MTL - Best of Hollywood-Chapter 464 star-studded

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On the afternoon of Monday, February 11th, on New Year's Eve, there was a huge crowd of people in front of the Magic City Grand Theater. Countless movie fans and media reporters gathered since the afternoon.

The lively scene is full of the atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

Upcoming is the premiere of Spider-Man.

"Cage, I didn't expect you to come over."

On the Bentley driving to the premiere, Ryan looked at Nicolas Cage sitting across from him and joked, "Cage, you're going to steal all the limelight."

Don't look at "Spider-Man" with a global box office of more than 900 million US dollars.

But in terms of popularity on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, they absolutely defeated Nicolas Cage and Tom Cruise.

Hearing this, Nicholas Cage shrugged, glanced at Ryan, and said, "If I don't come over, I'm afraid Sophia will kill me."

"What's more, you can see related news in Los Angeles about your investment projects here."

Speaking of this, he gave Ryan a thumbs-up, "The theme studio project worth up to 5 billion US dollars forced Disney to hold an emergency high-level meeting overnight."

In the past, Disney was the only Hollywood film company that intended to invest on a large scale, so it is natural to talk slowly.

However, the arrival of Ryan and Orion Pictures made Disney feel a little crisis.

It's just that, right now, let Disney allocate 5 billion US dollars in batches to build a large Disney amusement park in Magic City.

It is impossible to have any results in a short period of time.

"The other side of the Pacific has just officially joined the WTO, and now is the best time to invest." Ryan said very straightforwardly.

In ten or eight years, once the other side of the Pacific Ocean becomes the world's second largest economy, it will definitely not be as easy as it is now to get any good preferential policies.


Nicholas Cage said with admiration: "This is the first time that Hollywood has held such a large-scale premiere here."

Even the premiere of "Titanic" a few years ago was much smaller.

At first glance, I thought it was in Los Angeles or New York, not a city on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

The scale of the premiere of Magic City is a bit smaller than the North American premiere of the film.

Including Mocheng TV Station, China Central Television and many other TV stations reported on the spot.

Many media reporters in the interview area communicated in low voices in private.

"How about it, did the above say what happened to the report today!" Someone asked while fiddling with the camera.

Another media reporter with glasses came over and said in a low voice: "When you were not there just now, China Film and the Magic City government have issued a notice that you are not allowed to mention any sensitive topics, and you must focus on positive reports, such as Emphasize the investment projects of Ryan Gosling and Orion Films in China."

"It seems that the magic city government and Orion Films have been talking well these few days." A somewhat chubby media reporter said: "After all, it is an investment of up to 5 billion U.S. dollars, and we must follow the tune."

The first media reporter curled his lips and said, "I'm afraid that there will be no time to rejoice."

"You don't understand." The media reporter wearing glasses said mysteriously: "I have specially investigated the promotional route of the "Spider-Man" crew, that Mr. Ryan Gosling, except for North America, our place It is the only overseas premiere attended in person.”

"If you don't really intend to invest, why should you come here in person?"

Several people nodded silently.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the red carpet of "Spider-Man" officially began.

What excited fans and media reporters on both sides was that the first to come was not the crew of "Spider-Man", but well-known Hollywood actors.

Among them are Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Leonardo DiCaprio and others who came from the United States.

And the main members of the crew of "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King", the main members of the crew of "Tomb Raider 2", the main members of the crew of "X-Men 2", the main members of the crew of "Harry-Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", etc.

Not only did it surprise all the media reporters and movie fans, but even China Film Group, the organizer of the premiere, was secretly surprised.

Even, for the first time, he realized the influence of Orion Films in Hollywood.

It is definitely not something to be tolerated in the magic city to witness a big Hollywood star. Some Hollywood crews have no plans to come to promote it.

Ryan did not choose to walk the red carpet with Nicolas Cage, but walked into the theater hall very low-key.

"Ryan, here!"

Seeing Ryan, Nancy Utley yelled, and then walked over, "Arnold, I hope Orion Pictures can consider keeping the Marvel Studios project in Los Angeles."

"You know, he's running around getting votes."

The matter of Arnold Schwarzenegger's running for the governor of California has long been heated up in Hollywood and California.

In fact, some time before coming to the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Arnold Schwarzenegger met with Ryan to seek the support of Orion Pictures.

In this regard, Ryan will naturally not refuse.

Of course, as for keeping the Marvel Studios project in Los Angeles, it is a bit redundant.

Now that the tourism industry in North America has been hit hard, investing at this time is simply looking for death, and it is estimated that after the completion of the construction of Marvel Pictures, it will soon encounter the financial crisis in 2008, almost one step at a time.

"I'll tell him."

Ryan lowered his voice and reminded: "Our original investment plan remains unchanged, and it is best to speed up the progress as much as possible."

Arnold-Schwarzenegger was not the first to come to his door. At the end of the talk show, the executives of Sony Pictures made a phone call, wanting to jointly invest in the construction of Marvel Pictures with Orion Pictures. The only requirement , hoping to place the project inspection site in Japan.

"Actually, if it weren't for Tokyo having Disneyland, it would be a good choice." Nancy Utley felt a little regretful.

The geographic location, population, and GDP of Tokyo, Japan, are all above the magic city.

However, there are several Daxing Parks in Tokyo, and just one Disneyland diverts a large number of tourists.

Magic City does not have a large-scale theme park in the true sense is a blank in the market, and Orion Pictures can easily seize the market.

Regarding this, Ryan just smiled. Twenty years ago, he might have chosen Tokyo, Japan instead of the Magic City.

But now is not twenty years ago.

What's more, the main tourists of Disneyland in the Magic City in the previous life were not the locals of the Magic City, but a steady stream of tourists from other provinces.

With the appearance of Hollywood stars, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and domestic stars, several main actors of the "Spider-Man" crew appeared as the finale.

However, Toby Maguire and Natalie Portman are obviously less.

Although Natalie Portman is very beautiful, and has starred in two Daxing commercial films that sold well at the global box office, but her popularity is average, Scarlett Johansson is similar to her situation.

After all, Natalie Portman is not the goddess of literature and art in her previous life, and Scarlett Johansson is also not the black widow who makes people want to drink bath water.