MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 207 Watching Seeds (Part 2)

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Daisy frowned helplessly, "Since you don't like to listen, then go to bed, why are there so many things..."

Little Anna in her arms was not happy, holding her little foot against Daisy's thigh

"No, I slept too much in the evening, and I can't sleep now. You can talk to me."

Worried that little Anna would hurt herself again, Daisy grabbed little Anna's little feet and placed them on her own lap, at least not letting her do any dirty tricks to hurt herself.

"Okay then, say something?"

"..." Anna didn't know what to say for a while. If it was about technology, Daisy would definitely reject her. I really bullied her too much. So let's switch to a milder topic...

The child prodigy with an IQ of 220 fell into deep thought on [What to talk to Daisy]. Daisy waited for her to speak first, but there was no movement. She couldn't help but give her a blank look, lowered her body, and wanted to curl up in the blanket and sleep.

"You'd better sing." After holding back for a long time, Anna was almost bruised. This made Daisy shake her head involuntarily.

Jie Lian sang several songs in various languages. Anna, who gradually got up, couldn't help but directly straddled Daisy, and asked Daisy to hum a piece of "onlymyrailgun" softly. The short and fat body followed the rhythm It swayed slightly.

Daisy's own "talent" in music was discovered by accident when she was practicing her abilities in the earliest days. Let the surrounding objects vibrate within their own tolerance range to produce notes of various colors. If you play at 6 o'clock, one person is a large symphony orchestra. At that time, Daisy was full of S.H.I.E.L.D., Inhumans, and Hydra, so she didn't develop this strange branch.

"Next song" Anna pressed the button, causing Daisy to protest and lift the child's butt.

Anna, who was listening to the music, didn't care at all. "This is the previous song of pressing the button, and this is the next song of pressing the button." The little boy was plausible while demonstrating.

"Then what about the pause button? I can't just keep singing like this?"

Anna didn't even think about it, "Press the two together, look, I'm a genius. Next song, next song!"

Daisy laughed angrily, slapped off the little meaty hand, and pulled Anna off her body. "Sing a ghost, I really look like a Disney princess, good at singing in the middle of the night to disturb the people. Stop singing, stop singing."

The air conditioner in the house was not turned on too low, Anna pulled the blanket and wrapped her body completely, revealing a pair of "one more" eyes, Daisy felt that she was very untidy.

"The last song, what do you want to hear?"

Seeing Daisy's lack of interest, Anna also lost interest inexplicably. Lay down obediently next to Daisy's head.

"You said Tony Stark was not arrested by the Ten Commandments Gang, what will happen in the future?"

"A big dog, what else can I do, and then I will be a big dog."

Dissatisfied with Daisy's perfunctory reasoning, Anna pulled Daisy's hair with her small hand. Daisy tapped her head lightly on Anna's little head, causing the little girl to let out a soft "ah".

"You are so smart, you still have to ask me about this matter? The richest and smartest human beings are set up there. After discovering Oba Destein's tricks, use the power of the board of directors to push him out, or create accidents, It resulted in an accidental death. According to the normal company game, Stan took over the management rights of the old Stark in the company, and the prodigal son of Tony turned around and wanted to be in charge of the company, so he must return and push Stan away. So... no matter what the result is, as Smart Stan should be the first to strike."

The two girls were looking up at the ceiling. After Daisy babbled a lot, Anna glanced at her with dissatisfied little eyes.

"Who told you to say that. I mean Tony is a big shit! It's not Stan the bad old man. Can the supporting roles go away?"

"Okay, okay," Daisy followed Anna, who was a princess. "Then let's do it again."

"Stark has a daughter like you now" (Anna ate x emoji)

"The encounter at the hamburger restaurant, I heard from Happy that he was drinking heavily recently. Stark may have fallen into an emotional storm, as you know, his parents died very early, this matter Things have always been his heart disease. When the same problem appeared in front of him, he hesitated. So no matter what happens with you and him, Tony Stark, who continues to drink like this, may give up the management of the company and entrust carte blanche to Well-managed Stan. Let me omit one more sentence. Because of your excellent performance in Boston, Nick Fury has been included in the watch list, and there is a high probability that you will be replaced as a special consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D. Stark is about to be kicked out. It depends on his attitude after he finds out that the company is reselling arms. If it doesn’t matter, then maybe all the main storylines of Marvel that we know have nothing to do with him. If he takes the initiative to track down, he will probably fall into a life-and-death struggle with Stan."

"Isn't it because of your appearance! You ruined the progress of the main storyline! You don't plan to help?" Anna gave Daisy a head in dissatisfaction.

"Sister! Speak with conscience! If you hadn't started the live broadcast today, he should be listening to Ethan tell the story of the past on the dirty operating table. Tony was completely led astray by you."

"Hmm~" Anna was wronged for a moment, and her face was slumped in defeat. "Even if it doesn't go astray, that Stan will stab in the back a few times. I said that if the relationship between the partners is like you and [White Queen], it would be great. It's harmonious and comfortable, so there are so many things. "

"This is the relationship between me and Emma." Daisy was stunned. Anna shrugged her ears and nose as if she had heard gossip, and moved closer to Daisy.

"There is a story!"

"The most perfect cooperative relationship is that the interests of both parties are maximized on the same line. When cooperating with a partner, the interests obtained are the best for both of them. If interests are affected, there is a possibility of splitting this cooperation." Daisy said blankly.

Anna was dissatisfied with Daisy's objective statement: "What happened to you and Emma Frost? What's the story? She looks like Emma Watson, wow Hermione is only for adults. Also, I Remember this name is the mutant White Queen, can she really turn into a diamond?"

"Well, she can turn into a diamond, she is indeed a mutant white queen" Daisy no longer shy away from Anna, and she didn't talk about it at all yesterday.

"Wait a minute!" Anna felt that she had dug up a super big gossip, got out of bed excitedly, grabbed two packs of snacks on the bed, and turned on the bedside lamp, as if watching a blockbuster movie.

Daisy raised her eyebrows, took out potato chips from the snack bag and stuffed them into her mouth.

"Hurry up, hurry up! I want to hear a story!"

"I met her completely by chance. At that time, Rising Tide...this...then... Later, I had a fight with her and established the current Rising Tide Company. Although in name, Rising Tide Company is the three founders of Emma, ​​Goo, and I. But it's me and Emma who really hold the power."

"Poor Goo." Little Anna didn't have many teeth, but she ate potato chips very quickly, one bite after another.

"You're wrong, he's smart. Rising Tide had five people at the beginning, and they were kicked out. If they want to sue us for the company's share, it will be a bit tricky for the time being. But they will definitely not lose. This is Emma Frost, a woman with a vicious vision, kicked out their vested interests who did not make too much effort one step ahead of time, and she was not even willing to give them shares. Now that you know me, you should know that if it were me, I would definitely let it go This problem will be a very big problem for the entire company at that time." Daisy said here with a wry smile.

"But Emma kicked these people out like that. Then the company needs management and technical talents. This is where I say Goo is smart. He has both. On all questions, I ask me first, then ask My Emma will always be behind us. In this way, no matter how openly and secretly I fight with Emma, ​​I will always want a share of Goo. It seems that I have the least amount of money, but in fact I am already invincible. I earn 100 million a year It’s still 500 million, it’s not bad, and it’s not going to be spent anyway.” Daisy snatched the potato chips sadly and nibbled away.

Don't be angry if Anna's potato chips are snatched away, just take another piece from the bag. She listened to Daisy's talk about the business world, and shook her head secretly.

"Is this the world of adults? Tsk tsk tsk"

"It's not too complicated. You're so smart. You can understand everything after two or three months of contact. I didn't understand it at first, and I didn't get it right afterwards. At first, the three of us were just hobbyists who wrote about network programming. It’s not necessarily how high the emotional intelligence is. I casually threw Jessica, who is completely incompetent, in the position, and she has been in contact with her for a while, and she still plays very fancy.”

"Hey, hey, I'm digressing, let's talk about you and the White Queen."

"Me and her... At first I liked... working with her, because I felt that I had found support. In the Marvel world, it is not easy to find someone you trust." Daisy scratched Anna's nose.

"This kind of unconditional attachment destroys the balance of partners' interests. If you only talk about feelings, it doesn't matter if you accommodate one party. But when the problem rises to gains and losses, it's not that simple. When an accident happened, I talked to her about company management. It happened... During that period of time, I clearly felt something that I couldn't feel in the past, a clear sense of gap caused by the company's rights and interests, and then Emma and I had some disputes."

"It sounds like you did it first?" Anna said carelessly, and Daisy gave her a small look.

"Strictly speaking,... I can't say it well. Just like the two of us. We agreed last night that we should trust each other and eliminate the chain of suspicion. But the next day, you should do your own way, you don't have a hundred Tell me 100% of your heart, and I didn't tell you all my secrets."

Hearing that Daisy was on her body, Anna shrugged helplessly.

"It cannot be said that if the chain of suspicion is eliminated, the chain of suspicion will be eliminated."

"In the case of unclear meaning, even if the chain of suspicion is eliminated, new suspicions will arise. Hunters hunt in the dark forest, you don't know me, I don't know you. While maintaining a high degree of vigilance, beware Other hunters around. At this time, the first shot can often cause civil strife among the hunters. The prey is hooked, and the hunter cannot prove himself. He killed the prey. At this time, under the entanglement of various interests, the dark forest can only be massacred You know, when Emma asked me about the Goddess of Aurora recently, I confessed to her, and she also confessed to me. When I swiped it in front of me, it turned into a diamond state."

"and then?"


"No more? She didn't continue?" Anna naturally knew the ability of the White Queen. The diamond state was just a low-level ability. What really made the White Queen powerful was her mind control ability.

"..." Daisy flipped her hands out of thin air, and made a gesture of [Let's see], expressing that she was very tired.

"After the chain of suspicion disappeared, new suspicions appeared."

Anna seemed to have seen the sad part of the movie, holding the bag of potato chips with both hands and pressing down nervously. "Then why don't you just ask?"

"I'm waiting for her to speak first. Asking her, and confessing to her are two different concepts. Emma and I have been together for so many years. Even if she doesn't have the ability to control the mind, she can still analyze what I think. Established cooperation In mutual trust, you handed the potato chips to me, and I passed them to you. Whoever eats them first is at fault."

"But, this kind of thing... this kind of thing..."

"Been ntr, ask first and confess to the other party, there are two different concepts, don't you understand!"

When Daisy spoke, her brows were already furrowed tightly. Little Anna was not deeply involved in the world, so she couldn't understand the reason for this for the time being, and looked at Daisy helplessly. It seemed that Di Qing didn't choose Princess Baihua, but stood with Yang Paifeng.

The little face was worried.

After Daisy came out of her sad mood, she smiled unconsciously when she saw Anna's expression.

"The potato chips in your hand suddenly don't taste good?"

"Are you still in the mood to laugh?"

"The law of the dark forest is terrifying and cold-blooded. However, as long as there is a spirit of cooperation and under the influence of the spirit of contract, things can still develop in a good direction. After all, the seriousness of the matter has not risen to the level of the universe. Of course, Emma and I There are some grievances and differences. But her and I have the same common interests, which is to strengthen the Chaochao Company. Under such a premise, no matter how much we disagree, we will always be there for each other. Wipe my ass. I am young, she is in her prime, at the peak of her career, it is impossible to sell the company's interests or change jobs for a small profit. Rising tide is a joint product of me and her. Even, the concept of rising tide is She brought it up. Think about it, under such circumstances, how could she come to disrupt the balance of Chaochao. Chaochao is busy going public, and she always thinks about me. Recently, I have a lot of things, and she does her best to help me deal with them in the background .Because she understands that the best time to improve the brand is to handle my affairs well. Maybe she will complain that I am too picky and do not follow her plan, but she will definitely work towards me benefit."

Anna held the potato chips in a daze, and chewed them emotionally. Seemingly half-understood, Daisy instilled in her things that she was out of touch with on weekdays. For her, it's a bit out of line. But it is not difficult to understand.

"Don't you understand? To put it simply, in the past, ah, in the past. We saw celebrities cheating. What is the most common thing after the incident broke out? It's the couples of those celebrities and many relatives and friends of both parties. It's the same as a 100-meter sprint. Hurry up to apologize, persuade good, do it and cherish it. On the surface, they are harmonious and amicable couples. Why? Because if they fall out immediately in the media, the celebrity will depreciate and there will be many contract disputes. Now pretend to be a grandson in front of you and put on a good face , Let the incident quickly subside and minimize the negative impact, in order to stop the loss as soon as possible, because the star effect after the two get married is the joint property of the two, or it is to get more when they divorce behind the scenes. "

"Oh" Anna is naturally not stupid, she is actually helping Daisy to counsel. When these words came out of her own mouth, Daisy's grudge with Emma was 30% gone.

"Emma has her own selfishness, and I can understand that. This is not some Long Aotian novel, and the people around her must be absolutely devoted to the protagonist. In the future, after she becomes famous, I can understand and be considerate of whatever she does." Dai Xi said it with relief, as if he was speaking to himself.

Anna saw that Daisy reached out and took another pack of Pringles while showing her emotions. The icon with a funny beard on the package gradually became more and more presumptuous as Daisy tore open the package. Anna pressed Daisy's hand that was about to succeed, and looked at Daisy resentfully.

A second ago, Daisy was still sad and flowing upstream, but now Daisy looked wonderful, as if she had been discovered by a cat. Daisy handed the torn potato chips to Anna, and little Anna had a look of "you know me".

"Wait, did you mention Jessica just now? Was it Jessica Jones?"

"Yes what's the matter?"



Both looked sideways at each other.

"Jessica Jones will be your social animal again? Hey, no matter how you look at it now, you look like a villain."

"What? Is Jessica Jones very powerful?" Daisy didn't care.

"Have you heard of the Defenders?"

"what is that?"

"...Forget it, it's nothing." Anna grabbed a handful of potato chips and chewed them quickly, as if she was hiding something, which aroused Daisy's curiosity.

"What's the matter? Is Jessica very powerful? It's just that she has more strength."

"Ahem, cough, you already know that Jessica is not an ordinary person, you let her do odd jobs in your company?" Anna coughed.

"What are you talking about? What is a handyman? The status is not low, okay? It's on the same level as the little pepper in Stark Industries." Daisy sucked the dust on her fingers and rolled her eyes.

"Hurry up, hurry up, tell me which future superheroes you have been hustling about? The Defenders, let me see if I can form it."

"The Defenders Alliance you mentioned, is he very powerful? Who are the members?"

After listening to Anna's explanation, Daisy looked suddenly enlightened.

"What? Have you finished all the fussing?" Anna asked curiously while picking up the potato chips.

"I have no impression at all." Daisy said as a jerk, tossing her hair. "I've never heard of Daredevil, Luke Cage, this name sucks. As for Iron Fist Daniel Rand, the Rand Group is now under the control of Meacham. It's pretty good to cooperate with Rising Tide now, if he If he shows up, I will probably help Meacham and trick him into saving the world. Anyway, he hasn’t shown up yet, so I’ll arrange it when he does.”

"Call you a villain, you have a completely villainous face, hello." Daisy wiped the debris from Anna's mouth with the corner of her shirt, completely ignoring her complaints.

"By the way, what else do you know? I am the second-in-command in Marvel history, and I only know one movie, and it has been extended to the Inhumans and SHIELD TV series at most. Needless to say, the spin-off series are unreliable."

"Then I don't know who you have met? And I can't evaluate you in terms of combat power. Let me tell you a joke, Marvel's combat system." Anna looked expectant, and Daisy thought about what she encountered some great people.

After a while, Anna pouted, obviously not having any exciting news.

"Gwen Spider-Man is not surprising at all. Recently, he has been in a rush and has been rumored to be miraculous. It turns out that he used your half-baked technology. If he is more mature, he can do all the abilities of Spider-Man even if his body has not been strengthened. Technology Change everything! But what you said about Xue Xu is a bit worrying. Have you really never seen a movie? When I met you, I went through the process of the "Wolverine" movie, but the length is similar to that in "Deadpool" Cute."

"Does this represent a universe where several universes overlap?"

Anna swallowed the potato chips in a daze. "It's hard to say. If so, it may mean that there is a deviation from the incident we originally understood."

Daisy narrowed her eyes and said excitedly: "Then Thanos might not snap his fingers?"

"It may be earlier... Don't worry, it's still early. With me now, I will help you." Anna touched Daisy's forehead like an adult, and Daisy could smell the milk powder emitted from Anna's long-term drinking Milky smell.

"But it's outrageous for you to let Qin Grey be a social animal." Anna patted Daisy's forehead with her small hand. "If she wakes up after being overworked, you and your company will be completely out of business."

"So I rearranged and asked her to film a TV series." Daisy said that she was quite proud of such an arrangement.

"Oh? So what are you going to film? Game of Thrones?"

"Although Ma Fatty does exist and has written a book. But he may not like Rising Tide. I heard that he is looking for a team to produce a TV series. My filming team is not assembled, let alone be seen by the old man. Yes. I am still worried that my team will not be able to shoot well and will not be able to reach the epic picture of the TV series."

"Let Qin play Sansa, let Qin play Sansa!" Anna suddenly became excited. Daisy looked at Anna suspiciously.

"Why? Any explanation?"

"!!" Anna's face resembled the famous scene in "Sweeping Drugs", her face was so distorted that she almost shouted 【Turn on the air conditioner! 】

"Show me Sansa, bah, Qin Grey's photo, I haven't seen her yet." Daisy hesitated for a moment, and turned to Qin's photo from the company's employee photos.

"? This is Qin Grey? Isn't this Hathaway!" Seeing Daisy's puzzled look, Anna seemed to see the strangest creature.

"Catwoman from Alice in Wonderland, Les Miserables, and The Dark Knight? Haven't you seen it?"

Daisy scratched her face in embarrassment.

"You are so strange..."

"Don't pay attention to these details. After all, she is a famous actress, right? Then if I ask her to be a TV heroine, will it be safe?"

Anna still looked at Daisy suspiciously, expressing doubts that she did not know such a highly recognizable European and American female star.

"That's right, but there may be accidents. After all, life is different, and the results will be different."

"Oh..." Daisy was a little embarrassed to be looked at by Anna like this, and scratched her forehead slightly to express her embarrassment.

"Generally speaking, it's a good thing that you haven't got too many well-known characters. Marvel has hundreds of heroes with names and surnames. It's probably not a big deal if some lesser-known ones are affected. I don't remember either. Too much. Like Ava, who was spoofed by you as Tracer, I can only say that you have too much bad humor." Anna made a concluding speech, crossing her hands and nodding.

"By the way, you said you controlled Hydra? What happened?"

"It's under control..." Daisy was still cautious when facing such a question. Anna frowned and thought for a while, then opened her mouth to reason

"If I remember correctly, every system of yours is hidden in the supercomputer cluster. [Skye] is in your own company, so [Bumblebee] and [Soffie] must not be hiding like this A place. You won't be..."

A wise man is a wise man, and Daisy pretended to look around to avoid Anna's twinkling little eyes.

"It's no wonder that [Soffie]'s name was weird at first, but [Skye] and [Bumblebee]'s name is easy to reason about. The only person who can think of [Soffie]'s name is the Yantou Zoffie in Ultraman. It must have nothing to do with modified Zola?!" Anna's eyes flashed, as if she had seen through everything.

Daisy shrugged, acquiescing. Anna was not surprised to see Daisy admit it.

"I have been researching this matter for a long time, and I have been working on this matter since I first came into contact with the code of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Anna thought of something and was extremely excited.

"This means that you now have the highest authority of S.H.I.E.L.D.?!"

"It's not in name. In theory, all the access windows outside S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra have been opened to me. I think it's okay, it's no different, anyway, I can do some small operations secretly."

Daisy seemed indifferent, and Anna immediately hugged Daisy's thigh, which was very fleshy and comfortable.

"Boss, please allocate 10 billion to me immediately, and I will go to set off fireworks!"

Daisy felt itchy, and Anna's fleshy face was pressed against Daisy's leg. She let Anna mess around for a while.

"I told you I can only do some small tricks. You are a hundred!" Daisy stroked Anna with a headache on her face.

"I am now wholeheartedly fighting for the position of director general, so that after the position and authority match, I can mess around with authority unscrupulously. I am still very confident in future wars. All wars in the world are similar, as long as Concentrate core resources, and the gameplay of space wars should not be too bad."

Anna looked regretful, still reminiscing about the life of 10 billion.

"I think you are still in the basics. Wouldn't it be too risky to just replace Zola's system? Isn't this too thrilling? Doesn't Zola's system have any warnings?"

"Boil the frog in warm water. I burned the place where Zola's database was stored in advance. I have studied his data code repeatedly for a long time."

"So?" Anna put the eaten bag of potato chips aside,

"Hmm, what's up?"

"You have already done more than half of the work by gathering your strength in this way."

Daisy rolled her eyes twice, "If you say so, it counts. But it's just a system. There are policies and countermeasures. I think controlling the network system of Hydra can only be regarded as insurance. If you really want to invade Hydra , we have to start with people. Oh, by the way, Cynthia, you know? Cynthia Schmidt, she claims to be the great-granddaughter of the Red Skull."

"? I have no impression at all. Is such a person by your side?" Anna was a little guilty. Although she complained about Daisy's second-in-command in Marvel knowledge, she didn't know much about it.

And Daisy thought she really had no story, so she put her heart in her stomach for the time being. "It's beautiful, I'll introduce you to her another day."

Daisy suddenly thought of something and straightened her waist.

Anna looked at Daisy in puzzlement. Anna felt that they had reached the point of talking about everything they had experienced today. The so-called chain of suspicion was completely eliminated between the two of them. Not driven by interests, you trust me completely, and I trust you.

"It's about Black Claw." Daisy explained all the grievances and grievances between herself and the other party.

"It's very difficult to solve this matter by just disappearing with a smile. What he's researching now is the combat plan against me, and I've been doing damage to his development for the past two years. His Talon organization, I still find it funny now. But anyone who has seen the movie should know something, it’s really inexplicable for him to ignore it like this.”

Anna lowered her head and was stunned.

"Do you think he has watched 4, so he knows the ending and knows how to do it is the best?"

"Huh?" Daisy looked in disbelief.

"Or he came through the game and didn't know what world this is. So he unscrupulously developed the power of Talon." Anna leaned against the wall unconsciously, and Daisy sat beside her .

"This statement is a little more plausible, but he has assembled a bunch of villains, and all Mandarins are under his command. Emm, it doesn't look like he doesn't know the plot at all."

The relationship between the three made Anna feel a little delicate, especially when the two were already at odds, and she was outside of them at this time. For a moment, Anna didn't know how to answer the conversation. The two leaned their backs against the wall and fell silent for a while.

The silence lasted about five minutes.

Daisy was the first to burst out laughing, and Anna turned her head to look at Daisy.

"Do you know why I don't want to live with the Parkers?"

Daisy didn't wait for Anna to respond, after all, it was difficult for her to guess.

"Since I awakened my ability, my hearing is as good as a bat. Just now I heard little Harry and little Parker whispering on the bed. They said you were too fat. Hahahaha..."

The reason why the two of them were not worried about being overheard was because Daisy could block the surrounding sounds. She is in control of people in this area, and she has been proficient in singing since she was singing.

Anna's face was very embarrassing, and she had a little affection for little Peter at first. Now she hated the siblings to the core.

Then, she naturally thought of something.

"No wonder the guest room is so far from your bedroom in your villa."

After tidying up her smile like Dragon Mama's big laugh, Daisy regained her lonely expression.

"Yeah, after all, I've lost control before. Following me is a very dangerous thing. Especially as my abilities become more and more powerful, if I lose control a little bit, the house will collapse at least, or go with the wind at worst. Sleeping with me is very dangerous."

Turning around suddenly, Anna was slammed by Daisy. Daisy wanted to see how lethal this move was. Anna remained calm and unaffected in the slightest. She even stretched her upper body and clamped Daisy with her hands and feet.

Anna hugged Daisy like this for a while without saying a word, then as if she had made a decision, she rubbed her little face.

"Papa said to beat magic with magic."

"Huh? What the hell?"

"Okay, I admit it. When I heard that there was a third person, my mentality changed a little. You two are equal in power now. If this is the case, then I think it is possible to declare war on him like a formal provocation. " Anna looked at Daisy's puzzled expression,

"Don't you understand? Create Overwatch!"

Daisy's facial features came together, and she looked at Anna's proposal in confusion.

"Is there any positive effect? ​​Or something else? Do I have to make Overwatch because he is Talon? Is it any different from the Avengers?"

Anna scratched her head and took a few breaths, but she couldn't get the words out of her mouth.

"Anyway, think about it for yourself. At least the aboveboard announcement of Overwatch is a formal declaration of war against him and a publicization of superheroes. And the aboveboard announcement was organized by you, so it should have a positive effect?"

Daisy rolled her eyes, obviously dissatisfied with Anna's remarks. She blinked.

"Sounds like an insert label. I've written it down now, maybe it will work..."

Anna sighed, it was a pity to see that Daisy didn't rush to take her advice. It's just that the nimble eyes and Daisy looked at each other, and the two saw each other's kindness. They all smiled at the same time.

"Oh, that's right. I blew up your house, so leave it to me to rebuild your house!"

Anna broke away from Daisy's hand, ran to the table, and took a pen and ruler to draw a sketch of the house she envisioned.

When Daisy followed her to look over, she had only scribbled a few lines.

"I took a general tour of your house, and found that the structure is too sloppy, and your secret base is also very unreliable, it is actually behind the garage. It is too hidden, and there is no Frankenstein atmosphere at all." Anna obediently Looking like a girl, lying on the table and drawing.

Daisy was afraid that the bedside lamp would not be enough light, so she turned on the headlight.

"My house is arranged for my own post-disaster reconstruction team to build the house, so you don't need to worry about it."

"Don't worry, it's produced by Anna, the quality of a master." Anna patted her chest to assure her. Then I buried myself in drawing. Daisy glanced at it a few times, but ignored it. She looked at the two large bags of potato chips on the bed, worried that Anna would be thirsty, so she went downstairs to the refrigerator and brought up two bottles of juice.

The sound of going up and down the stairs, Daisy is very soft, almost inaudible to the human ear. She sat on the stairs and glanced at the upper and lower floors of the building. The voices of the Parker couple's night talk could already be heard beside their ears, and what they said made Daisy smile knowingly, feeling that it was very real. The kind of family that does everything for your own good and makes you sweet all the time is only found in fairy tales.

Mary Parker talked to Parker's father a lot, and the central idea was the word "benefit". Daisy, who was holding the juice, sighed, thinking that this is very good.

Supply and demand generate interest.

There is no love without reason, and there is no hate without reason.

Daisy, who was barefoot, walked up the steps step by step, and walked back to her room. Putting the bottle aside, Daisy continued to chat with Anna like a normal person.

"During the day, I just wanted to finish. I'm sorry that I blew up all your savings at once. Then, in order to make up for you, how about helping you solve the energy problem of the bumblebee?" Anna buried herself in the sketch , I am serious.

"The day's talk ends here, the problem of programmable inert metals and energy. I can't explain what kind of fire is, but it is known that there is indeed a very good solution to energy."

Daisy caught some of what Anna was going to say. "You mean...reactors?"

"This technology, I can give it to you unconditionally. But I don't have the complete technology now, and I need you to solve the map left by Howard Stark. Let's write the cheat sheet. You should take this technology one step ahead of Stark. gone."

A black question mark on Daisy's face.

"Why? Aren't you worried that your father, Stark, will abuse you as a prodigal daughter?"

"Tch, it's not that Stark only knows one invention. What's really priceless is our brains." When Anna said this, her tone was quite proud, like Tony Stark II.

"I simply want to help you. This is just a small matter of mine. I accidentally disabled the bumblebee. I am a little sorry for him. Help him reshape his body and help you solve the energy problem that has been on his mind. In this way, even if I don't I owe you." Anna brightened the sketch in her hand, and Daisy frowned as she watched.

"I just want to rebuild a house. Why are you helping me draw an assembly line? Build a production base!"

Looking at the design drawing, it has been extended to the bottom seven floors, and each floor is still as big as the first floor upstairs. What each layer is responsible for, the wiring diagram, and the vents have been marked. Very standard work.

Anna raised her head proudly, seeing Daisy's surprised and exaggerated expression, she was very suitable.

"There is one more thing, your super power. According to your description, you took a very deadly method in the process of seriously injuring Muto. It is very incredible that you can survive. You are obviously more powerful than The original Daisy Johnson was way too strong, and that's not what training could have done. But no matter what you're hiding, you should test your combat prowess. From a few years ago when you went up against the green fat and the abomination Say, maybe, you have reached the strength to fight Thanos. Are you really going to talk about what happened to make you so powerful?"

Daisy picked up the sketch in her hand, "It's for candied dates and sweet oranges. I think you have a purpose, little classmate Anna."

Anna was a little flustered by what Daisy said, took the sketch and put it on the table. He took two sips of the juice and stuck out his tongue at Daisy. First, he ran to the bathroom to brush his teeth on his own, and then returned to the room. After Daisy also brushed her teeth, the two hugged each other They didn't continue digging deeper into Anna's little Jiujiu after the previous topic. Instead, it was Anna who asked the first question.

"Hey, were you male or female before you came?"

Daisy froze for a moment, her eyes unconsciously looked like a clock, from nine o'clock to twelve o'clock, and then to three o'clock. Anna asked again, and Daisy spoke.

"Of course it's a girl, why are you a boy?"

"Uh, of course not. You've been thinking about it for so long, and you're obviously lying to me."

"Where is it? I didn't lie to you."

"Then what was your original name?"

Daisy's heart sank, but she casually searched for a name in her mind.


"Huh? It's such a random name, are you sure you're not trying to fool me?"

"Yes, Han Xiaosha. There is no perfunctory for you. If you don't believe me, you will fall down. Go to bed." As soon as Daisy pressed Anna's little head, Anna became quiet and did not continue to ask questions. Daisy clearly felt that Anna sniffed her hand vigorously, she hooked her finger on Anna's little cheek, and put her hand aside. The two worked hard for a while, and their breathing stabilized.

Anna was young, and she was just an ordinary person. After chatting for so long, she lost her spirit a lot, and soon fell asleep.

Daisy opened her eyes, thinking about the "Overwatch" proposed by Anna. She thought it was funny at first, and then she was a little confused. Fake half asleep.

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