MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2409 Kill Nine Color Phoenix [Three]

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Book i group 4∴ps: Recommended the great **** Yemenghan ... Wu Huang!

Hidden inside the altar is a colorful phoenix that can make the flame power of the **** volcano out of the control of nine colorful phoenixes!

At that time, Xie Aoyu and Bingwu joined forces to treat him.From the death line, it was the magic pet of the ancient emperor.

Later, after knowing that the Phoenix tribe under the command of Jiu Cai Phoenix has deteriorated, which is the culprit that caused the ancient emperor to pay for the human world, he will permanently break away from the Phoenix tribe, then disappear mysteriously, but once told Xie Aoyu that He will show up before the battle of the giants,

Today, he finally appears,

The colorful phoenix has already entered the realm of giants, and is an ordinary giant of the purple soul,

"Really it is you!" Jiu Cai Phoenix stared at Wu Cai Phoenix with no shock, no anger, as if knowing that he would die, so there were not many other emotions around him,

"It's me," Wucai Phoenix looked at Jiucai Phoenix indifferently. "You and I were twins, but they went on two completely different paths."


Xie Aoyu was a little stunned,

He didn't expect that the colorful Phoenix actually had such a terrible origin.

Nine-colored Phoenix is ​​the calm way of God: "If you give me a choice, I will still choose to go this way. I am the department, we are the Phoenix family, and I want to consider the future of the Phoenix family."

"Dead in front of you, and still covering up your si heart siyu, do you think this is interesting?" Wu Caifeng asked,

"Huh, I'm telling the truth!" Jiu Cai Phoenix said coldly,

Colorful phoenixes are meaningless, I just want to ask you if the ancient emperor remembered this kind of affection in order to rescue us,

Jiu Cai Phoenix sneered: "He did that, he just wanted us to be his magic pet,"

"Don't repent!" Wu Caifeng angered,

"Repent? Haha, do you know that it was me who joined forces to siege the ancient emperor and really helped behind the scenes?", "Do you know why I did this?"

Wu Cai Phoenix's eyes also became sharp, "Why did you do that!"

Jiu Cai Phoenix said: "Because he took away the ten colorful Phoenix life jin marrow and life jin blood that my mother left me. Once I was born, I could have the foundation of ten colorful phoenixes. I just need to practice with peace of mind Into the invincible giant, but he lost me, but what did he do with it? Just to train the birth of a few giants of the human fire genus xin, what is he, why did you steal my treasure? The hope of becoming an invincible giant has cost me millions of years, but I have not created an opportunity to become an invincible giant. I am not willing to revenge him, so he must die! "You must also die, because you are willing When his running dog, "

"So you find the opportunity to meet with me alone, set up means, erase some of my memories, and even take away some of the life that my mother left me, making it difficult for me to make a difference, even after that. For millions of years, I never knew the relationship between you and me, "

"That's right," Jiu Cai Phoenix looked up, proudly, "But how do you know this now? I remember that after I erased your memory, the ancient emperor left the world, so he is impossible. To restore your memory, "

Xie Aoyu knows that when the colorful Phoenix said things, it was always paragraph by paragraph, and also said that it was difficult to remember, the feelings were not as simple as being killed, but for other reasons.

He was actually done by Jiu Cai Phoenix,

"Of course it is the memory it helped me restore," Wu Cai Phoenix waved his wings, and a sycamore tree appeared beside him, which was awesome.

"How could you, how could it fall into your hands," Jiu Cai Phoenix said incredulously,

Wucai Phoenix said lightly: "At the beginning, you concealed it as your hole card, and used it to create a **** volcano, and placed it at the core of the **** volcano. When I came here, I already found it, then At that time, I felt that it had what my mother left me, so he recovered with the help of him, "

"Yes, yes, no wonder when I took out and let the two hands go down to deal with Xie Aoyu, I found a trace of anomaly. It turned out to be you, but how did you get here, and the soul restraint was still there," Choi Phoenix Road,

"It depends on this," the humble flame ball,

Jiu Cai Phoenix exclaimed: "The origin of Phoenix Fire!"

After returning from the reincarnation circle, Xuancao placed the original source of the Phoenix Fire in a place. After I repaired it, I took out the source of the Phoenix Fire. With its power, I can integrate into it and stay in the ancient Emperor One of the first-line powers is not difficult to come here, "

"In the final analysis, it is the ancient emperor who really ruined me!" Jiu Cai Phoenix gritted his teeth,

"You deserve to be so!" Wu Cai Phoenix said coldly, "You know, why did the ancient emperor take away your ten colorful Phoenix life jin marrow and life jin blood at that time? Shaping several giants, hum, joke, make A giant? He is an ancient emperor who has achieved the existence of an invincible giant. Even if he is later killed, it is because of the destruction of the reincarnation circle that he was seriously injured. If not, how can you kill him? "

"Then he took my treasure, for what," Jiu Cai Phoenix said,

Wucai Phoenix said: "Let the Phoenix mutate!"

Jiu Cai Phoenix stunned slightly, "What do you mean?"

"At that time, the ancient emperor discovered an apocalyptic plan left by the Celestial clan, and he did not know it comprehensively. He suspected that the birth of Thunder Phoenix was deliberately made by the Celestial clan, so he wanted to verify that if there were The birth of Lei Fenghuang is basically certain. The doomsday plan has a close relationship with Lei Fenghuang. How can it be destroyed by you, but from the current perspective of Phoenix Thunderbone, I dare to conclude that it is closely related to the doomsday plan! "

"Doomsday plan?" Jiu Cai Phoenix said,

Xie Aoyu said, "The Doomsday Plan is a plan made by Tianmang to completely destroy all living beings.It was previously unsuccessful. That is because of the veins. I want to recreate the glory of the Tianmang family. There is no hope to seize the heart of the emperor, naturally there is no need to extravagantly hope to reproduce the glory, so he came to take away the Phoenix Thunderbone, to urge the doomsday plan, "

"Doomsday plan, that is to say that everyone is going to die? Hahaha ..." Jiu Cai Phoenix heard that he would not come, "I am dead, you all come to bury me,"

"You are really crazy," Wu Caifeng said coldly,

Nine-colored Phoenix is ​​laughing wildly,

His breath is also rapidly weakening, and gradually towards death,

Xie Aoyu said lightly, "Maybe you are disappointed. The method of lifting the doomsday plan before the death of the ancient emperor has been left to the senior of the dragon **** emperor. Now he has gathered all the dragon scales and merged all memories. I want to crack the doomsday plan. It should still work, "

"Impossible, all of you will die, all of you ..." Upon hearing this, Jiu Cai Phoenix roared frantically, and then fell silent in the roar,

Jiu Cai Phoenix, die!

Xie Aoyu turned to look at the colorful Phoenix,


"Don't say it," Wu Cai Phoenix sighed, "I left here when I was here, and the purpose was to keep as many Phoenix as possible, so that they would inherit the inheritance of my Phoenix clan, so that the Phoenix clan would not perish. The Phoenixes below the realm of many battle emperors were arranged by me in the small space of the space, and they can still be regarded as the inheritance of the Phoenix tribe, "he paused, and said," I know, now you want to find the invincible giant of the wind family, I advise you not to go, Fang Yanyou and the Fengjia invincible giant shot separately, I have seen that you are indeed the first person below the invincible giant, but you still can not compete with the Fengjia invincible giant, and the Fengjia invincible giant is much faster He ’s gone so long, you ca n’t find him. I have something to deal with now. ”

"What is it," Xie Aoyu said,

Wucai Phoenix took out a light sphere surrounding nine divine dragons. "He can complete the transformation of the evil dragon cultivated in the ancient dragon land."

Longyuan? !!

Xie Aoyu took Long Yuan, and clearly felt that the terrifying power boron contained in Long Yuan moved, "Where is the ancient dragon land?"

"North Sea God Island," Colorful Phoenix took out a map, "The North Sea God Island is at the northern end of the North Sea. It is guarded by special forces and can be hidden from the outside world. There is also a dragon inhabited by the dragons in the Tianmang era Ground, "

"I'm going now, do seniors want to stay here, or?" Xie Aoyu said,

"I'm going to make a shock with the help of the sycamore tree and the volcano to see if I can rush into the super giant. Regardless of success or failure, after 20 days, I will definitely reach the territory of the ancient psychic tree and cooperate with your actions." Phoenix Road,

Xie Aoyu said: "Seniors know my plan,"

Wu Cai Phoenix chuckled: "Since you have come out, and where all the enemies, non-invincible giants, have all gathered, naturally you are going to wipe them out. You can rest assured that I will rush to that time, but, The frontier of the invincible giant, I am afraid you can only rely on yourself, "

"If the predecessors go, then I will have no fetters at all," Xie Aoyu laughed, "I can rest assured that the invincible giant jāfeng!"

ps: Birds will be displayed one by one in the next chapter, but they are enemies ~~ Can you guess who is not? ~ 2k novel reading network