MTL - Being Scolded As a Loser? All the Big Guys In Beijing Are Rushing To Pamper Me-Chapter 627 Large missionary site

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The jailer paused and continued: "Her hair was scratched by me. As she scratched her hair, patches of corpse appeared on her face and neck. Several of her subordinates were frightened and went to look for you."

General Huo looked grim as he recalled the rumors that the Queen Mother Yin was a bloodthirsty spirit.

"I know this, so I'll take care of everyone first and stay away from her."

Who knows if that person can bite.

 “Yes.” The jailers responded hurriedly.

 They didn’t dare to come closer.


  Isn’t it possible that the Queen Mother Yin is really possessed by some spirit? !

The more I thought about it, the more it made sense, and the ‘truth’ soon spread in Zhongdu—

 First, there are the streets and alleys.

"I heard that the Queen Mother who was born from the Yin family is a spirit cultivated in the mountains and forests. She specializes in sucking human blood. Many people have been harmed!"

In just half a day, everyone seemed to know some inside information.

“Not only that, it is said that she didn’t even eat, but only drank blood. All the palace attendants in Mingguang Palace were sucked dry. The spirit only recognized good-looking ones, and several beautiful young girls were sucked dry!”

Another person followed closely, "That's right. A distant relative of mine has inside information... He said that after Mingguang Palace entered the cell, he screamed and screamed like crazy because he had no blood to drink. He went crazy and was all over the body. Got... corpse stains?"

“Do you know about corpse spots? They only appear on dead people.

If she wasn't a spirit, how could she still be alive with body spots on her body? It's too scary.

Thanks to the Emperor’s wisdom and strength and God’s blessing, otherwise we ordinary people can still live a good life, but sooner or later we will be sucked clean! "

 After finishing speaking, he made a gesture of worship and muttered, "God bless me, God bless me."

 The people around me are terrified and imitate others.

 It looks like a large missionary field.

 The market is like this, and the aristocratic circle is the same, and it is even more popular.

Yu Shi of Zhou offered a handful of incense to the ancestors of the Zhou family, with tears streaming down his face, "Ancestors bless you, that evildoer has finally shown his true form, Vietnam can be saved, and the people can be saved..."

The emotional Zhou Yushi had red eyes.

 After leaving the ancestral hall, he ordered his servants to smoke mugwort leaves throughout the house to remove bad luck.

Mrs. Zhou looked worried, "Master, it's not good to be so blatant. If the Yin family gains power again, our family will be doomed."

"Hmph!" Zhou Yushi snorted coldly, "If the Yin family can still get up, I won't need them to take revenge. I will hit my head to death at the gate of the palace, turn into a ghost and haunt them day and night, and I won't let them do evil again until I die..."

Before he could finish his harsh words, Mrs. Zhou twisted his arm, her face full of anger.

The dead old man wants to live and die at the same time, so he deserves to be beaten.

Zhou Yushi's face changed with pain, "Oh, my wife, why are you **** me so much?"

"You are the one who is being screwed. You hit the wall at every turn. How many heads do you have? You've got it all done. What should we do? It's bad luck." Mrs. Zhou is a shrewd person, and she is even more merciless when she thinks of her husband's behavior of seeking death. , eyes full of anger.

When Zhou Yushi heard that his wife even called her a bad luck thing, he became nervous and said, "Isn't this what I said casually? Why do I take it seriously..."

Mrs. Zhou glared at him and said nothing.

 Silence is worse than an attack.

 Zhou Yushi exclaimed and said: "What are you afraid of? Every government is trying to get rid of bad luck. We are not the first one, so what are we afraid of?"

 His temperament is old-fashioned, but he is not stupid enough to harm the whole family.

Hearing this, Mrs. Zhou felt relieved and turned to give instructions about smoking mugwort leaves.

This scene happened in every government.

 Even the palace is like this.

 Shen Nian's brothers and sisters had not yet entered the door of the Duke's Mansion when they saw a big fire pit in front of them.

When the housekeeper saw his masters coming back, he trotted over and said, "The old servant has seen the braziers prepared by the masters. The old man asked us to prepare the brazier and said that we should go and get rid of bad luck, so that everything will go smoothly in the future."

"Yeah?" Shen Nian grasped the key point, "Are all the governments prepared?"

Butler: "We are all prepared." After walking into the Duke's Mansion, he continued: "Everyone in the country is saying that the Queen Mother is the reincarnation of a spirit. Everyone is very frightened. The brazier and mugwort are relatively small. , some of the timid ones went to stay in monasteries."

"It's such an exaggeration. I dare to think that if there are real spirits, it would be useless to stay in the temple permanently, let alone a short stay in the temple." Shen Nian felt that the people in Zhongdu really had some ideas, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

The housekeeper looked at his princess's obedient and soft look, and his tone of voice became softer.

 “It’s all about peace of mind.”

“Princess Princess has the Buddhist beads given by Master Hui’an. No monsters or monsters will dare to come near you!

Our Duke's mansion is full of yang energy, and the Duke and several young masters are very powerful. It should be the spirits who are afraid. "

Shen Nianxin said that the housekeeper really trusted her father and brothers. She nodded in unison with trust, "Yes, my father and brothers are more ferocious than monsters. I feel particularly safe!"



Hmm, the eldest lady knows how to describe.


The emperor returned to Zhongdu with hundreds of officials and began to liquidate the Yin family.

The matter has come to an end and the outcome has been decided, and everyone in the Yin family feels relieved.

 A group of officers and soldiers broke in.

Hundreds of members of the Yin family were chained hand and foot.

 The Yin family, which had been prosperous for decades, collapsed overnight, which was unexpected.

The female family members of the Yin family did not know that uncle Yin Guo was very ambitious and wanted to be the emperor. He even took action, raising private soldiers, accepting bribes, and selling his official positions...

 They only thought that the Yin family was implicated by the Queen Mother Yin, and all their resentment was directed at her alone.

 The prince was a loser, so he sent a message to imprison the Yin family next to the Queen Mother Yin, so that their family could be reunited.

The female relatives were stripped of all their valuables, and their fine clothes had been turned into prison clothes. Their heads were lowered and their emotions could not be seen.

 “Get in!”

 Escort officers and soldiers to push people in roughly.

With a click, it was locked.

Thinking of the corpses dug up in the backyard of the Yin family, as well as the silver sealed in the wall and the gold and silver treasures in the dark room, I sighed.

“A bunch of beasts who plundered the people’s fat and the people’s anointing have finally been punished!”

  Since when had the Yin family received such an insult? They had not yet adapted to the sudden change in status, so they glared angrily.


Before he could get angry, the officer and soldier turned away.

The Yin family is extremely popular. The next second I think of their current situation, I feel sad.

“Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo an in within

 When one child cries, the others also start to make a fuss.

“I want to go home too, I’m hungry, I want to eat roast chicken and roast duck, and drink sweet porridge…”

Sounds came one after another, making everyone's head grow louder.

Mrs. Yin's mind has been focused on the three grandchildren who were sent away by her husband and wife. Listening to this noisy sound, her ears are buzzing and she is extremely annoyed.

 “Shut up!” She opened her eyes and scolded her coldly.

The wailing younger member of the Yin family immediately shut up and hid in his mother's arms in fear, looking at her like an old witch.

Mrs. Yin didn’t care.

I habitually tried to fiddle with the beads on my wrist, but came up empty, and realized that everything I had on me had been confiscated.

 Her fingertips froze for a moment, and she lowered her head.

The Yin family is hopeless. I hope her grandchildren can escape as far away as possible... (End of chapter)