MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2415 World difference

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The Dragon Race has always been a force with high hopes from Xie Aoyu

The birth of the Sacred Emperor's Heart made the Dragons have no time to grow up quickly, especially after breaking the convention that the Dragons can only have one giant. If there is time, the Dragons can produce a large number of giants. It is definitely one of the main forces of the Holy City.

"Longyuan matches what the Dragons left in the days of the ancient curse in the ancient dragon land." The evil dragon's mind quickly calculated the possible result "at least 30 giants can be urged to be born!"

This number is a bit less in contemporary

But it still helps

That is, in the last battle of the non-invincible giants in the deep waters, if the dragons join the holy city, they may win.

"It's time for you and me to hit a higher level." Chitong Yuhu laughed

"The problem of ordinary giants reaching purple souls is not a big deal to try to hit the super giants," said the evil dragon.

Xie Aoyu smirked in surprise: "I found out that the more I cultivated in the last moment, the more crazy I became. It is usually difficult for a giant to cross a realm."

The evil dragon chuckled: "One is the pressure that has caused many people to fully inspire the potential of Dragon Warcraft and even surpass the limit. Then there are various resources at this time that give the greatest expression of the dragon's ancient dragon land, the ancient dragon spirit. Shenyan Indus Tree and so on have never thought of encountering such a wolf that would have been killed by the demon dragon if it had been found for a long time. ”Shaking his head with a bitter smile,“ I think I am also the only evil dragon of the dragon family.

Looking at the expression of the evil dragon, Xie Aoyu smiled secretly, it seemed that the evil dragon was quite unhappy about this.

"It seems that the blood of the dragons is very strong in the predecessors. Is it the transformation here?" Xie Aoyu turned to look at Chitong Yuhu

Meeting this devil or talking to each other on the island of Angels

Red pupil Yuhu laughed: "That is why the highest level of Red pupil Yuhu may be an ordinary giant. After discussing with the evil dragons in this ancient dragon land, I found that if I could be converted into dragon blood and turned into a foreign dragon, I should be able to break it. The limit can reach at least the ranks of super giants. If external forces can assist the invincible giants, it is also possible. "

"What if it had the blood of the Dragon God Emperor" Xie Aoyu said

Red pupil Yuhu shuddered at the hearing

Even the evil dragons have their eyes widened

No doubt Xie Aoyu's words are the bloodline of the dragon **** emperor in his body.

"You don't need it?" Chitong Yuhu's voice trembled slightly, which was exciting.

You must know that the bloodline of the Dragon God Emperor is significant for any Warcraft and human.

"Does the senior think I still need it?" Xie Aoyu chuckled. "I am now a pure white soul and I can reach the invincible giant by one step. I think this step will take up to half a month. By then I will be the invincible giant and I Still the true spirit holy body tells the truth that the first line of blood of the dragon **** emperor has no meaning to me except the eternal dragon spirit of this time. It is also a waste to stay with me. "

"The bloodline of your own body against the true spirit can already make the invincible giant shameless. Besides, you are only one step away from the invincible giant. There are many other effects of the dragon **** emperor's bloodline, but those effects have no meaning to you." The evil dragon said, "Okay, you can give it to the red pupil Yuhu. It may be able to complete an ultimate metamorphosis and change into an unprecedented dragon for my dragon family. Its potential will also break through to the limit and may even become a super giant."

Red pupil Yuhu was also excited when listening

It's a chance!

Recalling the things since contact with Xie Aoyu, it seems that it has not paid much, although it has also helped. The return that can be obtained is too great.

"The seniors do n’t need to thank me for getting the first line of the Dragon God Emperor. After the seniors are bound to undergo a super metamorphosis, there will be the setting of the ancient dragon land to help, and Longyuan supports me. I hope the two seniors can complete this metamorphosis in the shortest time. Ending the lives of all the invincible giants of all forces to the deep sea "Xie Aoyu said

"It's up to us!" Chitong Yuhu and Xie Long said in unison.

So Xie Aoyu was relieved

Evil spirits, colorful phoenixes, evil dragons, red pupils, jade tigers, and Qin Yueyi and Liu Yanxi, who have the magical waters of the heavens and the earth, go to Hell and Demon Realm to mobilize Zhou Zhen, Wang Lin, Luo Ya and others, and then they can return to the divine realm and wait for the heavens The application of the holy stone and the coming of the doomsday plan of the heart of the emperor

Xie Aoyu stretched out his right hand and penetrated into the blood

A line of dragon **** emperor's blood in his body penetrated into the divine power near his heart, and the line of blood was re-condensed, wrapped into the meridian, transferred to the hand, and emerged from the palm of his hand.

Divine power forms a light ball-like existence with a trace of blood floating in it. That is the first line of blood of Dragon God Emperor is also the most essential part.

"Have the seniors been prepared?" Xie Aoyu said

Red pupil Yuhu nodded hard and "ready"

Xie Aoyu reached out and gently pressed the divine light ball into the forehead of Yutong Yuhu. After the penetration of the divine power immediately, the bloodline was controlled by Yutong Yuhu and began to digest quickly.


The vibratory force of the evil dragon forms an invisible force under the red pupil jade tiger, dragging it towards the core of the ancient dragon land while releasing the dragon source, floating and floating on the top of the red pupil jade tiger. The core area of ​​the light and the ancient dragon land is rolling the heavy dragon spirit slowly to wrap the ancient dragon land again.

Xie Aoyu watched the evil dragon and red pupil jade tiger disappear in the dragon spirit. He also flew up to the sky to watch the ancient dragon land finally disappear under the cover of the dragon gas. That is a special illusion. Xie Aoyu ’s To my heart, I can barely see a trace of fuzzy outlines.

After the matter was handled, Xie Aoyu stepped out and went straight into the demon world.

There is no soul forbidding the giants to pass through. There are no restrictions, even if there is not much understanding of the meaning of space, there is no trouble at all.

Xie Aoyu changes the world in one step

He is already in the Devil Realm

The Devil Realm is still the place where the magic gas rolls around. The World of Warcraft can be seen everywhere. It is very prosperous. With the return of the demon, the Devil Realm can be said to be extremely powerful and irresistible. The masters are all about their spiritual beliefs. The demon is more worshipped. After the meal, the talk is undoubtedly all about the legend of the demon. Perhaps the so-called myth after tens of thousands of years is gradually formed in the mouth of these people, although it is really big Some are false

Xie Aoyu secretly admired the demons that he can make a billion people in this world so respected, which is a kind of ability. At least he is far less respected in the human world, and many people continue to curse him.

His mission to the demon world is to find King Zhou Zhen, Lin Luoya and others

No clue now

Xie Aoyu looked around and found a city named Magic City in the southeast direction.

He took out the map of the demon world and found that there was a large red triangle sign on the top of the magic city and covered the entire city and the explanation below the map.

"The first mystery of the demon world!" Xie Aoyu saw the first five words of the explanation helplessly

The follow-up explanation was that there was a battle between the city of magic and more than two million years ago, and no one knew who was fighting. It is speculated that there must be a demon but the demon never won.

"A bit interesting"

"Is there an invincible invincible era in the days of Tian Mo, and when there is no victory, what is the problem with the magic city?"

"The route that I took here from the North Sea was not exactly following the track of Duan Sirius, but it was also a deliberate search. It can be concluded that before Duan Sirius went to the North Sea, he was bound to be somewhere in this area. There is no doubt that the local magic city is very likely. "

Xie Aoyu stepped over a distance of hundreds of thousands of meters to reach the top of the magic city

Today his soul is pure white. The four-color soul from the invincible giant is only one step away, but the invincible giant does not put anyone in his eyes at all, so he does not look at it deliberately to hide, but simply falls in a relatively quiet place. I look around for my place

Nothing unexpected happened to my heart, but I saw two young strong men who had fought

One is from the degenerate Angel family Ducat, the other is from the demon master Boer Xie Aoyu almost two years ago, and they competed at first. Xie Aoyu's strength was even inferior to them.

These two are now staying together without any fear.

The complete decline of the angel tribe made Dukat have no power at all to take him seriously, not to mention that the cultivation of the two was just a long life.

In less than two years, I am able to achieve the longevity from the realm of Xuanzun and put it in the past. I am afraid that it can cause a sensation in all circles. It can be placed in the present but it is inconspicuous. In the face of today's active masters, they are at most the role of passers-by. The method used to be too easy to practice after reaching the realm of longevity. Now the potential of heroes in troubled times is amazing. The practice is fast and understandable, but it is undeniable that they have completely fallen.

Xie Aoyu saw the two stay in a private room and he went straight into it

These two people may have a long way to go but they are particularly keen on external things. If they were in the North Sea where Duan Sirius entered here before, they would surely know

ps: Sweep the tail ~~ Someone should come too! Can compete with the demon, can fight with the **** six, can fight with the **** tree, can majestic ten square drops of people ~~~ 2k novel reading network