MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 529

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"You, before leaving this mountain, there is still a very important thing to do, I need your help." Yan Mou stretched out and touched the head of the python that swam over and said to everyone.

Outside the mountain, the Red Angkor-dominated army waited until dawn, and this attacked the Blue Mountain. It’s not that they don’t want to attack at night. There are only too many legends about the night in the Blue Mountains, and the night is not conducive to them discovering the enemy, but also waiting for the other two families to meet, so they wait until dawn.

The Heijia army only came to 2,000 people, and the white horns were even less. There were only about three hundred people.

The head of the Red Horn was half dead, but now the Queen of the Red Corner, the Neil King, including the Queen, all died or disappeared, and the most important Hulian High Priest has not appeared yet - they dare not believe in Hu Lotus is dead, only that he is injured and recovering. Although the inside of the Red Horn family did not become confused under the suppression of Yuanzhou adults and several big aristocrats, they were temporarily unable to look at the other two faces.

"Adults, our scouts can't enter the mountains, the mountain has been controlled by the hornless magic, and the mountains and trees are all blocking our way." The scout led the team to report.

"Let everyone withdraw, no matter how many hornless demons there are, it is necessary to let the Blue Mountain disappear from the world today!"

"All, the first round, artillery and thunderbolt attack!"

Thanks to Hu Lian, he invented this huge weapon of destruction in 10,000 years ago, and after so many years of improvement, the power, distance and energy expression of the bone cannon have been greatly improved.

Nowadays, the large-scale bone gun can not only be pushed easily, but also can continuously and control the distance, and fire, water, ice, soil, thunder, corrosion and other energy can be used.

According to the characteristics of these bone guns, the angular army has made various sharp combinations for various scenes.

However, the development of things is totally inferior to that of a horned person.

The artillery and thunder guns that had been bombarded by the Blue Mountains should have been blown up in the air. If there is not a certain distance between the army and the Blue Mountains, the big bang may have to make the horned army suffer a big loss. Although the big losses are not eaten today, some of the front-horned warriors have suffered more or less.

In desperation, the Red Corner general had to order the people to withdraw 100 meters later.

"Those hornless people have prepared, generals, what are we going to do next?"

"Continue bombing! I don't believe they can support it!" This is the typical way of fighting for the hornless people to deal with the hornless demons, using the accumulation and supply of all horned gems to consume each other's magic.

In order to prevent those hornless devils from attacking themselves, all the warriors activated their own bones.

In the valley, the high-order Yuan Jing was strictly grasped, and once again prayed: "I will protect all the creatures in this mountain."

Yuan Jing consumes very fast, and it is not an easy task to protect all the creatures in the whole mountain under such intensive and powerful bombardment.

The original battle and the thirty-two magic warriors cooperated to speed up the transfer of vegetation and creatures in the mountains. He focused on the valley and sank the ground and then sinked. Now, except for a few people, there are huge pits underneath. In the deep pit, the forest and flowers transferred from the original body.

The giant python leads the way, followed by various animal insects. These animal insects are divided into two ways, all the way to the distance, and all the way to the valley.

A small human face bird in the sky made a harsh scream, urging those who had wings to quickly leave the Blue Mountain range.

After Stan gathered a lot of ghosts, some of them even have a clearer appearance.

Thirty-two demon warriors did not understand why the murderer had to spend so much effort to save the souls of the mountains, and the young witches did not explain.

Waiting for the sorcerer to open the shield, and with his witch power really protecting the whole mountain, the 32 people with deep security have put down all the doubts, and the powerful people always have his reasons for doing things. And it is better to follow a good witch than to be a witch who has only one of his cruel indifference. Moreover, this silent witch can still protect them, instead of blindly asking them to fill his orders with their lives.

The original war used more and more energy, and he felt that he had never been so energetic.

He used to think that he was energetic, but he was far worse than the energy that seems to be used up now.

This is not his end. He can feel that he has only played out a little energy of the four bloodstones. When he gradually absorbs and digests the four bloodstones, he can become even more powerful.

As the surrounding creatures are transferred to the valley, the strict protection circle is gradually shrinking.

These are the eyes of the horned people outside the mountains, that is, their shelling has finally blasted the defense of the hornless magic.

Seeing that the surrounding rocks were bombarded and collapsed.

The Red Horn generals pressed the excitement command: "Continue! Increase the attack! They will not be able to resist!"

Strictly feel that I have entered a strange state.

When he prayed to protect all the creatures in the mountain, he faintly felt the gratitude of those creatures.

His beliefs are increasing rapidly, and there are more and more light spots around him. They actively pounce into his body to make up for the energy he consumes.

"Thank you." Yan Ming eyes closed slightly, thank you with the soul.

"……thank you……"

"...with us...coming..."

"Where to go?"


The strict man is still standing in the same place, and his eyes are still closed.

Stein suddenly looked in the direction of the rigor, and the ghosts behind him turned around.

Strictly followed the light spots slowly into the darkness.

Yes, the complete darkness, nothing can be seen, and everything seems to be visible.

"This is where?"


"What? What is everywhere?"

" around you...all over the place..."

Strictly laughed, "I know this. Hey, can you tell me where it is?"

"No! You still haven't figured it out." This sentence seems to be emitted by thousands of voices at the same time, and the shaking of the heart is shaking.

"I didn't figure out what?" It was awesome.

"Energy... everywhere...all."

"Yeah, I know this, I...ah!"

The light spots seem to be intolerable, and they are pushing hard.

Severely screamed, fell from the air and fell into the dark center.

The stern body stops and floats in the endless darkness.

But he saw that something was coming to him in the dark.

Yan Mo just wanted to avoid, "Don't be afraid... Wait..." The thousands of voices came out again.

Strictness is the fear of resisting instinct, letting those who can't see but can feel what is pouring into his body.

He is not not afraid, not skeptical of those light spots, but he instinctively knows that this will be a very important experience. As a nearly crazy researcher, what do you think of taking your own body to experiment? As long as those spots have a 50% chance of not hurting him, he thinks that those spots that do not hurt him should be at least 70%.

A lot of... let's call them particles, which rush into his body and gradually concentrate on his pineal body.

Suddenly found that he could see his body inside, just like now, he actually saw his pineal body a deep darkness.

After the particles rushed into the pineal gland, a large amount was swallowed up by the darkness, but one of them and the darkness caused an impact.

It is just an inadvertent impact from a small particle, but a huge explosion has occurred in his pine cone.

A black hole appeared in the pineal fruit.

The black hole begins to spin, inhales a lot of gas, and then ejects it, forming a bright and colorful nebula.

More and more particles are thrown into the nebula.

Some of the gases in the nebula are aggregated together, and a dazzling star appears in his pine cones.

"The star is out... the power is now..."

Is that right? Strictly seeing the star emit a lot of energy, and that energy flows through his body.

"Energy... omnipresent..."


Conversion! Strictly minded as a lightning strike, he understood! He understands what the light points are to tell him.

If you use the scientific knowledge he has learned before, the whole universe is made up of a certain basic substance. One day, this basic substance collides with each other and produces a new derivative.

Then there are basic substances and various elements.

In his previous life, some people called this basic substance as the mother substance, and some people called it dark matter.

For this kind of material that can't be exploited or even seen in any way, people's research on it is only in theory.

Today, the light let him see what he wants to tell him: mother material is ubiquitous. If you want energy, you can convert the mother material into energy that you can use.

The way to convert is to hit and then explode, and then you can find the energy of the element you want.

He thought of his process of helping the nine atomic people to stimulate the blood of the gods. At that time, he was still unclear about the principle. He only discovered a certain characteristic in the study of these primitive human bodies: their pineal bodies did not shrink.

Only the abilities of the person's pineal gland have scorpion energy, and the energy is extremely active. The person with no power, the pineal gland is a collection of dark matter, giving people a sense of lifelessness.

Now, in combination with what he just saw, the way he inspires the nine atomic people is not the equivalent of artificially helping those who send the parent material particles into their pineal bodies, artificially stimulating those deadly parent material particles and letting them hit the explosion. ? As long as those particles hit a successful one, the material in the pine cones will be activated (exploded), resulting in a collection of energies, the "stars."

I don't know how long it took, the reality of the eyes open.

For a moment, he seemed a little embarrassed, but soon he bent his lips.

At this point, his eyes are dark as ink, there is no light point, it looks strange and unusual. If it is a timid person, it will be so close to his eyes, maybe it will scare the devil.

The original battle has been standing by his side for a while, "all of them have been made."

The first thing to be strict is to look down at the high-order crystal that you are holding in your hand. There are still more than half of them, and the loss is much less than he expected.

"What happened to your eyes?"

Suddenly looked up and smiled at the original war. "A war, I found a better way to absorb the energy around me. If I let the research succeed, we will not need Yuanjing again in the future."

The original war heard only raised an eyebrow. "Well, wait until you research and tell me. Also, is your eyes all the same?"

"What did they become?" I couldn't see my eyes, and raised my hand and touched it.

The original truth tells the truth: "It's not hard to see, it's a bit scary to watch for a long time."

I laughed out nervously. "When I go back to Jiuyuan, I teach you how to make a mirror. You can control the soil and control the fire. Just make some mercury, and it is a piece of cake for you. Oh, so. In the future, we are afraid that in addition to ceramics, we can also make out the glass. It’s not bad. It’s really good for the nine originals.”

When the two laughed, Stan skipped: "All are ready, just waiting for you."

Severely turned around and looked around, only to find that in addition to the stone pillars under the feet of these people, all other places were sunken and turned into deep invisible tiankeng.

Stein noticed the sharp eyes and the eyelids shrank. This silent the biggest mystery

"Okay, evacuate now. A war?" Strictly pulled out a circular platter from the space.

The original battle was a condensed god, with his feet as the center, a large piece of rock extended, connected with the stone pillars under the feet of the people, and turned into a slate to protect the tiankeng below.

Among the 32 demon warriors, there are also people who can control the rocks. However, when he saw the original battle so easily and quickly made such a large slate, he felt a little dizzy. How many people are this now? Is he already over advanced?

After doing all this, the original battle looks relaxed and said: "Well, now as soon as I leave, the surrounding hills will collapse inward, and the slate will protect the tiankeng below. After two days, I will move the slate. Open, the tiankeng below will be able to see the sun again."

Slightly nodded, throwing the platter to the side of the foot, and the aperture around the pelvis.

Stein and the other 32 people looked at the bone plate together. What kind of bone is it?

Strictly beckoning, smiled and said: "Everyone is coming over, stand in this aperture, don't be afraid, just a conveyor."

Stan: "Transmission? Is it the same as the emptiness of the corners?"

Strictly: "It’s better than them. This is the baby that the gods gave me."

When I heard this thing, it was actually given by the gods. Except for the original war, other people looked at the bone plate differently.

Strictly, no matter what these people think, seeing people jump over and stand in the aperture. He walks to the center of the bone plate, kneels down, re-aligns the coordinates according to the map of the western continent, and then installs four standards according to the prompts. The quaternary crystal coin - the energy consumption of the portal is determined by the transmission distance and the transmission quality.

Do all this well, the youth stand up and step on the center of the dot with your foot.

The aperture rises from the ground and covers everyone in the aperture.

In a blink of an eye, it’s really a blink of an eye, the people in the aperture and the bone plate have all disappeared.


The horned man’s shelling fell on the mountain wall outside the valley.

The mountain wall collapsed, but all the fallen earth and stone fell on a huge slate, and the sky below was covered.

"The protective cover is gone! Those hornless magic can't resist it! Hahaha!" Seeing that the Blue Mountain was finally smashed into the ground, the red horns smirked and waved. "Blowing the blisters, then launching the ice." gun!"

A large amount of ice covered the entire original Blue Mountain site, and the first big water lowered all the smoke in the mountains. Today's Blue Mountain is almost clear.

"Go in! Give me those hornless bugs to find out!"

Aperture landed, a group of people standing in a circle suddenly appeared near the bottom of the Devil's Abyss.

"Who?" the patrol soldier immediately approached this side with vigilance and sent an alarm.

Strict, original battle and nine winds are fine, the other thirty-three, in addition to Stan can stand, and the other 32 people are all there.

"Is there a leader? I have an important message to bring them." Strictly stepped forward.

"Is it you?" The patrol warrior recognized the silence and the original battle.

"Mr. Wu!" Suddenly there was a surprise yelling in the distance. The lion rushed over with a group of people. "How come you? I am going to lead them to the horned king city!"

The army of the horned man found a whole day in the ruins of the Blue Mountain, and did not find the corpse.

Some people suspect that all the hornless demons have escaped, and some believe that they have all died under the shelling.

Red Point will return to report to the top: "The blue mountains around us have been surrounded by our people, and the sky has bone detectors. Our people only see a group of birds and beasts being scared to escape the Blue Mountain, but the figure is not See you."

"So, you are sure they are dead?" In addition to Hood in the Eastern Continent, only one of the Red Horns left the big Wu Hu asked.

The Red Horn general is not an idiot. He said succinctly: "I can only say that we searched nearby, and we did not see them leaving underground, on the ground or in the sky."

"What do you think?" Hu Yuan saw the other red-horned nobles.

Yuan Zhou did not speak, and his wife remained silent. Other red-horned nobles also look at the nose and nose.

Now the highest-ranking Duke of Red Point, Sidwin, who is not willing to make this head, has to say: "No matter what the hornless demon, the amount of blue mountains is flat, we don't have to consume the power to those hornless worms for the time being. The most important thing at the moment is to find the missing squat and find the mysterious person who took the squat. This is what we urgently want to do."

Yuanzhou’s wife is also the leader of Wangcheng’s guard and nodded: “Agree.”

Sdewin’s couple returned with a kind smile and Hu Yuan’s sorrow: “Now the sire is missing, the queen is gone, and although we hide the news, it is impossible to hide for too long. After all, I saw it at the gate of the city. There are too many people missing under the arm, and the other two families are staring at us. Hu Yuan is a witch, the snake is headless. Do you know if the priests have any instructions for this? And my Red Horn people are in desperate need of priests to show up. Take the hearts of the people!"

Hu Yuan’s great worries could not be said. He had already asked to see Hu Lian’s high priests many times, but those servants always said that the high priest was absent. He also called it with the secret law, but the other party did not respond.

Hu Yuan had a bad feeling about it, but he didn't dare to say anything. The reason why the other two families swallowed their voices depends on the eyes of the Red Horns. Half of them are because the Red Horns have Hu Lian, a **** priest who has not known how many years have lived.

If you let outside people know that Hu Lian is in trouble...

Will the other two families survive?

Not to mention how the Red Horn and other two horned people are worried about internal and external troubles.

The hornless people, led by the fierce and original battles, suddenly disappeared all of a sudden, and they did not show up for three days.

Xiao Baijiao Sumen walked up and down his room in the temple. He wanted his master and the nine winds.

"Suemen." The familiar gentle laughter sounded.

Sumen’s little face suddenly burst into a happy glory, “Master!”

Strictly and the original battle emerged from the ground, and he suddenly took up Sumen and kissed him. "Master will take you away. You can't have a white horns in a short time. Are you sure you want to go with Master?"

Sumen nodded hard and reached out and hugged his neck tightly. "Master, where are you, where are I going?"

"Good!" Strictly touch the child. "Tomorrow, we will understand the things here and leave at night. Do you have people and items that you want to take away?"

Suma shook his head, but there was a thick man voice outside the door: "Summon, if you want to leave, please bring me."

There is no special sound insulation, and it is not surprising that people outside the door will hear them talking. The other party did not immediately push the door in. It has already given them face.

Sumen whispered to his master: "That is the soldier who protects me."

Suddenly still impressed the silent soldier, he also whispered to his apprentice: "Would you like to bring him?"

Sumen actually hesitated.

Strictly understand, the warrior named Mulberry has already obtained the trust of Sumen. "Take him, I remember that the Ai Li shrine is also good. You can give the twenty-four gods who were previously given to you by the temple." And the warriors are brought with them. For these twenty people, I can still afford them, and then your Baijiao will be relieved."

"It is twenty-three, Du Ke is a spy, is already dead." Serious Xiao Su Men Road, he told him that he did not want to bring so many people, just one of the mulberry leaves is enough.

He patted him and took the lead for him. The child is still young. He does not want Sumen to grow up and feel that he deliberately blocked the Baijiao people from approaching him.

Strictly and in the original battle, when leaving the Temple of the White Horns, in addition to Sumen, they also took away 23 white horns and ... the cost of living they needed for ten years.

The heart of the red horned sorcerer Hu Yuan is very upset and very upset.

There were so many things happening during this time, and the strange sky that night, and finally after investigation, according to a small number of hitters, the day of the fall of the stars fell into the Blue Mountains.

But the next morning when those stars descended, the Red Horns bombarded the Blue Mountains with the other two, and they also flattened it.

Why did those stars land? Why did you land in the Blue Mountains?

What are the stars now? Where did you go?

Why did Hu Lian’s high priest never show up, and he gave a sacred sacrifice to the gods, but he had come to represent the doom?

The next day came soon.

The sky has just faded away.

"Great witch! Hu Yuan big witch!" There was a **** stalking and ran into the Shentu City Temple, shouting in a disobedient manner.

"Quiet! What's the matter with you?" There was a high-ranking priest who angered the gods.

The middle-aged god-servant, squatting, pointed to the outside, trembled and said: "Adult, the east side of the Three Cities... The blue mountain of the forehead, the original site of the Blue Mountain, which was flattened, grew out of a mountain at night. Very high mountains! The top of the mountain has reached the sky!"

"what did you say?!"

The same report appeared in the other two cities and nearby horned forces.

Almost all the people nearby can walk out of the door to see the "mountain" shape, the huge rocky mountain with high clouds.

The mountain is really too high, especially the mountain peak in the middle, so high that you can't see its top of the mountain when you look up. On the other two peaks, you can see the obvious fortress buildings.

The most terrifying thing is that the buildings on this mountain and the mountain are still "growth". Although they can't be seen by the naked eye, as long as you wait patiently for a while, you will find the difference between the two. Exile


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