MTL - Begging You to Break Off This Engagement!-Chapter 101 Fanwai 3: Xiaohu did not grow up

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Rao is a big brother, and he can’t help but worry about it. As for the little tiger's hegemony, now it's okay to say that if it's still the case, then what about the fart's wife? ! He is Han Xu and he can't marry his own baby son to such a person!

There is absolutely no inheritance of the good genes of Dad’s wife and daughter!

Luo Fei pokes the feast: "Hey, Qing brother, do you say who he is like?"

Han Xu and Chen Huaxuan took the little carpenter back. Probably the reason for waking up after a while, the little carpenter refused to sleep with the little tiger again. No way, Han Xu had to take the child home in advance.

Xi Yan took two big pieces of ice and took it away to Chen Huazhen. Because it was too big and too heavy, it could only be pushed back with a small wooden cart that transported things.

At this moment, the little tiger has already woken up. He is sitting on the squat and drinking porridge without heart and lungs.

"It’s definitely not like me anyway," said Xi Yanqing.

"That is like me?" Luo Fei stroking his chin and reflecting for a while, "I am overbearing?"

"Yeah!" The little tiger came to nod.

"Go! Drink your porridge, don't mix it!" Luo Fei wiped the mouth of the little tiger. "Do you want it?" The small bowl of porridge went down, it seems that it is not enough.

"Yes!" The little tiger held the bowl in both hands and knocked on the table.

"The fat is like the ball, I don't know the painful woman. Your future is worrying. Young man." Luo Fei said that he had gone to some porridge and watched the little tiger wipe them out.

"It's still small, he can understand what. When he grows up, he naturally knows that it hurts a woman. Is it a son?" Xi Yanqing embraced the weighted son. "Dad father took you out today?"

"Okay." The little tiger was happy when he heard that he was slicking, and suddenly hugged his father's neck.

Just a spoon in a bowl, Luo Fei gave it to his hand. Xi Yanqing took the child out, holding him enough grapes, and catching cockroaches. The little tiger likes to squat, and every time the banquet is put on the hand of the little tiger, the little tiger is hiding and playing. He probably likes the feeling of tickle his little hand when he **** his wings.

The banquet was so hard to take him for a while, grabbed a few, and once again put it in the small tiger's palm, the little tiger did not catch it, and the scorpion flew away.

The little tiger looked up at the sky for a while: "Dad, fly!"

Xi Yanqing picked up the little tiger and let him see further: "Is it flying away, do you want it?"

"Yes!" The little tiger reached out to grab the banquet in the hands of the banquet, and then deliberately let it fly, "fly!"

"Well, one more fly away."

"Yes!" The little tiger took another one, and deliberately let go, doing a bad thing like a leap, "flying!"

"Well, fly." The banquet spread out, "No."

"No." The little tiger followed the school and then went to pick the grapes.

The banquet was very strict when it was severe, but it was very pampering when it was pampered. The little tiger wants to pick the grapes, and the banquet will make the little old man come to his neck. The little tiger reached for one hand and licked one and was not cooked. He also knew that it was eaten and bite.

The feeling of sourness suddenly spread out between the lips and teeth as the grape juice flowed out. The little tiger licked a cockroach and spit out a small tongue: "Hey! Hey!"

Xi Yanqing only felt "small drizzle" under the head, and this "rain" was still very urgent.

Luo Fei packed up the good things and went out to see that the two of them were quite happy to play. They simply took a bowl and let the little tiger pick a big pick.

Most of the children like to be with their parents, and the little tiger just learned to distinguish the size, so Luo Feiyi said that he was very active and he took a big pick. Although it was very slow, Luo Fei and Xi Yanqing felt that this state was just right.

"Do you make juice in a while?" said Luo Fei.

"Well, I have to pick one, the uncooked juice is too sour." The banquet firmly held the back of the tiger to prevent him from falling. "Little tiger, black, black sweet."

"This is black, sweet." Luo Fei on-the-spot teaching, "This is green, sour." Luo Fei also pretended to be sour that he couldn't stand it, "Sour!"

The little tiger probably remembered the grape that he had eaten before, and he also learned Luo Fei, but this time he was shrinking his neck. It is still a little difficult for him to learn.

Luo Fei was teased by his "no neck" sample, and he stunned again. The little tiger narrowed his neck again. Then the kid didn't know what Ann's heart was, and picked a special green for Xi Yanqing: "Dad Seven."

The banquet was clear and it was sour, and then he stunned. The little tiger riding on his neck gave him a giggling, and he didn’t stop for a long time.

The family of three played in the backyard for a while by the afterglow of the setting sun. After returning to the house, they did something to eat.

The banquet burned a lot of water. After eating the meal, the tiger was washed. When the tiger was asleep, he washed it with Luo Fei.

I will do a lot of work in the past, and I will be tired after taking a shower. Today, because I am idle, I feel that lying in bed is not so sleepy.

When Luo Fei didn't go to sleep, the hair was still not dry. He slashed his hair and cut the material he wanted to make clothes for Luo Yi. The banquet was lying on his side and he looked at Luo Fei with one hand.

They all said that they look at the beauty under the lamp. When they look at the gentleman under the moon, they will really appreciate the artistic conception of this sentence after they have been together with Luo Fei.

"What do you want?" Luo Fei turned his head and smiled, and touched the tiger's forehead.

"I miss you." The banquet was placed on the side of the banquet, and the face was still facing Luofei. "In fact, when I first started together, I thought I could calm down like this."

"I used to be very noisy?" Luo Fei carefully cut the clothes and asked.

"When I don't want to marry me, it's very noisy." Xi Yan Qing thought about the days of Luo Fei's resistance. He couldn't help but laugh a little. "When we didn't come over, it was very noisy. I remember that you seem to be around." There are two or three friends. Every time I see you, you are talking and laughing with them. Sometimes you even chase after the fight."

"What mood at that time? Is it right to think that this Luo Fei is really singular, so charming when it is frolicking. Ah! I really want to take him home!" Luo Fei said it, and turned his head. ,"Is that right?"

"I thank you for thinking so simple." Xi Yan Qing gave a smack to the quilt of the quilt. "I think it is, ah! I really want to go up and lick him!"

"Isn't you? Actually, I had such an evil thought to me at that time?" Luo Fei put the scissors aside, turned around and looked at Xi Yanqing seriously. "No, it seems that I really need to give you up." Thought class." Luo Fei sat next to Xi Yanqing. "Come, take off your shirt first."

"Ah?!" This is a turn of the wind, and it really made the banquet clear.

"What?" Luo Fei picked up the scissors again. He tapped his head with a pair of scissors, "Mr. Luo let you take off and take off."

Xi Yanqing: "..."

When the little tiger sleeps, he always feels a strange sound coming into his ear. But he is too sleepy and he can't wake up. Until then he urinated, the diaper made him uncomfortable, he could not sleep.

Luo Fei closed his eyes, his mind was not in other places, and Xi Yanqing was at a critical juncture, and he did not hear the strange movements. Unexpectedly, a small thing suddenly came over and hugged him!

"Dad?" When the little tiger called, the tail sounded up, and it was so cute, but it scared the banquet and Luo Fei almost!

"Halo!" Luo Fei was busy pulling the thin side to cover the body.

The feast of the feast was not moving or not. He looked at the little tiger with a smile and was finally defeated by his son’s innocent little eyes. After he quit, he wrapped the towel on the **** and took the little tiger in one hand and walked to the living room.

Luo Fei cleaned up the little tiger's diaper in the house, and the quilt was changed to dry, which allowed the outside men to come in.

The little tiger yawned and lay down on a clean scorpion. After a while, he was again taken to sleep by the banquet.

Teacher Luo poked his classmates, and the classmates firmly stated that they would like to change places.

Fortunately, there are enough houses and the little tigers are sleeping.

After this, Luo Fei and Xi Yanqing were rarely in the main house. The Banyanqing required a change of place every time. Anyway, the main house would definitely not work. Luo Feiyi thought that the little tiger might be so hugged at the time. It really scared the banquet, so he didn't care too much. Later, the family always had some strange furniture from time to time, and he always inadvertently contacted these furniture inadvertently, and he only reacted faintly.

For example, the soft couch that came out of the study room at home, I didn't need this thing in the study room, but the banquet was clear and said that it was comfortable to sit on, and it was OK. At first he still had a simple letter, and it was quite good to say it stupidly. The purpose of the banquet was actually to leave unspeakable memories in every corner of the house!

On the morning when Luo Fei gave Luo Yi two clothes, Xi Yan Qing did not know where to get a thick blanket. The blanket touched two square meters, and it was warm on the raft, but Luo Fei always felt that the expression of Xi Yanqing was not quite right. The key to such a good blanket shop is not to give him the warmth of the room?

"Qing Ge, is this thing practical? How to take care of it at that time? It seems that it is not very good to wash."

"Nothing, dirty, I wash, you just lie down on it." Xi Yanqing put things on the floor, very satisfied with what they saw, "With this thing, lying on the naked back in winter should not be cold! "Small voice!"

"what did you say?"

"Nothing!" The banquet straight up and looked at Luo Fei in a serious way. "Is it going to send clothes to the four treasures?"

"Yeah." Luo Fei has already folded the new clothes for Luo Yi, and he is holding it in his hand. He took a clean bag and wrapped it in a bag. Although there is a person to eat and live there, but on the road in case of any sudden situation, it is good to bring some money. Not much more, it is enough to buy a set of clothes or eat some local features.

There was still a living in the banquet garden, but it was only for Luo Fei to go out with a small tiger. He always felt uncomfortable and went with him.

When the two arrived at Luojia, Li Yuehua was giving a bag to the younger son. Although the child is also big, after all, anything can happen outside the door. Li Yuehua smashed and smashed the side of the bag: "After going out, keep things in good condition, don't mess with things, do the things you should do well. And you have helped us a lot of these two times." So whether you eat or live, you must be polite with the people there."

Luo Yi has heard it once in the last time. This time, I listened to it without any reluctance. She laughed and said: "If you know the mother, you can rest assured. I definitely can't make people think that the person who Shi Da Ge helps is not good."

Li Yuehua nodded. "When you have the exam, don't you know what you are doing at home?"

Luo Yi has been down one by one. Seeing that Li Yuehua has nothing to say, this is to say: "Mom, then I will go into the house and read the book."

Li Yuehua nodded.

Luo Feishun grabbed the fried corn: "Oh my mother, you can rest assured that the four treasures will definitely be tested. Besides, even if you can't test it, you are not afraid. If you can't take it, you can take it again." Luo Fei finished "Hey!" one voice: "The only thing behind this is when I didn't say it."

Li Yuehua glanced at him: "Let's eat these things, there is still a small stomach, it's too hard, don't hurt your stomach."

Luo Fei showed the clothes to Li Yuehua: "Mother, you are not the right size. If you want, turn back and let the four treasures take it."

Li Yuehua’s mind is equipped with the size of the children’s body. At first glance, he knows that there is no problem. He whispered: “I don’t dare to do this again. The little tiger is so worried when you are so big, you say you Do you still have to do this at night?"

Luo Fei smiled indifferently: "Only for a few days, I don't always do it." After seeing Li Yuehua and squatting in the hut, she patted her hand: "Mother, you can rest assured, really, the four treasures will definitely Test well."

Li Yuehua nodded. "You want to eat at noon? Mother wants to eat something for you. You don't go back at noon."

Luo Fei also thought about giving Luo Ruyu soup, and said: "If you can't live, I have to go to see the three treasures. Wait for the four treasures to come back and eat again. By the time, the three treasures are almost out of the moon, let's join together. Lively and lively."

Li Yuehua thought it would be fine. Otherwise, let the second son stay here for dinner. When the banquet is clear, this is also the case. It is not good to call the eldest son and the granddaughter. It’s nothing to do more to eat, and I’m afraid that the little one will let the little son have a burden in his heart. So after pressing it, press it.

When Luo Fei made clothes for Luo Yi, he also sewed a new piece for the calf. When I just made Luo Yi's clothes, there was a surplus of material. After a while, it will gradually turn cold, and Luo Ru can't do needlework at this time.

In fact, the little tiger's little clothes are enough for two children to wear, but Luo Fei always feels that the clothes are placed there, so he does not have a few needles.

"Second brother, four treasures go out?" Luo Ruhan asked the little clothes.

"Well, the mother prepared everything for him. Minger sent him to the town in the morning. After Shichen went to the county to do things, he just took the four treasures." Luo Fei counted, " Can you go out in two days?"

"Yes, I can count it. I am stunned by this day." People who are used to living outside are so entangled at home every day. The thing that Luo Ru wants to do most now is to wash his body after waiting for the moon, and then take a walk outside.

"When the second brother gives you a good meal." Luo Fei smiled, "Oh, I don't say it, the cows sleep, you also hurry to sleep. After a while he woke up, you can't sleep again." Who sees who knows!

Luo Ru's body is good, but she can't sleep every day. She is also tired, and she will lie down.

When Luo Fei took advantage of the cow's sleep, he whispered out the door.

The sun is about to set, and the day is so flat and faint. Fortunately, such a dullness is not his alone.

A person's dullness is loneliness, and the dullness of two people is happiness.

No, it should be four now.

Luo Fei touched his stomach and pushed open the courtyard door. The banquet was just coming out of the house: "How come you still stand at the door?"

Luo Fei couldn't help but scream.

The little tiger seems to be just awakening, a little embarrassed. At this time, it was held in the arms of the banquet. At first glance, it was the first one with the Xiyan Qingda.

The two of them are really longer and more like.


Early the next morning, Luo Yi went to the county town as scheduled. Luo Fei and Xi Yanqing worried about the pressure on their younger brothers and did not deliberately send them. In the days that followed, everyone was still busy. Luo Yi and Jing Rong went to the sheep every day. After returning, they cleaned up the sheep house and prepared to eat. Luo Yong and Luo Ru were busy feeding the chickens and collecting eggs. They were busy embracing the beauty of the outdoor air.

Xi Yanqing and Luo Fei are still wandering around the garden, receiving fruit and receiving doubts about life.

Fortunately, when the time is busy, time always goes very fast, and Luo Yi is back in a blink of an eye. Although I don’t know that Luo Yi’s test has not been tested yet, it’s still very good to see Luo Yi’s status.

Li Yuehua, as previously told by Luo Fei, made a big table full of dishes, celebrating the younger son’s test, and celebrating his daughter’s death. Everyone is surrounded by a table, how busy and lively.

When I went back in the evening, the six big two small ones went back and chatted on the road. Luo Yong casually asked: "Is this exempted from the tax and it is really a lot worse?"

Xi Yanqing is relatively clear, and said: "That is natural. If the four treasures can really be admitted to the show, according to our Yuqingguo to the scholars' preferential treatment, first of all, we can avoid all the land tax. We have a few places How can I have thirty or forty acres together? Then I have to pay a tax of one to five, and I will calculate the harvest of one or two silver in one acre, and I have to pay 150%, not to mention that it is impossible. One or two silver harvests. So let's add a couple of dollars to save at least a couple of dollars."

Ok, in fact, a few silvers are nothing for them now, but the mosquito legs are fine again!

Luo Yong nodded: "That's really good."

Of course, this is to talk about it privately, and several of them are very tacit in the premise of Luo Yi.

Luo Yi himself is also very calm, and after he came back, he was not worried about the results, but he still went on to study. He seems to have really engraved the matter of learning into his mind.

Half a month later, the county posted a list, and someone personally told Luo Yi to test the news. However, Luo’s family was very low-key and did not go out to publicize. Until the autumn harvest, his family did not pay a penny tax in the valley. Everyone knows that this Luojia is really a must!

"Four treasures, his mother, you can't do this." The lively folks said, "At the beginning, but you said it, your family's four treasures were admitted to the show, everyone went to your house to be lively and lively. You are still silent. Not ringing?"

"I am not afraid of not being allowed to do it. Well, since you all know it, then, the day after tomorrow, the big day, the heavens and the scorpions will be busy, everyone is busy with my family, everyone can say that it will not succeed?!"

"to make!"

"Four treasures, you don't ask you to be a master. You are careful to go home and he will fire with you." Someone laughed. "When are we still going?"

"Fire bonfire? My family is not so stingy that you said." Li Yuehua smiled and looked at Luo Tian: "Do you say it is the master?"

"Yes, my family's business, my wife and my wife have the final say!" Luo's recent series of happy events, Luo Tian is in a good mood every day. Besides, the family’s affairs were originally decided by his wife, and he only worked.

"That can be said to be accurate, everyone in Minger has to go to the old Luo family to eat!"

The sound of a smoky singer directly raises the atmosphere of the valley to the highest.

Probably only Qin Guizhi could not laugh out. I thought that when he refused to let Luo Fei enter her house, she always felt that Luo Fei couldn't match her son. Now she is better, her family is more and more declining, and Luo is getting better and better. At this time, if Luo Fei is her daughter-in-law, will she not have to pay for this tax?

Unfortunately, there is no such thing in this world.

Someone asked Qin Guizhi how he did not see Zhang Yangfan recently. Qin Guizhi vaguely said that Zhang Yangfan had something to go. However, this matter was quickly discovered to be deceptive. Zhang Yangfan did not go far away, but fell in love with gambling, gambling home owed a lot of money, sold the land for more than half.

Originally, Laojiang’s family still thought about it. If the left and right children could not find a good family, it would be better to take some silver in the past and talk to Qin Guizhi and let Zhang Yangfan and Jiang Baining go through together. But when I saw Zhang Yangfan fascinated with gambling, where would I dare to do this?

Finally, the matchmaker introduced Jiang Baining to an old coward who was in the village. Lao Jiang’s family had a lot of gifts before they agreed. As for how Jiang Baining passed after marrying the past, he only knows it.

After the autumn harvest has passed, it is necessary to usher in the cold winter. Xue Bai took away the last autumn color, which made the place become silver. The households in Luo Fei's swallow's nest have all moved away. Luo Fei finally has to take part-time shovel and **** every day while taking the children!

Oh no, it’s still a shovel, who makes chickens, ducks and geese at home.

"Everyone goes to the field to pick up cow dung for fertilizer. Second brother, you still think that there is too much feces in the family. Hahahahaha." Luo Yong had a big slap in the face, and he laughed loudly.

"Then you shovel, my sheep dung here is also shoveled for you, you must not be polite to me." Jing Rong wiped the sweat, straight up and rested in the empty space to laugh. After the winter, everyone started to idle. On the contrary, he began to get busy. Because this season, the sheep have to be planted, and more pastures are needed to prepare for the winter. Every day, the sheep must be fed with water and water, and they will be busy from morning till night.

"Hey, you can shovel yourself. I will cut the grass for you at most." Luo Yong is doing this job now.

"I have nothing to do with me in the future. During the day, you and the older brother are busy, but they will call me." The banquet was handing the hay under the sickle. Two days ago, he went to the Shishi House again. This time, the money was extraordinarily more than that. He had to turn over several times in the past, so he did not intend to be busy this winter. In addition to helping Luo Fei take care of the children, it is to think about what other snacks can make money. As for the shop, Wan Dayun did a good job there. The meat was always sold. In the winter, the sheep was mixed. In the summer, the sheep were replaced with the skin, and the business was booming every day.

"When this is over, it will be fine. But there is something, I really have to feast your help." Luo Ji said, "I have discussed with Jing Rong, thinking about expanding the sheep house, or else next year. It’s not enough for the lamb to come out. The place where the pasture is stored must be well repaired. Feast the picture of the house you painted. I think you painted very well. You can only help me and the scenery. This is a better extension of the sheep."

"Cheng Cheng, this is not a good thing." Xi Yan Qing said, "I will think about it this evening." After that, I heard the door "Oh," and was pushed away.

"Dad..." The little tiger pushed open the door and came in. "Dad, I want wood."

"Wood wood? Wood wood did not come, do you want to go to him?" Xi Yan Qing put down his life and asked his son. Wood is referring to the little carpenter, because the pronunciation of the three words "Little Carpenter" is not so easy for a child of ten months, so later Luo Fei called the little carpenter a wooden, long tiger That's it.

"Look, find." The little tiger squatted on the back of the banquet, "Looking for wood."

"What about looking for wood? What?"

"Picture rice."

"When you have finished eating, will you take the wood to go?"

"Yeah!" The little tiger should finish, and watched his father work.

Xi Yan Qing thought that this kid had to forget this after a while, I did not expect to finish the meal and actually said to go to find wood. No way, he had to go with Luo Fei with this stinky boy to go to Chen Huazhen.

The little tiger met the little carpenter and was very happy to rush to hug: "Wood!"

The little carpenter didn't stand still and sat down on the floor: "Hey wow!!!"

This is good, the daughter-in-law has not yet returned home, but first make a piece of **** on the other's **** ==