MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 18

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The foundation passed in a long row, about 30 meters long.

Insert three rows of pillars every four meters back and forth, the middle is taller and the two sides are shorter.

Zhuang asked in puzzlement, "Boss, why are these bamboos not the same height?"

Before Sang Yu came back, Beside Yan rushed to answer: "It can't be flat. If it snows, there is nothing in the middle to support it, and the middle of the roof will collapse."

Sang Yu expressed his approval for such a quick answer.

Primitive people are not stupid, but they do not have the experience and inheritance of their predecessors. They have to explore everything on their own. If they can figure out the principle that the roof is high in the middle and low on the sides, it is already very powerful.

"Yes, when it rains and snows, the rain and snow flow down the sides. Seeing that the pillars have been erected, Sang Yu beckons to Zhi and Xiang and lets them climb the ladder."

"The two of you are thinner, and it is most suitable for you to go up the ladder."

The production of this bamboo ladder alone has opened the eyes of everyone.

Sang Yu asked Jiaojiao to find two large bamboos more than two meters long, and cut a small hole in each bamboo half an arm apart, and at the same time ensured that the distance between the holes in the two bamboos was the same.

After chiseling, find a bamboo as thick as a child's wrist, cut it into ten short strips of 30 to 40 centimeters, and insert them into the holes carved out of the long bamboo. In this way, a simple ladder is ready.

Of course, such a ladder can only accommodate a person weighing eighty or ninety kilograms, and a person with a weight like Zhuang will step on the ladder and damage it.

The ladder was erected on the beams made of bamboo, and Zhi and Xiang, who were light in stature with nimble hands and feet, stood on the ladder to fix the beams and brackets of the roof.

Flowers and Grass The women wove the cut thatch and palm leaves into grass fans and threw them on the roof of the shed. The branches and willows were responsible for arranging them and then tying them up one by one.

The rest of the people continued to pull the bamboo over, burned it and cut it into the same length, like a fence, tightly surrounding the shed.

Because it is related to where to live, no one dares to neglect, and everyone participates in the labor.

Active and able-bodied people cut bamboo, cut thatch and palm leaves, and the weak and disabled helped weave straw fans to make the roof. The teamwork was fully reflected at this moment.

Everyone has a job to do, even if they have bad hands and feet, they can still carry it on their shoulders. Everyone clearly feels the value of their own existence, and no one feels that they are a burden.

The bird tribe hadn't been attacked before. These people went out to collect together, and the atmosphere was dead. Everyone was worried about what to do if they couldn't find food when they went out today, whether they would be kicked out of the tribe, or starve to death.

But now, they were joking and yelling at each other while working.

After the lame incident last time, men no longer dare to underestimate women. Now working, such heavy work as carrying bamboo, everyone is scrambling to do it.

Needless to say, Zhuang is like a working machine.

He has always defended his grandmother, and when the branch didn't move, he ran over to help.

Gao You was his good brother, and his good brother couldn't carry it, so he also ran to help.

With a blushing face, Yu dragged the bamboo back with the straps, and was easily grabbed by Zhuang halfway, and threw it on his shoulder.

"Is this a job that a little guy like you can do? Go and tie the roof to my mother."

Yu quit, and wanted to **** the bamboo back and carry it on his own.

Qing, who was at the side, also spoke for his little friend, "Zhuang, who do you think can't do it? Yu alone can stab a big leopard to death."

Zhuang scratched his head and thought for a while, hey, it seems to be true.

"Na Yu, the trick you taught me to fly down from mid-air, I will return the bamboo to you."

Yu looked at the strong and thick body in front of him, and frowned his delicate eyebrows, as if he was thinking about the possibility of this kung fu being realized on Zhuang.

After thinking for a long time, he finally nodded.

Zhuang was overjoyed, returned a large bundle of bamboo and threw it on Yu's shoulder, then patted her arm, and said confidently: "Yu, I believe I can do it."

Yu's whole body was about to be photographed on the ground, with a blushing face and biting teeth, he dragged the bamboo and hurried away from this fool, as far away as possible.

The busy figure on the foundation has never stopped, busy like ants moving, everyone is working hard.

Until nearly eight o'clock when night fell, with the joint efforts of everyone, the five-room grass shed was finally built.

Sang Yu asked everyone to call it a day and prepare dinner.

While eating, Sang Yu said: "Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, continue to build shelters, and start digging traps and hunting the day after tomorrow."

Without a good living environment, there will be no sense of belonging, and without a sense of belonging, the tribe will easily become a mess.

Based on this, Sang Yu attaches great importance to building houses.

Of course, thatched huts are just houses for a short period of time. In the future, their tribe will still rebuild new residences, at least living in wooden houses and brick houses.

The clansmen were amazed at the few bamboo sheds built this afternoon. They lived in a ventilated and comfortable place, unlike the cramped caves where they had to bend over and crawl forward.

It's a pity that only five rooms were built. It would be nice if each person could have one room.

When going to bed at night, thirty people still have to squeeze together, barely able to fit in.

Sang Yu didn't want to be crowded with this group of people, so she covered her head with the palm leaves she cut during the day, and went to sleep in a corner.

What she didn't know was that there was a small figure still following her as always, sleeping near her, silently guarding her.

The next morning, everyone woke up early, yelled and got up to build the grass shed.

Sang Yu has been sleeping on the floor these days. Now I wake up every day with a sore back and a sore back. I just want to build the grass shed quickly so that I can make my own bed when I have time.

But for others, living in a grass shed for the first time, although a bit cramped, is much more comfortable than a cave.

Now everyone is full of energy. With the groundwork and practice of the first day, the next two days can be built with ease. Until the afternoon of the third day, more than 30 simple grass sheds were finally built.

Seeing the four rows of straw sheds neatly in front of them, everyone felt extremely excited.

Everyone looked at Sang Yu eagerly, waiting for her to allocate a house.

Sang Yu didn't procrastinate, and said: "Okay, from today onwards, we can be regarded as homeowners. Everyone line up, and the family members stand together, and those who live alone stand on the other side."

Zhi and Zhuang, the mother and son, live next to each other.

The three Daxue sisters also live next door to each other.

As for the few children without parents, they naturally lived with Ci.

So far, thirty-two rooms have been arranged, and they are fully occupied.

Sang Yu herself lived at the far end of the back row, next door was Yu, and next door was Xiang. They were all women and children. This arrangement made her feel more at ease.

At the same time, the toilets on the west side were also built.

According to Sang Yu's instructions, men and women should go to the toilet separately. Because there are many women in the tribe, there are more than a dozen pits in the women's toilet.

Sang Yu once again reiterated the seriousness of the matter of going to the toilet for convenience, and also increased the punishment for going to the toilet anywhere.

Not only that, Sang Yu also plans to build a row of shower rooms on the side of the toilet leading to the thatched hut.

The source of the river a few kilometers ahead of Xindi is formed by the convergence of waterfalls left on a mountain in the west. One of the streams from the waterfall passes through the back mountain of Xindi.

Sang Yu observed the terrain and decided to use bamboo to guide the stream to the new land for domestic water.

But all this has to be done slowly. Now that the house is built, the next step is to dig traps.

After eating, Sang Yu reorganized the grouping.

"Now that we have arrived in a new place, we need to adjust the team. All the previous all-round teams have been broken up to form hunting teams. In addition, planting teams, breeding teams, handicraft teams and neighborhood committees must be established."

"The hunting team wants to continue the work function of the all-round team before, and to take the lead for our tribe, what is needed is brave, wise and powerful people."

"Appoint Gao as the captain of the hunting team, and Yu as the vice-captain to assist Gao. The team members include Zhuang, Hua, Cao, Shu and Lu."

"The planting team tentatively has two people, the captain is Zhi, and the team member is Liu."

"The breeding team also tentatively has two people, the captain is Que, and the vice-captain is Qing."

Qing has always played well with Siya, but he also knows that he is a child and can't help much. But now the leader actually appointed him as the vice captain of the breeding team, how could this not make him ecstatic.

"The handicraft team captain Jiao, vice-captain Yan, team member Youhong, and the three Daxue sisters who just came back from the back mountain."

This handicraft team will be responsible for the manufacture of tribal tools in the future, including pottery and even ironware. For Sangyu, this team is a pioneer force in the development of tribal industries.

"The neighborhood committee, the captain is Ci, the deputy captain is Yuan, and the team members are Xiang and Deaf...

Mainly responsible for things behind our tribe, including cooking, taking care of the wounded and children, maintaining the sanitation of the residence and so on. "

"The wounded have recovered, and those who can work will come to me to assign them to which team."

Among the five people with minor injuries, Yan and Shu have recovered and returned to the team, and the remaining three, along with Lie and Mu, have been expelled from the tribe because they were against the leader.

There are still five seriously injured people, one of whom is Yan's daughter Li, who hurt her leg, but the child recovered quickly and has already started to go to the ground.

The remaining four people were injured in various degrees, and they won't heal so quickly for a while, and now they are eating normally.

After listening to it, everyone felt that the leader's arrangement was to their liking, and agreed happily.

Sang Yu said: "Although there is such a division of labor, the work of other teams has not been arranged yet. So everyone should do the work together first."

"Starting tomorrow, people from the hunting team, planting team, and breeding team will dig traps with me."

"The handicraft team continued to build another row of houses, and the people from the neighborhood committee sorted out the thatched huts we built earlier. If the thatch on the roof is not enough, we need to cut the thatch, and if the bamboo is not enough, we need to cut the bamboo to surround these bamboo huts.

Winter will come soon, and if the shed leaks air, the people living inside will be frozen to death. "

After arranging these things, Sang Yu asked the people to disperse and go back to rest.