MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 572

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After listening to the secrets for a few laps, he couldn’t help it. He wanted to share what Zanbu had with his lover.

In the original battle, he thought that something had happened in a hurry, and his priest had dragged him aside in mysterious way.

"The secret of the refining bones, about what" the original war is being passed on by the old man to the news of the new city. Although there is no bone refining for the time being, the original plain is bordered by multiple forces, and the complex situation is even more than the margin of the Hung Hom forest.

Strictly wait until the old man has finished his work and determined that there are no others around him. This is said to be excited about the original war: "Zanbu told me that the three holy places of the refining bones are called holy places, except in those three places. In addition to the miracles, it is also because each of the three places hides a baby that only the white horns know. The three treasures are also of great benefit to us."

The "what is" interest in the original war has also been lured.

Strictly pinching the boxing, I am really excited: "You absolutely can't imagine the first holy place, that is, the bone-cultivating sacred place we found in the bones. In addition to the bones, there are also the ones that have invaded the planet. The star man is also the body of the demon god."

"What" was shocked by the original battle.

Strictly, even if I have heard it once, I still can’t help but feel excited. “The body is hidden under the pedicure. The ancient horned man found him through Domino, thinking that the body is ancient. God was separated. The body was packed in a translucent box, the box was very tight, and no one could open it at that time. Later, the horned man hid the box and the aliens inside as a fetish."

Curious in the original battle, "Is it still so long?"

“Zambo said that when he died, the body still had no body, and it might still be active. I suspect that the box is probably equivalent to a nutrition bin or an escape cabin, and there is a device for converting energy. The box can continue to freeze or provide basic living energy to the creatures inside."

"The later horned people never thought about opening the box."

"I thought about it, but they have the ability to go back and move the box, because the people inside have been deified by them, and even the boxes have become gods. Who dares to move them to the box and the inside." The star has become the secret that only the White Horns will know, that is, Hu Lian does not know its existence."

"That is the benefit of the box and the heavenly demon inside," is a family, the brain circuit is the same.

"The benefits are great" and the right boxing palm is right. "You can study it first. The ancestors said that they know each other and know each other. With such a body, I can find out the weaknesses of these extraterrestrial visitors, and the great significance of various other creatures." In short, I have to get the body of the extraterrestrial visitors."

"Well, what is the secret of the second holy place?"

"The secret of the second holy place we already know and got, is Domino. The horned people have always regarded Domino as the avatar of the gods in ancient times. Zambo said that after receiving the approval of Nomi, they will gain some power. The huge weapon of God, we are equivalent to already got." But I have to do the exam first.

The original war heard the frown here, "Is the third holy place in the territory of the Dingyi tribe?"

"Yes. The three holy places of the refining bones, the representative of the Jiufeng lair, the representative of the underground city, and the one located in Dingyi is equivalent to the treasure of the refining bones. So the original Ding can be from that A lot of precious bones are found in the remains, as well as energy weapons."

The original battle, "The treasure in this third holy place is the energy weapon."

"No, the energy weapon left there is to protect the treasures in the third holy place."

The original battle doubts, "What treasures can be more precious than energy weapons"

"Ready to accept a major earthquake?"


Speaking sternly, "Okay, listen, there are a whole set of twelve bloodstones hidden in the third holy place."

"The ancestors are on the top", the original battle has widened his eyes, and his right hand is pressed on the heart, "Twelve"

Slightly nodded hard, his face full of laughter, "Twelve"

In the original battle, he only knows how much this thing is, if he really absorbed the energy in the blood stone.

The husband and wife are relatively smirking.

"No wonder you will come to me specifically, this is a simple day." The original battle was also amazed: "Thank you for thanking the ancestors for thanking the ancient gods for 12 blood stones. If we use them properly, we can get at least twelve." A blood soldier of ten or more levels."

"Thanks to the bone-cultivating people. They got the help of Domino and they embarked on the road of technological development. They also have the ability to blood, but with the emergence of bones and more and more developed, gradually, God. The blood ability disappeared in their blood, and the third eye of the eyebrow was directly transformed into a crystal. Only those who had special abilities had their three tribes, and even their great witch could not bear God. The power of blood, but do not know how to properly absorb it, so these twelve bloodstones can be completely preserved."

The original battle is strange, "the bones do not know the correct absorption method, but other families"

Strictly, "other monsters such as Sibu and other old monsters will never tell the bones if they know how to absorb the blood. You don't forget that the bones were the common enemy of all other intelligent races at the time."

The original war thought of a sentence that Yan had once told him: It is probably not alive, which refers to the refining bones.

But there is still another question: "Zanbu should not hand over the treasures of the three holy places to us. What is his request?"

Strictly pointed to him, "You guessed it, Zanbu hopes that we can give half of the horned family after taking out the treasure."

"No, I don't agree." The original war categorically refused. "He only told us that there are such things. It is really necessary to take it out. It depends on us. The inheritance place under the Jiufeng Nest is no problem, just in our territory. In the middle, it is not difficult to take it out. The underground city also hit us down. But the sacred sacred place in the Dingshu tribe site is not so easy to enter. If you let Dingyi know that there is a blood stone inside, it is still twelve. I will never surrender the bloodstone unless their soldiers are all dead. At least I will never hand over it if I change it."

Although the original war said this, I have already regarded twelve bloodstones in my heart as the possessions of the two. Ding Yi tribe, anyway, he did not see the other party as a friendly tribe, I believe the other side is the same idea.

Strictly bitter to have a guide, I still have to think about how to get these twelve bloodstones, but like the original war, he will never give up the blood stone.

"I also talked with Zanbu. I didn't expect us to really divide them. He said that he and I raised this matter, that is, I hope to use the body of the extraterrestrial visitors and the whereabouts of the twelve bloodstones. Exchange weapons in the dungeon or Dominoes to the White Horns."

"You agree"

"How can I agree?" Shake his head shiveringly. "I tell the truth and Zambo, the life of Domino is from me, the equivalent of my child. I can't give my child to someone else. So the only thing I can give. The White Horns only have weapons in the spacecraft, but I only agree to give Sumen, and Sumen must complete the questions himself. If Sumen is not finished, or someone finishes before him, the weapon still has no Sumen."

"Zanbu willing"

"I promised him that when I researched a new weapon, I would teach all relevant knowledge to Sumen. He agreed."

What new weapons can match the weapons left by aliens, and let Zambo agree that the exchange conditions can not be understood, and asked directly.

Suddenly and mysteriously smiled, "I just touched the threshold, and I will tell you when I really get it out." Then I shot the original battle. "The time is almost up. Let's see if the horned family has handed over the murderer."

It is impossible for a horned family to surrender the murderer.

Nita's surface did not put the threat of strictness in the eyes, but the camp was ready to meet the enemy.

After half a horn, the scout returns: No changes were found in the enemy camp, no enemy was found in the battlefield, and there was no difference in the camp.

The Red Horned Witch Hood said to Nita with disapproval: "You are too careful. If the two people really have the ability, how can they not directly deal with us after returning?"

Nita stood with a one-handed hand in front of the spartan window, and there was a strange uneasiness in her heart. "I can't contact my king, nor can I contact the high priest. And we didn't send the news of the two people back, they didn't take long. Come back, how could the two be so fast?"

"Maybe it is the human face, Peng Peng has helped them." People face Peng Peng every day in their heads, they can safely escape because there are white horns to help.

Nita thinks that the more it feels like this, but why he still feels uneasy

"Nita, are you going to let the soldiers continue to guard? This is not their strategy. I want to be on the lookout forever, let us fatigue, and then start a big attack when we are tired." Hood thinks Nita A little fuss.

"Let's wait, I let the scout"

The soldier who reported that the first camp had fallen into a trap had rushed in, and Zhangkou shouted.

"There is no one can stop the enemy from entering the second camp." The second messenger arrived.

"Reporting the enemy is strong, the gods and bones are invincible, the second battalion generals request the use of extinct bone guns" followed by the third messenger.

A series of three letters of the letter, showing the situation of the first and second camps is critical.

Nita couldn’t think too much, and immediately ordered: “Ignite the bone tower and destroy the bone gun preparation”

Moorish slave camp.

The man with his face covered with a ruined animal hides his head and puts the newly sent animals or people to the blood, cut the meat, and take the bones.

The weather was cold, and the man's hands and feet were frostbitten, but he repeated the **** and exhausted work like numbness.

The man thinks that there is also the advantage of cold weather in the cold, at least not to smell the stench of the smoked man.

The man in charge of cleaning the bones next to the "cough cough" coughed hard and was smashed to the back by a slave, spurting a blood.

The sick man squats on a pot full of blood, coughing like a shrimp that is only watery, and the blood that overflows from his mouth is mixed with the snow that was originally stained with blood.

Most people are down to their heads and do their jobs. A few people look at men and they are also numb.

Not everyone is numb, and there are people who protect this person in front, but the slaves who protect this person either become one of the "fresh meat" they decomposed, or they are sent to the battlefield.

The slave looked at the man and cried on the floor. He went up and went up again. He said, "I still can't get up and work. Do you think you are still the original chieftain's son? Don't get up again, see if I can't kill you."

The slave took out the whip.

The unshaven man put down his hand and walked quickly to the sick man, dragging him hard, and cautiously said to the slave: "Adult, I will let him live honestly, don't be angry."

The "啪" whips crossed from the man's face.

The slave is cold and cold. "Wuyuan, what do you care about, you will fall to this point now, and you have a great relationship with your brother. If it is not him, you are still the son of the tribal chief, not like him. Become a low-lying slave"

A **** mark floated from the man's face, Wuyuan lowered his head, half-hidden holding his brother, and dragged him back to his place of work.

The slaves looked at Wuyuan and eventually did not continue to bully him, but went around to supervise the work of other slaves.

Open your eyes and whisper: "祁源"

Wuyuan is cold and cold: "If you don't want to die, shut up."

He didn't shut up, he repeatedly whispered: "I am not willing, I am not willing."

What are you not willing to do?

"How can he do this, we are his son, how can he?"

Why can't he be still in his prime, and he wants to have a son to be born at any time. It is more precious than his own life.

"He also killed the drowning man, he actually killed the tribal priest, he was crazy, he"

He can even hand over the water **** Tian Wu, what a priest can count

A sudden cough, a lot of blood and even black visceral fragments followed by spitting from the mouth.

"Huh, color feathers are dead, the tail color is also dead, Wuyuan, you, do you hate me? If I am not pulling you"

"It's none of your business." Wuyuan lowered his voice. "It's my own decision to let go of the **** of water, and you just want to live."

At that time, I hated you, but now you are so miserable to this point that you are dying. What do you mean by hating you?

He grabbed his arm tightly. "I'm sorry to forgive me, I just don't want to be me,"

Two lines of tears rolled out of the man's eyes, sliding down his declining dry cheeks.

"I swear by the soul of the war, if there is an afterlife, if I am still your brother, I will give you the best of everything, I will be good to you, I will be a good brother, forgive me, I"

The sound is getting weaker and weaker, and finally the breathing stops.

Wuyuan tightened his arms and held this body, which was almost half lighter than before, into his arms.

It’s ridiculous that their brothers were hostile in their lives until this time they had a real hug and the last time.

How do you die when you are "idiot"? Why are you willing to die like this?

"Oh." A drop of tears fell on the snow and quickly turned into pink ice.

Who is God to save me and save the people of Moore?

"The gods are on, I swear by the soul of the war, if anyone can kill the horned demon, kill my father, save the **** of water, I will be willing to be a slave, the three students will serve in his heart." ”