MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 560

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The answer is revealed: the two are wrapped up!

It’s really entangled. The six tentacles of the small flying saucer are tightly wrapped around the ink, while the ink kills half of the small flying saucer. . .

The two blend with each other and swallow each other, and the bodies of the two are also decreasing. The two are at a higher speed, and ultimately they are decomposed faster or absorbed faster.

The small flying saucer also made a strange scream: "Life weapon!"

Raise your eyebrows.

The original battle response was extremely fast. At first glance, the situation was wrong. When the machine was upright, the control of the ink kill quickly broke the entangled blade and immediately threw it out.

The ink killing has been connected with the original war. Although it has no obvious consciousness, it is more sensitive to the intuition of safety. When the blade is entangled, it feels extremely dangerous. Just as the original soul comes, it cooperates. The strength of the other side is broken, and only the shank and the upper part of the slap are left.

The tangled blade and the small flying saucer have not seen each other.

Little flying saucer hate! These indigenous people are too embarrassed, and after so many years, they have evolved to make life weapons!

If it knows that the knife is not an ordinary knife, but has a sense of life and instinct, it will not touch the other side directly with the body, but will take a long-range attack.

But now it’s too late to say anything! It has been attacked by the other party.

Murray is extremely embarrassing. When it finds itself breaking down, it is not rushing to absorb it. Instead, it uses the last energy to insert itself deeper into the body of the small flying saucer.

In this way, if the small flying saucer wants to continue to disintegrate the ink-killing blade, it will decompose into its own internal instrument, but there is no carrier nearby for it to transfer. If its body disappears, it can't continue to move outside.

Because the spacecraft is seriously damaged, its body is also the same. Strictly speaking, it is only a subroutine of the spacecraft intelligence, even the replica is not counted. At that time, the spacecraft master intelligence discovered that after the damage was serious, he temporarily prepared a simplified subroutine, transferred it to the only intact Frisbee robot nearby, and handed the control of the spacecraft to it.

The main character of the spacecraft is slumbering. In fact, it is forced to shut down to avoid more damage. It is expected that the owner's fleet will bring the relevant technicians to repair it.

The small flying saucer that protects the spacecraft and the main control center, repairs communication equipment, and transmits letters to the host family, of course, does not want to disappear. It is naturally hesitant, even if the time is short.

The attack on the small flying saucer paused, and the pause was extremely short, at most one second.

In this second time, the ink-killing blade has begun to absorb energy again.

When the small flying saucer finds that if he does not continue to attack the truncated blade, it will be sucked by the other party. It is finally determined to continue to attack the broken blade, even if it is self-decomposing, but because of the hesitation of less than one second. It lost its chance and lost the opportunity to completely break the broken edge.

The energy is quickly absorbed, and the small flying saucer not only has no ability to continue to attack, but can't even fly back.

The original battle and the stern heart were placed on the ink killing and the small flying saucer. The two of them did not notice that the skull of the behemoth sitting on the ground at the corner of the hall was slowly lifting.

The original war has seen the silence, seeing him safe and sound, the narrow eyes of the cold immediately faint smile. No matter how the shape of the change is changed, he can see it at a glance.

He waved his hand to him and kneels in front of the group.

"What is this?" The original battle came over and sat down on the ground.

Strictly observing the changes in the group, he replied: "A machine made of various materials, which contains human intelligence... is a kind of person who will follow the master's orders, help the master to do things, and can carry out basic thinking and comparison. Wisdom creatures also need smart man-made tools."

The original battle was generally understood. "How did it suddenly attack me?"

Looking up at the man, "Is it said that you stole the energy it has hidden?"

"I stole... ah!" The original war laughed, and he took out a small bag from his arms. "Do you mean this? This is the only thing I got from this dungeon. It looks like Yuanjing, can eat, still It's delicious, these are what I left for you."

Suddenly took the cloth bag, opened it and asked, "Have you eaten?"


Frowning fragilely, grabbed his wrist and examined his body.

"Nothing, it can add energy, it is a little different from the energy contained in Yuanjing, but it is also energy, and it is pure." The original war did not retract the wrist, let it be held tightly.

Strictly put away the bag of blue energy crystal to keep testing, sideways, reach out and touch the belly of the lover, and pinch a hand, "I have something to eat in the future, it is best to let me see first."

The original battle is full of laughter, and the blazing affection in the eyes seems to flow out, "Well."

The atmosphere of relatives spread among the two.

I can't help but close to the man and want to kiss him.

The original war is so arrogant, the whole person must stick to it.

Next to it, the squeaking sound of the scenery suddenly sounded: "Danger...transfer..., scan nearby...suitable carrier..."

The eyes of the two were placed on the same group.

Strictly touched the chin. "It is a trouble to keep this thing. If you can change its program, let it listen to us."

"It's dying." The original war found that the remnant of the Murder's rupture was so powerful and aggressive. The long-angled bulging disc looks like a piece of tattered for years. The gloss is completely lost and the body is full of cracks. The dark green broken edge that has been inserted into the disc body and has been disintegrated most of the color is more vivid.

Suddenly, there is a bold idea in my mind: If I directly touch the subject that carries the intelligence, can I also scan everything in the soul sea? If I know...

Squeaky sneer, even if he can scan out all the programs of the intelligence, but he is not learning the program, I don't know how to modify it. Besides, this kind of alien intelligent program, even if the programming genius on the earth comes, I am afraid I can't see anything.

The accident happened suddenly at this time!

The original battle and the stern look of a condensate, while turning back.

A huge bone hand grabbed the silence.

Strictly rolled on the ground, the original battle fired a fireball on the bones and attacked each other's legs and feet.

The bones that had been grasped to the strict hand grasped the fireball, and the fingers merged. The fireball became smaller in the phalanx until it was extinguished, and the flame that hit the legs and feet was also extinguished by its huge bones.

The original battle was dumbfounded for a second, but the body rushed to the other side without stopping, and the palm of the hand was in contact with the other's leg bones.


The bones bowed their heads and bent down. Just like picking a small bug, use **** to pinch the original battle and throw it away.

The ancestors are on! The original battle was unbelievable. Did his unfavorable attack actually invalidate the bones?

It was not completely ineffective. The bones stood there for a while, and their leg bones and fingers had some damage, but for a while, its leg bones and fingers had healed almost automatically.

"A war, don't attack for a while." Shouted, he did not feel hostile from the bones.

The original battle stopped, a jump jumped to the side of the alert.

The head of the bone soldier turned to the stern, and the black hole was like watching him. There was a heart-sized oval colorless crystal in the middle of his sternum.

The bones took a step and continued to move toward rigor. Its footsteps were slow and the movements in front of it were slow.

Strictly think that this is not the reason for the huge size of the other side, it is like the slowness of "no power, no energy, no mechanical".

The bones stopped in front of the stern, bent down, and the palms extended to him.

Strictly not hiding, let it grab themselves.

The bones raised their palms and tried to put them into the third eye in the center of their forehead. They didn't put them in, they could only put them on their shoulders, and then walked back to the corner of the hall and slowly sat down, but This time, instead of hanging down his head, he turned his head and looked at his shoulder as if he was watching it.

The original battle and the sternness are a bit embarrassing. Does this bone soldier want to do it?

"Of course, it is because I feel my existence!" In the sea of ​​souls, the little green saplings climbed to the top of the huge bones and shook proudly. "Every lifeless energy body is eager to give life energy enough to give yourself Real life, they will want to be close to the source of life energy as long as they move, this is the instinct consciousness!"

Strictly indicate that the original war is not coming over, and the consciousness sinks into the sea of ​​souls.

The original battle was divided into a corner of the eye, and he always felt that something was missing. correct! What about the disc that is about to die?

The soul is in the sea.

Slightly ask the little sapling: "So it is not hostile to me? Just want to be close to me? Hey, its energy is running out, is this ten-level crystal?"

"If it's not a ten-level crystal, it won't last for so long. You see, it's going to get close to us, and would rather spend less energy. Now it's afraid that even the energy of raising your arms is gone." The small tree nursery is big. Speaking on the **** and standing on the shoulders of the bones.

Looking up at it with a stern look, the look is subtle, maybe you can no longer call the sapling "it".

"Can you talk?"

The saplings of the tree stalks shake and shake, "The power of evolution. Now I am you, you are me. Including the source of life energy, several energies have been completely integrated with your soul."

"You are also my consciousness?"

"Yes, commonly known as the subconscious, I have all the knowledge and key content that you have forgotten, that you haven't thought of, that you haven't really realized. I am much smarter than you!" Xiao Sapling is proud.

Strictly did not hear the last sentence, "Is this bone soldier able to start as long as there is energy?"

"Do you want it? There is still the right soul. It has the Lord." The sapling climbed to the face of the bones and pointed to its third eye, where there was a faint light ball.

Strictly disregarding the truth: "To destroy this group of souls is."

The little tree nursery, "That is not an easy task. This bone soldier is also a bone device. I have just checked it all over the body. If we forcefully destroy the soul force left by its original owner, this bone soldier will also blew himself. The people who are present at the time... Well, you can’t die with the original battle, but you will all be seriously injured, and this dungeon made up of spaceships, including all the lives that live inside, will be wiped out.”

"So powerful? Isn't it already without energy?" Suddenly surprised.

"It is a semi-divine body. The skeleton that refines it comes from four fallen gods. Its spine is stronger than the energy contained in the semi-god bone. According to my speculation, its spine is likely to be taken from a fallen. The ancient **** is cruel. So, once it blew, you think about the consequences."

"No wonder that the wonderful incense will go to the eleventh floor underground. Is her purpose to be this bone soldier?"

"Ten eight or nine." The small saplings drilled into the eyes of the blind.

"Fuck! Never let her get this semi-divine bone soldier! Dear, is there any way to eliminate the residual soul of the group and not let the bones blew themselves?"

Dear little sapling climbed out from the left eyelid and sat proudly. "I, that is you, but the source of life, or the source of life that combines the power of evolution!"

"What do you mean?"

The roots of the small saplings are placed and swayed. "Of course, we use our power to give it real life, let it have its own consciousness, and let it agree to destroy the soul that controls it. Then we sign the contract with it. Let it mean the meaning of working for us."

"We... can give it life?" Strictly shrinking.

The sapling did not seem to feel the seriousness of what he said, or he did not care, only "ah".

"It's a semi-divine! If we give it life, it..."

"Where do you want to go? I didn't say that I have to give it a pair of **, and give a ** skeleton to the demigod bones. Do you know how much life energy you need to consume? This uneconomical sale can certainly not be done!" The saplings are smashed into tunnels.

Strictly until now, I finally believe that this little sapling is really his own, all selfish. "Cough, so it will not become a real person, it is still a bone soldier, its appearance will not change, we are just Let it be conscious?"

"Yes! It already has an instinctive consciousness. What we have to do is to stimulate this instinct to grow and make it a complete soul."

Strictly squeeze the fist in the right hand, and slap the palm of your left hand, "Do it!"


Strictly consciously returning, jumping off the shoulders of the bones.

The bones of the bones slowly grinded, and the three black eyes were facing each other. Their fingers followed and moved, as if they wanted to leave a sternness, but their palms could not be lifted.

The original war did not wait to run over the shrill opening of the excitement, first said: "The disc and the ink-killing blade are gone."

Suddenly, my eyes shifted, and I really couldn’t see the group. "Forget it, let it be the first thing, since the guy is the intelligence of this spaceship, it will certainly not be willing to die, or it will be transferred, or it will be I want to solve the problem of the killing of the ink. It is almost absorbed by the ink blade. If it has no way to **** it back, in order to get new energy, it will definitely come out to find me again. Let’s talk about this semi-god soldier first.”

Strictly speaking, the singularity of this bone soldier and the things he has to do are said to the original war.

"The demigod bone?" In the original battle, the battle was great. He thought that he had already entered the semi-god, but before he could not destroy the bones of others, he did not suffer, but he was grateful for such a half. The gods and soldiers appeared at this time.

I have to say that even if the original character is stable and the will is tough, the combat strength is so fast, but in the second half and the second half, now it can even be evenly matched with the legendary King Peng Peng. Anyone can't help but feel a little bit.

Even if the original battle did not arrogantly think that it is invincible from the world, but the spirit of the world has already been born, he is still too young, and has not learned to hide his own edge.

But this semi-god soldier appeared. Although there was only a short-lived confrontation between them, it was enough to realize the lack of strength in the original battle, and let him re-press the raised mentality. Of course, this is also with him. I don't like the character of publicity.

Only a moment later, the man’s momentum became more stable and truly like a mountain.

Closeness, such as the sternness, naturally feels the change of the lover's momentum, and the gaze is opposite, and it is inexplicably born with a sense of security.

"Before I activate the soul of this bone soldier, I don't have any self-protection ability. The use of life energy must be absorbed. I can't give the soul a little miss, which means I can't use my strength to protect myself. My life will be handed over to you."

It is incredible to give a non-living soul! The content not only far exceeds the medical field he has studied, but I am afraid that even the legendary ancient gods may not be able to do such a thing. The sternness of excitement is honestly a little lack of confidence, and there is something wrong with it.

The original battle pinched his hand without hesitation. "Is it here?"

Slightly nodded, "It’s here, the spacecraft smart has no energy, and no one else can come in here. It is now one of the safest places."

"Well, you do. I will look at you, even if I die, I will not let any power hurt you." The tall man said calmly.

Suddenly, I am relieved.

The author has something to say: Modify the bug~~


I want to catch up at four o'clock, or I haven't caught up~

Ps: I wish all friends who come to see the text happy and peaceful! The miracle is by your side ^^

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