MTL - Bestial Blade-Chapter 58 Grabbed Huayi's hand

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At that moment, Chang'an's eyes were a little dazed, and he couldn't help but grab Huayi's collar, as if he wanted to do something by instinct. However, the instructions given by instinct were really illusive. I didn't understand the spirit.

Huayi bowed his head—unlike the fierce one, he kissed Chang'an infinitely softly and enthusiastically this time, looking at him with dark eyes, his eyes seemed different from usual, so subtle that it was impossible to say, But he ran into Chang'an's heart all at once, and told him to understand it in a flash--oh, it turned out that he just grabbed Huayi's collar and wanted to kiss him.

Desire is like a layer of veil to a newly grown man. It always tickles, and it doesn't itch until someone tears off that layer of veil, and then the body will make him realize it naturally.

People call it "ecstasy", and under normal circumstances, men's bones are soft, and their hearts are naturally soft.

Chang'an's rapid respite slowly subsided, and no one spoke for a while. The special smell in the room seemed to be stained with an inexplicable ambiguity, and it was strange that a "eyeless" person like Chang'an felt it for the first time. That dark tide surging emotions, he was at a loss, but could not help but be attracted to it.

Chang'an's cheek was stained with a little blood, so he watched Huayi casually pull a cloth and wipe the things off, and he couldn't help even the thick skin of Huayi. "How, do you know what it's like to be a human this time?"

If Alan's enthusiastic pursuit and natural growth of the body make Changan have some ignorance, at this time, he suddenly realized it. The fire that had been on the body slowly went out, but the warmth slowly spread into the limbs.

He has never been in good health, so he feels a bit tired, but it is not the exhausting type of exhaustion, and it seems that in the rainy night, when the nest is next to the fire, the eyes are naturally comfortable and tired.

Changan was suddenly blessed to grasp Huayi's hand.

Huayi looked at him with a smile, waiting to hear what he could say.

Chang'an lowered his eyelids, exposing the clear and beautiful eye shapes outlined by the eyelids, covering up the overly pure eye waves, and more like the person on the painting.

This little animal was touched by Mao Mao, and she really lived up to Huayi's expectations.

He said in an almost gentle and somewhat shy tone, a little bit stiff and awkward, but seriously, "I'll be nice to you."

This obviously has reached the highest level of love that Changan can say.

Huayi originally thought that he would laugh when he heard such words, but when he really heard it, he couldn't laugh.

He felt that those fluttering words were like a string of hammers, and he nailed them in his heart so deeply that he couldn't believe it.

When he was young, he also had both parents, but after all, he was young and mentally incomplete, so that he felt as if he had not experienced it for many years-it is very clear that someone at the moment thought of him as if A very thin line connected him to the vast world of the sea and the sky, and instantly pierced the blood in his heart, making him feel like a fire of ten mountains bursting out in an instant, brilliant and warm, Scorching, the magma rushed into each of his veins like a river running towards the East China Sea.

He had planned to do well, and while he was tired today, temporarily suppressed his desire, let the stupid boy taste the sweetness first, it is best to coax him into a dizzy turn, and in the long run, the long time for dizzy turn, people naturally He let him fiddle with it.

Unexpectedly, he became dizzy and turned himself.

"Sleep," it took a long while for Huayi to return to God, and did not earn it from Changan. Let him grab it, lie down next to him, raise one arm horizontally, hold him gently, take a little Nasal whispered, "Let me lie down for a while."

When Huayi woke up, Chang'an was no longer in the house. On this day, it wasn't Changan's turn to inspect. This time should be a thunderbolt to practice knives.

Huayi lay in his quilt for a while, but did not expect to turn over, but found that there was a little stone beside the pillow sometime.

There are many colorful stones on the beach, which are not very valuable, but the flowers are very beautiful. Some young girls like to pick them up when they are all right, and this one has been carefully selected by people, and the size is almost the same. It was concluded that they were washed with water, one by one, which were very clear and beautiful.

Huayi froze for a while, raising eyebrows, raising a small yellow pebble in the palm of the hand for a while, finally thinking criedly, that stinky boy pleased him as a little girl.

At this time, Luda and Chang'an were outside and had been fighting for a while.

As usual, Qing Liang looked at it, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt embarrassed, and in the end she couldn't lift her head, and wished to find a place to dig into it.

After Changan overturned Luda, he simply and patiently pointed out a few places he hadn't practiced. Turning his head to see Qingliang's head down on the grave, he couldn't help sighing no matter how good he felt in the morning.

Luda picked up his own sharp knife from the ground, and quickly instructed his master, "Let's watch carefully, what are you doing with your head down?"

Qingliang glanced at him extremely ashamedly.

Luda shook her head, strode over, picked up a wooden knife and shoved it into Qingliang's hand, and scolded grinningly: "Stop! Stop there and stand, come and teach you!"

He often stumbles with Qing Liangyu, and often has some brotherhood, but these brotherhoods always float up and down in the idea that "Qing Liang is not worthy of being his brother." Lu Da felt sorry for Qing Liang for a while, so she taught him very carefully, and felt that such a big, big, and thick thing was pitiful and abominable.

And this complicated and thin feeling has a different taste in front of Chang'an.

The boy of Luda's age is just when he likes to attract the attention of others, and there are not many people who are close to him. This young, but unhappy, master is the first one. I don't know what kind of psychology Lu Da always likes to play up in front of Chang'an in order to draw his attention.

Qingliang is simply an excellent contrasting figure. Sometimes when she is not with Qingliang, Luda doesn't know she is so martial.

Because of the indescribable vanity of a teenager, when Chang An was teaching him, Qing Liang was always watching while he didn't know he thought he had received a big apprentice for his master.

However, on this day, Chang'an was obviously absent-minded. He leaned against an old tree for a while and his eyes quickly dissipated. I didn't know what I thought of. Fortunately, Luda taught and taught himself. Did not notice.

It was n’t until Luda taught a lot of sweat that Changan did n’t say a word. Then he turned around and tried to get his attention and asked, “Master, is that right?”

Changan raised his head awake like a dream, staring blankly at the wooden blade inscribed on Qingliang's hand, then suddenly stood up without a thought and walked out.

Luda was taken aback and asked, "Master, what are you doing?"

Chang'an: "Go and see at sea."

Chang'an doesn't like water. Since the long winter has passed, they no longer worry about food. After Chang'an also has a new mission, he has never sailed to the sea again. These Ludas know this, so he asked even more surprised: "What do you run into the sea on a cold day?"

Chang'an Road: "I still don't think a few stones are very ridiculous. I'm going to find beads in the sea."

Luda: "..."

When he had disappeared, Qingliang asked timidly, "Why do you find beads, for the leader?"

When Luda heard it, somehow, suddenly the word "color makes the mind faint" appeared in his heart-although he was still very ignorant of such a profound word.

He slammed Qingliang's spine with the back of his knife: "Not yet practicing your knife, waste!"

Qingliang grieved "Oh", and asked Ai Aiji: "You ... do you still teach me?"

Luda said: "What to teach! Don't you have eyes or brains? You can't watch it so many times? Practice it yourself!"

After that, the boy went on humming alone—drilling? Practice a fart, his broken master is gone!

Luda strolled to the Great Plains and watched the warriors in the clan exercise for a while. They were a bit bored and wanted to go up the mountain for a while. Who knew that they had gone a little longer, and a figure suddenly rushed out from the side.

This frightened Luda, and pulled the sharp knife out subconsciously, taking a half-step to the side, surging into the neck of the opponent in surprise. He could see clearly that the man suddenly thrown out was a half-blind old thing, his waist was bent like a mowing sickle, half of his face was destroyed, scars were clustered, and he could not see his original appearance, one eye. Apparently unable to open, the other eye was muddy, staring at him with dim yellow eyes.

This was a raw face, and Luda frowned, calmed down, and asked coldly, "Are you the ones who let the leader into the city?"

The old thing still just stared at him silently.

Luda saw that he had become thin and boneless, and he couldn't wait to face the wind. He felt that his reaction to pulling the knife was a bit over, and he seemed to lose face, so he coughed, pretending not to care, and put the sharp knife back, white At a glance at this old thing who dared to stop the road, he said, "Dare to be an old fool."

When he saw him leaving, the old guy suddenly didn't know where the strength came from. His skinny claws grabbed Luda's wrist. His hands were cold like dead people, his skin was wrinkled, his eyes were weird, and Luda's whole body was seen. Goosebumps, he could not help but shake him away in shock and anger, and said, "We kindly accept you, don't you know how to do it! What are you doing?"

"Retain ..." The old man grinned suddenly and grinned hoarsely, and his voice was like a ghost. He stared at Luda and asked, "I know you, little thing. Is your name Luda?"

Luda froze.

I just listened to this person and said, "Where is Luo Tong? Is Luo Tong dead? It must be dead, haha, how can the new leader tolerate the old leader, I know he must die."

Luda said: "Lotong injured a leg while fleeing. He died by himself. What's wrong with the leader?"

A strange smile appeared on the old guy's face again, looking at Lu Dadao: "First, the elder, the old blind, and then Luo Tong, and you are left with such a little cub who forgets his ancestors. Well, really good! Who? Gave you kindness, unchained you, you slave boy? "

This sentence struck Luda's heartache.

Even with the acquiescence of Huayi, no one now mentions his slave status. Everyone treats him as a young apprentice, but Luda himself remembers that he used to be a little slave with a shackle. The inferior people in the people are worse than those of the Asian beast carpenter and stonemason, which are constantly poking at the young man's thin self-esteem.

He stepped forward, grabbed the old guy's collar, and lifted him off the ground: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

The old guy was stunned by him, his body was suspended, and he was almost breathless, but he was still not stubborn or afraid, like a real lunatic, he said to Luda's face, "You Dad is the confidant of the elder. You are a brave samurai master, but you are willing to be a slave to the father and the enemy. You are not afraid of shame, do I have to be afraid of death? "

Luda was taken aback: "What did you say?"

The old guy sneered at him.

Just then, Cazor ran over with a few orcs in sweat, and shouted from a distance: "Oh, here it is!"

He ran over in two steps and snatched the old thing from Luda: "How did you catch it? The leader is still not assured of these people, and asked me to show someone to watch them. I just pissed. , These boys just let me be lazy and let this lunatic run out. "

Ludanne said, "He is ... a lunatic?"

Kazuo wiped his sweat and said casually: "Isn't it? All day long, his gods are deaf, his companions ignore him, this old thing ... hey, Chang'an, why didn't you let you train? Speaking of children, if you want to be a man, you can't be lazy! "

He still said something in a whisper, but Luda was in a terrible storm, but he didn't hear it.