MTL - Becoming the Empress: Golden Finger Set Under My Bed-Chapter 464 WeChat private visit

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An Rushuang has been staying in Beiwang Mountain these days.

After the first day, the number of refugees in Beiwang Mountain began to grow rapidly, but they had to be changed every day.

Different refugees have the same doctors who are no longer increasing.

Gradually increase the amount of congee.

There are also ballads sung by children-Huang Feihuang, brother Fei Di. Red Heart Wood, He Qingqing. Birds in the water must not be born.

After ten consecutive days, a message and a song began to sing in Shengdu.

"Huang Feihuang, brother Fei Di. Scarlet Wood, He Qingqing..."

The storyteller in Shengdu explained the ballad.

"The so-called Huang is not the emperor, the younger brother is not the emperor, and the younger brother is not the emperor. It can also be said that the younger brother is a false emperor. And this red-hearted wood, He Qingqing, and the red-hearted wood as Zhu, He Qingqing is the time of its heyday, but the last sentence in the water Bird, it's Han..."

Everyone could not help being silenced by the sentence of no life.

What is Huangdi not the emperor?

Isn't Zhu Han the name of the current emperor?

Zhu Han smashed a few tea cups in succession, yelling for orders to investigate!

"If you can't find it out, you will all die for me!"

There seemed to be a fire hidden in his body, and he almost wanted to burn Zhu Han completely, he couldn't help but think of the cup of herbal tea again.

Outside Zhang Zhong stood at the door and reported: "The emperor, the empress said she made some ice fruit, and I want you to pass it often!"

Zhu Han's eyes were red, and he gasped for a long while, before slowly saying, "Go to Yue Fei."

Zhang Zhong hurriedly responded and turned around to drive the moon concubine in the palace.

During this period of time, although Na An Lingshan made things difficult for him, without the emperor by his side, Meng Chuyue also lived very comfortably.

At first hearing that the **** came to report that the emperor was coming, he couldn't help but make a small face.

However, there was no way, so I had to meet Zhu Han with a smile.

Zhu Han strode to the hall and asked for herbal tea.

Meng Chuyue smiled slightly and said, "It is already prepared for the emperor."

With that said, she gently brought out a cup of herbal tea, fanning Zhu Han on the side, with an intimate look.

"Why is the emperor so angry today?"

As she said, she took out a handkerchief and wiped it on the emperor’s forehead: "So much sweat! The emperor must pay attention to your body! Your body is not just your own body, but the body of the people of the world... If you are sick Now, how worried these people are!"

Before she finished speaking, Meng Chuyue couldn't help vomiting in her heart.

I don’t know when these days are going to be false.

Zhu Han drank the herbal tea in her hand in one sip, only to feel a little bit of heat in her chest.

She stretched out her hand and raised her pretty chin, and asked with a smile: "The people are worried, but do you feel distressed?"

Meng Chuyue wanted to kill him with one bite, but she couldn't show the slightest bit on her face, she had to say with shame, "What is the emperor's question? The concubines are naturally worried!"

The word distressed, Meng Chuyue circled her mouth, but she didn't say it.

It was disgusting.

Zhu Han laughed, hugged Meng Chuyue directly on his lap, and asked her waist: "You guessed it, who spread the song that is circulating in the streets now?"

Meng Chuyue was startled slightly, and couldn't help but wonder: "What ballad?"

She has been in the deep palace for a long time, and it is relatively late to get a lot of news from Shengdu.

Zhu Han retelled the ballad with a heavy face.

Meng Chuyue's eyes lit up when she heard this ballad, she was extremely clever, and immediately thought of the meaning.

But in front of Zhu Han, he still frowned slightly and said with a look of doubt: "The emperor, what's wrong with this ballad?"

Zhu Han gave her a deep glance: "Don't you know?"

Meng Chuyue shook her head: "The concubine has never heard this ballad. It's just that the birds in the water cannot be born. It sounds cruel. Are these people trying to kill the birds?"

Kill you wicked bird!

Zhu Han snorted coldly: "These people are going to kill me!"

As soon as he said this, Meng Chuyue stood up in surprise and quickly said: "Why? The emperor is compassionate and charitable...Who is walking such a rumor?"

She really couldn't say anything like compassion and charity.

This kind of disobedience can only end here.

Zhu Han didn't know what he was thinking, his eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and after a while, he said slowly: "If I die, who benefits the most, you can talk about it."

Naturally the people of the world.

Meng Chuyue thought this way, but really didn't dare to say it like this, so she had to say: "The emperor...why do you need to make such an assumption? The emperor is the ninth-five-five god. This is an extremely absurd ballad, the emperor. If it’s true, doesn’t it mean finding yourself unhappy? But..."

She deliberately hesitated to arouse Zhu Han's curiosity.

Zhu Han asked quickly, "But what?"

Meng Chuyue bit her lower lip and whispered softly, "But...when the concubines were in the boudoir, they read a lot of scripts. Those emperors of the Ming Dynasty often went to Weifu to visit privately. Now these rumors are circulating among the people, it must be because They haven't seen the emperor's heroic figure, and they don't know the emperor's wise man... If... if the emperor solves some difficulties, they can't say it, those people won't tell this again!"

After hearing her say this, Zhu Han laughed, squeezed Meng Chuyue's cheek, and said with a smile: "Yue'er, I really don't know what to say about you, you are too naive!"

Meng Chuyue's heart couldn't help but sink a bit, she was seems that this plan won't work.

But when Zhu Han said this, he turned to say: "Those fools want silver, difficulties, and difficulties that cannot be solved without silver! It's just that the method you mentioned is actually a good way."

Zhu Han said so, but in his heart he really didn't think about giving money to those foolish people. He wanted to see how this Shengdu, where he grew up, is now spreading his brilliance!

As for those who spread songs...

His face turned cold, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

On the second day, Zhu Han went to Weifu for a private visit. He said that it was a private visit. He was sitting in the carriage, his feet were not touching the ground, there was enough ice in the carriage, and the beauty with a slightly raised abdomen.

The two looked out of the car, judging this and talking about that from time to time.

Suddenly, I saw a seven or eight-year-old kid running by the carriage singing songs.

"Huang Feihuang, brother Fei Di. Red Heart Wood, He Qingqing. Birds in the water must not give birth!"

"Huang Feihuang, brother Fei. Red Heart Wood, He Qingqing. Birds in the water must not give birth to..."

It seemed that this ballad was resounding in all directions, Zhu Han's pupils shrank, his heart was slightly tranced, and his face showed an angry look.

He pointed at the child and shouted, "Catch him back to me!"

The guards outside were stunned, and after a while, they hurriedly picked up the child by the neck.

The child looked at Zhu Han with a puzzled look: "You let me go! My mother is still waiting for me to eat!"

Zhu Han also looked at him coldly, he slowly leaned in, looked at the child condescendingly, and shouted.

"Say, who taught you this ballad?!"

The child stared at him, obviously shocked, and shook his head repeatedly: "No...I don't know..."

Suddenly, Zhu Han's big hand directly strangled the child's throat, his eyes were red and his eyes burst, like a devil.

"Tell me! Who is it?! Who taught you this ballad?!"