MTL - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration-Chapter 30 ascension theory

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  Chapter 30 Ascension Theory

   Not long after he came to this world, Li Wenyuan heard the term "secondary civilization".

  From the sound of the name at first, he thought it was a standard for dividing the strength of civilizations in this galaxy.

  He also asked the archaeologists at home, but the answer he received surprised him:

   "This is not used to judge the strength of civilization. In fact, we still judge the strength of an interstellar civilization through common production capacity, military, technology and other aspects."

   "What we call 'several levels of civilization' refers to the development flexibility and upper limit of this civilization. This flexibility and upper limit are manifested as its natural duration in the interstellar world."

   "A first-level civilization can only last for less than ten thousand years if it develops to the top. Most first-level civilizations can't even exist for so long, and they will fall back to the indigenous era, or even die."

   "Because their resource allocation, social form, ethical concepts, technological progress rate... and other necessary matters to maintain the stability of civilization will inevitably become rigid and lack flexibility over a long period of time."

   "After reaching a certain limit, a small accident is enough to cause violent turmoil in the entire civilization. Sudden outbreaks of war and civil strife are trivial matters."

   "The most common result is that the entire civilization degenerates back to the indigenous era, derails from the interstellar, a lot of technology and history are lost, and the remaining survivors struggle to survive, gradually forgetting the glory of the past."

  "If you are lucky, you can stand on the interstellar stage again as 'another civilization' after a long period of development; if you are unlucky, you will simply perish and become a forgotten piece of history in the interstellar world."

   "For this reason, the 'upgrading' of civilization is something that every interstellar civilization must consider sooner or later. Even a second- and third-level civilization must find a way to continue to move up after reaching the limit."

   "And after each civilization reaches a certain limit, it will go through an 'evolution' that affects the entire civilization to establish a new and upper-limited foundation for the civilization."

   "This kind of 'upgrade' and 'evolution' is called 'ascension' in the interstellar world. And if this kind of 'ascension' has been carried out several times, then this civilization is a civilization of several levels."

   "Theoretically speaking, all interstellar civilizations are at least a first-level civilization; and all omnic civilizations start at least a second-level civilization."

   "However, as for what the 'Ascension' will do, what to study, and what to prepare, no one knows. Those civilizations that have completed a higher 'Ascension' are not willing to share this secret."

  The criteria for judging "several levels of civilization" in Interstellar surprised Li Wenyuan. He couldn't imagine that such a theory still exists in the universe, and it seems to have been confirmed.

  At that time, he asked those archaeologists with great interest, wanting to know what level of civilization he belongs to now.

  However, the answers I got were all: "You are a 'Lost Empire', and this kind of interstellar evaluation does not apply. When you reach your level, the shackles and upper limit do not exist. The only thing that can destroy you is external factors."

  He suddenly felt dull, and understood that no matter what he produced, he would be regarded as: "You are the 'Lost Empire', as it should be."

  Those archaeologists may even regard themselves as members of this place, and they are familiar with many technologies. It is not realistic to rely on them to judge his own true level of civilization.

  So Li Wenyuan decided to choose a technology to show to Ke Ruibo, and use Ke Ruibo's reaction to judge what level of each technology in his 10-level technology tree is equivalent to this galaxy.

  Thus roughly judging his development ceiling and potential.

  After deliberation, he chose a technology that was most likely to be related.

  【Ascension Theory】

  【Technology level: 3】

  【Introduction: Our history cycles through dramatic leaps in technology, politics, and culture. These leaps often bring about times of upheaval, followed by times of stability. So far, we have witnessed too many reciprocations. In order to break the cycle, a certain theory came into being]

  【Possible Technology: Flesh and Skin (99.9%); Design Evolution (99.9%)】

  Ascension theory, this is a very special technology.

   It was a technology that was suddenly added to the technology tree when Li Wenyuan communicated with those archaeologists, and as a basic technology, its level reached level three.

  The "possible technology" it extends is also very short-lived, and it is extremely inconspicuous in the entire technology tree.

   But judging from the name, Li Wenyuan understands that this technology may be the chosen route for "upgrading civilization" in this galaxy.

  The highest possible technology it can extend is level 6, so Li Wenyuan chose its follow-up technology "Flesh and Skin" and showed part of its content to Cribb.

  Braining looked at the short technical content in front of him with disbelief, but he didn't notice that his breathing had gradually become short of breath.

   "This technology is..."

  Although he is not a scientist, he also has a certain degree of scientific literacy, and after sitting in this position, he also spontaneously worries about the future of the company.

  Of course he knows the "civilization promotion theory" circulating in the universe, and he also knows that his company is preparing for this theory.

   But in fact, most people don't know how to upgrade civilization. They can only vaguely realize that this resource should be quite important through the large number of lost living metals on the market.

   Because of this, living metals are priceless in the galaxy market.

   But this time, when he saw the technology displayed by the "Guardian", even though he was only as scientific as a thumb, he instantly realized that this technology was definitely related to "Ascension"!

  His eyes instantly became frantic, and then quickly suppressed, but in the eyes that were trying to pretend to be calm, the enthusiasm that was almost overflowing had already betrayed him.

  ...If he can obtain this technology, his status will undergo a qualitative change, and it is very likely that he will also have a seat on the board of directors!

   "That, that, Lord Guardian, you are demonstrating this technology to..." There was an uncontrollable tremor in his voice. At this moment, the prosthetic organs in his body could no longer suppress his excitement.

   Seeing his extremely excited appearance, Li Wenyuan also understood that this technology may have extremely high gold content.

   "So that's the case, is the technology related to 'Ascension' even a universal company like Cribri is crazy about it?"

   "But the 'flesh and blood bag' only has a level 4 technology level, which means that I have almost completed the research of level 5 technology, which is much better than Keruibo."

   "And if I remember correctly, Ke Ruibo has just entered the second-level civilization, so my current technological level should be close to or surpass the third-level civilization."

   "In addition, the technology on my technology tree is generally stronger than that of ordinary interstellar civilizations. It is not impossible for me to fight against level 4 civilizations."

   "...Hiss, how terrifying were the human beings in the past, even a little legacy is so powerful..."

  He has already made his own judgment, and at the same time laments the past glory.

  So he hacked into the system here directly in front of Brianin, and then passed the technology of "flesh and blood" into their database.

  Since you want to pretend to be a "lost civilization", then pretend to be more like it! He believed that Brainin would be able to guess his intentions.

   Sure enough, even though the "electronic hacking" alarm was ringing here, Breining was only slightly taken aback before showing an ecstatic expression.


   "This is a gift."

   After saying this, Li Wenyuan controlled the synthetic man and turned around and left in a cool manner, as if he didn't care about anything.

   And under the shock of a huge surprise, Breining stayed where he was for a while. He didn't recover until the "Guardians" had left. He hurriedly pulled the bear up and said:

   "Quick! Come with me to see them off!"


   The fleet of "Guardians" left here, and everyone got what they wanted.

  Li Wenyuan, who was staying in the guardianship core, looked at Ke Ruibo's star map, showing a satisfied expression.

   "...Sure enough, the interstellar situation around the solar system is very stable, and there is a large area of ​​galaxies that is unclaimed land, which I can develop to my heart's content."

   "Even the closest other interstellar civilizations are quite a distance away, so you don't have to worry about being harassed for the time being."

   "Kribo also sent the coordinates of a 'lost planet'. There are also many ruins on it. If you have time, you can go and have a look. This interstellar voyage is really a complete success!"

  His act of sending out the technology of "flesh and blood" was not out of vanity.

   On the contrary, he decided to send it out after careful consideration.

  First of all, judging from the cherishment of this "flying technology", it is impossible for a universal company like Creation to disclose a little information to other civilizations, which also eliminates the possibility of involving him because of leaks.

  Secondly, "Ascension" is a long and slow process that requires accumulation and hard work in all aspects. It does not mean that as long as you learn a technology, you can immediately upgrade to civilization.

   Judging from the background of Ke Ruibo, it is impossible for them to make breakthroughs for quite a while.

  The most important thing is that he can further deepen his image of "lost civilization" and create a solid camouflage by gifting this technology.

  At the same time, use the backhands left in their system network to observe the development progress of Ke Ruibo, so as to judge the approximate rate of progress of civilization in this galaxy.

  So as to confirm how much time you need to develop in order to stand at the top.

   "Only the truly powerful is powerful, and I don't know why the human beings in this universe died out...I can't repeat their mistakes."

  Li Wenyuan thought so, and started his own expansion plan.

  (end of this chapter)