MTL - Beast Control Starts From Zero Points-Chapter 644v3 I don’t want money (I recommend watching it together tomorrow)

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The mint-smelling pet stepped aside and barked.

 At this moment, a camera sound of "click" suddenly appeared next to him.


The mint-smelling pet was startled and subconsciously jumped back a big step.

 “Yinyin.” The dark purple pet nodded and immediately pressed the button inside.

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He would naturally be willing to befriend anyone who could afford to buy an S-level Yin Chao Pearl, even if there was a certain possibility that she was bragging.

 “800,000.” The white uncle said casually.

 “Go down.” The middle-aged man said.

The people who were joking in the private room quieted down. They looked over here and saw the beast identifier appearing out of thin air. They instantly understood what they were talking about and turned around to continue joking.

 “No.” The middle-aged white man said.

 The dark purple pet grinned towards the hiding place of Little Treasure Hunt.

She is no stranger to this stuff. Some animal control centers use this kind of self-help model.

ˈ˜Qiao Sang: “???”

Qiao Sang thanked him, put the silver ring into his pocket, and quickly found B-13 according to the stall number.


Qiao Sang pulled out a chair and sat down.

I saw another one in the car, about one meter in size, with black eyes and a dark purple color all over. At first glance, it was a ghost-type beast.

 The items placed in each stall were very miscellaneous, and there was no professional written introduction. Qiao Sang walked around for a while and found that he could not recognize more than 90% of the items.

 “Do you want an S-level Yin Chaozhu?” the middle-aged white man asked.

Room C3... Qiao Sang glanced to the side and saw the room with [C3] hanging on it.

 At this time, the sound of taking pictures sounded.

 The secret door slowly closed.

 The elevator door opened and Qiao Sang entered the car.

ˆ Qiao Sang said "Hmm": "Do you have one?"

 The elevator door is closed.

Yin Chaozhu... Qiao Sang looked at the purple to black beads on the stall, his eyes lit up, and he asked:

 The stall owner began to think seriously.

Little Xunbao also grinned.

Although there were no Yin Chaozhu on his stall, the customer in front of him had just bought something of his own. Even though it didn't cost much, with this transaction, he couldn't help but answer.

 Qiao Sang was silent for a moment and asked: "How much?"

 A voice with the same voice sounded instantly:

"You have me, what other pet cannot be recognized face to face... Let me take a look, Mint Monster, an intermediate grass-type pet, will emit a mint-like smell, which will have a paralyzing effect for ordinary people. , I’ll fall over as soon as I smell it.”

 She did not stop Xiao Xunbao from using the pet identification device.

“As long as the pollen on it is taken, it can not only clear people’s minds in a short period of time, but also allow people to smell the traces of the peppermint monster where the pollen comes from, like a pet with a sensitive sense of smell, within five minutes.”

 After confirming that there was no one else around, the invisible little Xunbao operated the pet identification device.

 With a "ding" sound, the elevator door opened.

It has been a long time since he met a guy who said hello to him even though he was invisible.

 “Go down,” Qiao Sang said.

 “No.” The white man shook his head.

Then what are you doing here... Qiao Sang could hardly control his facial expressions.

 He paused for a moment, feeling some conscience after all: "100 yuan."

 【At present, one person has confirmed the transaction, please wait for five minutes in room C3】

 After briefly confirming the function, Qiao Sang got started quickly.

 After the stall owner took the money, Qiao Sang asked in a low voice:

ˈ˜Qiao Sang: “…”

"What's this?"

 “Which direction is the next floor going to?”

The white man pointed to the right: "Just take the elevator over there and go down."

 Two hundred five. Two hundred and thirty-four. One hundred and forty-six. Seventy-five

 About four minutes later, there was a "dong dong" sound on the door.

 You are an underground trading market, and in an underground trading market that only allows beast masters to enter, you put a ring that is only for decoration?

 After announcing the news that he wanted the S-class Yin Chaozhu, the screen displayed:

【Please wait】

"how much is this?"

 “Is there an S-level Yin Chaozhu?”

She opened the door and saw that the inside was only about seven square meters in size. Two leather artificial chairs and a wooden table were placed in the middle, and there was nothing else.

The stall owner at stall B-13 is a gloomy-looking white uncle. His face is uncovered and he doesn’t seem to be afraid of how others will remember him.

Although Qiao Sang looks like an underage at first glance, he is actually over 1.6 meters tall. After covering himself with a mask and hood, he is not conspicuous in the crowd at the moment just because of his appearance.


 Little treasure hunt... Qiao Sang smiled apologetically at the mint-smelling beast and stepped down the stairs.

 “Please come in.” Qiao Sang said.

 Qiao Sang stepped forward to leave, but the next second, she returned to the B-13 booth and asked:

"But please note that it is only effective for beast control masters with developed brains. Ordinary people cannot bear the paralysis effect of pollen. After taking it or smelling it, they will only become dizzy and paralyzed and faint... Isn't it just a peppermint monster? What can't be done in person? You know, now that you have me, you can be bolder."

“Go to the B-13 stall and have a look. That stall basically sells things related to ghost beasts,” the stall owner said.

The stall owner suddenly looked surprised, as if he didn't expect anyone to actually buy this thing.

 Qiao Sang walked over.

Qiao Sang looked around and saw no stalls or many people. There were only five people in a circle, and a virtual screen about two meters long was extremely conspicuous in the center.

 “For decoration.”

  The movement of the pet identifier can let others know that there is an invisible ghost pet next to her without knowing what Little Treasure Hunter looks like, but it can actually scare others.

His knowledge needs to be expanded... Qiao Sang reflected on himself, stopped in front of a stall, pointed to a silver ring engraved with complex patterns and asked:

"What is the use?"

 The middle-aged man took a look at it and asked, "Go out or go down?"

There was a burly middle-aged man standing at the elevator entrance, helping to press the elevator button.

 Qiao Sang took out the cash and handed it over.

Qiao Sang thanked him again and walked in the direction pointed by the uncle. Sure enough, he saw an elevator.

Please wait? How to wait? Should you go back or wait here? If no one here has S-level Yin Chaozhu, maybe he will have to wait forever... Just as Qiao Sang was thinking, the screen jumped and changed to a line of words:

 No wonder it’s so deserted outside, there’s no one around, it turns out they’re all trading in the room... Qiao Sang walked towards room C3.

After walking up the stairs for about three or four minutes, what came into view was a wide hall, with stalls arranged in an orderly manner. Almost all the people shopping used hats or large collars to make their appearance more or less clear. of covering.

After walking in, he closed the door and sat down on the chair on the other side.

 The middle-aged man said nothing more and pressed the light button.

There is another layer below? Qiao Sang was surprised in his heart, but said calmly on the surface: "Thank you." The white man showed a friendly smile.

This limited-edition pet identification device has a camera function. You can take a picture of the appearance of the pet and store it, and then identify it after a period of time. Xiaoxunbao only used it for two days and figured out this function.


A middle-aged white man wearing a hat and a black trench coat, who looked handsome but had wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, opened the door and walked in.

The white man was stunned for a moment: "Do you want S-level Yin Chaozhu?"

800,000 yuan, the price is on the low side, not the price of an S-grade Yin Chao Pearl... Qiao Sang pondered for a moment and asked:

 Self-publication of news? Qiao Sang walked to a virtual screen.

 “Do you know where there are Yin Chao beads here?”

“But you can go to the trading place on the lower floor and announce the information that you want the S-level Yin Chaozhu. If anyone here has it, they will naturally contact you.” The white man continued.

  That's it. It seems that the glass of wine she just drank must have been mixed with peppermint monster pollen... Qiao Sang suddenly realized that, and the movement of his feet did not stop.

“But I have an SS-level Yin Chao Pearl.” The middle-aged white man continued.

˜Qiao Sang nodded: “Do you have one?”

However, there are orange xenon lamps on both sides of the stairs, which can clearly illuminate the way down.

ˈ˜Qiao Sang: “!!”

 Qiao Sang's eyes lit up. Although he was extremely excited inside, he remained as calm as a boss on the outside: "You make an offer."

 “I don’t want money.” The middle-aged white man said.