MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 531

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Deterrence is naturally going to show identity. =

"I, Mo Wu, the ancestor of the ancestors, and the tribal leader of our tribe, from the Eastern Continent Jiuyuan. We are observing the agreement of all the intelligent creatures of this planet with the gods in ancient times. Any super warrior over ten or above will be Do not abuse your ability to carry out mass slaughter in a biological gathering place, but such an agreement is based on mutual non-aggression. You have a horned family that has violated the agreement first. Your priests and witches have forgotten the will of the gods. Even deliberately ignore and ignore the existence of the gods."

The heavens and the earth echoed the clear voice of the young hornless witch. He was so far away from everyone, but his voice was in his ear, and the horned people in the vicinity of a thousand miles were all clearly heard.

The words of the witch also surprised all the horned people. They never heard such an agreement, and they did not know the existence of the gods. The ancestors did not even hear it.

He was still sighing with a harsh voice in Yuanzhou, who was confronted by the nine winds. He couldn’t get rid of the nine winds. He just understood that even if he led all the bone soldiers, unless he personally shot, he would want to block the two. People are basically impossible, not to mention the ghosts and witches with a big killing human weapon on their side. Together with the 32 senior demon warriors, they really fight, and there are dozens of people who die at the top. The horn man does not know how much he wants to die.

He stayed here and didn't go out. He didn't want to release goodwill to the two. He thought that as long as he didn't shoot, it wouldn't be too much for the horns to look at his face.

Yuan Zhou’s idea is correct, but he does not know that he is not arbitrarily arrogant to the horned person. He is not giving him this face, but considering the supervision of the guide and leaving as many foreign enemies as possible. Beater.

As the saying goes, everything stays in the line and you will see each other in the future. Strictly intend to establish business contacts with the horned people, and later use the mature "scientific and technological" capabilities of the horned people, and then dig some masters of bones to study the new biological bones in Jiuyuan. For this reason, blood is not seen, and naturally it becomes his primary choice.

Strictly secretly delivered some energy to the original war, and continued:

"When you were driven out of the East China by the wisdom of all the creatures, it was a punishment for your **** greed and cruelty. But the ancestors did not break all of your life. Otherwise, only the ocean and the sky will be closed. You will not be able to get through. Western Continent. If you can be kind to the creatures here after coming to the Western Continents, then perhaps the favor of the gods will gradually recover, but what have you done?

After more than 7,000 years, how many Western civilizations have they killed and destroyed for the demon bones and the Yuanjing? You even arbitrarily bullied and killed the aborigines of the Western continent as slaves and livestock. The reduction of the White Horned Witch is already a warning from the gods. After all, the White Horns are the horned kings and priests who have been recognized by the gods. But instead of awakening, you are more close to the violent, cruel, greedy Red-horned family, and be enchanted by the priest Hu Lin, who is greedy and eager to enter the eternal life. Look at the hornless children who are eaten. They are a little different from your appearance. Is there any difference? Whether it is a hornless person or a horned person, they are all God's people! ”

Strictly changed: "Now the ancestors finally angered, and smashed your sacred gods three days ago, and punishes the priests who disrespect the gods, greedy and killing, to absorb the wisdom of other people, to maintain their lives. Hu Lian, completely destroyed his soul."

Boom! Anything is not a big blow to the horned man.

Many people do not believe in the strictness, but many people saw the stars fall. Yes, many people subconsciously thought that the falling stars were their gods, and only in this way can they explain such anomalies. Heavenly phase.

And the words of the stern silence confirmed their speculation: "According to the indication given by the ancestors, the singer will replace Hulian as your priest, but he will not remember everything he does as a god, only as a The three white-horned three-eyed witches were born from the belly of a dead-faced hornless woman. When he completed the task assigned to him by the ancestors and compensated for all the mistakes he had made, he could return to the gods again. .unfortunately……"

The white horns were excited, and they were beaten by the sentence.

Shaking his head violently, he said with great sympathy and exclamation: "You have a horned man who will not hesitate to flatten the entire blue mountain to kill the hornless people hiding in it, and the sacred **** who has just been shackled is so weak. But the ancestors did not let me save him. This is good. He gave you a little bit of slag. When he regroups his strength and then gives birth, he still doesn’t know when it will be. I think he was very good to you when he died. The anger is also very disappointing, maybe you will have fewer witches in the future."

The Baijiao people are surprisingly angry. At this time, if the Red Corner generals and the Redhorn Warriors who led the team are on their side, these white-horned people can pounce on them and make them all oysters! This is the birth of the gods! They said that they have fewer and fewer sorcerers, and this generation has only appeared two, and one is just found, the original...

Well, no matter what it was for, at least the gods and the ancestors still thought about their white horns, and the gods came down to their white horns! But now their gods are gone, they are killed by their own horns, and when the gods re-aggregate their strength to re-born, I don’t know when!

The White Horns are so distressed!

It is vaguely remembered that the Black-horned people who had died in a blue mountain at a hornless pregnant woman had an accelerated heartbeat. At this time, they did not think why the black horned man and the hornless woman would give birth to the horned owls. They clearly I remember that the child had given them a laparotomy and lived to death! Or is it another hornless woman?

There are definitely more than one or two of the hornless women who have horned children, and the horns and the red horns are there. Even the horned horns will have such people. .

There are many people in the heart who think about it. No one doubts the words of the young witch. But this person is so powerful, is he necessary to lie? And that night, the stars landed, but many people have seen it.

The most important thing is, if there are no other gods in this world, the ability of those hornless demon warriors and witches is where they come from. Why are these two people so powerful, they just removed their towns and houses but did not kill them? ? At this time, the rescue team has rescued many people from the ruins. A few people have been injured. However, they have not heard of any death. They have rushed to save the gods who suddenly fell from the air, and they did not see the two in the sky.

In fact, many horned people are in contact with hornless people and other intelligent creatures, and they don't really think that there is only one **** in the realm. Strictly speaking today, it only makes their previous guesses become real. Of course, if the silence and the original battle are not strong enough, what they say is that the devil is confusing, all is fake!

Strictly watching the various expressions of the horned people's confession, suspicion, anger, fear and so on, the heart is dark, but his face is not revealed at all, but also becomes more severe, and the tone is more serious.

"The gods and the spirits are on, there are people of the horns. This is the last words left by your gods before you were killed by your own hands. You can choose to believe or you can choose not to believe. He said: If there are horns Continue to invade other continents, continue to fill the greed of the horns with the blood of other people, continue to bully the racist and weaker races than the horned people, then the war of more than 7,000 years ago will reappear, then All the super-warriors of all continents over the 10th level will no longer tolerate the horned people. And he will not give any blessing and protection to the horned people!"

The two men in the sky took the wind and went back to the fortress of the mountain.

And the horned people stand in the ruins, many people are lost, do they want to attack the mountain? Do you want to kill those hornless people to take revenge? But if they take it, will the people who are still alive today continue to live?

If it is normal, let alone the city pool becomes a ruin, that is, the house is knocked off by a brick, and the owner inside will be angry and find trouble with the other party, but now...

An horned person is bloody, but when the power gap is so great that they can't resist, they won't be stupid enough to use their own lives to dispel their anger.

However, it is only a house to be demolished. As long as people are not dead, everything has hope. Many horned people are comforting themselves at this time.

No one is ordered above, and naturally it will not be easy to do.

After three moments of high-level trio, they made the same order: First, immediately rescue and search for the people buried in the rubble. Second, quickly organize people to build houses and build cities. Third, no one is allowed to go to the newly appearing mountain on the original site of the Blue Mountain to find troubles for those who have no horns.

Then the three high-level leaders met.

The original battle situation was not very good. This guy used the most energy in the horns to use the energy, which led to the illusion of energy exhaustion in his body, and the energy of the four bloodstones that had been suppressed by him. They all rushed to replenish energy into his body, making his situation worse.

The original battle was barely able to walk, but he could not make a point for the time being. If it is not too strong, I am afraid that he has been fainted by the violent pain in the body.

The hornless man in the fort saw the two returning and all cheered.

The things that the two men had just done were just like the deities of the gods. The lions and other people were excited to get red.

The sights of the native warriors are similar to those of watching the gods, including other magic warriors. It is not difficult to control the soil. It is not difficult to make an earthquake. It is not difficult to shatter the houses and the city. These do not hurt the lives of anyone in the city at the same time, it is not difficult to describe.

This is not a person in two houses, but a whole four cities!

How much does it take to control the energy of the soil system in such a way that it can do such a thing?

The same light will not be able to control, but also have the ability to support such a large movement of energy!

No, not only the soil energy is needed. Those metals, wood, etc. are also destroyed at the same time. Can ordinary earth warriors really do this?

When Stein saw the original battle, he knew that his condition was not good. He didn't wait for others to see anything. Stan took the initiative to say, "You should go to rest first, and then talk about other things. Give way!"

Others were busy making way, and even the lion did not dare to go to Stan. In the past three days, everyone had a deep understanding of the ghost witch’s terrible witchcraft, offended him, and his headache was dizzy. It’s a nightmare at night, and it’s terrible to walk in the daytime.

The original battle nodded to the crowd and held the arm.

Slightly silent for a second, or to wear a more tired appearance. Well, the war is a thug, a leader, and death can only stand and die. As a priest, his occasional weakness is also in line with the image of everyone.

In this way, in the eyes of the people, the powerful warriors helped the weak priests to enter the fort to rest.

And when I entered the room, I just closed the door and the powerful soldiers crashed into the ground!

Strictly squatting, giving people a general inspection, just grabbed his wrist and gave him the pulse, but the energy riots in the original battle, made him not find anything.

However, it is very troublesome to only violently mobilize this point.

Strictly tried to send his energy to help guide, once again failed to try again, three times, he was accepted.

I found that the body of the original war can accept his energy, and immediately close the hand, and get the person into the second laboratory at the first time. This is a good opportunity to collect data. If he gives up, he will regret it for a lifetime. .

As for Jiuyuan, who is waiting for the return of the leader and the priests?

Strictly and calmly think: Although the guys are anxious to say that they are going to be attacked, they may be able to rush back as soon as possible, but their as soon as possible is based on the number of days they cross the ocean, they can not be considered At this point. I also mentioned that although the situation is urgent, it is not enough to get to the point where they are ready to go. They have already requested support from other cities. Wucheng, Shuicheng, Mucheng, Fengcheng and Baijicheng, which have good relations with Jiuyuan, have already been dispatched. Supporting manpower, so Jiuyuan's support for one or two months is definitely not a problem. By waiting for other forces to send support teams, they can stay longer.

Nowadays, all the forces of the various ethnic groups in the East China know the truth about the coldness of the lips. The horned people can attack Jiuyuan today, and they will be able to attack other forces tomorrow. I want to stand by and watch, but it’s your turn to count on others to save yourself. At present, apart from the empty city controlled by the horns, other forces do not dare to break their legs at this time, no matter what they think. Miaoxiang is a little girl who can hide and give way on the pretext of fear. Others have no such reason.

Strictly bad, and did not say in the contact that he can go back immediately, only that they will be as soon as possible. He also wants to see what Jiuyuan can do without him and the original battle. By the way, let's see if the forces that have made good friends with them really have a good deal with them.

Doesn't it mean that you are in trouble? Knowing that they can't go back in the short term, but they can help them to stay, that is called true love. If you know that they can go back immediately, there must be a lot of power, even if they look like they will run for a few days.

In the evening, the childcare bag was strictly tied out, and the others did not see much in the original battle.

The instructions have been told in these three days, and look at the sky in a strict way. At this time, go back to Jiuyuan, should it be just dawn?

"I think you all know that I have to go back to the East China to solve the horned aggression there. The sunset is left here, and a city without horns will be built near the peninsula as soon as possible. And this mountain is given to four. The lord of the Yuan, I think the horned man will not attack the mountain in the short term, but no one knows how to do it after a long time. You want to stand at the door of the horned family, only relying on me and the original war today. Deterrence is not enough. You must have enough power to make the **** people jealous, but not let them turn their faces immediately."

Stan interjected: "The sea witch will come here to sit in the town, there is him, as long as the horns do not send a large army, this mountain will not have an accident. If the horns really dare to fight, the sea witch can start more than me. Even if the last corner can recapture the mountain, they will have to pay a great price."

Slightly nodded and reminded the two leaders who came together: "It is better to set up a stronghold than to set up a city at the doorstep of the people. Tell the horned people. This is just a refuge for the hornless people and the guild center. Leave them some. Faces. The Duke of the Black Duke and the White Horns don't forget to contact them frequently. You can try to cooperate with them. The Duke of Danden is not credible, but his son is not bad."

"The guild?" The right upper lord grabbed a strange word.

Strictly took some time to explain the concept of the guild with them, and finally said: "The hornless power is still much weaker than the horned people. You can also use this as a trading place with horned people, even without To compete for this site, only discuss with the three tribes that borrowing can be used. As for who to borrow, considering the current situation of the three tribes, as long as you win the consent of the family, the other two groups may not be able to say anything."

The setting sun is in the opposite direction. "Can we build such a stronghold in other horned cities or nearby?"

I looked at him with enthusiasm. "Yes. I don't have to shop a lot at first. I started with a white horned man who has a good impression on the hornless people. When we have a hornless person's own city, it is stable. It will also become the norm. If there is a corner person who proposes to establish similar positions in the sphere of influence of the hornless people, you should not refuse, you can ask for requirements, such as letting them pay Yuanjing and provide teaching for the orthopedics."

"You...will you not come back later?" asked another lord.

Strictly laughed, "If you want, I can often travel to and from the two places." With the portal, how could he give up such a large piece of fat on the Western continent, even if it is only the supply of raw materials, it is also an indispensable resource!

Everyone is stunned. Although they knew that these two people were great before today, they can see that they have shocked the horned people. All the hornless people who came out of the abyss and other places have begun to believe that these two people must be ancestors. Come to save their true gods!

When they heard that God was about to leave, they were very sad and depressed. In particular, I heard that most of the sects of the Stan and the 32 high-ranking demon warriors had to follow the sorcerer, and they were even more reluctant.

Suddenly, I didn’t expect that thirty-two people would have to go back to Jiuyuan with him. He thought that half of them would follow him.

The five people left, some do not want to leave family and ethnic groups, some are not assured that they have just rescued and found their loved ones, and there is a promise that he has to complete, can not follow him for the time being, will come to him after the promise is completed.

When he left, he left a large bone bird. He had already regarded the hornless manland of the western continent as a subsidiary of Jiuyuan, and the people who wanted to go back with him, except for the original people of Jiuyuan. ,and also:

Stan and twenty-seven demon warriors and witches, this is the man who wants to bring back to be a thug.

After the lion cried and shouted to live and die together, he thought of cultivating a few people here, and he agreed. The lion may have many shortcomings, but this rude and tyrannical loyalty to his almost brain-destroy is also very rare. If he is motivated by the spirit of the gods in the future, he will be trained and brainwashed. He can also help him by putting it back on the Western continent. Other more ambitious people.

Qi Hongzhi and his **** warriors have been quietly following behind the strictness. When they suddenly announced the list with whom they went back, they did not bother and noisy, so they looked at him silently.

Strictly, I originally planned to bring Qi Hongzhi, and then look at other people. When my heart was soft, I agreed to bring it. Qi Hongzhi and his team members are as happy as going to the gods.

In the end, Xiao Baijiao and his twenty-three followers.

After confirming the list, he handled some trivial matters closely. When the moon rose, he finally announced: "You, go, go back to Jiuyuan with me, I believe you will never be disappointed when you see her."