MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 550

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The city of underground ruins is in the middle of a desert. "乐>文" novel

This desert is extremely barren and only looks at the traces left by the ground. It seems that a long time ago, it was also a fertile land of fertile soil, but perhaps it was natural change, perhaps the power of God. The waterway here was changed hard and the water flow was cut off. The slowly fertile land has become a desert of humans and animals.

In addition to the current winter, this land is rare green, the sky occasionally has huge black shadows flying over, and the scared rat species are occasionally visible in the yellow grass.

Follow the dry river to the desert center, and the clods will gradually become gravel. When the central zone is reached, the land has already had serious desertification. With a small desert, if you continue this way, you may not be able to go. In a hundred years, it will become a huge desert, which will affect the surrounding green space.

"Oh." In the middle, there, under the big stone. The band of the Rat Kings stood up and pointed attentively to more than a dozen boulder in the distance.

The dozen or so megaliths appeared very abrupt, surrounded by flat land, and there was a pile of huge stones.

"Wait!" Strictly called the original war and others.

Since entering this desert, he feels a little different.

The Rat King also seemed to have a little uneasiness, and it took two laps in place.

"It seems that Boulder City is nearby?" Yan Ma asked the original battle.

The original battle thought and nodded. The warriors of the wind city are first-class as scouts, and the nine winds are responsible for passing the news back and forth. The nearby forces have already inquired them.

Strictly, I don’t think that this desert hides anything. Observing those megaliths always feels a little weird.

The original war and Stan and others also carefully looked around, and Stein seemed to notice something, and the original battle suddenly sank into the ground.

"Hey-!" A familiar call came from the sky.

"There is an ambush!"

Stan also nod. "The soul is very weak, but the number is very large. If it is not a large quantity, I still can't detect it, but it is different from those poisonous insects."

"Oh-!! Be careful! Don't enter the sand, don't get close to the boulder, there are strange things to eat live!" The nine winds yelled in the sky, but they never came down.

He didn't want to come down, but King Peng stopped him and did not allow him to go directly to the war.

The Windy City Warriors came over and whispered when they saw them: "Fortunately, you stopped, and then there is a dangerous zone. There are some weird things under this desert. It is very damaging. If we are not Kun Peng, The king saved a hand and may have been planted here."

"Working hard." The original war emerged from the sand. "There are some strange things below. They are very fast. I can't tell if they are bugs or people. I wanted to catch one, but they are very slippery, and If there is no order, I don’t want to alarm them, I will be back."

"Your plan?" asked urgently.

The original war reveals sharp canine teeth, "Look at you."

Solving the ambush under this desert is not difficult for him, only fast and slow. The quickness is not to ask the life and death of those ambushes, but the slow means the mercy. If necessary, he can also enter the underground city directly from the ground, avoiding the enemies hidden in the gravel.

Think twice for two seconds. "I will go up and see, those boulders... I always feel too awkward."

The original war thought that he would use his will to float, but he heard the stern silence: "May I be able to fly in the air like a bird."

Hey, is this the willingness to upgrade? The original battle was a little bit eager to move. He also hoped to fly like a bird and fight with the King of Peng Peng. Every time he hit, he flew to the top of his head and abused him. It was too wrong!

Strictly take off the leather, close your eyes, and fantasize the wings of the nine winds and the king of Peng Peng.

Slowly, he felt a little itchy on his shoulders, and there was something that broke through his clothes and came out.

"Hey!" The cotton cloth was cracked.

"Hey!" A pair of huge fiery wings were born from behind him.

Everyone is ashamed, and Qi Qi looks at the silence.

The original eyeballs almost came out! Do you do it? How did my priest change the bird? What did Kuangpeng do to the silence! ?

Suddenly, he was shocked by himself. He just tried it. He didn't expect to be successful, although he has played this many times in the Sea of ​​Soul.

The eyes of the original war are astonishing, and the eyes that look at the rigor are more full of plunder and monopoly.

Try to flap the wings.

"Caesar, Caesar."

The airflow was turned with the rotation, and when the huge red wings of the fire were fully unfolded, the fans barely left the ground after three or five fans.

The human shape is not in line with the best physiological structure of flying. The lower limbs of the human body occupy half of the weight of the body, and they will naturally sag due to gravity. If the wings behind are large enough and the bones are strong enough, people want to take off like a bird. Yes, but it is not easy to fly like a bird unless he has wings on his lower limbs.

After he was lifted into the air, his lower limbs did not produce wings, but his calves were born around the waist, and each had a transparent periosteum.

The periosteum emits a colorful glow under the sunlight, and I don't know what the person imagined on the periosteum. The devil's periosteum is not only ugly, but also adds a bit of mystery to him.

And the pair of huge flaming wings is like a flame burning behind him.

Honor, mystery, beauty, dazzling to the extreme!

The huge wings of the fire are just like gods! They also saw the golden wings of the King of Peng Peng and the black gold wings of the nine winds. The wings of other Peng Peng are also very beautiful, and the colors are very arrogant, but the sharp wings seem to be illusory. Every time they fan, there is a stream of colors around the wings. Grabbing, just like a person taking a torch to vigorously shake the traces left in the air.

Everyone looked up at the witch who was flying in the air.

Stan looked like a singer, and his mouth was low, like a mantra, and he seemed to be praying.

The nine winds in the sky are so excited that they are mad, just as King Peng also looks at him, and immediately bypasses him. Lightning usually rushes down. "Silent! You also have wings! Hey-!"

He smiled sternly and looked up at the cold wind in the air. Now the heat and cold have little effect on him, but he still needs oxygen.

Maybe when he doesn't need oxygen and can survive for a while under vacuum, he has the ability to fight against the alien slave ship owners?

The real flight is completely different from the virtual one in the mind, and it has been adapted for a while to avoid the crisis of falling.

The cold wind blew from the face, a bit like a knife, very fierce, but also very real, the air is fresh enough to make people awake and can not wake up again.

I want to shout, and I want to yell and scream. I want to fly for three days and three nights. I have never felt free from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. No wonder some people would like to jump from the top of the mountain and the high buildings. This freedom of flying is even more intoxicating than drugs.

I took a deep breath and finally remembered what he was doing when he flew up. He looked down and saw the most central/central area of ​​the sand. More than a dozen remaining boulders were placed in the sand.

The dozen or so megaliths that seem to be in the middle of each other constitute a strange pattern.

Strictly changed a little direction, and then look carefully, this can't be seen! The boulders that have fallen to the west have formed a face shape. Men, the face is more square, and the most peculiar thing is that there is a single angle at the top of the face!

He had originally guessed that the city of this underground relic was probably left by the refining bones, and now seeing this face only confirms his guess.

I am afraid that some horns do not know that there is a dungeon left by their ancestors. Poor ancestors of the refining bones are still afraid that future generations do not know, and they leave special instructions on the ground, but now they are used by the remnants of Tucheng.

If you want to see this underground city has not been discovered, perhaps thousands of years later, the planet's intelligent creatures will only think that these boulder is one of the natural wonders.

But now underground cities have been discovered. If there is a war below, these boulder on the ground may not be preserved. After all, according to the Rat King, the underground city entrance is below the one-horned corner, a sharp irregular cone lying on the side. The bottom end of the boulder.

It is worth pondering that this dungeon was discovered by Miaoxiang occasionally, or did they know it long ago?

Regardless of the answer, they chose to avoid it. The bone-cultivation also specifically left instructions on the ground, indicating that there must be some important things left in this underground city, or strong bones? Or is it heritage? Or is the city itself unique?

"Hey! Silent!" The nine winds rushed to his side, flying around him, and shouting with joy.

The king of Peng Peng also flew over and flew around him. He sincerely praised: "It’s beautiful, it seems that you have learned how to use life energy. I heard from the priest that the first generation of the Son of Life will be born out of nothing, as long as he wants it. Wherever I go, I can't stop him anywhere in the world."

"This is just the most shallow application of life energy." Yan Mo expressed thanks to Peng Peng Wang. "Thank you for your help, it is very useful. I will help you to attack the 12th level, after the crisis in Jiuyuan and the East China is completely lifted."

"Yes." Peng Peng agreed, looking at the sternness and a little dazzling, "That... you really don't think about being my queen? I will treat you very well. If you want to be the king of the East, I can help you too."

Strictly laughed and gentle, "If you are willing to be my queen, this is not something that cannot be discussed."

"Hey?" When Peng Peng Wang stayed, he probably did not expect that there would be such a proposal.

Strictly deepen the explanation, "Be my queen, let me exercise, let me sleep, let me love, honor your majesty, are you willing?"

Kuang Peng Wang is not angry, just a little confused: "...I am a male."

Slightly nodded, "Me too."

The nine winds hit the inexplicably stunned King Peng Peng, excitedly called: "Mom, let me be your queen, I want to be your queen! Hey!"

Slightly laughing, reaching out and touching the head of the nine winds.

Underneath, the eyes of the original war are jealous of bleeding.

Damn bird man! There is a kind of you give me down!

The original battle is not impossible to rise to the sky. He can raise the land, but how can he not have wings behind him? He does not want to lose face. Naturally, he will not do much, but the obsession with flying is also deeply implanted. His soul.

Even if I don't have wings, as long as I want to fly, I can definitely fly!

The original war did not notice that there was a small swirl in the sand under his feet. His feet were actually floating on the sand, but he did not notice it.

Suddenly teasing the nine winds, he began to ask him what he saw in the sky, and there is nothing special to pay attention to.

The statement of the nine winds is similar to that of the Windy City Warrior, but he did not see anyone coming in and out of the boulder. The entrance he saw was in another place.

"So, this underground relic city has more than one exit?" Strictly indulged.

Strictly descending, telling his observations and the words of the nine winds to the original war and Stan and others.

When landing, the periosteum between the wings behind the chest and the waist and legs disappeared at the same time.

The original war felt a little better, his priest became stronger and he must be stronger!

Fight! He needs a lot of battle!

Teng Teng’s warfare was shot from the original battle. The first Peng Peng who flew over felt that he was even excited with him.

Strictly turning to look at the original battle, the two looked at each other and smiled sternly. "Would you like to know what life energy can do with your ability?"

Original battle, "Try?"

Strictly hand in hand, "Try it."

They come not only to destroy the enemy, but also to deter.

The remnants of Tucheng are not only a powerful force, but there are still few choices in the middle and lower cities to rely on Jiuyuan, and most of them are self-reliant.

It is not far from Tucheng and is closer to Zhongcheng Boulder City.

According to the news they got, there were more than one scout who secretly spy on them. For these people, the original war did not require expulsion, only the nine winds and the windy warriors stared at these people.

"Hey!" The original war suddenly raised his hand, and he felt something close to them, just under their feet.

The original battle did not stay a word, and the body sank from the same place to the ground again.

When he appeared again, he dragged a strange creature in his hand. This is only bold, even dare to spy on them!

"Are you talking about this thing?" The original war asked the Windy City Warrior and the Nine Winds.

Everyone looked at the monster together.

It is a peculiar creature, the color is yellow, the body is like a pangolin, the body is covered with scales, and the tail has a long face. It can be as sharp as the top of the head, and the hands and feet are flawed. The claws are about half a meter in length.

"Yes, this is the monster!" The Wind City warrior confirmed after the surprise. "You can catch it. We haven’t caught it in a few rounds. Instead, they were dragged to the ground by them. They can spray a kind of A viscous net, as long as it is netted, it is very difficult to escape."

Others can't recognize such monsters, including the well-informed Stan and the old man. Strictly seeing this before, it seems that the inspection generally looks at this strange creature, in fact, secretly ask for guidance.

The guide told him the answer.

"This is a semi-intelligent creature. It only lives in the desert. The horns call them to wear sand for the human face. It is a semi-training creature that is cultivated by the bone-cultivating people. It can be eaten by meat, and they can watch the house for them. They don't cost a lot. They are very hungry and thirsty. If you eat a big meal, you can live without eating or drinking for a long time, but they need to eat a lot every time they spit the net, otherwise they will accelerate their death. Their bones A, silk, and blood are of great use to the bones of the bones."

The king of Peng Peng, who is preparing to sell the profound knowledge, shuts up, and this witch knows more details than him!

The original battle, "sounds good, we can raise some after the nine."

The old man of Stan and the wind language knows how to know this strangely, but he thinks that he is a self-proclaimed ancestor of the ancestors. He guessed that he might have a special inheritance, and he did not ask more.

Strictly and faintly, the palm of your hand pressed the head of the sand armor, woke it up, and wanted to communicate with it.

But when I wore the sand armor, I woke up and saw that there were "enemies" around me. I immediately opened my mouth and sprayed the sticky net to them, and the claws also caught the sharp eyes.

The original battle stepped on it into the gravel.

"The slap in the face!" The sand armor was trampled to death, and did not forget to escape. The claws quickly pulled the sand and wanted to escape into the ground.

The original war two feet on the sand, how can the earth warrior who can control all the soil can let this sand armor escape.

The sand became rock and caught the body wearing sand.

The tail that wears the sand on the ground does not flap.

The original war took it out and held it in the hand to facilitate dialogue with him.

Strictly watching the sly wearing sand armor, it produced a micron sympathy for it. "You can understand what I mean, right?"

Wearing a sand body slightly trembled, the head of the hanging up a little, it seems strange that the big two-legged geek can say their words.

Strictly speaking, he will not say that he wears sand. He can only let the other party directly understand the meaning of his words. He can't distinguish this by wearing sand. It is still strange how this kind of **** is so ugly and weird.

"We are not hostile to you. We are just looking for another part of the creature. They are similar to us. They live on the ground. It should be this time. Come..."

"Hey!" Wearing a sand armor suddenly revealed a fierce phase.

The original battle forceed a hand, and the shaving armor was dazzled and asked: "What did it say?"

Strictly signaling him to be lighter, he still has a lot of questions to ask. "It blames me for being a traitor and also says that the enemy of the master is their enemy. Oddly, how can they treat them as masters?"

The original battle means you don't know, we are even less likely to know.

Strictly weird, the refining bones have been left for a long time. These are the descendants of the sand-skins who are placed here to guard the underground city. It is reasonable to say that they should not remember their masters. Of course, if they have a memory of inheritance, then say another.

But if they have a memory of inheritance, how can they recognize the wonderful incense of the hornless people and so on?

Strictly communicate with Shajia once again, and even get a little bit of life energy to seduce it.

I can wear sand armor. I don’t know whether it’s a strong nature, or a means of fearing the master. It even resists the temptation of life energy, even if it licks the fingers of the strict, the saliva drops.

Strict and amazing, he did not expect that there are creatures that can resist the temptation of life energy.

Wang Peng Wang looked at his expression and couldn't help but interject: "No one will be tempted by life energy. You must not think that you can have it without any disadvantage, even though life energy is really good."

"Thank you." Yanmou smiled at King Peng.

The king of Peng Peng actually blushed, oh, he seems to really like this sorcerer a little bit, what should I do? Is it really necessary to kill his original companion? But the original battle is really strong. Dead bird!

The original war swept the eyes of Peng Wang, and the sound did not move.

Seeing that the sand armor could not be exchanged, the prisoner could not use it, and the brow would wrinkle.

In the original battle, he grabbed the sand armor and made a mammoth, and the sand armor made a scream of "squeaky".

Strictly "Oh yeah" around the original battle, "Don't do this, how bad it is, oh, you are gentle."

Others, especially Stan, especially want to drag the straits aside and let him not get in the way.

The only person who knows the truth of truth is to ignore him. When he reaches out, he grabs a scale of sand and pulls it down.

"Hey!" Wear the sand armor to the ugly traitor who thought it was asking for help.

Strictly: "Slightly tap! Don't be like this, how pitiful it is. Oh, I said, you have to say it quickly. How many similar are you under this desert? What traps are there besides you? You don't have to be this when you say it. Kind of pain!"

"Hey!" Don't die!

The original battle pinched the second scale, pull!

"Hey!" Devil! demon! God will punish you!

Strictly screaming, it’s called a group turn.

The nine winds are as funny as the eyes of the sand armor.

Wear sand: "Hey!" are demons! Ah, master, let me die for you!

Strictly: "..."

The original war broke down a total of ten scales, and the wearing sand armor appeared to be killed.

Just when the original demons were about to break through the claws of the sand armor, the sorrow seemed to endure the pain of wearing a sand armor. He said: "Enough! Don't torture it any more. It doesn't want to say it, let it go, let it go. Let's go."

Strictly speaking, put the sand armor on the ground.

I didn’t react to wearing sand, and I stayed for a while.

The original devil was furious and sternly said: "You dare!"

"Hey!" The big hand raised, and the young and good witches flew up and fell to the ground.

Strictly look up, look sadly to the sand wearing a shout: "Run!"

Wearing a sand armor to endure the pain of the body, and finally looked at the ugly kind, it did not betray them.

Brother, hold back, I will save you!

The sand armor was drilled into the sand at the fastest speed.

The original demon grabbed the good witch who fell to the ground, and pressed it up.

The good witch is struggling.

Kuang Peng Wang, Stan, and the old man of the wind language: "..."

The Rat King, who is never in the situation: the two feet are strange!

The nine winds flew up and yelled: "Big bad guys! Let go of silence! Hey!"

Strictly smashed the lips of the original devil, smiled and cheated, "Is there enough for the pro? The matter has not been finished yet, and I will satisfy your little goblin after the settlement."

Leprechaun original battle: "..."

Strictly confirm that there is no sand sneak around to peek at them, this will open the original battle and jump up. "This underground city has problems, we may not be able to attack them."

A question mark was placed on the face of the original battle.

He smiled smugly. "I told me just before I went out, let me find a way to escape into the desert, saying that as long as I enter the realm of God, I don't have to be afraid of you. I think it's about the domain of God. It is the underground city."

"What do you want to do?" The narrow eyes of the original battle were slight.

Strictly active under the body / "I just played hard, I can't waste it. I went to the sand brothers to inquire about the news. I don't want us to have any unnecessary casualties."

"You don't need such trouble." The original war is more arrogant.

Strictly shook his head. "You should be too careful when I am. I always feel that this dungeon is not so simple. Miao Xiangming knows that you can control the soil and control the fire, and it is a tenth-level fighter. How can they feel at ease? In the dungeons, are they not afraid that you will get a **** cage to trap them?"

The original battle is awkward, "I will go with you." Underground, but his world!

Suddenly thought about it, suddenly smirked, "Well, you go with me, pretend to torture me, my brother wearing a sand brother said to come to save me, see you yelling me into the ground, maybe it will come If it really comes..."

Jiuyuan also has a desert zone, just in the vicinity of the original tribe, just to raise such a family, stick it!

The author has something to say: Modify the bug~


Baby, see you on Monday ^^

I wish you all a happy Sunday! ~