MTL - Becoming Immortal Through Getting Married-Chapter 261 Teachers and apprentices cut off righteousness (22)

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  Chapter 261 Master and Apprentice's Enforcement (22)

  The Hall of Heaven and Earth, the Saintess Cave.

  Ning Xian'er was very nervous, her fair and slender hands were trembling slightly, and a thought injected aura into the photo stone in her hand.

  The next moment, the photo stone glowed with a faint light, playing the content recorded in Xiao Qingyue's room very clearly.

   There are not only portraits, but also voices.

  At the beginning, the picture presented by the photo stone was quite normal.

  But as Ning Xian'er continued to fast forward, Xiao Qingyue's screaming voice, as well as the unsightly scene of her and Chen An entangled on the bed, all fell into Ning Xian'er's eyes.

   Seeing such a filthy scene, Ning Xianer froze in place as if struck by five thunders.

   "For, why?"

   "Master, why did she get involved with Chen An!"

   "It's not true!"

   "There must be something wrong!"

   "It's not true!"

  Ning Xian'er's mind exploded, and her beautiful eyes became moist all at once, feeling like the whole sky had collapsed.

  But soon, an extremely angry mood filled her heart.

  She feels betrayed!

   Betrayed by Master!

   Betrayed by my sweetheart!


   It hurts so much!

   "I, I want to ask Master to clarify this matter!"

  Ning Xian'er tried her best to calm herself down, took the picture stone and went to the cave next door to look for Xiao Qingyue with red eyes.

  Xiao Qingyue was sending a voice message to Chen An at this time, telling him that Ning Xian'er seemed to have discovered something, and when she came to the room just now, she had been asking some questions intentionally or unintentionally.

   Sensing the movement of Ning Xianer coming in, Xiao Qingyue immediately put away the sound transmission talisman, adjusted her mood and looked outside the door, and asked Ning Xianer who hadn't come in yet:

   "Xian'er, why did you suddenly come back again? What's the matter?"

   As soon as Xiao Qingyue finished speaking, Ning Xian'er, with beautiful red eyes, walked in from the outside.

  She walked towards Xiao Qingyue angrily, threw the picture stone in her hand onto Xiao Qingyue's bed, suppressed the anger in her heart and sobbed a little:

   "Master, what is going on with these pictures in the photo stone, I need you to give me an explanation!"


  As soon as Xiao Qingyue saw the tentative scene on the photo stone, Xiao Qingyue was stunned.

  But soon, she regained her senses, got up in a panic and walked to Ning Xianer, holding her hand in an attempt to explain:

   "Xian'er, things are not what you think, please listen to me to explain to you first..."

   "...Don't touch me!" Ning Xian'er shook off Xiao Qingyue's hand, stared at Xiao Qingyue with red eyes and cursed: "I think it's dirty!"

  She actually didn't want to hear Xiao Qingyue's explanation, but wanted to hear Xiao Qingyue's denial.

  However, judging from Xiao Qingyue's nervous and guilty expression, this undoubtedly confirms that everything seen in the photo stone is true.

  As a master, Xiao Qingyue betrayed her and snatched her sweetheart from her.

   "I don't understand, I really don't understand, you are my master, why are you robbing my sweetheart!"

   "Chen An's cultivation base is only Foundation Establishment. He doesn't fit your concept of mate selection at all. Why are you doing this, why are you doing this to me!"

   "Tell me, why are you doing this!"

  Ning Xian'er had a complete emotional breakdown, and questioned Xiao Qingyue hysterically.

  Looking at the angry apprentice in front of him, Xiao Qingyue was at a loss for a moment.


  Ning Xianer cried aloud.

  Her legs were weak, she stepped back several steps and sat slumped on the tea table, really feeling like the whole sky had collapsed.

  Xiao Qingyue kept telling her to keep herself clean, but in the end she hooked up with Chen An.

  Fortunately, she had been listening to Xiao Qingyue before, and tried her best to keep herself clean in front of Chen An, so as not to let him succeed so easily.

   In the end, Xiao Qingyue and Chen An had already made love.

  Do it every day.

  Do it every day.

   But she has been kept in the dark, insisting on the so-called cleanliness, looking like a clown.

   "Xian'er, please calm down first, I have difficulties, and things are not what you think."

  Seeing that Ning Xianer's mood seemed to have stabilized a bit, Xiao Qingyue immediately stepped forward to explain, and wanted to make it clear to Ning Xianer that the reason why she got together with Chen An was to save the Heaven and Earth Sect.

  However, Ning Xian'er didn't want to hear her explanation at all, glared at her and cursed: "Get out, get out, I don't want to see you again, I want to sever the master-student relationship with you!"


   "If you don't go, I will go!"

  Ning Xian'er stopped talking nonsense with Xiao Qingyue, and fled Xiao Qingyue's cave after speaking, Yu Jian flew to Chen An's cave.

  She wanted to ask Chen An for an explanation, asking him why he did this, why he did this to her!

  Seeing this, Xiao Qingyue hurriedly chased her out.

  Seeing that Ning Xianer was going to Chen An's side, Xiao Qingyue just silently kept a distance and followed her, so as not to be too close to irritate her.

   After a while, the master and the apprentice arrived at the gate of Chen An's cave.

  Chen An sensed the arrival of the two of them early on, and guessed what happened from the expressions on their faces, and manipulated the "Same Life and Death Formation" in advance to let them go.

   "Miss Saint?"

   "Sovereign Lord?"

  In the hall, Song Huaying was playing with her three young daughters. When she saw Ning Xianer and Xiao Qingyue rushing in quickly, she couldn't help but looked at them suspiciously.

  She kept in mind Chen An's previous advice, and called Xiao Qingyue the Sovereign in front of outsiders.

   "Where is your husband?"

  Ning Xian'er walked quickly towards Song Huaying, asking in a crying voice.

  When Song Huaying saw Ning Xianer crying like this, she was a little dazed, not understanding what happened.

  At this time, Chen An's voice came from a certain room in front.

   "Xian'er, come over here."

   "There is also Qingyue, you should come here too."

  He is going to showdown.

  After all, things have been exposed now, so the best way to deal with it is to face it directly, explain everything that needs to be explained clearly, and then see how to solve it after talking.

  The moment she heard Chen An's voice, Ning Xian'er followed the sound and escaped.

  Xiao Qingyue also followed closely behind.

  The wives and daughters in the cave, at this time, returned to their respective rooms in a sensible manner, not eavesdropping even though they were curious.

the other side.

  As soon as Ning Xian'er entered, she couldn't help sobbing and crying, and the tears couldn't stop flowing down.

  She looked at Chen An with beautiful red eyes, and asked him loudly: "Chen An, why did you treat me like this, how could you get involved with her!"

   "It's actually not your master's fault, it's all my fault."

   "What reason, you tell me!"

  Ning Xian'er's voice was very aggressive and excited, completely gone from the usual gentle and sweet voice, only angry.


  PS: Set up a bowl, ask for a monthly ticket recommendation!

  (end of this chapter)