MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 26

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At night, Sang Yu poured hot water into a clay basin, grabbed a few handfuls of snow at the door and threw it in, and when it reached the right temperature, she began to soak her feet.

After arriving in Xindi, I burned the pottery twice, mainly making some pots and pans, and most of them were used for cooking in the kitchen.

Sang Yu's leader's privilege allowed her to have all the pots and pans, and her feet were soaked. Others were not so lucky.

Either use the public basin, or wash with the water flowing from the pipe on the mountain.

Now that it's snowing, the water in the pipes is frozen, and some people don't wash at all.

The weather was cold, so Sang Yu just turned a blind eye.

But if conditions permit next year, a large bathhouse will be built, and a hot bath can be enjoyed in winter.

After soaking her feet, a certain child hadn't appeared yet. Sang Yu stood up with some regret, and pulled the straw sandals to pour water.

After returning, I added a few big logs to the firepit, wiped my hands, and lay down on the bed.

After lying down for less than ten minutes, the body heat began to lose along the air leakage.

Sang Yu sighed, it was another cold night.

Just as he closed his eyes, he heard a rustling sound coming from the door, followed by a gust of cold wind blowing in. Turning his head, he saw a small figure squeezed in through the door holding a piece of animal skin.

As the grass door closed, Sang Yu's shrinking neck relaxed.

"I thought you weren't coming."

Yu heard this, opened his mouth, and finally spit out a word: "Come..."

But looking at Sang Yu's small bed, he was a little at a loss.

The leader asked him to sleep with her, how to sleep?

Should she be sleeping inside or outside? If she was sleeping inside, would she have to step over her?

"Go to bed, what are you doing there, you are not cold, I will be cold to death..."

Sang Yu waited for a long time without seeing any movement, so she hurriedly urged.

"Sleep outside and protect me from the wind."

After hearing this, Yu carefully sat down on the edge of the bed and unwrapped the little animal skins around his feet.

When she first arrived, she also washed her feet with hot water. She was afraid that the ground would be dirty and it would not be easy to get on the leader's bed. .

Seeing the little girl lying cautiously beside him, her whole body was as stiff as a big rock.

Sang Yu couldn't help showing a joking expression, "Are you afraid of me?"

"..." Yu didn't speak, she shook her head.

Is she afraid of the leader? She doesn't seem to be afraid, but every time she sees her, she still can't help feeling nervous, whether she is afraid or not.

"I don't eat people..." Sang Yu leaned against her, her warm breath was afraid of hitting her cheek, "You saved me."

"No, I'm not afraid of you." Yu denied.

"Oh..." Sang Yu dragged out her voice.

Maybe it was because she was lying down, maybe she was already preparing for sleep just now, she was not as deserted as in the daytime, and she didn't have the face of a patriarch as usual, but now she looked lazy and casual.

It looks a little strange, but it is still her.

The fire in the firepit flickered on and off, and the heat in the bamboo shed was far less hot than the dining room, but Yu felt his body was a little hot.

"Can we cover the animal skin you brought over under our feet, and mine on top?"

Yu hummed, sat up and pulled the animal skin he had just brought, and covered their waists down with the firelight.

Especially on the side of Sangyu, the other end was wrapped up to prevent the wind from entering.

Feeling her movement, Sang Yu hooked her lips upwards, turned the animal skin that was originally covering her body, and stretched half of her body to cover her body and half of it to the side of the child.

"Lie down, don't let the heat escape."

Only then did Yu put down the animal skins he had arranged in his hands, and lay down as promised.

But it was still the same posture just now, with a stiff body, and lay motionless when lying down.

Sang Yu didn't care so much, she finally looked forward to such a small stove, and as soon as she stretched her legs, she hooked the opponent's little feet and rubbed her own feet that had become cold.

Then he hugged her shoulders and hugged her small body domineeringly in his arms.

Yu just came in from the outside, her body was still a little cold, and she herself was aware of this, for fear that the person beside her would be frozen and wanted to struggle to get out of the opponent's embrace.

Feeling the movement in her arms, Sang Yu pressed her head and said, "Why, don't you want me to hold you?"

"No..." Yu's voice was like a mosquito, "It's cold outside, it's cold on your body, it's cold to you."

"It's okay, it was a little cold just now, but now it's getting warmer slowly, if you don't like me holding you, I won't hold you."

Feeling that the warm arms on her shoulders were about to be withdrawn, the little girl immediately said, "I like it..."

After saying this, he quickly closed his mouth again.

Sang Yu chuckled twice, feeling the bony protruding body under the palm of her hand, and said softly, "Grow up quickly."

After that, I stopped talking nonsense with her, and started to sleep with the small stove in my arms.

That night, Sang Yu had the best sleep in the whole winter, her feet were no longer cold, her shoulders were covered, and her body was so warm that it was so comfortable.

When she woke up, the small heater in her arms was still there, and her eyes blinked, as if she had been awake for a long time.

Feeling the movement around him, those eyes quickly closed.

Sang Yu didn't know what to say, so she patted her on the shoulder and said, "Get up when you wake up."

After speaking, he raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was already eleven o'clock in the morning.

She was a little surprised, she must have slept for too long, it must be because of the small heater.

It's just that this poor little friend lies down with me until this time.

"Next time you wake up, wake up whenever you want, don't wait for me."

Next time, that means coming all the time in the future.

Yu hummed, and quickly rolled over and got off the bed.

She first added firewood to the firepit, then added water to the clay pot, put it on the fire, and then opened the door and went out.

Sang Yu looked at the closed grass door, her sleepy eyes were not fully awake, and she stayed on the bed for more than half an hour before getting up.

After washing with hot water, lunch was delivered.

After eating, she wrapped herself in leopard skin and went to the dining room, telling everyone that she was going to go fishing by the river.

It has been snowing for more than a month, and the ice on the river has frozen hard. When they heard that they were going to fish under such conditions, everyone looked at each other in dismay. But what the leader said has never been false, everyone is excited after being stunned.

Qing was even more admiring, looking at Sang Yu almost obsessively and cheering.

Not only him, many people in the tribe, men and women, there is no one who does not admire her and relies on her.

But Yu at the side was unhappy seeing Qing like this, she was small but thoughtful, she didn't put any emotion on her face, she just fixed her eyes on Qing.

Sang Yu didn't know what strange things were going on in these children's minds.

She was attracted by the figures of Gao and Liu who were close together in the corner. Looking at the intimacy of the two, she was afraid that something good was about to happen.

Combining the situation of the previous tribe and some problems described by Zhi and Ci, she found that she had overlooked one problem.

That's a matter of tribal discipline and rules.

Then he said seriously: "The Phoenix tribe has come to this point now, and there will be many good days in the future. But if you want to live well, you must have iron-like discipline."

Just now, I realized that everyone didn't know what "iron" is, and added: "The tribe must set some rules, and everyone must follow them. Those who disagree will be expelled from the tribe and will never return. In serious cases , kill without mercy."

Everyone was startled by Sang Yu's serious tone, and rushed to say: "We will do what the leader says, and whoever doesn't want to listen will be kicked out of the tribe."

Seeing their reaction, Sang Yu calmed down and said, "The first rule of the tribe: never betray the tribe."

Does this rule still apply? Who dares!

Whether it was before or now, anyone who dares to join forces with outsiders to form their own tribe must be killed.

The crowd shouted: "Follow the tribe, never betray the tribe."

"Second, everyone in the tribe has an independent personality, and no one can force others to do what they don't want to do."

"The third article is monogamy. A person can only have one partner. Only when they reach the age can they be together. If they decide to get together, they must register with me for marriage. After registration, they are considered two couples."

Sang Yu finished these rules one by one, and explained them again in the simplest language close to them.

After hearing this, the clansmen had an expression of "that's it". They thought that some harsh conditions were set up to restrain them, but they didn't expect that it was all for the good of everyone.

It's just that the men Jiaoheshu didn't understand, and asked: "The former leaders could have five or six wives. As long as there are strong men who can hunt, they can have as many wives as they want."

Sang Yu's eyes were a little cold, and he said: "In the past, it was the past. Now the Phoenix Tribe believes that everyone is equal. The hearts of two people who are united belong to each other. How can there be room for a third person?"

Jiao wriggled his mouth and wanted to say something but couldn't.

Sang Yu said again: "Of course, if you don't want to do this and want to ask for more wives, that's fine."

When Jiao heard this, his face was slightly happy.

But Sang Yu followed up with the next sentence: "Then leave the tribe and go to a tribe where you can marry many wives."

The other men with some small thoughts suddenly turned pale and left the tribe. Isn't this telling them to die? They couldn't have enough to eat in the old tribe. Now go to a new place, who can accommodate them.

And there is a house here to live in, hot soup to drink, so you don't have to live a life without a meal.

Gao, who was sitting next to another pile of fire, said excitedly: "I am willing to listen to the leader. It is good for a man to marry only one, and a woman to have only one husband. They are equal to each other, which is very good."

There was a shy smile on Liu's face.

Yan next to him also agreed with both hands. His wife died, and his daughter was one of the five seriously injured people. The leader is kind and took over all the wounded.

Zhuang said foolishly, "What the leader says is what he says, and I listen to the leader and my mother."

Other women cheered and expressed their support.

Of course, the women who benefit the most from these rules of the leader are the ones who would be foolish not to support them.

After Sang Yu announced the matter, he told them that these are only basic regulations, and new systems will be added in the future according to specific situations.

Finally, he ordered the hunting team to go to the river with rattan baskets on their backs.

When other people heard about fishing, they didn't care about the snow outside. Everyone wrapped in animal skins and ran out to watch the fun together.

When they got to the river, they saw the hard surface of the river in front of them, and everyone was at a loss.

Sang Yu ordered several members of the hunting team to go to the middle of the river and take turns digging in the ice with stone axes to make a hole a little bigger than the rattan basket.

Others watched from the sidelines.

The ice was very hard, and after more than half an hour of smashing, when he was about to hit the bottom, Zhuang excitedly said: "Boss, there is something moving under the ice."

The bird tribes in the past lived in the mountains far away from the river and the sea, and it was difficult to take a bath. When have you ever seen fish in this river?

"Continue to chisel and push hard to one place."

Several people took turns chiseling with stone axes, and at the end they switched to spears to poke. Soon, a hole the size of a rattan basket was smashed open.

As soon as the hole was opened, a fish as wide as a palm jumped out.

He was caught by Yu, who was light and tall beside him.

Yu Xianbao touched the fish in front of Sang Yu, and blinked at her.

Sang Yu looked at her little hand that was red from the cold, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Put the fish in the rattan basket first, and we'll take it back to eat when we're done catching."

The fish have long been unable to hold back under the ice. Now seeing such a hole, they all rushed to the hole to breathe.

Sang Yu asked them to use rattan ropes to hang the rattan basket under the ice and plunge it into the water.

After the rattan basket squeezed the fish away, it sank quickly, and the fish swarmed towards the hole again, competing for fresh air.

Seeing that it was almost the same, Sang Yu ordered the hunting team to immediately pull up the rope and pull up the rattan basket.

Without fishing nets, we can only use the most stupid method. Fortunately, the fish are numb from the cold, and before they can swim away, they are caught by the rattan baskets that are pulled up and dragged directly onto the ice.

Everyone on the ice stared wide-eyed, half a basket of fish, each about as thick as an arm, is too awesome.

Everyone looked at Sang Yu even more differently.

"Pour the fish into the basket next to it, continue to hang it, and continue to catch."

The palms of the adults in the tribe are very rough, and they don't feel thorny at all when catching fish.

They were so happy that they would rather pick up one by one and feel the food, rather than pour it into the basket all at once.

The weather was cold, and these fish did not resist much when they were caught, and were quickly thrown into rattan baskets one by one.

It is a simple and repetitive process of lowering the hanging basket and putting the fish into the basket, but it requires physical strength and endurance. Everyone is so tired that they breathe white air from their mouths.

Seeing that the five rattan baskets were almost full, Sang Yu said, "That's enough, wait until next time."

A group of adults and children of the tribe stood by the river bank, seeing so many fish, their faces couldn't stop their joy.

Sang Yu's clothes were also covered with a layer of animal skin, and she was shivering from the cold.

This group of people had animal skins around their waists, and at most they wore animal skin vests, some of them didn't even have any. The wind blowing their buttocks seemed to be warmer than her.

Seeing the leader speak to go back, the crowd cheered and carried the fish back.

The fishing this time has once again refreshed the upper limit of tribal people's worship of Sangyu.

Along the way, everyone seems to have forgotten the cold, talking about the changes in everyone's lives after the arrival of the new leader.

"I used to sleep in the open air, and I had to get drenched when it rained. Now I have a bamboo house to live in, so I don't have to be exposed to the wind and sun, and it doesn't get cold even when it snows."

"I used to eat one meal a day, but I still couldn't get enough, but now I eat two meals a day, and I can feel full after every meal."

"I used to eat tree roots and fruits, but now I have meat and can drink hot soup. A bowl of hot soup can keep my body warm for a long time."

"After taking a shower and cutting my hair, I feel very comfortable. I used to be woken up by lice in the middle of the night, but now I can sleep until dawn."

"Why didn't Ray think of doing this before."

Lei is the former leader of the Bird Tribe, "Don't mention Lei, any good things are kept for his own family, we don't even think about it, now the leader Sang is like us, what we eat and what she eats, the bamboo house is like ours the same."

"Leader Sang was sent by the gods to save us, how can Lei compare with her."

"That's right, I met a group of leopards when I moved before. If it were Lei, he would be the first to run away, leaving us to feed the leopards."

"Forget it, Lei doesn't think about moving at all. He just wants to live in that old place for the rest of his life. It's stinky there. If I go back now, I won't be able to sleep."

"Hahaha, Gao, you must not be able to sleep, you kid. Now that you have Liu, no one will **** it from you. If it were in the past, Lei would not give it to you. They will want whoever they want."

Gao smiled and said: "Hehe, so the leader said there is nothing wrong with monogamy. In my opinion, these regulations are to make us feel at ease."

"Hey, didn't you think that it is normal for a man to have several wives. Now it seems that all the women in our tribe are so capable, and they may not be able to see us, let alone a wife, maybe half of them Can't get it."

"Anyway, I listened to the leader. The leader said that one wife is better than one wife. I work alone. I can't support so many wives. One is enough."

Zhuang followed the group of men and couldn't help interrupting.

"The leader said that when two people are together, it is love. One person's love can only be given to one wife, and if it is given to others, it is not love, it is greed..."

Qing looked forward to it while talking, "I will only have one wife in the future."

The tree on the side sneered at him: "What do you mean you only want one, now the leader has issued an order, no matter how many you want, you can only ask for one."

Qing hummed twice and was silent again.

But Shu didn't let him go and said, "Your boy will be able to find a wife in two or three snow seasons. Have you fallen in love with Yu?"

"Yu's mother is the number one beauty in the tribe. She must be prettier than her mother when she grows up. You must have fallen in love with her."

Everyone booed after hearing the words.

But the educated youth blushed and retorted: "No, why would I want to beg a fierce person to be my wife? I...I want to beg..."

Speaking of this, I suddenly couldn't continue.

Seeing this, the other men couldn't help teasing him, and told about the women in the tribe, big and small, but Qing kept shaking his head in denial, and kept his mouth tightly shut on the left back and kept silent.

In the past, in the tribe, life and death were impermanent, and no one knew when he would die. So if there is a good friend in the tribe, as long as they see each other, they will be together without any ceremony.

The men in the tribe kept dying from hunting, and the women remained because of this. In many tribes, there would be more boys and girls. A man with a little ability would only have as many wives as he wanted.

The men in the tribe appear younger, while the women seem soft but have tenacious vitality. There is often a combination of a young man and an older woman.

The men discussed among themselves and soon returned to the kitchen.

The warm temperature in the room quickly warmed people's frozen and blackened bodies, and everyone gathered together to enjoy the fire for a while, and then swallowed at the fish that they had never seen before.

With warm water, Sang Yu took a stone knife to show everyone **** fish. Yuan led the rest of the people to kill all the fish, scraped the scales and removed the internal organs.

With two people and two fires, Sang Yu ordered four big fish to be cooked at night, and the rest were buried in the snow and frozen, and they would be dug out when they wanted to eat.

Sang Yu actually wanted to eat fried fish, but there is no big iron pot yet, and the clay pots they made do not have the function of frying, so they can only look at the ocean and sigh.

Fortunately, the fish soup is very delicious, the mulberry yu is very satisfying, and the people in the tribe are full of belly.