MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 20

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"Open the kiln, heavy snow, open the opening on the side that was sealed yesterday." Sang Yu said.

Of course Daxue knew where the side opening was, she sealed it with her own hands yesterday.

So he picked up the stone knife and scraped along the trace of the opening a few times, and quickly pierced the hole.

Sang Yu touched the mouth of the kiln and said, "It's still a little hot, wait for the heat to dissipate before picking it up."

The three sisters stopped their hands obediently, but they were still a little anxious while waiting, and couldn't help but test the temperature of the kiln mouth again and again.

So is Sangyu, this is her first time making pottery, and she doesn't know how it will work.

After waiting for a while, seeing that the time was about the same, Sang Yu asked the three sisters to take out the pottery.

The first one was a big pottery bowl made by Daxue. When he took it out, Sang Yu couldn't help but shine.

Seeing this, Daxue hurriedly put the pottery bowl on the ground in front of her, and continued to dig out other things.

Sang Yu knelt down and touched the freshly baked clay bowl, which was still warm, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Because the soil is very good, the surface of the pottery is very smooth, and she can't put it down because of the smooth lines around the bowl.

With this pottery, the living habits of the people of the Phoenix Tribe will be greatly changed.

Seeing this, Yu on the side also revealed joy and admiration in his eyes.

Since she met Sang Yu on the first day, this man has given her countless surprises, and every time she researches something new, she feels that he has light on him.

The three Fengxue sisters quickly picked up all the pottery and placed them on the ground one by one.

The shock in their eyes could not be concealed, the original leader had already described to them what was burnt out. But now that I have actually seen it, I still find it unbelievable.

"Only two are broken." Daxue said.

Dozens of embryos were burnt, two were broken, and more than 90% of the success was achieved. What else can I be dissatisfied with?

"Very well, very well done, Daxue, go and see the ones we threw into the fire yesterday."

According to Daxue's words, he picked out several pottery from the ashes and put them next to the kiln.

In such a comparison, it is easy to see whether it is superior or inferior. Five or six of them were cracked and the surface was very rough.

"You have done a good job, Daxue. From now on, the kiln making work of the tribe will be handed over to you three sisters."

The three Daxue sisters were so excited that they almost shed tears. They were finally able to do something for the tribe, and they were no longer afraid of being kicked out in the future.

The three hurriedly responded.

The success of pottery making gave Sang Yu great confidence.

"Daxue, let's go, let's take these pottery back for everyone to see."

When Daxue heard what the leader said, he quickly calmed down his excitement, picked up the rattan basket, and carefully put the pottery into it.

Each of the three carried a basket on their backs, and walked cautiously from the river to the bamboo house.

Seeing this, Sang Yu said with a smile: "These pottery are not so easy to break, there is hay in the middle, as long as they don't fall, they won't break."

Although she said so, the three of them still didn't dare to be careless.

When they got to the bamboo hut, except for those who went out to dig traps, everyone else surrounded them.

In the past few days, the leader and Daxue have been busy making pottery. The whole tribe knows about it, and also knows that the leader attaches great importance to pottery making. They didn't come back to sleep last night, and the others didn't dare to disturb them. Now seeing them come back with rattan baskets on their backs, I know that this matter should be done successfully.

When the smooth and hard pottery was placed in front of everyone, everyone couldn't hide the surprise and shock in their eyes, and everyone couldn't help but touch it with their hands.

The legendary pottery that can only be produced in the Western Continent, now they have seen it and can touch it.

There was joy on everyone's face, and some couldn't help but knelt down to the sky and burst into tears.

Sang Yu was about to test the quality of the pottery, and asked Yuan to wash the big pottery pot with clean water first, and then brought it to the firepit to boil water.

In the past few days, Sangyu Mingyan and Jiao continued to build two more rows of bamboo houses near the bamboo house, one of which was used as a warehouse and dining hall.

In the open space on the left side of the bamboo house, a shed and kitchen was built for cooking. In front of the shed is a small square. When it does not rain on weekdays, everyone gathers around the small square to barbecue and eat together.

Sang Yu took a few big stones to form a stove, and asked Yuan to fill the clay pot half full with water and put it on.

"Yuan, make the fire even hotter."

Yuanjian was already eager to try, and quickly added firewood to the stove.

The fire was very hot, and everyone watched the steaming clay pot with bated breath.

Soon, the water in the earthenware pot began to churn, steaming hot.

Seeing that the water was boiling, Sang Yu picked up another ceramic bowl, scooped some out, blew on it, and took a sip.

As soon as the hot water entered her mouth, she couldn't help but want to let out a comfortable sigh.

The warm boiled water flowed into the mouth, the entire mouth was instantly activated, the dry throat was also moisturized, and the pores all over the body were comfortably opened.

It was so comfortable to finally drink hot water.

Now the weather is gradually changing, and the hot water came in a timely manner.

The people around looked at the leader's expression of enjoyment and felt a little puzzled.

Isn't it all water, and nothing has been added, how can it be so delicious.

After enjoying a bowl of boiled water, Sang Yu said: "There are dirty things in the cold water. When boiled, these bacteria will be killed, and we won't get sick after drinking it."

This explanation made everyone pick up their bowls one after another and line up to drink boiled water.

"Yuan, turn off the fire, let the water cool down, drink it when it's cold, it'll burn your mouth."

He also ordered: "From now on, you will boil water every day, and anyone who is thirsty will come here to draw water to drink. From now on, you can no longer drink cold water outside."

The others quickly responded and said they would definitely follow suit.

Until the evening, the three teams that went to dig the trap finally came back.

Just like in the morning, when these people saw the newly fired pottery, they all opened their mouths wide with disbelief on their faces.

Sang Yu didn't care about their reaction, there will be more such things in the future, she was busy arranging Yuan to cook dinner.

But tonight's dinner is not a roast, but a stew.

The newly harvested pheasants are scalded with boiling water, and all the feathers on their bodies fall off when they are squeezed by hand.

"Boss, this hot water is so powerful, the chicken feathers will all fall off when you scald it."

Yuan excitedly said that the previous wild rabbits, pheasants and bamboo rats all peeled off their entire skins and only ate the meat under the skins.

But now the skin can be eaten, and it’s so easy to clean.

With round hands and feet, he used a stone knife to chop meat and chicken racks. Although the knife is blunt, the whole process became smooth and smooth under the round operation, and the chicken was processed quickly.

Thirty-five members of the tribe, chicken in three clay pots, one chicken in one pot.

Freshly picked wild vegetables around the pot were also placed in the pot.

As the soup in the pot was tumbling, the fragrant smell of chicken wafted out of the nostrils, making the onlookers salivate.

Wait until the chicken broth is stewed and the cassava is cooked.

Sang Yu arranged eleven or twelve people to gather around a small fire and eat in the hot soup pot.

This time I made a total of more than 30 small bowls. After removing a few broken ones, the rest, except for the three children who were useless, everyone had one.

The children were very good, and Ci fed them while eating, and snuggled up to her one by one, waiting for the food.

I had nothing to scoop the soup, so I had to chop a small bamboo temporarily, and cut out three sections to make a crude spoon, which could barely scoop the soup.

Chopsticks are made from randomly broken branches.

Everyone held their bowls and ate dinner around the fire.

"These pottery bowls are just enough for each person. Everyone take good care of their own bowls and chopsticks, wash and put them away after eating, and use their own bowls for eating and drinking soup in the future. Don't confuse them."

Sang Yu said again: "The three clay pots I made this time are still very small. Next time, let Daxue and the others make a larger pottery tripod, which can cook soup for dozens of people at a time."

Everyone heard that the leader could say and make as many tripods as he wanted casually. If they hadn't been holding pottery bowls in their hands now, they would definitely think she was bragging.

Sang Yu also tasted half a bowl of broth.

The soup was so fresh that she almost swallowed it with her tongue. After all, it is a pheasant, the meat is very firm and fragrant, so fresh that you can taste the sweetness.

It's so delicious!

The wild vegetables in the soup are soaked in the oil flowers in the chicken soup, and they are extraordinarily fresh, crisp and refreshing. The fly in the ointment is that there is no salt.

The surprisingly bland taste made her very regretful, and her attachment to salt deepened.

But for other people who have never had soup, even if there is no salt, this fragrant chicken soup and the tender and non-burnt chicken are extremely delicious.

Everyone was full of praise, smashing this mouth is still full of meaning.

They drank all the soup in the three small pottery pots, not a single drop was left.

The children took the adults' bowls and licked them.

Sang Yu suppressed the desire to stop it.

"Leader, let's exchange pottery."

Both Zhi and Que are elders of the tribe, and they have heard of the trade fair between tribes before, but they have never seen it. Now seeing that my tribe can actually make such beautiful pottery, I can't help but make a sound.

Sang Yu's heart skipped a beat when she heard this.

I was in a hurry to get pottery before, just to exchange it for salt.

But now the production of pottery is not much, and everyone does not know where the market is, so she puts down her thoughts on trading for the time being.

First develop internally for a while, otherwise if you really find the market, you won't be able to exchange anything for yourself.

After the first batch of pottery was successfully baked, Sang Yu asked Daxue and the others to prepare the second batch, mainly to make a few larger pots and tripods, so that the people of the tribe could cook and drink soup together.

The rest are for multiple cups and saucers per person.

The second batch of pottery, Sangyu, was all left to the three Fengxue sisters to make. She just watched from the sidelines. Seeing that there were no mistakes in their operation steps, she was relieved, and she didn't need to continue following them next time.

It wasn't until the second batch of pottery was fired that everyone in the tribe finally had a bowl, a cup, and a plate.