MTL - Becoming the Male Lead’s White Moonlight-Chapter 55 055

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"Mom ?!" Gu Ningyan determined that there were no cameras around him to capture this, and then he couldn't control the shocked expression on his face. He was so careful to hide the mind that Ling Rong didn't even know, how could his mother know!

It seems that he saw the doubts of his own son, and Gu Mu answered his question after confirming in his heart that he was correct: "Stupid child, you are the mother's son. I grew up watching you growing up. Those who don't understand you are thinking carefully. "

"You, how did I let you talk to a girl before, but it turned out that you did n’t reject it, but since you came to Dachang, as long as the child is present, your eyes have not left her for a second, these outsiders Can't see it yet, can't I, mother, see it? "

"And ah, this look can't deceive people the most, you look exactly like your father when you chased me back then." Gu's mother seemed to remember something, and her eyes were a little missed.

Gu Ningyan was unsure of her mother's attitude, but most people would definitely reject such things, so she quickly explained: "Mom, it is my own wishful thinking, and it has nothing to do with Ling Rong, she doesn't know anything."

Not wanting her mother to treat Ling Rong as a bad person, Gu Ningyan thought of blocking all her faults on her for the first time, and this was also true.

"I didn't say anything, you panic." Gu mother was helpless for his son to favor another person so quickly, "I know she is a very good child, and I can see it on the show, And your father's affairs must be her help. "

Gu mother knows that her son's ability can't solve the previous problem quickly and well. It must be that someone is helping him behind, and this person may only be Ling Rong who has the best relationship with Gu Ningyan. If To be honest, Gu's mother was still very grateful to the child for taking care of her son all the way.

"You don't think ..." Gu Ningyan didn't expect her mother to be so calm for a while, and couldn't help but stop talking.

"You want to say, I don't think it's disgusting, I should scold and swear?" How could Gu's mother not know her son, what a man thinks, she can guess immediately.

To be honest, Gu's mother was shocked and unacceptable when she first realized that her son had this tendency. In her opinion, it was too shocking to the world. This kind of thing should not have happened to her son. She even imagined herself What the future daughter-in-law should look like, will there be a grandson or granddaughter in the future, but this fact has completely shattered her fantasies.

But after watching so many episodes, Gu's mother had to admit that her son with Ling Rong is the happiest son she has seen in the past five years. Here he seems to have dropped all the heavy burdens, finally Lively like a youth of this age.

Gu mother has always felt a sense of guilt for her son. Her husband died five years ago, and her family had to bear all the burdens on her son who was not even graduated from college. Therefore, Gu mother always hoped that someone could accompany her son. Change him, and this task is now completed by Ling Rong.

Every time I think of this, Gu's heart is in a tangled state of mind. Ling Rong is her son's only happiness now. How can she be willing to take away her son's happiness.

Before seeing her son here, Gu's mother was still tangled and uncomfortable, but until she saw the child named Ling Rong on the stage, Gu's mother had to admit that her son's vision was really good, it was really beautiful To the dazzling child, you are always attracted to look at her on the stage like a luminous body.

And she just wanted to introduce the child to her just after she finished telling her the old one. She just wanted to ignore it with this eager intention.

Suddenly, Gu's mother opened it instantly, even if the genders are the same. There is no fault in likes. As long as the son likes, she will not go in again. This is probably the only little compensation she can do for her son. Already.

Although it was a bit regrettable that no grandchildren would hold her in the future, Gu's mother still regarded her son's mood as the most important. Now, Gu's mother is more worried that her son has always been unrequited. If the other party thinks of her silly son at all, There is nothing to do, and the other's parents are also the biggest problem.

Looking at his son's somewhat anxious face, Gu's mother clapped his head helplessly: "Rest assured, I also like the child very much, but you silly boy, you have n’t even transmitted your mind to others. The other party cannot accept it. Don't be too sad yourself or force others to know. "

? !!

Gu Ningyan stared blankly at the woman in front of her. What did his mother mean ... wouldn't he stop him?

"Mom, you ... don't blame me?" Gu Ningyan couldn't believe it. According to his ideas, his mother should be the most unacceptable talent.

"How can a mother like to blame you for such an excellent son? I only hope that you will be fine in the future." Gu mother stepped forward and hugged a son who was already much taller than her. As a mother, her biggest hope is that her child will be safe and happy. Just fine.

"Thank you, Mom!" Gu Ningyan couldn't help choking, and thought that even after that, he would never tell Ling Rong that it was not that sad, at least, he had a mother who was so good to him.


Finally spent the last night at Dachang. Ten TenOnlyou members were the trainees who finally left Dachang. Then they will bid farewell here, go to their new home, and start a two-year team life. After slowly driving for more than an hour in a bus, ten people finally reached their destination. It is located in a relatively quiet four-story villa. Looking at the luxurious new home, ten people Immediately ran out of the car happily, with luggage can not wait to go in to visit.

Opening the door of the villa, a large living room comes into view. The sofa and TV are all available. On the other side of the living room there is a large semi-open kitchen. The dining room is next to it and accommodates ten people. Eating together is more than enough.

"Ah, we don't want to cook by ourselves!" Ling Rong lamented slightly, although she could cook herself, but passed through two worlds that were completely open to the mouth, Ling Rong had no desire to contaminate fireworks by herself. This is how human inertia is used, and there is no way.

Gu Ningyan, who has always been behind her, took her word: "It's all right, I will cook, and I will make it for you in the future."

In college and five years after graduating, Gu Ningyan has long learned to cook by himself to take care of his daily life, and now takes care of another Ling Rong, not to mention it is completely fine, Gu Ningyan is more willing.

I am afraid he has forgotten the remaining eight brothers.

After visiting the first floor, several people rushed upstairs in a hurry, without accident, they should be their rooms from the second floor to the fourth floor.

On the second floor, there are two double rooms of about 20 square meters. The configuration is similar, but there are slight differences. For example, one has a balcony and the other does not. The decoration style is slightly different. What about other bathrooms and wardrobes? Are basically standard.

It's the same on the third floor. It has almost the same structure and configuration as the second floor, but there are no small changes when it reaches the fourth floor.

Because there are a total of ten people in the group and the company stipulates that there is a room for two people, there will be a total of five official rooms, two on the second and third floors, and the remaining one will be arranged on the fourth floor.

Because there is only one bedroom, the remaining space on the fourth floor is renovated into a large gym and lounge, and the moon is near the water platform, so the room on the fourth floor was recognized by everyone as the best room.

But for ten people and five dormitories, allocation becomes a problem.

As the captain, Gao Jingxing took the lead to speak: "We first decide on our roommates, and then we will talk about the room allocation. You first form a free team."

As soon as the words fell, nine other people took action. Huo Xi and Qiao Lin got to know each other in "Idol Life Museum", so they stood together. Chu Jingyi and Yin Wenxuan were roommates in Dachang before This time, she also did not want to make an exception. Qi Haoran chose to stand beside Gao Jingxing, so the embarrassing thing came.

Gu Ningyan must have been standing next to Ling Rong for the first time, but Hu Yue also walked up at his feet, leaving Mo Huai alone.

Looking at the current delicate situation on the field, Ling Rong could only stand still and touch the back of his head, revealing an embarrassing yet polite smile.

It seems that she is quite popular, but she dare not say this to provoke hatred.

Seeing that his brother who had been warned clearly was still dead, and Gao Jingxing also had some headaches, he made a decision a while later, and hurriedly pulled Hu Yue to his side and said, "Ling Rong and Ning Yan are roommates. There ’s no problem with one, I ’m with this boy, Hao Ran, can you have a room with Mo Huai? ”

Of course, Gao Jingxing had to put Hu Yue at his side and stare at all times, in case the evildoer was confused and did something wrong.

Qi Haoran is most gentle and considerate. He also understands his brother's thoughts. He went to Mo Huai in a very cooperative way, and Mo Huai is usually used to it. Besides, Qi Haoran is also a quiet and noisy temperament, and he is also very suitable as a roommate.

Very good. Gao Jingxing watched with satisfaction that this matter was resolved. As for Hu Yue's protest ... Well, the protest was invalid.

"Okay, roommates are currently allocated like this, so now think about how to allocate dormitories."

Qiao Lin, who has always had the most ideas, immediately recommended: "Play games! The type of reporting numbers is that we ten people stand in order and report the numbers from the beginning. Whenever there is a report with five or a multiple of five, that person cannot speak. You can only clap your hands. Whoever makes a mistake and quits, and at the same time, how about choosing a room later? Finally, the two people who choose the highest order are added first according to the exit order of the two people. "

"This can be!" Yin Wenxuan immediately agreed.

Seeing that there was no objection from others, Gao Jingxing also accepted the suggestion: "Okay, then follow this game. Whoever makes a mistake will automatically exit and start again."

"Come and come we all stand in a row and the game starts!"

The author has something to say: Thank you for the angel who cast [mine]: 1 arrogant;