MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 190 concert in the ruins

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General Kang could have imprisoned Daisy Johnson for the first time, at least to get to know this amazing girl in all aspects during her weak period.

But Daisy moved out the "temporary wartime special department operation barcode", using this to protect herself, and anyone who knows this special barcode has a high status. If he insisted on forcibly detaining her, many eyes saw a girl being thrown on the Unicorn tonight, and he would not be able to hide the ensuing investigation by S.H.I.E.L.D. Afterwards, it was found that his defeat in the battle was small, and it was treason to disobey the bill of Congress.

After everything was settled, the surviving people came out of the underground shelter tremblingly, looking up at the sky.

Flame and burning, dotted with lonely ruins. In the city that survived the catastrophe, the eyes are full of dumbfounded people, looking for lost relatives and friends everywhere.

The dawn, accompanied by the most urgent cold, enveloped everyone on the earth silently.

Starting at six o'clock in the morning, some strongholds for distributing water and food appeared on the street, attracting some disgraced residents over.

Shi Huaiya, wearing a mask, was among the busy crowd distributing supplies. The hairstyle of the girl's punk head is very messy, and some hair sticks together occasionally. She hasn't rested for a long time.

It was she who called a group of people to distribute the food that could be gathered from other places, and arranged the post-disaster relief work on a small scale. Last night, she was very lucky to avoid Muto's harassment, and no one had any accidents on the road. After the incident, she did not leave the foot basin immediately, but took advantage of her weak popularity here to be the leader for a while, and assigned post-disaster rescue work.

This shouldn't be her business, she can go to Hokkaido and take a plane back to Longmen. Escaping from the foot basin is something that most outsiders will do in a short period of time. But she felt that it couldn't be like this.

A large area of ​​houses was damaged, a large area of ​​public equipment was damaged, and a quarter of the shelters were attacked last night. The collapse caused a large number of casualties, and many people disappeared completely because of this incident. There are still many surviving people buried in underground shelters, waiting for rescue.

Against such a background, Shi Huaiya felt that she needed to do something.

The battle between the two monsters last night almost demolished half of the densely populated residential area. Although there are still some intact buildings, some have been shaken and the foundations have been shaken. The buildings are already in danger of collapsing. These houses urgently need to be demolished . Some aborigines wanted to go back to their homes and get some things. But these slanted and cracked houses are not safe. After several accidents, the residents can only wait quietly for the government agencies to demolish them.

The dawn sprinkles on the earth, but the coldness of the night remains.

It was already the second morning after the incident happened, and people in the disaster-stricken area noticed it early. They felt the seriousness of the situation from noon on the first day after the disaster. Soft complaints and harsh accusations gradually sounded. This also increased the workload of Shi Huaiya for the speed.

The morning after the incident. The interim cabinet meeting officially announced that the prime minister, deputy prime minister, and other cabinet ministers were missing. Rescue is urgent. The interim cabinet will be fully responsible for the disaster rescue, rescue and other matters.

The power vacuum of the cabinet made the attitudes of other areas not affected by the disaster ambiguous. They all agreed unanimously to be responsible for the emergency rescue work, but they were afraid of taking responsibility for the post-disaster. The necessary orderly rescue was not obtained. A lot of rescue time was lost.

On the contrary, there are very responsible people like Shi Huaiya who spontaneously organized and effectively carried out the rescue. Some distributed masks, some distributed supplies, some excavated collapsed shelters, and some spontaneously treated injured residents. The scenes of busy helping and being helped are presented on this land.

Because of the monster, the affected area is very flat, and there are buildings that have been smashed in half in the field of vision, and the exposed wall bricks seem to be smashed down at any time. The people around them already know the fact that the government has abandoned them, and the inaction of the top makes them look like abandoned and useless people.

The mother is holding her daughter, and Bai Shasha's ashes cover her hair. The mother is still very active in comforting her child. The girl's eyes are empty and lifeless.

The old man's face was engraved with the growth rings of the years, his cloudy eyes stared at the wall that had become ruins, and his thin body was sitting on the stone, like a child curled up, losing the sense of security around him.

Familiar friends are thankful for their own survival, sitting back to back, whispering something in their mouths.

The young man who lost his family was silent, and the adult who had no news of his child had a dim light in his eyes.

Even if the whole family snuggles together, they don't know what to do next, waiting for something at a loss. Although they don't understand what this waiting is waiting for.

Shi Huaiya was very tired holding a mineral water bottle, sitting on the ruins, looking at the extremely oppressive surroundings. Shi Huaiya felt uncomfortable. Although she was from a superior family and had no troubles since she was a child, since she became the ambassador of the United Nations a few years ago, she has traveled to many ruined countries such as Sokovia on behalf of peace. People after that are very sensitive.

Something was blocked in her chest, she put it in the water bottle, passed through the crowd who were queuing up to receive food and water, came to the relatively spacious ruins, and sang loudly.

Behind the infinitely stretching dreams

Through a cruel and unforgiving world

don't want to lose to myself

Having your beautiful memory will make me work harder

The people around turned to look at the girl. Most of them had gotten water or food from her, so they knew her.

There is no accompaniment, no soundtrack, pure a cappella, with a loud voice. This is Shi Huaiya's favorite song in her childhood. Because of this song, this anime also specially learned C+ language programming. But she really likes to sing, and she wants to use her singing to inspire people around her.

"I hope that everyone will not lose the color of life because of difficulties. No matter how difficult the difficulty is, we must overcome it. The best way to eliminate fear is to face him! Come on everyone!"

Then Shi Huaiya said a lot of speeches like chicken soup, both comforting and encouraging.

After all, Shi Huaiya is just a 17-year-old girl, with naive and naive ideas emerging endlessly. The first reaction of the people around was to smile wryly, thinking that this little girl was a little funny. Then they smiled wryly, and they felt that what the girl said was right and well said.

Seeing that the people around her felt touched, Shi Huaiya continued to sing. She can sing not many foot basin songs, and then she sang a lot of her own songs, which brought many people here one after another. They were unkempt and disheveled, but they stayed below in an orderly and quiet manner, listening to the girl's energetic singing. Holding the food in one hand and the water in the other, he occasionally chews in a low voice.

Shi Huaiya sang from noon to two o'clock in the afternoon, and there were already a considerable number of people around. They gathered together, and Shi Huaiya kindly reminded them not to get too close, and let the wounded sit down first. During this period, she had no mic all the time, and only relied on her unique voice to capture the surrounding atmosphere.

Shi Huaiya's team helped her clip the speakers and earphones. This afternoon, Shi Huaiya briefly introduced herself, with a lot of nasty and encouraging words, and then started a long concert.

The purpose of singing is to inspire, and those who are gathered are attracted by Shi Huaiya's energetic emotions.

A skinny man in a dirty white shirt came up, and he greeted Shi Huaiya very friendly. He said that his name is Wada Koji, and he is very grateful to Miss Shi Huaiya for her food and sweet singing. He hopes that he can also contribute, at least let him sing a song in exchange for Miss Shi Huaiya's little rest time . It was only then that Shi Huaiya was forced to step down, she had been singing continuously for nearly five hours. The crowd around couldn't bear the girl to continue singing. Seeing her step down, the crowd was excited and comforted. Afterwards, Shi Huaiya used this deed as an excuse to enshrine the gods in the foot basin, and took this opportunity to formally enter the western entertainment circle. (later)

The meager power of Shi Huaiya awakened the fighting spirit of a large number of people, and they actively participated in the rescue work, which made the temporary rescue team composed of Shi Huaiya gradually expand in scale. It wasn't until the interim cabinet was announced the next day that no organization officially replaced the task of Shi Huaiya's team around 12 noon.

With the relay of the mysterious man on stage, the strong and strange singing set off a small climax on the scene. Then all the bigwigs hidden among the people came to the stage to cheer one after another, showing their magical powers, and took over Shi Huaiya's work alive. The atmosphere became heated, and the spotlights around the stage gradually gathered. The crowd of onlookers around is also increasing.

The sky is getting dark, and the concert centered on the rescue team Shi Huaiya is shining on the ruins. It seems to be the only happy existence in this boring post-disaster world.

It would be a lie to say that Shi Huaiya and her team have no selfishness. Shi Huaiya herself also understands that there is some utilitarianism in it. But the desire to contribute is true, and it is obviously not the responsibility of an entertainment company to do everything possible to obtain supplies, to form an emergency team, to plan and coordinate, to direct and deal with the aftermath. At least she is kind, and her intentions are good. After this incident, her own influence in Tokyo surpassed that of local first-line stars. Under the conscious or unintentional guidance, Quan Jiaopen learned her kind and selfless side.

Do good deeds and leave a name.

This is one of the thousands of things that happened after this disaster. Even if people knew about Shi Huaiya's small thoughts, they would not blame her. Thousands of people wanted to leave after the disaster, but she chose to stay and help. And she also borrowed resources from her family to collect a batch of supplies at Longmen and sent them to Tokyo.

Soon, materials donated by various countries came to Tokyo Bay one after another, and the fastest donating country was the flower grower. Within a day, they collected common supplies for two cargo ships and sent them to Tokyo Bay. Then came Beibang, Longmen, Baodao, Singapore and other places. A series of international aid from near to far is coming, but the whole of Tokyo is full of vitality and ruins.

After that, the media took a lot of pictures and reports about the current situation in Tokyo. Reporters with cameras can be seen in every dilapidated ruin, and some reporters made open and unannounced visits and went deep into the temporary tents. Unceremoniously ask about other people's physical condition, whether their relatives are there, and whether they are going well. Some widowed and lonely elderly who lost their loved ones burst into tears when they faced the camera and told their misery. But more often than not during interviews, reporters can only get resentful blank stares. Naturally, Western journalists don't go back and think about these blank stares. Their minds are full of excavating and reporting more exciting things. For the disaster victims, rescue is only the pre-dinner dessert of this incident, and the real staple food is the culprit of this incident. Two huge monsters!

Muto, who was already cold, was still nailed to death in the building, and has not yet been recovered by the military. Suddenly it became a famous scenic spot, and countless people stopped to take pictures. Its photos are the focus of major media scrambling to take pictures, and they have been reported on TV stations in various countries. For a time, the world was in an uproar.

Foot basin has always been a very famous country for special dramas, and the series of special dramas "Ultraman" exported overseas are very classic and well-known to every household. In this incident, the foot basin was the first to be attacked and destroyed, and the entire country was almost paralyzed in a short period of time. Judging from the perspective of hindsight, people from other countries who eat melons and watch dramas feel embarrassed for a while.

Regarding why the huge monster appeared, various media are scrambling to find the truth. And the scene of the amazing battle that night, the **** the Unicorn with the huge monster, and where did the monster go, all became the questions that the major reporters asked the garrison.

On the morning of the second day after the incident, General Kang held a press conference and officially announced the matter of Muto and Godzilla. The names of the two behemoths and the abilities of the two behemoths were explained in detail, and the origin of the behemoths was explained as "temporary investigation", without mentioning a word to the woman on the deck.

Such an attitude naturally did not satisfy the reporters, and General Kang's conscious avoidance of the "woman on deck" successfully seduced the reporters' thirst for knowledge. General Kang looked embarrassed. He looked at the speech prepared for him by S.H.I.E.L.D. under the table, and said very cautiously:

"She is the goddess of dawn."

When Daisy woke up, it was already noon on the third day.

The person is still in the foot basin, and at this time she is in another branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the foot basin area. Hill was not far away, and it seemed that it was time for Daisy to wake up. She opened the blinds and let in the harsh light, causing Daisy, who had just woken up, to feel uncomfortable. The light reflected on the various instruments around Daisy, sparkling.

Hill was holding a stack of reports and talking to Daisy. Although Daisy was listening again, the huge physical discomfort bothered her extremely, making Daisy rub her forehead all the time. Not long after, she ate 300 pieces of sushi in one go, in desperate need of energy.

"It's hard for me to describe that state, I was so confident at the time, I thought I could do it. That's it."

Hill tapped on the notebook and recorded, she continued to look at Daisy with her legs crossed. At this time, Daisy was pouring the pot of Lux hotpot down her neck.

"Do you know what S.H.I.E.L.D. will think of you after this time?"

Daisy didn't answer, didn't make any thoughtful movements, and continued to eat vigorously. That night consumed all the energy in her body, and at this moment she felt like her stomach was a bottomless pit.

Seeing that Daisy didn't reply, Hill wasn't angry either, she raised her eyes as a cold beauty.

"Do you know what Congress will think of you after this?"

Daisy wiped the remaining juice from the corner of her mouth, and looked curiously at Hill.

"This sounds serious." Daisy said disapprovingly, "So how did S.H.I.E.L.D. arrange for me? Enter the monitoring process?"

"It's time to announce your identity as the Goddess of Dawn." Hill said casually, gently rubbing the pen in his hand against the notebook. Announcing Daisy as the Goddess of Aurora is nothing but beneficial to Daisy. Not only will her own company directly benefit from becoming a world-wide super-big company, but more importantly.

In this way, Daisy became the next director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and this matter was basically stable.

Daisy didn't notice Hill's very subtle and abnormal reaction, but thought very carefully for a long time.

She put down her chopsticks, the Reese hot pot in front of her was still steaming, the chef at the front desk was making ramen very carefully, the sun in the quiet afternoon at one or two o'clock lazily poured in, Daisy was thinking Extremely serious.

"What are you worrying about?"

"How much is a person living in the world of gods and monsters worth..." Daisy said softly, causing Hill to frown.


Daisy seems to have recovered from overeating, she said lightly but very seriously

"You know? I gained 40 pounds"

(Don't worry about pounds, I'm too lazy to convert, easy to understand)

Afterwards, Daisy found out about General Kang's interview. According to the request of S.H.I.E.L.D., he only revealed the goddess of dawn, but did not reveal her true identity. Daisy was extremely surprised by such an operation. It stands to reason that if he is ready to expose himself, the whole world should know his identity at this moment. Hill quickly gave the answer.

"Nick Fury's suggestion, he said you might hesitate, sure enough," she added

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you admit it or not. Your itinerary has been exposed. Everyone knows that you are in the foot basin, and the goddess of dawn also appeared in the foot basin."

"As long as I don't admit it... let's not talk about these gossips. Do you think if I take the initiative to donate a sum of supplies, can it offset the consequences of refusing to acknowledge the request of the Goddess of Dawn?"

It's a political issue, and it's troublesome.

Obviously, Hill's answer has no reference value, and Daisy showed great interest in facing this question.

Hawkeye came in, sat down beside Daisy, and returned the "Skye" glasses that Daisy had left on the roof. Obviously SHIELD has thoroughly inspected the scene of the fight, even the place where he only stayed for a short while was not spared.

Hawkeye Button smiled and said, "It's amazing, isn't it, how did you do it?"

Daisy said something to Hawkeye angrily, and then asked him about Logan Mariko.

The two took care of Xue Xu, and there was nothing strange about it. Due to the crisis of the environment, Mariko officially became the chairman of the Sifang Group when he was appointed in the face of danger. Monica was sent to General Kang's garrison base that night and was receiving treatment at this time. Everything seems to be calm.

Daisy's initiative to donate materials and political donations is the same thing. She talked with Pierce, the secretary general of the Acting Congress, and explained a lot of minutiae. She quickly contacted Emma in private.

After Daisy lost contact in an accident, Emma learned about Daisy's situation through Sharon's relationship. Although she didn't tell any secrets about S.H.I.E.L.D., she got news of her temporary safety. In the short term, she has been maintaining the stability of the company, and Daisy told her about the donation. Emma frowned.

The danger is big, donating a sum is nothing. However, the money has to go all the way from Yingqi's finances, and it can only be regarded as economic assistance from the Yingqi government, which is somewhat aggrieved.

Discussed with Daisy, expressed dissatisfaction in the heart. Daisy slapped her dizzy thigh and donated two, one to Congress and one in the name of high tide. Emma almost laughed angrily, and she scolded Daisy for being crazy.

After the two joked against each other for a while, Emma started to mobilize the donated funds. At the same time, according to Daisy's request, it was announced that Daisy Johnson had successfully returned to the head office of Rising Tide, which gave Daisy a little more breathing time during the last footbath trip.

Daisy spoke to the Goddess of Dawn, and finally emitted a scorching light, which seriously injured Muto. Such a move is enough to be the most handsome superhero show in the history of modern civilization. Destined to brand indelible memories in the minds of this generation.

A famous light novelist whose online name is Wama lives on the coast of Kamakura, and he is one of the lucky ones. During Muto's flight from Kamakura to Tokyo, the EMP stand did not cover where he lived. When backup power was activated in the town, his life went on as usual.

Smoking in the same way, scratching their feet, sitting in front of the computer in a daze, thinking about the content of the next chapter of the novel.

Before the accident, he was often in a state of exhaustion of inspiration. But now it's different! Since the appearance of Muto, Godzilla's photos have been all over the Internet, and a new era full of contradictions has arrived. What followed was the wonderful ideas related to it, and all kinds of light novels with monsters and strange themes officially had the best market moment.

He started scratching his head again, and clicked on the flash video of "Goddess of Dawn" that was captured by someone again. The picture is dark, fuzzy, and old. If someone hadn't proved that it was a real thing that happened not far away in Tokyo, he would naturally think that it was a video with special effects.

"It really makes people care..."

He pouted, frowned, and pinched the **** of his cigarette. A flashing picture just flashed in his mind, he tried to create a new document in front of the computer, named "a certain scientific..."

Things like donating materials were quickly approved by the top. Daisy hoped to find a suitable person to extradite the materials to the foot basin, and searched for suitable targets among the temporarily formed cabinet members. Then she saw a familiar person and got in touch with her.

After agreeing to meet the next day, Daisy was busy with many things. She first asked the fully charged "Skye" to reply to these days in the form of a unified content, trying to find her people through electronic means such as telephone and email. On the other hand, she quietly found a notebook and typed the report of the incident, and ate and stuffed a lot in the middle.

Regarding her overeating phenomenon, Daisy knew very well that it was caused by the extreme lack of strength in her body. In fact, I gained 40 catties, and I was very sad about this matter. My body shape has not changed, even because of my recklessness this time, I am more fit and thin than before. But I have gained 40 pounds.

The size becomes smaller and the weight increases, which means that the density of one's own blood, flesh and bones has increased at least a little. Or in other words, after recovering from that state, some things remained.

Daisy stopped her hand, and put a finger on the side of the pure wooden table, only to see the slightest trace of smoke on the table, and black spots and burnt marks appeared on the table soon. Daisy observed curiously, and carefully compared the difference between this and the previous one.

To the extent just now, Daisy could do it easily before, the difference is not too big. She recalled that extreme state, how she felt every minute and every second. From the severe pain all over the body, to the fact that I suffered a little bit of injury, it gradually turned into a feeling of coolness spreading all over my body...

Did you burn your clothes?

The dazed Daisy suddenly blushed, recalling more things with her mouth pursed. However, in the luminous state, she really doesn't have much memory, and she can't remember any more embarrassing things at all. At this time, she began to focus on the "Dawn Battlesuit". She felt that in order to prevent such things from happening again, it was necessary to design the clothes to withstand high temperatures!

In this case, the material of the clothes may be biased towards metal. Wouldn't it be more important to Iron Man?

Daisy dragged her cheeks and pouted in dissatisfaction.

I still hate colliding with Iron Man...

Time, the third night of the battle of Muto Godzilla

Location, the general base of the foot basin garrison, the top-secret information room.

"General, is this the end of this matter?"

"This is a catastrophe. Our military has lost too much in this incident. This has exposed a large part of our military's strategic deployment in the foot basin. I am running out of time. The Pentagon will not want similar things to find out. I need to be loyal duty."

"No, you know, that's not what I'm talking about."

"Ah, that girl? She knows how to protect herself very well. S.H.I.E.L.D. got involved shortly after that."

"We all know what happened, UU Reading We also know that you, the general, are holding back."

"Yes yes yes, I know. Research, research, as a soldier I understand the power of technology very well. But this is not my job, sir."

"It's really a pity, I mean it's a pity. It's a common topic, and I'm still a fan of the captain. Huh, if you support this matter, general, we will have more confidence."

"The emperor organization has left a lot of mess, and I hate it deeply. The [Leviathan] that was locked not long ago disappeared in the waters of the Xiong Kingdom. I am still blowing my head about this matter."

"I know I know, General. This incident has caused the paralysis of a third of the electrical equipment in the foot basin, and it has spread to almost all of Tokyo. There is nothing to do here now, but something must be done to prevent similar things from happening. , and prevent other people from taking this opportunity to blackmail and destroy the political balance that Yingqi has maintained for a long time. So I stand here today and speak ill of you, but this is what we have to do. General!"

General Kang thought for a while, then knocked on the table.

"OK, Agent Simmons, you come with me."

He brought the agents sent by the Seventh District to the depths of the room, where there was an open refrigerator with three jars of blood samples in it. The special agents belonging to the seventh district immediately stepped forward, opened their special suitcases, took out blood samples one by one and placed them in the suitcases. Finally put the jar labeled "Daisy Johnson" in place and close it. After shaking hands with General Kang, he strode out of the room.

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