MTL - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration-Chapter 151 the road widened

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  Longer war horns seem to resound throughout the galaxy.

  With the "Designation of Natural Disasters", the never-used right of the "Galaxy Community" was presented to all civilizations in the form of an issue for the first time.

  They finally realized that the benign "observer" was gone forever, and that the "benevolent shelter" who still looked like a guardian of the galaxy was just a disguise for a malicious plan.

  Designated by natural disasters, this is a special right belonging to the "Galaxy Community" after the establishment of the "Galaxy Community" and stipulated in the "Community Oath Program".

  Any member of the community can propose a proposal to designate a civilization in the galaxy as a "natural disaster", and other civilizations will vote whether to pass it.

  If the resolution is passed, the civilization designated as a "natural disaster" will be subject to an all-out war by all members of the "galactic community" on the grounds of "elimination of natural disasters".

  This war will not end because of the demise of a participating civilization. It can only be stopped by the "galactic community" voting on whether to revoke the "natural disaster designation" or the "natural disaster" is resolved.

  No one has cared about this unique right since it was stipulated. How unpopular is it for a civilization that can be designated as a "natural disaster" and passed?

  Even the extinct government civilization in the galaxy, the "Bee Swarm Devourer", did not get the honor of being designated as a "natural disaster". Because for the galactic civilization, "killing the swarm" is not enough to be called a "natural disaster".

  Everyone thought that this right would never be used, but the Tinder Alliance reminded them.

   Isn’t the Lost Empire a “civilization”? If they want to destroy everyone, then the lost empire, which has a strength that is difficult for ordinary civilizations, is probably enough to be called a "natural disaster".

  The "natural disasters" that are raging across the galaxy now, in addition to "Cordyceps disease", there is also a lost empire called "Civilization Destroyer".

  —Or it should not be called the Lost Empire at this time, but the "Awakened Empire".

  When the extinct "Watcher" had its first change due to the destruction of the holy land planet, a new concept was proposed in the galaxy:

  When lost empires are no longer "lost", can they still be called "lost empires"?

   "Lost Empire" is a unique name given by the galactic civilizations to these ancient civilizations that have fallen into stagnation, and is used to distinguish them from other civilizations.

  But when they are no longer stagnant and want to do something, the title of "Lost Empire" is undoubtedly inappropriate.

   Those lost empires with actions must also be distinguished from lost empires without actions.

  There has always been controversy in the galaxy about the new naming of this lost empire, such as "reviving the empire", "awakening the empire", "restarting the empire", etc., are all names chosen by good people according to their preferences.

  Although there are different opinions, in the end, the "Awakening Empire" blessed by the fame of interstellar movies is more popular and has become a sufficiently popular name.

  The "Civilization Annihilator" who is now designated as a "natural disaster" by the "Galactic Community" is the first awakened empire that has truly appeared since the term "awakened empire" became popular.

  They are expanding at an extraordinary speed, and using special means to forcibly control all creatures along the way, including indigenous civilizations.

  The previous "stagnation" and "decline" are just passing clouds, and what needs to be faced now is a revival civilization full of fanaticism.

  No matter what their purpose is, they are no longer "drowsy" at this time, but an awakened empire.

  "...Obviously, the biggest "unexpected enemy" has appeared. Now we need to consider how to find a way out under the attack of two "natural disasters"?"

  The question raised by the Star Alliance has become the biggest topic of discussion in the "Star Sea Community".

  This civilization, which had confronted and lost the "Cordyceps disease" because of too many star gates, did not choose to seek refuge, but destroyed those star gates that were about to fall, and then retreated to the node galaxy to continue the struggle.

  Although many important stargate networks have been lost, the Star Alliance still has considerable diplomatic weight in the community, and the issues they raise are indeed top priority.

   "...the original 'Cordyceps disease' has no suspense after the appearance of 'Pressolin', but...perhaps because of this, the 'benevolent shelter' took off its mask and became the 'civilization destroyer'."

The words of a certain representative caused everyone present to fall into silence. Even though they didn't believe it at first, the facts have proved that the dangerous "cordyceps disease" is actually a "man-made natural disaster" created by the "civilization destroyer". ".

  “…The purpose is to let us ‘voluntarily’ join them, and then…suicide? Although this incident sounds incredible, the news from the ‘Refuge’ ring world seems to be the case.”

  The only thing that still puzzles the civilizations is the purpose of the "civilization destroyer".

  This awakened empire believes that this galaxy is a "virtual world". Only when enough creatures commit suicide at the same time can the universe that maintains the "virtual world" be terminated, and they can truly return to the real world.

  No one believes this kind of theory. Evidence is needed in everything, not to mention the nonsense of making everyone commit suicide together.

  They still find it hard to believe what turned the "benevolent shelter" into a "civilization destroyer", a civilization with the opposite trend of thought.

  However, the most urgent task is not to think about the reasons, but to think about the countermeasures.

   "... Civilization Annihilator" is very terrifying, and we have nothing to do with them, but... maybe, we can follow the example of 'Presolin' participating in the war and involve other lost empires? "

   "If the 'Civilization Destroyer' is really desperate to expand, then sooner or later they will fight other lost empires, and we have not reached a desperate situation."

  Someone thought of the "Hive Lost Empire" that was trying to eradicate "Cordyceps Disease", and wanted to try to pull other lost empires into the water.

  After all, it seems that it is a counterpoint for the lost empire to fight against the awakened empire, rather than for young civilizations like them to act as opponents.

   "But in the face of the 'Civilization Destroyer' fleet that comes and goes without a trace, all we can do is save ourselves..."

   "Let's get started!" The leader of the Fire Alliance spoke again. He came to the "Galactic Community" to participate in the meeting, and he personally designated the "Civilization Destroyer" as a natural disaster.

   "...We can barely contend with the 'Cordyceps Disease', but we really have no resistance to the awakened empire."

   "During the time we were meeting, new galaxies fell every day. They are too fast, we can only move through hyperspace lanes and star gates, but they can fall anywhere in the galaxy at will."

   "This is the foundation of the awakened empire. Even if we are twisted into one rope, we are completely unable to fight against enemies of this level."

  The leader of the Tinder Alliance looked around the crowd, and then continued:

  “…It must be admitted that this is their time, and we are not enough.”

   "All we can do is run away, hide, and keep the fire as much as possible until the day when civilization restarts."

   "This may be our last meeting. It is impossible for this headquarters not to become the target of the 'Civilization Destroyer'. After that, we can only fight on our own, and it is difficult to meet again."

   As he said so, he took out a cane that he carried with him, and threw it into the air. While the stick was spinning, it fell to the ground, but it miraculously remained upright. Although it shook for a while, it stubbornly did not fall down in the end.

   "...This is our ancient divination tradition, and no one believes in it now, but judging from the results of the divination, this means that we will not fall here."

  The leader of the Fire Alliance took a deep breath and said loudly to the representatives of other civilizations around him:

   "...I know that many of you have always hated us, and I also admit that we speak very hard, which has caused you a lot of trouble."

"But what I always want to say is that being able to meet you is my greatest luck! I am very glad that this universe is not as lonely and cold-blooded as we imagined. Every time I encounter a new civilization in space, I will send it from my heart. Congratulate them inwardly for being on this stage."

   "The crisis did not divide us, but brought us closer. Even though this crisis is irresistible, I still hope—"

  His eyes swept over every representative of civilization, as if he wanted to keep them and the civilization behind them in mind.

   "—I hope that you will still be present on the Galaxy stage in the future."

   Having finished his words, the leader of the Fire Alliance turned around resolutely and left the crowded conference room.

   Those representatives seemed to be still in awe of the words of the Pyro Alliance, and did not speak for a long time.

   The longer they stay here, the greater the probability that they will be attacked by the "Civilization Destroyer" jump fleet.

   After one person got up, the rest of them hurried away, but each of them was operating something on the instrument in front of them before leaving.

   Until the entire meeting room was empty, only the last representative of civilization remained here.

  He was about to leave too, but before he left, he came to the center of the conference room, a place where issues are decided whether to pass or not.

  Usually, there will be an executor here to count the votes, and then go through a series of complicated decryption procedures under the watchful eyes of the public, and then press the confirmation button for the approval of the agenda.

  But this time, the "lock" of this place magically opened itself.

   This situation happened only once in the history of the establishment of the "Galaxy Community", and that was when the "Guardian" proposed the issue of "establishing a pan-galactic trade market", and it was unanimously passed.

   Now here is the second time.

   Among the four seats required for the "Establishment of the Star Sea Council", the last seat has not been decided, and this topic is always on the agenda, and it takes a lot of time to argue every time.

  For this last position, the Fire Alliance released the locked state of this topic with a 100% pass rate, leaving only the final confirmation.

  The last representative who was still here looked around the empty but crowded conference room and pressed the confirm button.

  As the leader of the Tinder Alliance said, they will never fall here, and they will make this issue possible in the future.