.

"Guard!" Strictly put a shield on himself, quickly approaching the first person, quickly said: "I will give you the slave bone, the condition is to loyalty to me for 30 years, if you agree to lie down, do not agree to leave ""

The man was shocked, his mind just floated, he was afraid of being seen by the slave bone, and he lay down before he thought about anything.

When the people behind came naturally, they saw the scene of strictly releasing the slave bone to the first person.

Xiaosumen was so tender and tender, and he repeated the conditions of his master very carefully with these people.

Lying down on the ground is a row.

Strictly did not give these people the slave bone immediately, but first isolated the punishment of the slave bone, just as he did to himself, so he could give him and Stan more time.

The rhythm of Stan's call to the soul is well controlled. I didn't call everyone at once, but I saw a batch of solutions, and then called another batch. The time was just right.

Strictly explain to the first batch of people when they dismissed the slave bones: "In order not to cause Hu Lian to be vigilant, the slave bones have not been completely lifted, but they have been unable to perceive your soul fluctuations through the slave bones, and cannot punish you. After I go out, I will give you a complete lift."

The demon warriors and the witches who are controlled are not angry and rejoicing. They are still a little confused now. They don’t understand the process. It’s good to give them slave bones now, but they will also alarm the horned people who control them. In this way, they have a time to understand the specific situation.

In the short interval of waiting for the arrival of the second batch of people, they answered the questions of the first batch of people and gave them a brief explanation.

The first group of demon warriors used the fastest speed to cite one person and asked him to ask for sternness: "You and your partner are fighting against horns? Help us also want us to deal with horns?"


Very good! This does not conflict with their interests. "When we have been loyal to you for 30 years, will you control us with slave bones?"


“Will it supply Yuanjing and self-defense bones that supplement energy?”

"It depends on everyone working together." Strictly understand why Stan said that these people should use their fists to find them convinced, and he was saved and dared to mention conditions with him! Do you dare to have these people to have horned slaves with Yuan Jing and Bone? Take a closer look, it really!

However, Hu Lian wants to use these people, and they are not afraid of their betrayal, and will naturally give them certain equipment and energy supplements.

“Can you help us revenge first?”

“Can I go home to see my family first?”

"I need to determine the safety of my people."

"My woman and son are still in their hands. If you can help me save them, I..."

The original battle grabbed a piece of soil and took all of them to the ground.

The second batch of people came and strictly ignored the first batch of people.

The original battle pinched the knuckles and began to swear.

"I don't care what you have, my priest can lift your slave bones, and naturally let them recover. If you want to continue to be a slave to the horns, roll now, no one will stop you! Those who stay, then close your mouth, settle the people or save people, it depends on your value is not worth our price! No one will help anyone, relieve the slave bone for your thirty years of allegiance I am willing to stay, I don’t want to roll, it’s that simple!”

Hu Lian and Neil Wang are still watching the Wangcheng Temple, waiting for the best time.

The blue sky valley seems to be getting more and more dangerous. The people who rushed to see the lively people felt the ground shaking at a distance of 500 meters. The closer they are, the clearer the vibration.

The hornless warriors and witches in the valley have all been called by Stan.

In the end, the 32 hornless people all agreed to be loyal and loyal. They didn’t want to agree. They didn’t say that the slave bones had not been completely lifted. It’s just that the main purpose of the sternness is to deal with the horned people. They will also Temporarily enemies with this young priest.

What's more, the terrible ghost Wolstein apparently stood on the side of the young priest. They didn't know how strict the sternness and the ability of the tall warrior were, but they knew that no one of them could deal with Stan, even if they were tied together.

The original battle took away these 32 people and ambushed them into the mountains. They had to give Hu Lian and others an absolutely unforgettable blow before leaving.

Finally, Stan called the white-horned woman.

Strictly and Sumen’s eyes are staring at the woman.

The woman stepped into the valley slowly, and the fear on her face almost condensed into substance. Maybe she couldn't figure out how she would want to come here, knowing that her location is well prescribed by those people.

The woman was dressed in blood, her face was sorrowful, her eyes were mourning. She saw Sumen, and the eyes of pain and fear suddenly burst into violent brilliance.

"Su...the door..., my child!" The woman cried and extended her hands.


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