MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 4 noob

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It took three days to stand firmly under the waterfall and reach the center of the waterfall on the ninth day to withstand the strong impact of the rapids of the waterfall.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The waterfall never stopped landing.

He was hit **** Xie Aoyu's body, his body shook for a while, and his back was already showing a red color, which was an unbearable performance.

adhere to!

Xie Aoyu gritted his teeth and insisted desperately.

Thinking of a comatose father, his conviction is even more firm. His already slack will will be strengthened again, his hands will be fisted, his whole body muscles will be raised, and he will resist the powerful impact.

"Boom boom boom ..."

It's another three minutes.

Xie Aoyu felt sore legs, unbearable back pain, and a bit swollen head.


A crisp tweet came.

Xie Aoyu turned his head and saw a white spirit beast scorning it.

The White Spirit Beast is the lowest of all the levels of Warcraft. It is a junior inferior level. It has no combat power, no magic ability, only claws, and barely attacks.

It is the appearance of this white spirit beast that has been encouraging Xie Aoyu to persist.

Its first appearance was five days ago. Those who received Xie Aoyu just stood on the talc and accepted the impact of the waterfall. At first they couldn't bear it. This little guy appeared.

This is World of Warcraft. It looks like a little lion and a little white tiger. It has such a low level. Not only is it not afraid of him, but it looks like a human being waving his fists. At the time, Xie Aoyu, who laughed, fell down, and over time The human expressions gradually expressed by the white spirit beast gradually became richer.

Especially when Xie Aoyu couldn't hold on, the expression of "contempt" made Xie Aoyu angry and smiling, angry at being despised by small things, and laughing because this should be mentally inferior and timid like a rat. Bai Lingshou can have such a rich expression, and it is so vivid, really cute.

"Xiaobai, I will ... persist ... live ..." Xie Aoyu resisted the feeling of soreness and pain, clenched his teeth, and resisted the horrible impact.

Xiaobai is the name Xie Aoyu gave to this white spirit beast that can only make rich human expressions.

"Oh," Xiao Bai said, squinting his eyes, an expression of "I'm very skeptical."

He was flattened by this little thing!

Xie Aoyu's eyes flashed a ruthless color, and he insisted desperately that he was also a fifteen-year-old boy. Although he was ridiculed and ridiculed for his freak, and his father's coma for three years, he was much more mature than the average boy. However, the energy that refused to lose was increased year by year.

Because of this energy, he was able to persist in the past ten years of incapable cultivation. He asked no progress in ten years, even an adult could not persist, this is Xie Aoyu's personality.

Never lose!

Persist, persevere, persevere!

Xie Aoyu said to himself fiercely in his heart, and gradually Xie Aoyu felt that soreness, swelling and pain disappeared quickly.

A very faint warm current emerged from the depths of his Dantian.

This warm current is very small, like a silk thread, but it is very tenacious. It starts from Dantian and flows into the meridians around the body.


Xiaobai stared suddenly, staring at Xie Aoyu, and then covered his mouth with a small animal claw, for fear of being discovered by Xie Aoyu and returning to his previous appearance.

"Fighting !!!"

Xie Aoyu shouted madly.

He even practiced fighting spirit!

Under the ecstasy, under the impact of the rapids of the waterfall, Xie Aoyu was directly sent into the water again, and he was impacted again to a place more than a hundred meters before it emerged.

"Haha, I'm fighting!" Xie Aoyu laughed loudly.

He climbed out of the river and danced for five minutes, then lay on his back on the ground, panting heavily, still smiling excitedly on his face.

Fighting is far away for Xie Aoyu, but now it really appears on him, who knows the depression and pain of ridicule and ridicule for nearly ten years?

Xie Aoyu's eyes flashed.

"Father, I will succeed!" Xie Aoyu turned up and sat up firmly.

Xie Aoyu who calmed down thought of another problem.

How can he cultivate his fighting spirit?

If it is because of Shenlei's refining technique, Xie Aoyu firmly refuses to believe it. After all, Shenlei's refining technique is refining, and it is also the fastest refining technique. Even if it can solve the reason that he cannot cultivate the combat, it is absolutely It wasn't the simple exercise method just hit by the waterfall at the beginning.

There is only one reason for that ... three-colored balls!

This magical three-colored ball that he accidentally obtained changed his power from the beginning, and then caused him to open the scroll of Shenlei's refining technique and absorb the thunder and lightning. Now he has cultivated his fighting spirit.

What exactly is a three-colored sphere?

Xie Aoyu thought for a while, but didn't think of a clue. To solve the problem that he couldn't cultivate his fighting spirit, he and Xia Qian could be said to be reading books.

If it comes to the amount of knowledge, Xie Aoyu has the courage to compete with just the richest literary masters.

But he didn't know much about the three-colored sphere.

"Is it the elixir made by a refining pharmacist?" Xie Aoyu shook his head, to say that although refining pharmacists are very rare throughout the continent, Langya City has a special existence, that is, the very famous beauty master Zi Yan on the mainland .

Zi Yan has been treating Xie Qian.

Because of this, Xie Aoyu has some understanding of the alchemy of the alchemist. He has never heard that an elixir can automatically flow into the body when it touches the lips, and some of it is scattered throughout the body, and some is gathered on the chest Location, which is very different from the elixir.

After thinking about it, Xie Aoyu could not find the answer.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Xiao Bai tugged Xie Aoyu's clothes and patted his little chest. I looked hungry.

Xie Aoyu rolled his eyes and scorned, "I knew you were here to eat and drink again." He took out the prepared dry food and passed it to Xiaobai, "Eat."

Xiaobai who took the dry grain seemed angry with Xie Aoyu's words and threw it directly into the river.

The river was very fast, and the dry food disappeared in no time.

"Yeah!" Xiao Bai clawed his two little beasts and shouted with dissatisfaction.

Xie Aoyu is very speechless. This little thing is really dragging. Where is it like a timid white spirit beast, but like a mighty tiger king.

"Forget it, I'm happy today, I don't care about you, I'll grab some fire rabbits to eat." Xie Aoyu reached out and squeezed Xiaobai's lovely ears, got up and walked into a mountain forest.

Seeing Xie Aoyu leave, Xiao Bai was satisfied.

Soon, Xie Aoyu caught two fire rabbits and returned.

He set up the shelf, found some dry wood, took out the fire, ready to ignite, Qiao mainland's vindictiveness is very popular, but magic is only used by Warcraft, human beings cannot cultivate.


Xiaobai pushed Xie Aoyu apart and opened his mouth.


A tongue of fire spewed out of its mouth, lighting the dry wood.


Xie Aoyu sat on the ground with an ass, and he looked at Xiaobai with some disbelief. He was even more shocked than when he cultivated his fighting spirit, because Bai Lingshou could not use magic and would use his minions to bite. Therefore, some people have proposed to remove the white spirit beast from Warcraft, and treat it as a beast.

This shows the cowardlyness of the white spirit beast.

And Xiao Bai actually spit fire.

It turned out to be magical fire.

Xie Aoyu rubbed his eyes vigorously. He was indeed a fire. For a time, Xie Aoyu felt like today was a magical day.

Not only did he cultivate his vindictiveness, Xiao Bai actually had magic.

"Yeah!" Xiaobai looked at Xie Aoyu proudly, and then made Xia Aoyu startled, his little animal claw pointed at the fire.


A light breeze blew through, and the fire was getting stronger.

"Wind is magic!" Xie Aoyu was completely dumbfounded.

Xiaobai squeezed his mouth, raised his head, stretched out the small animal claws, and made a fist gesture. The other small animal claw patted the muscle, and he looked like "I am strong".

Xie Aoyu looked at Xiaobai's appearance and smiled suddenly.

How can a white spirit beast be so clever? You must know that the wisdom of Warcraft is related to the level. Obviously, Xiao Bai does not conform to this rule.

Then there is only one possibility, Xiaobai is a variant! 2k novel reading network