MTL - Beast Piercing The Heavens-Chapter 17 Insidious villain

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17 chapter insidious villain (

Night home, other hospitals.

The snow stood quietly in the small courtyard, and the fascinating eyes flashed and seemed to be thinking about something. Not far from the two black old men stood by and silently guarded.

"Less Lord, what are you today?" An old man next to me was silent for a while, but couldn't help but ask.

"Well?" Snow did not seem to understand, slightly frowning, turned to look at the old man in black.

The old man meditated and said, "I mean, today, the lesser master seems to be doing something a bit blundering. This patriarch sent us over to discuss with the night house the elite government battle next year. If you are offended for a small woman The night home is worth the loss!"

"Oh? Ink thought that I saw the girl? I played the game? Oh, you are too small to see that I have no trace of snow. I don't want any woman in the snow?" Snow did not pick a brow, double eyes However, there was a trace of greed, but the corner of the mouth was sinful and laughed: "However, this woman is the only woman in the world, Shi Lao, asked if there is no detail?"

Another old man nodded and said: "Asked out, this woman is called the night whisper. Today, the young boy who is injured by the Lord is called the night light, and is the son of the night knife. The night whisper is the righteous daughter adopted by the night knife. After the night knife died, his brother and sister are currently in a low position in the night."

"Oh? The son of the night knife! There is no temper of the night knife but no talent for the night knife. The waste is not enough. The night knife is this person, the talent is extremely top, and it has pressed my father's generation for more than 20 years. I didn’t expect the vision to be so good, is it? He has already seen it? Deliberately left it to his son? No! It’s a late change...” Snow shook his head without a trace, slightly considering it, Shen Sheng: “Stone Old, you will return to the family immediately, and ask my grandfather to take 20 bottles of Shangpin Xueling, I want to propose to the night house! I want to... stay up all night!"

"Ah? Twenty bottles of Shangpin Xuelingdan? Staying up late?"

A trace of snow is like a stone, and the old face of the old stone is moving. What is Xue Lingdan? That is the peerless medicine. Yanlong mainland's medicinal herbs are divided into middle and lower products and gods. They are the best tonic for cultivation. They need a lot of materials for refining, and the refining is complicated. Usually, a bottle of medicinal herbs is worth hundreds of coins in the market. Xuelingdan is a top-grade medicinal herb. It is unique to Xuejia. It is difficult to find one for Wanjin. There is no market for price. Just the night of the night, the parents screamed at night to go to the torture hall to receive the healing dan, which is the lowest level of the medicinal medicine, but also a gift, showing the preciousness of the medicinal herbs. At this time, there is no trace of snow, and there are only 20 bottles. Why is Shi Lao Mo old not moving?

"This?" Shi Lao hesitated for a while, but seemed to think of something, said: "What is special about this woman?"

"Hey! Others can't see it. I can see some of my natural eyes. This woman is rare in the world... the body of Yuling!" Although the snow has no trace, although it is dull, the joy of the voice is but It’s obvious.

"Ah, the body of Yuling, one of the two great Eucharists?"

Shi Lao and Mo Lao were invariably screaming. Looking at each other, the eyes are full of horror, but instantly turned into ecstasy.

Night Fort, East Court.

"Brother, you should lie down first, I will go to the torture hall to take the medicinal herbs." The night whispered to help my brother, returned to his own small courtyard, called the water, helped his brother to wipe it, let him lie in bed, and signaled him to rest and rest. .

"Don't go!" But the night is cold, but I hold my sister, and my mouth is a little self-deprecating. "When you whisper, you don't need their pity. If you are poor, you have to be poor, but then you can hurt." It’s not a good thing. It’s good to stay in a day or two. You... go out first, I’ll take a break.”

"But? Brother, your injury..." The beautiful eyebrows of the night whispered slightly, and the color of worry was overwhelming.

But she saw the firm color of the night and the cold, and held back the words. He licked his mouth and groaned a few words, and walked out of the room helplessly.


After the younger sister went out, the night was cold and long and he vomited. Silly sitting on the bed, like a dementia patient.

"People are deceived by people, and Ma Shan is being ridiculed. The world has no strength. It is always only being deceived by people, without dignity. It is like a plate of fish, and it is slaughtered!"

Today, this is a very big touch to the night. There was a hint of quietness for a lifetime, and it was gone at this moment.

He and the night are frivolous, the same family direct children, family young masters, why the night frivolous family everyone knows, all see the night frivolous must respect the shout "big master"?

He and the snow are the same as the descendants of the five major families. Why did the snow go out without a guard and came to Cangcheng to injure himself? Why didn’t the night tigers dare to move him? Night glory and night frivolity must maintain him?

why? why!
