MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 524

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Suddenly found himself standing in an alley, a "modern" alley.

Look at the buildings inside and the things that every household has piled up at the door, which seems to be the appearance of the eighteenth and nineties.

On both sides of the roadway are large old houses in Jiangnan, and the bluestone walls are wrapped in one separate yard.

Strictly know that those who are not big have lived in more than two households, and some of them can even be stuffed with seven or eight.

His home is also in one of the yards. Their home is different from other homes. The family has always occupied a yard that can accommodate five or six families. There is also a well and a vine shelf. There is an old fig on the wall. tree.

Their yard is connected to another alley and has a side door so that you don't have to go through the front yards.

The reason why their family is so special is said to be because the old house of this piece used to be their home. According to his grandparents, his Yan family was once a small and famous proletariat in the local area. There are five ancestral homes, and two gardens that connect the ancestral homes and occupy a lot of land. As for the pavements in the city. There is more land in the country.

Only after 30 years of feng shui turns, their homes have finally fallen, and finally it is not easy to save the last one into the small yard.

Yan’s legend has been published by several generations of royal doctors, and there are many valuable medical books left in the family. This is also the reason why he has been interested in medical science since he was a child. Apart from him, there are still many doctors who work as doctors. Going to the doctor family?

He was different from other children in his family at an early age. According to his family, he was born with a bad personality and strange behavior. For this reason, he was very unhappy at home.

When he decided to practice medicine, their grandmother even said in front of the whole family: "Look, this is an unscrupulous evil doctor. Sooner or later, one day, a lawsuit will be brought to the whole family!"

Other relatives will forget, and his parents are also deeply convinced.

Strictly think: He is not a child to lap the puppies for a puppy, to pick up the wings for the birds, and then like to take apart any dead or dead worms and mice, what is he strange?

Is it that he once threatened several cousins ​​and sisters to dig their eyes, cut their tongues, and then change them to a dog's head and scare them?

At this time, it is very selective to forget that the kittens and puppies, including the birds, are the pets of his family to his grandparents, and the most important thing is that the little animals are not sick at all, but he Not to say that they are sick or injured, and then secretly give them surgery.

At that time, I didn’t feel that I was wrong at all. However, in the eyes of others, this is a cruel and cruel child who can do it. Especially the dead child does not feel that this is wrong.

Since I have had a toot, I feel that I was doing it when I was a child... I cough, it’s no wonder that the guide is going to exile him, and the roots are smashed.

"Come on." A child ran out of the house of a house in the alley. He saw the silence and stood there watching him.

The child actually cut the head of the watermelon! Strictly and inexplicably, this watermelon head wearing a small suit looks familiar.

"Have you heard my voice?" Stan’s voice suddenly came.

Strictly, right, he is now in the soul of the original war.


"Hear." Yan is not the first time to enter the spiritual world of the original war, but this time is completely different from usual. If he does not know his destination clearly, he must have thought that this is the spiritual world of another person, and still He is related.

Stan's voice is very far away. "Hey, just for a while, his strength has increased. Don't be fooled by him. Listen, according to the speed at which Hu Lian **** that thing, you only have one corner available. Anyway, you are You must break through the remnants of Hu Lian in one corner and get in touch with the soul sea of ​​the original battle. Otherwise, the results should not be explained."

"Understand." Strictly saw that the little watermelon head was beckoning him, and he smiled at him.

Stein didn't seem to see the watermelon head child, and the tone continued unchanged: "In this corner, I will give you protection and show you the way to ensure that you will not be lost in the soul of Hu Lian, but Hu Lian’s soul is gradually becoming stronger, I may not be able to fully protect you, you... you must be careful!”

Look at the child with sorrow, "Well."

The watermelon head is squatting and it has gone two steps forward. Their distance is very close. The child seems to want to approach him, but he is still jealous of something.

Stan: "Go, follow the black-red light."

The head of the watermelon waved and turned, and it seemed to be followed closely.

Strictly see the black-red light spot passing by the child and staying in front of a door.

Helpless, just have to enter this familiar lane.

The watermelon head child stopped in front of another door. He saw that he had gone to another door, and he seemed to be unhappy at the moment.

Strictly push open the wooden door with black and red spots, pause and cross in.

The child snorted twice and turned to the side of the wooden door that was strictly entering, and struck hard against the closed wooden door.

The wooden door did not open, but the child disappeared strangely.

Strictly vowed that when he first entered the wooden door, he clearly saw an alley, but now it has become a highly protected sterile ward.

And these changes happen in the blink of an eye.

He is familiar with the people in the ward.

Someone came over, is the special assistant of this person, and one of the confidants of this person.

The assistant did not enter the ward, only pressed a button on the glass wall, said to the inside: "Randy, just got the news, Yan Bo ... has gone."

The person lying on the bed in the ward turned his head and looked at it, rubbing his eyes.

The assistant said it again.

The person in the bed suddenly got excited. He waved his arm and shouted.

The assistant panicked and quickly called the doctor.

The person in the bed suddenly recovered his silence.

Yes, quiet, dead and quiet.

The man was lying on the bed so straight, looking straight at the roof. For a long time, the tears fell down his eyes.

Doctors and nurses rushed to the scene, but there was a sterile room inside. They had to change clothes to get in. Fortunately, the patients inside didn't look too big.

When the doctor and nurse leave again, that person maintains the posture just now, without saying no.

In the days that followed, the man was lying on the bed, and he couldn’t go anywhere. He could only watch his own festering day*.

The assistant and some executives often come over, sometimes reporting what is inside, and sometimes asking the other.

That person sometimes replies, sometimes discarding.

I heard the person changed his will three times.

For the first time, the man had to leave half of his entire estate to the Yan family, and then the family, the lover and other people ran around.

The second time, the man decided not to leave the inheritance to the strict family. The reason was that the Yan family was not good at his strictness, so he changed his decision and decided to donate two-thirds of the estate to the country, including the research office and the industry. It is a big head, but the condition is that the country must be strict and correct. This time his family and so on did not make him in front of him, all of which were blocked by the state.

The third time, the person asked for a high-ranking person, he was willing to donate all the estates except the working capital, residential real estate and antique jewelry to the country, including all research institutes and research materials in his name at home and abroad. In exchange for and rigorous burial, the strict corpse must remain intact, and at the same time it is said that he will send an international third-party organization to examine, of course, the strictness of the name is also necessary. The public official contacted the above and agreed with almost no delay.

It’s very uncomfortable to be strict. He clearly filled out the information on all the useful organs of the donated body. How is his body still there? Still to be buried with this bastard? Is it vomiting him?

As for giving him a name? He is not rare at all! At first, if he wanted to be famous, the country had already given it to him, and even agreed to let him go to prison without sin, but he refused.

Although half of the crimes listed on his head were not related to him, he did did illegal experiments. He did indeed conduct human trials that violated morality. He did do a lot of things that people with conscience and compassion could not do.

He will not deny if he does it strictly.

Strictly want to leave this ward, no matter how he walks, he can't go out, and the black-red light spot can't see it.

Is this going to force him to see the whole department?

I don’t know how the time lapses in the sea of ​​souls. He felt a long time, but it was like a few blinks.

This evening, the outside of the lightning and thunder, heavy rain will see you from the air.

The man looked out of the window and began to recite something in his mouth.

I didn’t want to hear it, but I still heard it. He entered the ward and stood by the man now, obviously he didn’t go in one step.

"If I can be born again, if there is an afterlife, if I can meet you again, this time I will not misidentify my feelings. Mo, I miss you, think I am going crazy! I am wrong, I thought you For me, it is just a little more familiar than the average friend, but it is a childhood playmate, but..."

"I am wrong... Why do people are so sad, why do people have to lose to understand what is most concerned?" The man cried and laughed, coupled with the semi-rotted face, looked terrible.

"You see, you are like this to me, I don't hate you. I have only now realized that you have to hate me more, I will use this means to deal with me. But no love, but where is this crazy hate? Do you still love me, but your awkward temper makes you refuse to say it?" The man smiled sweetly.

Strictly: **** / your mother! I fell in love with your mom and will not fall in love with you.

"I am really embarrassed. You give up such good conditions and ignore the extremely favorable conditions that other organizations have developed. Even the National Academy of Sciences refused you, just to stay in my institute, then our research. It’s still so small, but you still stay, so so determined. I didn’t realize how deep your feelings for me could do this for me?” The man said and said regret.

Your mother! Strictly looking for a pickpocket to try to swear, but he can only see but can't touch anything, mad at him.

"And there have never been women around you, no men, and a single person is almost forty years old. Why can't I see it? I am silent, I am very sad every time I change my lover?"

I am very angry and laughed. Did you think of me before your death? Really **** sick, I am dead.

"And Dudu, I never knew that there was my gene in his body. If I didn't find the information you left behind, would you not want to tell me all my life?" The man cried like a child. Hate, "You haven’t told me for a lifetime!"

Dogs look at the information really **** not careful, how can I see his own genes? Didn't you see that there are so many non-humans? Is Laozi still having a leg with so many non-humans?

"There are some research materials left by you, so precious... I don't know how much you secretly did for me. You should hate me, hate me, have no eyes, mistake the treasure, and hate me." Know who is the best person for me. Mo..." The man seems to be heartbroken and crying a little.

Strictly trying to brush the eyes of the original in the brain to wash his eyes, he now finds where his farm animals are particularly beautiful.

In addition, most of his research results and materials have been handed over. Even if some of them are left in the institute, they are not the ones that he hid. Most of them are left halfway, such as extracting and cultivating white blood cells. The amount of special substances and the like. However, even if he was half-dead, he pointed out a way. As long as he studies it well, he might be able to study one two three four five.

The man cried and cried, and the blood screamed in general: "Mom, silent, I... Why did you find out that you love me now, and I love you deeply? I am wrong, I am wrong, you wait for me... ..."

The silence has been completely speechless. This dog does not know if it is tortured too much by him. Is it twisted like this? If he knew that he had abused him, he would be "touched" into such a way that he promised to let him live every day.

The man is still chanting and repenting, and his mouth tells about the wonderful past that the two have.

He was madly stunned, and finally he couldn’t bear to jump out of the window that opened the slit—he saw that the closed window was opened by a black-red spot.

The channel appears...

"Hey!" Slightly fell into the lake.

A watermelon head child on the shore shouted loudly at him.

Then he saw a close-knit, light-necked devil around him and swam past him.

Ok, the light **** is the kid.

Although I don't want to admit it, he and the head of the watermelon are also dog-stricken and can be regarded as bamboo horses. They play together from kindergarten to primary school until they are separated from school.

Nestled in the lake, I watched the two children play for a whole summer and felt that they had to be soaked.

The dog thing thinks that it is a beautiful childhood memories, and he only feels that he is bored with a follower every day! Obviously, he didn't smile at the dog's things. He often used scared dead mice to scare him. The dog still thinks that this is because he likes him and bullies him.

Three liters of vomiting blood

Finally, when the silence is about to collapse, the black-red spot appears again, helping him escape the lake, but no matter how the black-red spot is directed, the channel that just appeared will always become a familiar scene.

Once again, he met the dog thing. It was already when he became famous. At that time, he was only 28 years old. He was already famous at home and abroad by his medical skills. He was called the youngest national hand in the contemporary era.

The dog thing is probably inquired about him and he "catch up", he recognizes him at a glance, and also pretends to look like a surprise, then excuses his childhood friendship and often finds him to go out for a party.

He refused to go out, he took the initiative to bring him some special medicines and special cases to find him, once and twice, more times, so it became so familiar.

Later, the dog thing showed a very interesting look to some of his ideas. Soon after, he took a detailed plan and asked him to sit in his newly opened institute.

The plan was very detailed, but it was the brainchild of a dozen masters. After seeing the plan, he was heartbroken. He happened to be bored with the class and simply being a doctor. He wanted to improve his medical skills. If you want to do some research, the proposal of the dog thing just happens to cater to his thoughts.

So, he went to the institute of dog things and started a decade of research career. He didn’t move, he just didn’t bother to move.

During the period, he made a toot and killed him. After the death of Dudu, he did not care about everything. He always felt that he had been retribution, but this retribution did not repay him, but he repaid it. The most innocent toot.

He hates heaven and hate, he refers to the sky, even at the last moment of his life, he is also screaming at God, the result...

He came to this different world with an exile guide.

and many more! He clearly entered the world of Hu Lian's remnant, how can he see dog things?

Did the guy also come to this world? The dog thing is Hu Lian? I have a big deal! Guide, can you still dig a little more?

Finally realized the strict stop, shouted at the empty hotel lobby: "Yu Youcai! You give me out!"

Yu Youcai is the real name of the dog thing, Randy is his English name, he does not like his real name, feel too earthy. He can always call his real name.

A figure slowly formed in the place where he was five steps away. It was not the only talent but the appearance of Hu Lian.

"It’s been a long time since I heard the name. I thought I had forgotten the name." Hu Lian smiled. Exile


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