MTL - Best of Hollywood-Chapter 392 High heel

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The sky gradually darkened, the crew finished filming, and everyone began to pack their things and prepare to return to the hotel.

Along the way, Sofia Coppola looked sullen.

"Sophia, be happy."

Sitting in the car, Ryan glanced sideways at Sofia Coppola and said, "I've seen Roman's resume, and it's not bad."

"It's a good thing for you to let him join the crew."

For Roman Coppola, many people are relatively unfamiliar.

However, his resume is really good. Not only has he been an executive producer and an assistant director, but he is also an editor himself.

He even made a cameo appearance in "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace."

Of course, most of the directors or producers of these projects are Francis Coppola, and Roman Coppola himself has never had any famous works.

Compared with Sofia Coppola, Roman Coppola is at least a lot worse.

Ryan vaguely remembered that Roman Coppola's name could often be seen in the films directed by Sofia Coppola in his previous life.

"To me, this is very bad news."

Recalling Roman Coppola's various deeds, Sofia Coppola said dejectedly: "He will only add to my confusion."

"Ryan, how about having him on X-Men 2?"

She looked up at Ryan suddenly, and said expectantly, "For God's sake, you must help me convince that stubborn old man."

Ryan ignored this sentence directly, he was obviously not suitable to persuade Francis Coppola.

This is an internal matter of the Coppola family, and it is not easy for an outsider to say much.

In the evening, Francis Coppola invited the "Spider-Man" crew to have dinner together.

During the period, Francis Coppola was very humorous and told some anecdotes about veteran stars from time to time, which made everyone excited.

Only Sofia Coppola was unhappy.

Thinking of Roman Coppola, that big trouble, gave her a headache and she was in no mood to eat.

"May I ask the next weekend box office for 'X-Men'?"

Natalie Portman picked up sea grapes, morels, and some fruit salad on the dinner plate with a fork, and heard a few people mention "X-Men".

She couldn't help saying: "I've been so busy these days that I haven't paid much attention to the news in the newspaper."

Sofia Coppola glanced at it, and Francis Coppola, who was talking endlessly about previous glorious deeds, deliberately raised his voice and said: "In the three days of last weekend, "X-Men" earned 9.8 million US dollars respectively. Box office, box office of 11.32 million US dollars, box office of 8.79 million US dollars, and won the box office champion for the second week."

"Where is "Dangerous" produced by DreamWorks!" Willem Dafoe couldn't help asking.

The second weekend of "X-Men" ushered in a film "Dangerous" produced by DreamWorks, with a shooting cost of up to 90 million US dollars.

"$29.7 million at the box office." Sofia Coppola said a box office figure that was almost the same.

The box office of "X-Men" was $29.91 million in the second weekend, and the box office of "Dangerous" was $29.7 million in the first weekend.

The difference between the two films is only a few hundred thousand dollars in box office.

"So, the North American box office of "X-Men" has exceeded 100 million US dollars!" Francis Coppola looked over and asked.

Hollywood produces countless films every year.

However, there are only a handful of films with a North American box office of more than 100 million US dollars, and there are only a dozen or so in the sky.

What's more, "X-Men" has only been released for about ten days.

"To be precise, the North American box office of "X-Men" has exceeded $100 million on Friday."

Sofia Coppola looked at her father, curled her lips and said, "The North American box office of "X-Men" has reached 12.6 billion US dollars, and the film's overseas box office performance is also very good."

"For Roman, it is a good opportunity to participate in the filming of "X-Men 2" crew."

She brought up Roman Coppola again.

Hearing Sofia Coppola's words, Francis Coppola said without any surprise: "Unless you also join the "X-Men 2" crew to watch him, otherwise I will not agree."

"That's just your wishful thinking." Sofia Coppola lowered her head and muttered, venting her dissatisfaction.

Ryan watched the father and daughter getting emotional, and wisely pretended not to see it.

In fact, Roman Coppola joining the crew of "X-Men 2" is just a trivial matter. Anyway, every large-scale commercial crew has multiple assistant directors, and at most it is an extra salary.

Such things are very common in Hollywood crews.

To put it bluntly, Hollywood also has connections, and there are many of them.

After dinner, everyone returned to the hotel to rest. The crew will continue filming tomorrow morning.

In the next period of time, the crew members of "Scary Cannibals" came to Australia one after another and officially settled in the studio.

Ryan also accelerated the shooting progress of "Spider-Man".

By mid-August, the filming of most of the crew's shots in the Sydney, Australia studio was declared over, and only a few shots remained to be shot.

"Natalie, you're going to act panicked for a while."

The shooting scene was set up, and a large fire truck was parked next to it. Ryan stood on the side of the monitor and told Natalie Portman the focus of the shooting, "Remember to be safe, I don't want you to be here Falling in the rain, or even getting injured."

Of course, the effect of falling may be better.

He didn't say that.

After all, according to the plot setting in the script, there is no need to really fall to the ground.

Natalie-Portman looked down at the shoes on her feet, a pair of three-inch high heels for women, although not super high heels, but she will need to run to shoot later, and it is still in the rain, which is not a small challenge.

"Who came up with the idea to let actresses run and shoot in high heels?" Natalie Portman couldn't help complaining.

She's not talking about Ryan, but the first director to have an actress run in high heels on a shoot.

It is definitely not a good experience to let an actress run and shoot in high heels, let alone comfortable.

If you are not careful, it is easy to sprain your feet.

Ryan took one look at her and explained, "It adds to your charisma."

"In the film, you have to keep your most charming side out at all times."

"Is it a beautiful vase?" Natalie-Portman was very smart, and immediately understood what Ryan meant. She wanted her to better play the role of a vase.

Hollywood is not without stupid actors, but not Natalie Portman.

When she graduated from high school, she received admission letters from Yale University and Harvard University at the same time. In the end, Natalie Portman chose to study psychology at Harvard University.

Don't think that a college student who is studying psychology, she will be an idiot.

Also, she is proficient in several languages, such as English, French, Japanese, German, Hebrew, and Arabic.

A proper top student.

In this regard, she has the potential to become an outstanding vase.

A stupid vase who won't be in Hollywood for long and will be out soon.

Every top vase in Hollywood has a beautiful appearance and a smart mind.

Obviously Natalie - Portman very much meet the above two requirements.

The only shortcoming is probably only the height.

In this regard, Ryan can only respond with a look of regret.

Therefore, he could only ask Natalie Portman to wear a pair of three-inch high heels to make up for her height disadvantage.

Of course, it is impossible for him to say these words, otherwise no one can guarantee whether Natalie Portman will turn around and walk away with a black face.

"What about the clothes?"

Natalie Portman pointed to the windbreaker she wore outside, frowned and said, "This is Australia, don't you think it's a bit weird to wear a windbreaker for shooting?"

Although Australia is entering winter in August, the average temperature is as high as 9c~21c. Even at night, the temperature is still very mild.

"Unless you want to get drenched in the first place, I don't mind if you take it off now."

"And this is also one of the product placements." Ryan looked at the windbreaker Natalie Portman was wearing. It was very beautiful and full of fashion, and it was indeed designed by Chanel.

The clothes and shoes worn by Natalie Portman in the film are almost all from the Chanel brand.

"I hate ad placement."

After speaking, Natalie Portman couldn't help but rolled her eyes, turned around and walked towards the end of the street, preparing for the upcoming filming.

Not long after, heavy rain suddenly fell on the dark street and sky. Natalie Portman walked forward quickly, gracefully and hurriedly, with a slightly nervous expression. There were two malicious gangsters behind her. shouted.

Along the way, Natalie Portman took a lady's bag and put it on her head to keep out the rain, and gradually began to trot.

However, two gangsters appeared in front again and stopped her.

Next, there will be a scene where a hero saves the beauty.

Very corny ~ ~ very tacky.

"Crack!" Ryan's voice sounded on the set, "Natalie, get ready, let's do it again."


Ryan turned to look at Tobey Maguire and asked: "Do you need a stuntman?"

In this scene, Spider-Man did not wear a hood. Ryan plans to take a few close-up shots and publish a few posters as one of the future promotional posters of the film.

Of course, with rain and dark environment occlusion, it doesn't matter much to shoot with stuntmen, the big deal is to cut out the pictures later.

"I want to try it." Toby Maguire shook his head, rejected the stuntman, and planned to try it himself.

Seeing Toby Maguire's resolute attitude, Ryan didn't say much, anyway, the action scene for a while is not too complicated.

Next, Natalie-Portman started shooting again, continuing to serve as a beautiful vase.

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