MTL - Best Son-in-law-Chapter 3006 completely changed

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Logan and Woods, who were already bruised and swollen, had another ** fist mark on their faces!

Seeing the wounds on their faces, Kane was even more angry, and immediately kicked them both a few times!

"Fucking in such a serious situation, the two of you didn't want to hurry up and develop an emergency plan, but you started fighting like two mad dogs!"

Kane became more and more angry, his chest was almost burst, and he scolded sharply, "And he was even photographed by his subordinates and spread it all over the world!"

He saw pictures of Logan and Woods fighting in group chats organized by diplomats or international elites from no less than five countries.

Today, the World Medical Association and the CCP have completely become the laughing stock of the world!

Logan and Woods both shrank their heads and let them be beaten and scolded!

At this time, they also regretted that their intestines were green, but at that time, when their emotions came up, they really couldn't control themselves!

"Tell me, Mr. Ben Leeson

How's it going? ! "

Kane's eyes were red, as if he was going to eat people, staring at Logan and Woods fiercely.

Both Woods and Logan trembled, their heads bowed deeper, and they didn't dare to answer at all.

"Lieutenant Ben Lison is dead, isn't he?!"

Kane gritted his teeth, and two lines of clear tears flowed from his eyes.

On the way here, he had already seen the news of Ben Lison's death from several group chats!

There are also a few blurry photos in it!

But he could recognize that the one lying in the pool of blood was indeed Ben Lison!

It's ridiculous to say that the leader of their own country is receiving treatment from their own country's doctors in their own country. In the end, he learned about Ben Lisen's death through intelligence from other countries!

Because both Logan and Woods were too frightened, they couldn't stop shaking, and they didn't dare to let out the air.

"Bastards! Damn bastards! You two should go to hell!"

As Kane said that, he rushed forward like a hungry wolf again, and slapped Logan and Woods with a mad fan!

Kane fanned until the palm of his hand was painful, and then stopped, still panting and yelling!

"I tell you, this incident is very serious, both domestically and internationally, it has caused a huge negative impact, the end of the two of you is here!"

Kane said grimly, "Woods, you immediately hold a press conference and take all the responsibility on yourself!"

"And he resigned on the spot, and apologized to all countries around the world and the entire Western medical medical community!"

Woods' complexion suddenly changed when he heard the sound.

Kane's intention is obviously to ask him to take all the responsibility in his own name, and then let him take the blame and resign, so as to protect the World Medical Association to the greatest extent!

In other words, he is now playing the role of Wendy, becoming the scapegoat that Wan Fu referred to!

It also means that *

* and the Du family, have completely abandoned him!

The result that awaits him is naturally self-evident!

"Mr. Kane!"

Woods pleaded eagerly, "For so many years, I have devoted everything to the World Medical Association, and I have always been loyal to the Du family, please let me go!"

"With such serious consequences, you still let me let you go?!"

Kane scolded sharply, "Who the **** let me go?!"

"I almost got scolded to death by Mr. Jeremy just because I believed you two bastards!"

"If I didn't believe the nonsense of you two bastards, but sent Deputy Commander Ben Lisen to Yan Xia, then he would still be alive now!"

"Mr. Kane, this is not necessarily!"

Logan said anxiously, "We failed, but He Jiarong's side may not be able to succeed!"

"Maybe he's like us..."

"Possibly a fart!"

Before he could finish speaking, Kane interrupted sharply, "I have already received news on the way I came here. All the fifty patients sent by the five major countries to Yanxia are in stable condition, and none of them died!"

Since he can see the news of Ben Lisson's death from the international group chat, he can naturally see the news that all the patients in the five major countries are alive!


Logan's body trembled suddenly, his eyes darkened, and he almost fell to the ground.

This news is the real thunderbolt!

He thought that it would be Lin Yu's side who would be wiped out, and they would be victorious in the end!

But I didn't expect the result to be exactly the opposite!

It was them who really had no one alive!

And the World Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine led by Lin Yu miraculously managed to not die!

That also means that their World Medical Association has completely become a stepping stone to the world's famous World Medical Association!

From now on, the entire international medical community will change completely!

(End of this chapter)