MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 23

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Sang Yu stood by the bathhouse every day and supervised the men and women in the tribe to take a bath. After a few days, people began to get used to the feeling of being refreshed every day. Later, they no longer needed to be supervised, and they would obediently wash themselves before going to bed every day. clean up.

The previously washed animal skins are dried and replaced, and then all the other animal skins are washed and cleaned. They should be mixed with plant ash and rubbed together to achieve the maximum decontamination effect.

After coming down twice, all the dirty things that were once hidden will be cleaned up, and the dirty and messy situation in the past will also be obliterated in the past time.

Health is good, and diseases will go away.

Sang Yu doesn't believe it, she won't live long like this!

Seeing that the weather is getting colder and colder, under her leadership, the tribe is making every effort to prepare food and warm things for the winter.

Sang Yu has only been here for three or four months. The tribe doesn’t know the years and people don’t know how to count them. She has no way of knowing how long the snow will last and how much snow will fall. She can only prepare as many things as possible. .

Food, clothing, housing, and transportation, except for the last one, must cover everything in front.

The clothes in the tribe, except for animal skins, are leaves. In winter, the leaves are no longer useful, and they can only rely on animal skins.

Nowadays, there are two animal skins in hand, even if they are all worn on the body, they can't keep up with the modern down jacket, and either the neck or the ankle are exposed.

But now we can only make do with it.

Sang Yu planned to do needlework with the people in the tribe after it snowed, sew, sew hats and gloves and so on.

She found something similar to a bone needle among the witch's relics before, and after a little processing, it might be possible to make a needle.

It's just that thread is needed for needlework, and there is no cotton and linen. Talking about needlework, Sangyu is a bit difficult.

So this matter can only be temporarily shelved. Today's clothes will be left alone, and we will wait until the snow falls after the Chinese New Year.

In terms of housing, she asked Jiaodai to renovate the newly built bamboo shed, cut long thatch and palm leaves, scooped up sticky mud, and hung them layer by layer around the shed.

Then cover the outer layer of the shed with a layer of mud to ensure that the cold wind will not pour into it.

In the past, there were no houses in the Bird Tribe. In winter, people could only rely on each other and shiver under the stone wall, suffering from hunger and cold, but some people survived tenaciously.

Now that there is such a bamboo shed for shelter from wind and rain, it is better than before.

It's not that Sang Yu doesn't want to use the heated kang, but as a southerner, she does. I don't know much about the principle of the pankang. The most important thing is that as the weather is getting colder and colder, the cold winter has arrived. Sang Yu wants to use the few days before it snows to store food for this winter. Besides.

The teams assigned to make traps add several new pits every day, and the pits dug before have already worked, and some prey can be harvested every day.

After the prey was brought back, except for the day's rations, all the rest were cut up and cleaned, hung on the beams of the kitchen, dried and smoked, and used as winter food.

For the time being, the trap still catches the prey. But when it snows, the traps are covered with ice and snow, and the animals hibernate in their nests and cannot come out. It will be difficult to find food then.

For this reason, after the three Daxue sisters finished making the second batch of pottery, everyone participated in the preparation of food before winter.

In addition to smoked and dried animal meat, it also needs to be matched with other ingredients.

Some ingredients are easily damaged by freezing outside. So at the back of the kitchen, Sang Yu asked Zhuang to dig a cellar close to five meters in size to store food, fruits and vegetables.

Tree branches are placed on the top of the cellar, and then thick hay is spread, and finally there are several layers of back soil, leaving only one hole for entry and exit.

When it snows, when the ground temperature is below zero, it is easy to freeze.

The bamboo ladder used to build the house was placed in the cellar for easy access.

Due to time constraints and limited tools, there was no time to make shelves and tables in the cellar, so things had to be piled on the ground.

In addition to food, a lot of firewood must be prepared.

This is the main source of heat in winter.

Sang Yu specially set aside three days, and everyone went up the mountain to cut trees and pull dead branches back, and piled them up next to the kitchen. The high pile could be burned in the next spring.

There are more than 30 people in the tribe, and food every day is a big problem. Even though there were strings of small meat skewers hanging on the bamboo poles in the kitchen, Sang Yu couldn't help worrying.

So a few days before it was going to snow, I decided to go back to the old site of the tribe, and the traps dug there might be able to get some new harvest.

During the previous battle against the leopards, the cassava in the cave had been in the cave for more than a month, and it was probably broken, so Sang Yu didn't dare to put her hopes on them.

But when I was at the old site, there was another piece of cassava field that hadn't been harvested. Sang Yu wanted to collect some and save it for later use.

By the way, I brought the cassava stalks and stored them in the cellar to prevent them from being damaged by freezing. When the spring of the next year begins, I can directly carry them out for planting.

Here in Xindi, over the past month or so, the traces of human life have become more and more obvious. The noise during the day and the fire at night have made more and more beasts fear and stay away from this place, staying in the safety of the tribe. There are also certain guarantees.

So when he set off to the old site, Sangyu took Siya and several young and middle-aged men, namely the three sisters Daxue, Zhuang, Jiao, Yan, Tree, Flower, Grass, Bird and Deaf, as mountain pickers.

The other wounded were carried to a hidden cave on the mountain, and stayed with Siya's two cubs. The children of Qinghongbaiyu also stayed behind. Wounded children.

No one has set foot on this land in the past, but it is not ruled out that there will be no one in the future.

The tribe is now thinly populated, and losing a person is unbearable pain for them.

Before leaving, he saw the little girl behind the line.

Sang Yu said helplessly, "I knew it, even if I didn't call you, you would follow."

Yu blinked his eyes, did not speak, tightened the spear on his back, and quietly followed behind the team.

Everyone else was carrying a big rattan basket, and Sang Yu was no exception. This time they went there to find food, so everyone had to pack lightly.

The whole team set off at five o'clock in the morning, and the sun rises late and sets quickly in winter. They walked for two hours with torches before it gradually lit up.

This time, I didn't want to take a group of old and weak women and children with me like last time when I moved, and I didn't have to carry all the belongings on my back, so everyone walked very fast.

Sang Yu was considered the weakest person among them, even Xiao Yu walked much faster than her.

Sang Yu looked at her little feet, just stepping on the thorns on the road naked, and felt that her feet were aching.

But these savages have long been used to walking barefoot. Especially those adults, the soles of their feet have long since grown a layer of calluses comparable to rubber soles, even if they walk on sharp stones, they will not blink their eyes.

Sang Yu felt sorry for such a young child as Yu, although the other party didn't know about it.

She still wanted to find cotton and linen to make clothes and shoes as soon as possible. Keeping warm was one thing. A little girl like Yu would grow up in a few years.

At that time, neither the chest nor the small **** can be seen by others.

Now in the tribe, men wear a piece of animal skin around their waists, and women put two more leaves on top. To be honest, there is really nothing to cover.

The tribal people have long been familiar with the strangeness, but Sang Yu didn't know where to put her eyes when she first came, and it got better after a while. Sometimes when talking to these people, she would try to raise her eyes above her shoulders so as not to see something wrong. Things to see.

But children like Yu and Qinghongbai haven't developed yet, so they don't have to worry too much.

The last time she encountered a herd of leopards on the way to relocation, and on the first day after moving here, she had to sleep next to each other if conditions did not permit. She would also like to have these little guys on both sides.

Thinking of this, Sangyu paid special attention to whether there were plants such as cotton and hemp on the roadside when walking on the road.

Around eleven o'clock in the morning, a quarter of the way was gone.

Sang Yu was a little thirsty. When she heard the ding-dong of the spring water, she ordered to rest for a while and drink some water before continuing on the road.

But when approaching the water source, Yu, who had always been calm, was suddenly frightened and jumped up.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, and they took up weapons and immediately took precautions as if they were facing a big enemy.

Sang Yu looked at the little girl's pale face and scratched her back, and hurried over to untie her little animal skin.

When I saw the things inside, I couldn't help laughing out.

It turned out that the little girl who was not afraid of anything was actually afraid of this soft little bug. Moreover, the bug has been dead for a long time, and almost only the shell is left.

Hearing what Sang Yu said, the other colleagues couldn't help laughing, and Yu also blushed and felt embarrassed by his reaction just now.

Just as Sang Yu was about to throw away the little bug, she thought of something and opened her hands to observe the little thing carefully.

After seeing it clearly, he immediately became ecstatic, grabbed Yu's shoulder and asked, "Where did you find this thing—no, that's where it fell into your animal hide."

Seeing Sang Yu's reaction, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't know what the bug was good for.

Yu thought for a while, pointed to a place not far away and said: "I just saw a fruit over there, thought it could be eaten, so I went to have a look, but I was pecked by a bird, so I turned around and came back. At that time, I felt itchy on my back, maybe it fell in at that time."

Sang Yu ran to where she pointed, and soon, familiar tree trunks came into view.

In an instant, my heart beat fast.

Mulberry tree—this is a mulberry tree—

She shouted in her heart, it is the kind of mulberry tree where silkworms eat mulberry leaves!

The tree is indeed a mulberry tree, but unfortunately, all the leaves have fallen off, and there is not a single silkworm on it.

Sang Yu comforted herself not to worry, she approached the large mulberry bushes, and saw that the ground was covered with thick fallen leaves, and when the fallen leaves were peeled away, there were densely packed silkworm eggs underneath.

Now that it has entered winter and the weather is chilly, these silkworm eggs have lost the conditions to hatch.

What Sang Yu was worried about was that if it snowed after a while, and if the temperature dropped below freezing, these silkworm eggs might be frozen to death.

She turned over the fallen leaves on the ground, which had not been dealt with, and now they have long rotted and are useless.

At this moment, several other people gathered around and asked, "Boss, what's the matter?"

Sang Yu also made a decision at this time: "There are some insects here. They can spin silk when they are alive. They can be woven into clothes like my body. When we come back, we will take these silkworm eggs back and store them in the cellar. After the heavy snowfall, we will release them and raise them when the weather is warmer."

According to the leader, everyone only needs to obey the order. Not long ago, Sangyu's word-of-mouth has reached an unprecedented position when pottery was made, and no one will question her approach.

What's more, if this thing can really be made into the clothes of the leader, it will be a great thing.

"Let's go back and move things first, and we'll get the silkworm eggs back when we get back."

The discovery of silkworm eggs gave Sang Yu a lot of confidence, and her legs and feet became stronger when she walked.

Her emotions also infected others, and everyone hurried on the road with all their strength, and finally arrived at the old site at nightfall.

Only one and a half months have passed, thin weeds have begun to grow here, and it looks dilapidated. Sang Yu believes that in half a year, weeds will overgrow here.

However, the smell left by the past has not dissipated for a long time.

The houses in Xindi are tidy and the flowing water is gurgling, and the view is wide and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. Back here now, it's extremely cramped, smelly and dark.

Everyone couldn't help frowning, and even Zhuang, who had always been the biggest, couldn't help holding his breath.

"Boss, this place is really smelly. I didn't even notice it before."

Yu said mercilessly from the side: "That's because you smell as bad as here, so you don't feel smelly."

Zhuang smiled and said: "I feel smelly now, then I am smelly."

Sang Yu ignored their bickering, and told everyone to find firewood for a living, eat some dry food and take a rest, because they had to get up early tomorrow morning to find food.

"Yes, hurry up, I hate this place even if I stay one more night."

"You were not like this before. When you said you wanted to move, you were the most opposed."

"I didn't know what other places were like at that time—you objected too, and it's not just me."

"I don't have it, I don't!"

"Stop arguing, both of you, thanks to the leader. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to move to such a good place."

"Of course, now I will do what the leader says. The leader tells me to walk in the direction where the sun rises. I will never go in the direction where the sun sets."

Several people muttered and chatted over and over again, lit a fire, and ate the dry food brought from the tribe around the fire.

Even Xindi's dry food is very delicious, it burns evenly, it is fragrant, and it tastes like meat when you chew it.

Si Ya held the jerky, far away from the fire, and chewed it very vigorously.

"It's so fragrant and delicious."

Zhuang pouted.

Sang Yu glanced at this group of people. If they find salt in the future and make bacon jerky, this group of people will be so beautiful.

To sleep at night, I still live in the cave before, no matter how smelly it is, I have to make do with it.

By the next morning, when it was daylight, everyone was up.

Everyone just wants to find food and go home quickly. The children and wounded in Xindi are waiting for them to go back in the cave. Now it is getting colder and colder. The house in Xindi is covered with mud, and there will be no wind to sleep at night. Come in, much more comfortable than the current cave.

After not sleeping for a few hours a night, Sang Yu's body was obviously a little overwhelmed.

But as the leader, she is unwilling to hold back the team.

He braced himself up, tidied up and went to check the trap with him.

There are more than a dozen traps, and there are many prey that have been dead for several days, emitting a rotten stench.

There was even a deer weighing more than a hundred catties, and everyone felt sorry for it.

Looking at the venison that was not rotten, Zhuang took a stone knife and wanted to cut some meat and take it back, but was stopped by Sang Yu.

Take the meat back to eat, in case it causes various diseases such as plague. At that time, their small tribe may be wiped out by this small piece of venison.

So everyone continued to move forward, until the last few traps, they heard humming sounds from inside the traps.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a big wild boar weighing two to three hundred catties with tusks.

The big wild boar didn't seem to be pierced by the spear at the bottom of the pit, but was trapped in the corner and screamed.

Seeing this, Sang Yu asked everyone to drop the rattan ropes prepared in advance and wrap them around the wild boar's head. Zhuang took the other two ropes and slid down to the bottom of the pit, and then caught the wild boar's front and rear legs.

Several people worked **** the top, and Zhuang grabbed the wild boar's hind legs below, and pulled it up together.

The wild boar is tough, but after being starved for several days, its strength has weakened. Its front hooves, rear feet, and entire head were tied up, unable to move, and had no strength to struggle, so it was dragged to the top of the pit.

Zhuang climbed up in a mess and said, "With this big wild boar, we can get through this snowy day."

But the careful Sang Yu discovered that this wild boar was a female, and the nipples/heads in the lower abdomen were swollen, as if she had just given birth.

Moreover, the sow was extremely anxious at this time, struggling to go to another place.

Sang Yu tied a strong rope to his hind legs, and asked Yu to follow behind with the other end of the rope, while the others hid and followed secretly.

Sure enough, seeing that there was only one person following, the wild boar immediately stretched out and ran into the depths of the forest, regardless of the fact that its legs were tied.

The others followed behind, panting. After running for more than 20 minutes, they came to the entrance of a cave. There were many piglets screaming in the cave, and the wild boars plunged into a cave.

Only then did Sang Yu understand that the sow had gone out to look for food and hadn't come back for many days. The litter of piglets who had just been born had no milk and were screaming from hunger.

Seeing the sow protecting her cubs, Sang Yu thought for a while, and then shared her thoughts with the few people who followed her.

"Do you want to raise wild boars?" Cao Cao asked in disbelief.

"Yes, not only pigs, but also cattle and sheep. If we raise more, we won't have to worry about running out of food in the future."

Sang Yu explained bit by bit that planting and breeding was a plan she had planned a long time ago, and she wanted to put it into action when she first caught the little rabbits, but later the food was always not enough, and the little rabbits were hard to escape In disaster.

Seeing the next litter of white and tender piglets, Sang Yu knew that it was time to start the breeding plan.

"After the wild boar has finished feeding, everyone will catch it. Yu, find some softer grass and spread it in everyone's rattan basket, and you will carry the pig back later."

The piglets were not born for a few days, each weighing more than ten to twenty kilograms, and each of them had three pigs, which could still be carried on their backs.

Daxue was stronger and carried four piglets. In this way, the ten piglets were finished.

After the arrangements were made, the little piglets also finished their milk, humming and screaming happily.

But he didn't expect to be caught by the uninvited guests who rushed in from the entrance of the cave, and one after another was put into the basket.

Sang Yu counted and said: "Sister Daxue, the three of you will carry piglets, three piglets in a rattan basket. Daxue, you have great strength, you can carry four piglets."

Seeing that the child was taken away, the big wild boar immediately went into a berserk state, but was crushed to death by the Zhuang people, so they put a noose around its neck and pulled it out of the hole.

"Zhuang, you are responsible for driving the pig and driving it to the tribe."

The sow didn't want to give in, but the piglets in the basket in front kept grunting. She couldn't bear to lose the little piglets, so she had to be dragged along reluctantly.

Sang Yu and the others also found that as long as the little piglet was around, the big wild boar would not run away even without the help of a rope.

So he immediately changed Yu and Zhuang, freed Zhuang, and he was able to carry other things.

Then at this time, Sang Yu didn't let everyone leave immediately.

Because according to her analysis, if there are sows and piglets, there must be a boar.

And there is actually some food in the hole, but the piglets are very small. They didn't eat anything except milk, and the boar had no milk, so the piglets howled with hunger.

So a few people remained to guard the entrance of the cave.

Sure enough, not long after, with a humming sound, a **** wild boar came waddlingly from the jungle.

It has to be said that this boar was still quite cautious, sniffing the smell was not right, and there was no sound of piglets in the cave, and it took a few steps back when it came over.

But in the end, he still couldn't let the little piglet go, so he arched his nose and walked into the hole again.

As soon as they saw it enter the cave, Zhuang, Yan and Jiao rushed forward and blocked the entrance of the cave.

Daxue and others appeared with the little pig on their backs. The little pig was quite quiet, but the sow kept grunting.

The boar heard the cry of the sow in the hole and struggled to get out. He quickly put the noose on his sharp hands and tied his two front legs tightly.

This big guy wanted to break free, but was so frightened by Si Ya's loud roar that he was guarding outside the cave that he dared not move.

Daxue carried a piglet out of the rattan basket, put it close to its nose, let the father and son sniff and kiss for a while, then put it back into the rattan basket.

When the big boar saw this, he knew that his wife and cubs had been hijacked, and there was another big guy watching him. Now he couldn't run even if he wanted to, so he had to be led by Hua, obediently behind the team.

Ten little pigs and a couple of pigs, this is Sang Yu's most satisfying harvest so far.

The others were also flattered, and Que asked, "Boss, with so many pigs, will we be able to produce many, many piglets in the future?"

Sang Yu thought for a while. She had seen rabbits not picky about anything and roaming around. But apart from rabbits, inbreeding of other animals and livestock would bring various defects to the offspring. Pigs, cattle, sheep and horses were also affected. in this way.

"The two big ones can keep giving birth, but the small ones can't. We have to find other pigs to breed in the future."

Seeing that everyone was confused, Sang Yu didn't bother to explain at this time. During this period, the phenomenon of marriage between close relatives existed in many tribes. After talking about it, people may not understand it. It is necessary to find a time to talk about it to raise people's awareness.

"When we go back, check how many young boars there are, keep one and castrate the rest."

These little piggies are probably almost a month old. It stands to reason that five to seven days is the best time to castrate, but now that time has passed, the sooner the better.

As soon as these words came out, all the men on the scene were startled, and everyone wanted to cover their **** at the same time.

Since the lame was dealt with last time, the men have learned that the chief is not easy to mess with. Now there is still a need to castrate a boar, which directly makes people tremble with fright.

Sang Yu glanced up at them and said, "This is to make them grow better. If you don't make mistakes, whoever will touch you."

"Okay, let's take a look around again, and bring back anything you can take back."

The few remaining people walked around the small lasso trap on the ground again, and finally collected a few pheasants and rabbits.

Only then did Sang Yu give the order to set off for the cassava field in the east.

In the absence of staple foods such as rice, corn, and potatoes, cassava will be the most important staple food of the tribe in the future. The development of planting must also start with cassava.

Planting cassava stems does not require seeds, you only need to bury the stems in the soil, and after the appropriate humidity and temperature, it will automatically germinate and grow.

Previously, two cassava fields were found near the old tribe. The southern one has been completely harvested, and the remaining eastern one is only half harvested.

When harvesting, Sang Yu asked everyone to simply bury the cassava stalks in the soil and plant them in the coming year.

Once it snows, the temperature will drop below freezing, and these cassava stalks will be frostbitten outside, and they will not survive the next year.

These are why cassava grows so well. But for so many years, even if no one eats it, it has only grown such a small piece of land.

Now there is still half a field of cassava that has not been harvested. If it is not harvested, this winter will be wasted.

So this time with so many people, half of the purpose is for this cassava field.

This cassava field is on the way back, and everyone started working when they arrived.

Half of the people pluck the cassava, and the other half take the heads and tails of the cassava stalks. These cassava stalks are the seeds to be planted next spring, which are very important to the tribe.

Sang Yu told everyone about its importance.

In fact, she didn't tell them that they knew that during this period of time, they all lived on cassava, and they knew how precious this kind of thing was.

The old sow had been so hungry that her chest was stuck to her back these days, and Sang Yu also took advantage of this time to ask Yu to find some food for her to replenish her strength, so that the big guy would not be too hungry to walk all the way back.

She went to look through the pile of cassava sticks that had been buried before, and was half relieved when she saw that they were still in good condition.

By the time I finished packing these things, it was already nine o'clock.

Six bundles of cassava stalks and eight baskets of cassava.

Sang Yu was happy with so many harvests, but also had a headache. There were too many things to carry back.

Eight people of mulberry elm and branches, flowers, grass, sparrows, rocks, horns, and trees, each with a basket of cassava.

The caught pheasants and wild rabbits were hanging on the edge of the rattan basket.

There were six bundles of cassava left, Zhuang carried two bundles, Yan one bundle, and the remaining three bundles, Sang Yu looked at Siya.

Si Ya looked at the remaining three bundles of cassava sticks, and yelled twice, as if to say: You should tie them up, how can I take the three bundles apart?

So the poor Siya finally became a coolie after coming to the Phoenix Tribe.

Yu took the rope and drove the two wild boar couples to follow.

In this way, a group of people rushed in the direction of the tribe.

Because this return journey is a heavy-duty journey. Although it is much faster than the previous migration, it is still very slow compared to the road.

Sang Yu also wants to carry cassava this time.

Seeing the delicate appearance of their leader, the people of the tribe quietly took one or two from her basket and put them on their backs, trying to lighten her weight.

Sang Yu was very grateful and wanted to stop it, but she didn't have the courage to stop it.

She hasn't done much heavy work since she was a child. When she came to the tribe during this period, she also commanded more and did less. The real physical effort can be said to be zero.

But now, with more than 50 catties of cassava on my back, I am tired even if I take two extra steps.

Take away a few, and the remaining thirty catties will be tiring.

To tell the truth, she is real, even tired from walking.

She didn't sleep well last night, and she didn't get enough sleep, which had already greatly reduced her mental state.

Now that I have to walk such a long distance, my feet will hurt, not to mention the heavy basket on my back.

The two straps of the rattan basket were so strangled that the shoulders were about to fall off.

Walking and walking, she really wanted to cry, it must be too hard to ride a horse.

But she didn't want people in the tribe to see that her leader was so fragile, with a thin body like Zhi, only as high as her shoulders, and he was carrying more than 60 catties of cassava on his back.

Gritting his teeth, he walked without saying a word.

Sang Yu had never felt so squeamish before, and after only two minutes of walking, her shoulder was strangled until it was about to bleed.

After walking for a while, the little girl driving the pig suddenly caught up and asked her to take down the wicker basket for her to carry.

Sang Yu shook his head.

I am an adult with long hands and long legs, how can I give the basket to a child!

But Yu firmly grabbed her by the corner of her clothes to prevent her from walking any further.

She couldn't nod, but whenever Zhuang or any man came to carry the basket, she would throw the basket to him regardless.

Yu insisted that she put down the rattan basket, and Sang Yu's eyes turned red.

I feel so useless.

She felt pain all over her body, back pain, shoulder pain, and sole pain.

"Leader, let Yu carry the back, Yu can do it, change it when you get tired."

Zhi was always so considerate, and when the others saw this, they also stopped and tried to comfort her.

Looking at the determined eyes of the little girl in front of her, Sang Yu overcame the pain in her shoulders and feet, stopped and put the rattan basket on the ground.

Without saying a word, Yu easily carried the rattan basket on his back, and followed the two pigs forward.

Sang Yu hurriedly chased after him and said, "Yu, give me the rope, and I'll drive the pig."

Yu shook his head: "There's no need to chase the pig, it will go on its own, I'll just hold the rope."

Sang Yu bit her lip, feeling guilty all over her body, she still chased after her.

Yu was held by her arm, turned around, raised his head, looked at her red nose, pursed his lips, but didn't say anything, and handed her the rope and whip in his hand.

After finding a job at least, Sang Yu finally calmed down a little, and drove the pigs to follow behind the team conscientiously.

But he did not forget to say to Yu: "If you are tired, I will carry it instead."

Yu nodded in agreement, but along the way he never mentioned that he wanted to switch.

Until they came to the place where they met silkworms on the way, Sang Yu asked everyone to rest for a while to look after the pigs, then went over to pick a big leaf, and carefully packed the silkworm eggs.

Silkworm eggs are not heavy, so just pack them and stuff them into a basket.

Because it took a lot of time to dig cassava in the morning, and the walking speed also slowed down, stopping and going all the way, the group had to find a place to rest halfway.

This place is where the leopards fought last time.

After more than a month of wind and rain, the **** smell in this place has been covered by plants and dissipated a lot.

Continue to choose to spend the night here because there are traps here, you only need to clean up the camouflage and use it, and you don't need to dig it again.

And this time, except for Sang Yu, all the soldiers who came out this time were able to advance and retreat, and there were four girls following them, so everyone's hearts were much stronger than last time.

Sang Yu made another simple small trap, tied the ropes to the surrounding tree trunks, and made a slingshot-like device.

Once an animal breaks into this boundary, it will be moved to several cans by the vines, and the small stones from the slingshot head will bounce on people, which will serve as an early warning.

You don't need to watch the night, and everyone can sleep well.

After testing it twice, I found that this thing is quite practical, and Si Ya was bounced twice by the small stone because of this, and looked at Sang Yu with resentment.

Sang Yu stopped the experiment.

Greeting everyone to eat dry food, you can rest.

After climbing mountains and wading all the way, everyone was exhausted and fell asleep quickly after eating.

In the dark night, only Sang Yu was unusually awake.

She pulled the animal skin on Yu's body, looked at the tired marks on her immature shoulders, and felt guilty and blamed herself.

The little girl had not only these strangle marks, but also other scars, one after another, which Sang Yu noticed when they met for the first time.

Rubbing her hair, it was soft and even slightly fragrant.

If I have such a younger sister, how can I let her suffer so much.

But the suffering of these two days was all brought about by my own uselessness.

Thinking of this, Sang Yu felt extremely heavy.

It's just that when he was thinking wildly, the little man beside him turned around and burrowed into her arms.

I only heard a few words whispered from Fang Fang's mouth: Amu...Amu...

Sang Yu didn't dare to move for a moment. It was winter and the weather was very cold. The little guy felt cold.

This night was spent in Sang Yu's incomparable self-blame.

After dawn, everyone got up and continued on their way.

Yu was still driving the pigs forward with the rattan basket on his back, and Sang Yu didn't argue with her too much this time.

She knew that she was really not the type to do manual labor. If you can, you should be more decisive in decision-making.

Without this basket of cassava, the people in the tribe would not starve to death, so I should have left it where it was, so that Yu would not have to work hard, and he would not feel guilty.

But now that I have recited it, there is no reason to give up. I only hope that after returning, I can develop the tribe well, so that the people in the tribe will not suffer so much anymore.

Finally, in the evening of the next day, the group returned to the tribe.

After Siya dropped the cassava stick, she ran up the mountain. Mother and child had been separated for three days, three days, how could she not miss her as a mother.

When the clansmen in the cave saw Siya coming back, they hurriedly carried the patient and children down the mountain impatiently.

Every time the leader goes out, the people of the tribe are worried, for fear that if something goes wrong, the tribe will not know how to live in the future.

Seeing that everyone came back safely now, they couldn't help crying with joy.

"The leader is back—"

When Sang Yu and his party saw the clansmen rushing down the mountain cheering, everyone felt extremely warm in their hearts.

Finally home.