MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 33

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This time I came to participate in the rally, and I have already exchanged three large jars and more than ten small bowls, and the jerky has also been exchanged with the rock tribe for animal bones.

Now there is only one large pottery pot and a dozen small pottery bowls of different sizes left.

This trip is definitely a big harvest for Sangyu.

Not only did I receive soybeans, millet, and leek seeds, but also some other wild fruits and hemp herbs, as well as some bone knives from the rock tribe.

Seeing the Eagle Tribe now sounded a wake-up call in Sang Yu's heart.

Her subconscious thought was that since she had changed what she wanted, she could go back tonight to avoid any accidents.

As for those who were captured before, that was their fate.

But looking back at how Shouhou and Wu were abused, there are more people suffering in the Eagle Tribe.

This is true for men, let alone women.

Before coming to this era, in Sang Yu's impression, the primitive society should be a society where everyone is equal and the way of life of a big family. Now it seems that the current period is no longer the matriarchal era, but the transition point from the patrilineal era of primitive society to the slave society, and the status of men is increasing.

Not only now, but from the previous situation of the Bird Tribe, it can be seen that polygamy, men dominate the life of the entire tribe, and this situation will become more serious in the future.

Sang Yu has no intention and knows that she doesn't have that great ability to change the entire social situation by herself, but she can't let the things in front of her be ignored.

Except for a small number of people who were taken captive by the Bird Tribe, most of them were still poor people.

She thinks that at least around her, if she can change a little bit, it counts as a little bit, and if she can save one, it counts as one.

As for the future, even if new problems are encountered, new solutions will be born.

Moreover, the tribe is understaffed, the productivity is low, and the problem of food and clothing cannot be solved, not to mention the need to build a tribe to build a defense system from multiple aspects.

Bringing people back can also further solve this problem.

What's more, in Sang Yu's eyes, Yu and Zhuang's perseverance turned into a kind of rare fellowship. As the leader of the tribe, Sang Yu couldn't just retreat without a fight and do nothing.

This matter has to be taken care of, but it can't be done on the spur of the moment.

The Eagle Tribe treats the captives as slaves, and slaves are not eligible to come out to the market, unless they are sold in the market as commodities.

So as long as Wu and Thin Monkey don't make a sound, the people of the Eagle Tribe won't be able to recognize them as people from the Bird Tribe.

Sang Yu asked Hua and others to continue setting up a stall to see if they had received seeds and other useful things.

After giving Yu a few instructions, he walked back and forth as usual as if nothing had happened.

Not to mention, some tribes really brought slaves to sell. Those skinny slaves with ropes around their necks were as pitiful as they could be.

Now that he has nothing of value in his hands, Sang Yu has stopped thinking about buying slaves.

If there are still so few people in the tribe next year, this is a way to increase the population.

Until the sun went down, all the tribes looked for places to rest.

Sang Yu took Zhuang and the Mi siblings back to the mountainside where they rested last night.

Under Sang Yu's arrangement, Mi began to carry out her first mission in the Phoenix Tribe.

She took the clay pots she had prepared in advance, drilled a log by the stream to make a fire, and cooked the dried meat.

"By chance" I ran into a member of the Eagle tribe who was coming out to fetch water.

These people were afraid that the slaves would run away, so they came out to fetch water by themselves.

The man saw a child cooking in an earthenware pot, so he took a closer look and found that there was still meat in it.

The man looked around and saw that there were no other adults, so he picked up his spear and was about to attack.

Mi Zao was alerted when he approached, and backed away in panic.

"What are you doing!"

The man said viciously, "Give me the jar."

After speaking, he was about to stab her with a spear, and Mi had already taken the opportunity to escape.

The man happily carried the clay pot and left.

He had no idea how many people were ambushing a hundred meters away from him, watching him take the jar away.

The jars contained crushed datura flowers, dried meat and salt, which were used as bait.

People in the Eagle Tribe have no reason or compassion at all. When they see such a good pottery pot, they will definitely take it for themselves. If they taste the soup inside, they will fall into a coma.

"You go to the side and watch. If you see them falling asleep, come and tell us immediately."

Yu nodded, took the bone knife and took the order.

Others went back to the place where they rested last night.

The flower cooks on the same fire as before, chops up the dried meat and throws it into the pot to cook, and throws the picked wild vegetables and mushrooms into the pot as soon as the water boils.

After it was cooked, everyone shared a large bowl and served it with black potatoes to satisfy their hunger.

Mi and his younger brother each had a bowl. The three of them had never tasted such a delicious broth, and they all ate a full stomach.

At this time, when he heard the sound of cuckoo at the foot of the mountain, Sang Yu put down his bowl and chopsticks and said, "Hua, take good care of the three of them and wait in the cave. We will go back as soon as we go."

Hua nodded.

The leader has always been very safe, and all I can do is to do what she explained, and that is the greatest help.

Sang Yu quickly disappeared into the night with Zhuang and Yan.

When I went to the cave where the Eagle Tribe was located, I saw five big men lying in a mess, only Wu and Skinny Monkey were still awake, one was sober from the pain, and the other was not qualified to drink the soup at all.

Wu just sat withered at the entrance of the cave. Originally, the thin monkey was seriously injured. The five people wanted to throw him outside and let him die on his own. I let him go, but fell asleep after drinking soup.

Wu did not dare to move, for fear that they would wake up suddenly.

He looked out of the cave, his eyes dimmed.

But vaguely saw a black shadow approaching in the dark night, he wanted to open his mouth to call someone, but subconsciously suppressed his voice.

Seeing that the familiar figure was leading the way, I was overjoyed.

With a bone knife on his back, Yu brought Sang Yu and the three of them forward under the moonlight.


Wu lowered his voice and called.

"Uh, we're here to save you and Skinny Monkey."

The sockets of Wu's eyes became hot, and she was about to shed tears.

He didn't know if Yu had defected to other tribes, but how could this tribe agree to save people.

When he saw Zhuang, who was as strong as a hill, and Yan following behind, he suddenly became emotional.

"The Horde isn't dead yet, great, great—"

"Wu, this is the new leader of the tribe, named Sang." Yan hurriedly said to Wu.

Wu quickly prostrated himself on the ground.

Sang Yu helped him up and said, "These people from the Eagle Tribe have been fascinated by our drug, now take you and the thin monkey back to the tribe."

Wu Wenyan was both surprised and delighted.

"Yan, you go and take our clay pot away, or else someone will find out later, and we will be inseparable."

"Zhuang, you go back to the cave first with the thin monkey on your back."

Yan obeyed his orders and went into the cave, but soon there was the sound of sharp objects piercing into the flesh and a few wailing sounds, and then everything returned to calm.

Sang Yu stared at the rock that had just walked out of the cave for a long time, and the **** bamboo dripping from his bone knife. He froze for a moment, but finally said nothing, and led everyone to prepare to return to the cave.

In fact, she knew that these people could not be let go, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous, but if she was really asked to do it herself, she still couldn't do it.

What Yan did was to act as an executioner for her.

But it’s different when they are dead. From the Eagle Tribe to the market, the road is such a long distance, passing through deep mountains and old forests, it is reasonable for any accident to happen.

But Wu said: "There is another person named Ta, who is the leader's younger brother. He hasn't come back yet. Let's go quickly and let him see it."

When Sang Yu and the others heard the words, they quickly packed up their things and retreated.

But when he just walked outside the cave, he heard footsteps in the darkness.

Everyone raised their hearts.

Sang Yu hurriedly ordered Yu and Yan to follow immediately.

It's not how powerful the tower is, but because he is afraid that if he escapes, it will bring disaster to the Phoenix tribe.

However, unexpectedly, the footsteps came from far to near.

Could it be that the tower did not leave, but came to find them desperately, this is unreasonable.

Only when a tall figure appeared within the visible range of the firelight did Sang Yu see the face of the person coming.

It was Ya.

The most surprising thing is that Ya is carrying a huge body on her shoulders.

She walked up to several people and threw the people on her shoulders to the ground.

Wu whispered: "It's the tower!"

"It seems that you have missed someone."

Ya patted the dust off her body with a relaxed tone.

Sang Yu looked at the tower that seemed to have no breath on the ground, and looked at Ya in surprise. She didn't expect that the other party would have seen through tonight's actions.

By doing this, Danya undoubtedly put her own on Sang Yu's side.

Tower was killed. If it was known that the young leader of the Rock tribe killed the younger brother of the leader of the Eagle tribe, there would be a conflict between the two tribes.

What's more, the relationship between these two tribes has always been bad.

The Rock Tribe will definitely take the opportunity to attack.

"You must have guessed why I did this, yes, for the salt, but I will not use bad means to force you to ask for it, if possible, we can exchange each other, animal skins and animal bones are fine, rock tribe There are plenty of hands, and we can help you with the work."

"You don't have to be so guarded against me."

Ya spread her hands, "Actually, there is another important reason, because I think you are far-sighted and very smart. I have never seen such a powerful leader. Although I have never heard of your tribe's name before, I think It won't take long, and there must be no one in the entire East Earth Continent who doesn't know about the Phoenix Tribe."

Sang Yu instantly had a feeling of being a hero and cherishing heroes. Although she herself was a hero who could build the tribe to this point only by relying on the experience accumulated in modern society, but hearing Ya say this, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

The other party may have seen that Yan, the Phoenix Tribe is not a middleman, but a producer.

Sang Yu finally nodded and said, "I accept your kindness, and I will think about it carefully."

After everyone returned to the cave where they were resting, Hua had already prepared food.

Eating jerky cassava and drinking broth, Wu couldn't help crying.

"This broth is too delicious, and there is salt. I have never eaten salt. How did you do it?"

Huadao: "These are all the methods the leader found. When the Eagle Tribe came, they took you away. We people were injured and died. Yu brought the leader to come. After the leader came..."

Listening to their rambling talk, Sang Yu arranged for the little ones to go to bed first.

Yu asked, "Are we leaving tomorrow?"

Sang Yu pondered for a while and said: "Don't worry, those people died, their cave is remote, and they have no contact with other tribes, no one knows when they are gone, everyone knows that we haven't exchanged yet. It's not good to just leave so suddenly after finishing the goods."

On the next morning, Sang Yu asked Yu to take Zhuang and Yan to continue setting up a stall, and brought rice to dig mandala flowers, while Hua stayed in the cave to take care of a few children and the thin monkey.

Datura flower is a rare herb that can be used in the making of weapons in the future.

Most of these flowers grow in one place, but it's a pity that there are not many of them. The two of them dug up the roots and leaves before going to the market.

Seeing that almost all the pottery has been changed, Sang Yu went to say goodbye to Ya, saying that she would go back to the tribe after changing things.

Seeing that there was really no need for them to stay, Ya just asked her how to get there if she wanted to find her.

Sang Yu was finally willing to tell her the address.

Because she knew that with the current strength of the Rock Tribe, as long as they were willing, it was too easy to find their address.

Sang Yu told her to walk along the river in the direction where the sun rises. After walking for five to six days, you will see a wide river. The middle and upper reaches of the river are where the Phoenix Tribe is located.

She patted Ya on the shoulder and said, "I'll come back after the next market."


The next day, before dawn, Sang Yu set off with a small team, all the way to the direction of Xindi.

There were five people when we came, and there were three more children and two adults when we went back.

The thin monkey was seriously injured, and Zhuang carried it all the way.

This little boy was tortured to the point where he was only skin and bones. He was 1.7 meters tall and weighed less than 80 pounds. It was easier for Zhuang to carry him than when he was here.

Mi's younger siblings are still young, so in order not to delay the formation, Wu and Yan each carry one, Hua is responsible for carrying the rations for everyone to go back, and Sangyu only needs to be responsible for some fruits and seeds, so it is easy.

Yu and Mi were not a few years apart in age, but they could chat, and they talked on the road, but most of them were Mi asking and Yu answering.

Rush during the day and sleep at night, and soon came to the former site of the Bird Tribe.

When we went there, the bacon was still hidden in the cave, so Zhuang took out the meat and started grilling it in the dark.

Both Wu and Shouhou have never been to Xindi, and they are looking forward to this place.

The meals these few days have made them and the Miji people full and satisfied. The longer they get along, the more they discover that Sangyu is powerful in all aspects, and the more he loves this leader.

Several people gathered around the entrance of the cave, eating barbecue and drinking broth. Sang Yu asked Mi, "Have your younger brothers and sisters been named?"

Mi shook his head, then raised his head and asked expectantly, "Can the leader name them?"

Sang Yu thought for a while and said, "How about the three of you calling the rice two meters three meters?"

Everyone thinks it's good, after all, their names are chosen randomly. When they see stones, they call them Shi, and when they grow tall, they call them Gao. It's good for the three Mi family siblings to call them that way.

Wu drank the broth in the bowl, thinking of the tribesmen who were still enslaved in the Eagle Tribe, his originally high mood suddenly became depressed.

The rest of the people also knew what he was thinking, Zhuang asked: "Leader, can we go and bring the tribe back?"

Sang Yu sighed, turned her head and asked, "Wu, how many people are there in the Eagle Tribe now?"

Wu thought for a while, "The aborigines of the Eagle Tribe are the same as the number of our Bird Tribe before, and many people were taken from various tribes as slaves."

Sang Yu then asked Zhuang: "Do you know how many people are in our current Phoenix Tribe?"

The Zhuang people were silent for a moment.

No matter how strong Zhuang can fight, he can't overthrow the entire tribe by himself.

"But leader, we can't let the clansmen stay in that place to suffer!"

Yan is a big man with red eyes. His wife was taken captive, and his daughter was one of the five seriously wounded. Think of your own wife.

This was also the reason why he angrily killed the five Eagle tribe members that night.

"I know, I can understand your feelings, and I will find a way to rescue them."

Sang Yu said: "But we have to build up the tribe first. Only when the tribe grows and the population increases, can we have the conditions to fight the Eagle tribe."

According to this method, it would take a lot of time, Sang Yu frowned, brainstorming in her mind.

Head-on confrontation is difficult, only by outsmarting, or with the help of external forces.

"Boss, I will definitely work hard when I go back."

"Me too, I dig three traps a day—"