MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 557

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When the elders climbed from a secret pipe to the sixth floor of the passage, the patriarchs and Miaoxiang had not arrived yet.

The secret pipe is very interesting. The exit is only on the twelfth and sixth floors. How to see this secret pipe is very similar to a certain launch. Considering that the sixth floor is the first floor of the spacecraft body, is the wide hall that has been preceded by a rectangular table a small aircraft? Will there be another exit at the bottom?

There are too many secrets on the spacecraft. Strictness is not an expert in this area. You can only put these guesses aside and concentrate on starting to look at the access door.

The access door appears to be solid, the walls are tightly stitched and no operator interface is visible. If it is not for the sand armor to tell him that this is the access door, he must have thought that this is a wall.

Slightly watched for a while, reaching out to touch the wall.

"Don't!" The elders couldn't stop it. They all ignored the rigor and stood upright.

Suddenly there was a person in front of the silence.

Hu Lian!

Suddenly, he quickly discovered that Hu Lian was not an entity. Although it looked a lot like it, the palm of his hand touched the body and passed through his body.

Hu Lian faced the sternness and the sand wearing a sand, and his attitude was proud: "The person who completed the three questions I left can get the channel key and control the dungeon."

The creatures present were only strict. One person understood what Hu Lian was saying. The sand-skins couldn’t understand Hu Lian’s words. In fact, even if there are horns coming, they will not understand Hu Lian's words, because Hu Lian is the only native language he and he can understand.

Speaking sternly. It’s really hard to change the nature of Jiangshan. This guy is so selfish and self-interested. I’m afraid he didn’t even think about letting people other than himself get control of the dungeon.

Hu Lian is still talking to herself. "I don't know who you are. I hope it is myself. If it is me, I don't know if you still have a complete memory, because the war has already happened, and I will definitely become an enemy." The focus is on the object, I can't make sure that I can live completely, but as long as my soul is not destroyed, I will not die. I have lost a memory, when I first came to this world..."

Hu Lotus gave a brief overview of his experience in this world for a short period of time. This is the key point: "This broken spaceship is very important. Her scientific strength is far more than the earth. I have found it because of the bones. Only then did I have my own civilization, which made me refining the bones greatly shortened the time of exploration. With my arrival, the refining bones really entered the ranks of the world's strong, except for the individual intelligent creature races, no one has again. It is our enemy.

But for this broken spaceship, we only know the fur. When the ancestors of the refining bones inadvertently activated one of the intelligent robots in the spacecraft, the intelligent robot wanted to repair the spacecraft and exchange conditions with the ancestors of the refining bones. The ancestors helped it find energy, and it pointed to the use and manufacturing tools of the bones, and later pointed out the particularity of the biological bones on the planet, so that the bones invented the bones. Since then, the refining bones have used this broken spaceship as a temple and regarded this intelligent robot as the division/deity of God..."

The gray scale elders are strict, look at the expression of this deformed child, he seems to understand the original owner's words? How can this be?

Thinking of the singularity of this deformed child, the brain-filling of the gray-scale elders began to break through the boundaries of wearing sand.

Hu Lian is still saying: "...After I came, as a great witch of the Red Horn, I was fortunate enough to see this intelligent robot. It was very damaged, and the energy that the bones found could only recover it. Basic abilities, such as translation, communication, and knowledge record storage, but because the Cuigu people know too little about it, and there is very little communication with it until I see it."

Hu Lian’s smile is obviously very self-sufficient, but he quickly puts a smile on him. “But with the insights accumulated in my soul, I can’t understand many things that the other person said, and the robot has more concealment from me. I suspect it is very It may be that the spacecraft's control center is intelligent. Later, it found two other important spacecraft remnants. The bones of the Chinese people established the cities on the remnants of these ships. Unfortunately, I still cannot fully control the intelligence. , only made some conventions with it."

Hu Lian did not say what the agreement was. He continued: "At the beginning of the war, the strength of those half gods was terrible. I had to provide a lot of energy to the debris of these ships in exchange for providing them with residual weapons on board to support the bones. The demigod can never think of my bones and the more terrible weapons than the bones. Their calculations will not succeed, and the bones will be the strongest in the world."

Hu Lian suddenly silenced. After a while, he said: "The world is unpredictable. I have actually lost the bones. Although those half gods have killed us most of us, our losses are also great. There aren't many residual weapons, and there is nothing left by this loss unless the ship's intelligence conceals the real weapon reserves on the ship."

Hu Lian sighed. "To do this, I have to make the worst plan and leave some backhand, although I hope I can't use it. New me, you listen, you want to control these broken ships, you must control the ship. The intelligence, it is very powerful and very embarrassing, don't let it have the opportunity to repair itself, that is to say, you can give it energy in the future, only according to the amount I said, can not give more. Energy is the most important to control it factor!"

Suddenly felt something, looking sideways to the other side of the passage, there was a stone staircase at the end, and someone was coming down here.

Hu Lian said that the key point of controlling the intelligence of the spacecraft is one or two. This refers to the channel key: "The key is the spacecraft intelligence. I have divided it into two parts. In order to prevent the sandbag from being rebellious, or who has taken the key from wearing the sand armor The key to my sandbags is that the refineable spacecraft can use energy. The real spacecraft intelligence must complete three questions that I have to get.

In addition, if you want to enter the spacecraft, it is either the original owner of the spacecraft, or you must obtain the smart consent of the spacecraft. Wait a moment, the access door will be activated. Remember, before you can get the spacecraft's intelligence, don't step into the door, or you will be melted and absorbed into the spacecraft's energy. ”

The footsteps came clearly, and the four soldiers wearing sandplates climbed to the front. Xiaosha saw them and screamed in amazement. "How come you?"

Behind it, there appeared a figure of wearing a sand patriarch and a wonderful incense.

At the same moment, Hu Lian finally showed three questions: "Below, there will be a screen on the door of the passage. There will be problems on the screen. Whenever there is one, you will write your answer on it. If it is correct, you You can enter a light door. Three versatility can get the spacecraft intelligence, if it is wrong... Hehe. The answer starts!"

Hu Lian disappeared, and Miao Xiang saw the silence.

Strictly ignore her, concentrate on looking at the passage door.

At the upper middle end of the access door, a screen of about one meter and seven or so lit up.

A string of symbols appears on the screen: 11=?

Strictly: "..."

Well, although the topic is simple, if you can't understand Hu Lian, you can't read the Arabic numbers. This question is the same as the Bible.

This also proves that Hu Lian does not want the spacecraft intelligence to fall into the hands of intelligent creatures other than him. The bone refining people are learning another set of figures. At the beginning, they were too strange to wonder why Hu Lian did not teach the Arabic figures to the bone-cultivating people. Now I want to come. The mathematics system and glyphs of the bone-cultivating people are probably taught by the spacecraft intelligence. ?

Strictly step forward and draw a big "2" on the illuminated screen.

Miao Xiang quickly ran over and angered: "Stop! What are you doing?"

He did not recognize the sternness, because the body is now covered with scales on his face, and his creatures will be subconsciously thinking that he is wearing a sand armor because of his willingness to display.

The two old elders wearing the sand armor and the strongest warriors were all in front of Miaoxiang.

The patriarch is unknown, "Old elders? How come you?"

Xiaosha also shouted harshly and asked him what he was doing.

Miaoxiang has already seen the exact answer, the most terrible thing is that he actually answered the first question.

A smiley symbol is lit up on the screen, which is the correct answer. If it is wrong, there will be a crying face.

Wonderful and shocked, is this coincidence or something else?

In fact, his memories of the three questions have all been forgotten, and even Hu Lin’s words cannot be understood. And he can crack the first question, it is ridiculous, or when he is in the wonderful body, he occasionally sees the man named Yu Meng who teaches Miaoxiang.

In that fierce words, this seems to be one of the inheritance of Jiuyuan. If you learn it, you will count and do a lot of things.

It is a pity that the time of Miao Xiang and Meng contact is not long, fierce and busy, only teaches some of the simplest.

Although it is strange that the inheritance of Jiuyuan is the same as the one he once had, he just has no memory character and is as arrogant as Hu Lian. He thinks that this is one of the inheritance of the lost bones, and he gave Jiuyuan a chance to learn. go with.

It’s a long story, but it’s just a few blinks.

Just under the strict drawing of 2 words, the soft light shines next to the screen, and a water-like light door appears.

"Don't go in!" Miao Xiang shouted, and the weapons in his hands were lifted.

Strictly too late to think more, he needs to grab time and grab in front of Miaoxiang! And he wants the smiley face to indicate that the answer is correct? I entered the light door as I thought about it.


The body suddenly disappeared and the light door became a solid wall again.

Miao Xiang was very angry and asked what to do on the spot.

Wearing sand armor is inexplicable, and who can answer the question of Miaoxiang?

Finally, everyone looks at the most wise grayscale elders together.

The old gray-scale elders did not close their mouths after seeing the correct answer and passing the first light door.

The gods are on! Did they wear a sand-like family and finally have a god-like darling like a human priest?

Although the gray-scale old elders have a certain respect for the original owner after a small brainwashing education, but compared with the new masters who have never seen them, how can they have their own ethnic group, or a treatment that can break through the original master’s level? Is it important to wear sand?

Wearing a sand-armed family is very clumping. This point is known from the small Shaming knowing that the original battle is strong, and dare to lead the brothers to save the stern.

The gray-scale elders’ eyes turned, and slowly said: “The patriarch, the child is a naughty egg. He just tried to try it when he was fun. It’s so smart, hey!”

The Shajia patriarch quickly learned about the incident from the mouth of the strongest warrior. When I heard that the deformed child was the brother who treated him and the deformed little sandbag, and then looked at the strongest warrior to restore his health, the patriarch Quickly measured in the heart, such a can only be let go, and he has already entered the light door, and now it is too late to say anything.

So the Shajia chiefs said to Miaoxiang: "Master, it's not a big deal, just a little kid naughty. But you don't have to worry, if the deformed child doesn't know how to break through the two levels, he can't get the key. Besides, I have already given you the key."

Miaoxiang is still angry. He suspects that the Shajia patriarch sneaked through the process of solving the problem and told the other to wear the sand armor, so that such a daring one would also break through.

Although it is quite certain that the appearance of a person wearing sand armor is impossible to crack the latter two questions, but Miao Xiang does not want to have any more changes at this time.

He quickly crossed the sandbags and put his hand on the wall to wake up "Hulian" again.

This time, he waited for Hu Lian to make a long narrative, and put the key he had just got on the wall.

A square hole suddenly appeared in the wall, naturally inhaling the square-shaped "key" of the palm.

Miaoxiang anxiously waited for the access door to open, but after the wall swallowed the key, there was no response!

No, there is actually a reaction. Hu Lin’s content has changed. He is saying: “Thanks to the energy supply, those unrefined Yuanjing are too bad to use, and the Yuanjing in the energy room is running out. Although you provide the right energy, it’s still I have to answer the question."

The screen lights up again and the 11 string appears again.

Wonderful fragrance roars! Why do you have a key to answer? !

Hu Lian sneered, maybe he had expected such a day?

"Having the right energy doesn't mean that you are me, and if you are me, you can't even answer such a simple three-question question. If you can't answer it, can you still hope to get the spacecraft intelligence? Hehe!"

Perhaps Hu Lian himself did not expect that he would one day be too powerful, causing his own soul to be unable to pass the level he left because of the lack of memory.

It’s useless to know how Miaoxiang is angry. He can only answer questions and then choose to enter the light door. He expects that there will be changes in the future. Maybe entering this light door means that he can enter the spacecraft and control it?

Hu Lian will tell him by fact: You are dreaming!

Not to mention the wonderful fragrance, and said to enter the first light of the door to the silence.

Behind it is a passage that looks a lot like a spaceship.

The color of the spacecraft's overall material is mainly black, and it is not cold when touched.

Strictly slow and very careful, he is worried that there are other traps or tests.

The passage was short and safe, and nothing happened until another physical wall stopped him.

Just standing to the wall, there is a screen that shines from the wall on the same screen as before.

——How do I write my Chinese name?

Strictly thinking about it, according to the previous contact with Hu Lian, he just forgot the memories of past lives, including his own real name and everything related to the strictness.

Therefore, the name Hu Li asked at this time should be the word Hu Lin.

Hold your fingers tightly and write the words Hu Lin in square Chinese characters on the screen.

The smiley face appears, the light door lights up, he is right!

Behind him, Miao Xiang also came in. He ran away and ran to the side quickly.

He turned back to him with a slight smile, and turned his head into the second light door.

Miao Xiang was born and stopped in front of Guangmen. He didn't remember a lot, but his memory was deeply engraved with the understanding that these light doors could not be entered casually, and he had tried before, if he did not pass the level, he would enter the light door, no matter What will be swallowed up by the light door.

The light door disappeared.

Miao Xiang scorned the wall with hatred, but the second question was still faithfully displayed on the wall, and he did not let him pass because of his previous "bribery."

"Damn!" Miao Xiang essay doodle, he tried to write a lot of text, but no one is correct!

"Why can I only wear sandbags? I don't believe that he can really answer the questions that I can't answer!" After the wonderful fragrance, I thought of a possibility. Is it just "he"?

No, no, if the soul of the other party is him, he is so close to the one wearing the sand, how can he feel nothing?

Miao Xiang couldn't figure it out, and was anxious and angry. He could only scream at the wall.

At this time, the silence has already stood in front of the third wall. Similarly, a screen is lit up on the wall and a third question appears.