MTL - Best Actor-v3 Chapter 130 many things

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There is no problem for a while, and a rough estimate is that if everything goes well, it will be closed with "Milk". Then "Thirteen Arhats" has been confirmed to be exhibited in Cannes, and he will definitely participate at that time. Of course, it is more important to take time to participate in the final post-production, as is "Death of a Sharpshooter".

Facebook and YouTube have to ask the situation, even if they are still the same, the former continues to add users and is estimated to be worth at least a billion, and Sean's wealth has increased, despite the wealth on paper. The latter is still negotiating with several major media groups, but the form is more and more favorable to Sean and the others, especially after seeing several second-tier production companies, such as Lionsgate, make profits after cooperating with YouTube on online on-demand things. Great increase, they invariably accelerated their actions, I believe that an agreement will be reached by the middle of the year at the latest.

However, Sean's original idea, to have a deeper connection with several major media groups by exchanging shares, was again rejected by Neil.

"Although YouTube has developed rapidly and is unique among new online media, it is still too weak compared to several major media groups." Neil said, "If you keep this After five or six years of this momentum, when YouTube completely becomes the Google of video sites, we may be able to persuade them, but not now. And at the current value of YouTube, even if we exchange equity, we can't get much. Instead, they will be influenced by them, so it is better to throw out 50% of the shares and let them divide it themselves, and they can also cash out by the way.”

"But you have to understand, Neil, I need to have a strong connection with them, so that I can achieve a more detached status in Hollywood." Sean said so.

"Tell me, Sean, what kind of alliance is the most stable." Neil asked immediately.

"You mean profit?" Sean quickly reacted.

"Accurately speaking, it is an alliance of interests," Neil explained, "Why do several major media groups negotiate with us patiently? Because they all know that this is a new type of media, This is the future! What's more, we have made achievements for them now, so if they want to seize the future, they must unite with us!"

"But..." Sean wanted to explain a few more words.

"I know what you're thinking, Sean, I don't think it's wrong, but there are several ways to achieve it, and we should choose the most effective one." Neil quickly Continues, "Think about how, backed by their funding and programming, YouTube has continued to grow into a massive new media empire with a global audience and a national reach that translates into an annual number of With a profit of one billion, at that time, you will be the representative of this huge community of interests, isn't such a right to speak stronger than that of one or two media groups?"

Sean spread his hands and didn't speak, so Neil continued: "I said just now, if you exchange equity, not all media groups are willing, then in the future cooperation time, own equity The media group wants you to favor them in business, what do you do? If you don't agree, they will squeeze you out of their group. If you agree, they will gain an inch. If there is more fairness, what will other media groups who have not exchanged equity think? Once they get rid of us and join forces to support another video site, there must be a lot by then, what should we do?"

After a lot of words, he took a deep breath: "Now this plan is the best at present, once we win them over, at least in the next ten years, we will become one of the video websites. First of all, you don’t have to worry about losing control if you don’t go public anyway. As for ten years from now, no one can think that far, and even if they do, the plan won’t necessarily come true, right?”

Sean has nothing to say, which is why his ideas are rejected by Neil time and time again, which is very annoying at the same time, but finally has to listen to him. Now that things have been changed beyond recognition, and since they have already gambled, let's continue to gamble, anyway, they are still winning.

The interesting thing is that Google gave up in this competition. What they wanted to do most was to acquire YouTube. Unfortunately, Sean didn’t sell it. After several disagreements, Google simply gave up. There are even words that if YouTube can't operate well, it is possible to be a short-lived. It's a pity that I don't know if they will be like this in another two years. If they regret it then, Sean won't mind giving them a little favor. In any case, even if it's not obvious now, Sean can be sure that the future is still Google's, and the 1.6 billion premium acquisition offer they gave last year is worth more than the current Facebook, making YouTube and the media group more valuable. There is a great advantage when negotiating.

As for Yahoo, after Google gave up, they gave up, they also wanted an acquisition rather than a stake, and they couldn't take as much as Google. After the new millennium, although Yahoo, which was hit by the IT bubble, finally controlled the situation, its performance continued to decline in the face of Google's competition. Sean refused to sell Google, let alone them.

In addition to this, there is another very interesting thing. Lions Pictures, which has never been in contact, actually gave Samsara Pictures a merger and acquisition plan, hoping that the two production companies can merge. Although many movies that should belong to them have been snatched away because of Sean, the most typical of which is the "Chainsaw" series, but Lionsgate has grown by means of financing, but it is not as big as the previous life.

It is precisely because of this that they want to acquire Samsara Pictures. Among the independent production companies that are currently profitable and have good development prospects, Legend and Samsara are worthy of them. Others, although Weinstein Pictures was founded by the famous Weinstein brothers, it has only been more than a year, and the future may be bright, maybe... who can say for sure? As for the others, the scale is not so great.

And the legend is backed by Wall Street, they certainly have no hope, so they can only strive to win the reincarnation.

In spite of this, the people at Lionsgate are not clear enough now. Although they are polite when they are approached, the plan they hand in has several traps, and they obviously put themselves in the lead. . So Sean was still a little interested at first, but it disappeared after being called out by the lawyers, and he directly asked Vladimir to send them away.

However, some of the shareholders are interested, and they have also raised it at the meeting, but Sean is still in control of reincarnation, and Vladimir has always been on his side, so Took some words.

"I understand your feelings, who doesn't want to make money? But, are you really so sure that this deal will bring huge profits to everyone? Or let's make a bet and wait two more Three years, and then look at us and Lionsgate, who is developing better, who has more potential, how about that?" Sean said at the board meeting.

He is very confident. Although he has obtained a few promising movies for Tang Films, he has also attracted many people to Samsara, such as the Apatow Party. What's more, at the end of last year, I also got the production rights of a TV series, the production rights of a TV series called "The Big Bang Theory", and more cooperation with Surprise, so as long as you keep it up, it will be reincarnated in two or three years. Sure to leave Lionsgate behind.

Even if the ship capsized unexpectedly due to the butterfly effect or something, it was possible to merge with Lionsgate at that time.

In short, that's it, while he was paying attention to other things, he worked hard to play the role of Milk.

"I ask you one thing, Mr. Agono, it's on Castro Street. Robert Hillsborough was murdered on his way home with his love, he was The man stabbed 15 times, and the last thing he heard was, stinky glass, stinky glass, stinky glass. Since you said you were outraged about it, would your enlightened institution refuse to respond to our request for help?" Hall? Inside, the two people who were arguing in the front, the one on the left pointed to the word on the right and said, "Why didn't they bring the murderer to justice?!"

His voice was not loud, but every sentence was very powerful, and he was accompanied by gestures, especially after he finished speaking, he leaned on the podium to hold his chin with his hand, and looked at the other party waiting for a response. Gives a sense that he is the right one, and the applause immediately rang out.

"Should be beautiful, Sean." After the paragraph, Santer patted Sean on the shoulder and said, "So far, in the political scene, this and the previous one are against 6 It's the best when the nomination is successful."

"Thank you, glad to hear that, Gus." Sean breathed a sigh of relief, "It's the basic duty of an actor, isn't it?"

Defeat, defeat and fight, persevere. As for the opposition to Proposition 6, that is, the proposal to abolish **** rights, there is also a lot to learn from the feeling of being ecstatic and excited, but having to control oneself and not be able to burst out all.

In fact, he handles everything about politics very well. This is a biography, this is an inspirational film, this is a work that shows homosexuality, and even if there is a lot of politics, there is not much dark side.

So Sean joked: "I think, after this movie is finished, I can run for president."

"However, your luck is coming to an end, Sean, get ready." Santer said again at this time, and smiled meaningfully.

Sean was stunned for a while, and after he left, he sighed: "Okay, I have to go to New York again."