MTL - Billion Technology Crystal System-Chapter 745 : Who said no? Be sure!

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The data is inaccurate, our data is inaccurate, do not refer to it, the detailed data is subject to the future technology crystallization company.

Under the big data deduction, the ice age will come within ten years, or even the shortest time, please build an underground city immediately, no underground city, no chance of survival.

The second deduction, the construction of spaceships, is not ideal and not realized! !

Do not build spacecraft.


After reading these few lines, the old man almost didn't faint.

Isn't it clear that he pits him.

At the scene, everyone also saw all the words and data on the holographic screen, and they all became uproarious.

"Isn't it good to say that it is a different result from Ye Fan's performance? It's really a different result. It's just that the results from their performance seem to have deviations and errors, and the result of Ye Fan's performance is Is this the most accurate? "

"Uh, uh, don't you believe Ye Fan, what happened? Now I'm stupid, and I say Ye Fan's deduction data is inaccurate. Now, it seems that it is your inaccuracy?"

Those scientific researchers from various regions were ridiculed and ridiculed by the scientific researchers of the Tian Dynasty. They couldn't let a fart out on the spot, and their faces were very stiff.

The old man standing at the front also felt the cynicism from them.

Even take strong malicious.

"Well, even if the data is accurate, was the key I said at the beginning? The key point I said was that Ye Fan was delusional and wanted to create a tunnel that can dig up to 500 meters a day. This is not a delusion. What is it, there are eight diamond bits in a group of diamond bits, is this possible? "

The old man from that area shouted with a throat.

After that, the old man stared at Ye Fan with red eyes.

His mentality collapsed.

Originally thinking of data deviations, Ye Fan could be severely suppressed, but what they did not expect was that they were the data deviations, and the true and accurate is subject to the future technology crystallization company.

Does his face still have his prestige?


All that caused this was Ye Fan's work!

This skeptical attitude has turned into anger and resentment.

A famous person, is his mind so small, indeed it is so small, because they care too much, prestige, reputation, none of these things can be folded.

Even if he was insulted a little, his mind would explode in place.

The old man's questioning made the sneering voice of the scene much smaller.

All expressions are quite serious.

But the party Ye Fan looked at the old man with disdain and asked, "Do you suspect my technology is wrong?"


The old man said coldly.

"What do you suspect is of use?"

"Who told you that I did not research the diamond bit? Who told you that I did not build the ion engine?"

"Who told you that?"


Ye Fan's few words instantly detonated the entire meeting room on site, and the sound of boiling went straight to the sky.

Countless excited bodies are shaking.

"Why, what, has Ye Fan researched the diamond drill bit? Is it a kind of group with eight drill bits, and each drill bit can excavate 500 meters!"

"Roar roar, is this too horrible, has it been researched? There are also ion engines, lying troughs, too horrible, ha ha ha, this face is hit, it's just crackling!"

"What else does he have to say?"

Countless people were boiling.

The old man's face turned black.

That face was also very distorted.

Ye Fan has researched it out. This is something he never thought about. The old man still wanted to tell the real product. Seeing is believing, not seeing, everything is what you said. He wants to see the diamond. Head, want to meet that ion engine!

"Boss, the ion engine spacecraft has been assembled, and the diamond drill has been fully assembled. Is it checked!"

Just as everyone was clamoring.

Qin Jiang came in wearing a suit and looked at Ye Fan's extremely respectful way.

Ye Fan nodded, then looked at the boiling people and said: "I know you all want to see the real product, then let's go, behind us, the ion engine and the diamond drill have been assembled!"

As soon as Ye Fan's voice fell, the scene's boiling sound became louder.

"Go and go and see, don't you believe it? It's because he is the top-notch in this industry. How does it feel like a barbie? Really think that no one can be stronger than him except him. Do you really think that other people can't research these technologies except him? Is it really too small to see that the future technology crystallization company has shown all kinds of abnormal capabilities from the development to the present? Do you have no B number in your heart? !"

"Isn't it true, although Ye Fan looks young, but his talents and other people's knowledge fields are so vast, can we understand them!"

"Greater my brother, Ye Fandu has already researched the ion-engine spacecraft? How long has it been, the speed of research and development is too scary!"

When everyone passed by, it was full of ridicule and ridicule. It was not the cheapest of them, but the person from outside the region.

Moreover, this product has been attacking Ye Fan, but Ye Fan is the belief in their hearts. How can they tolerate this product attacking their faith?

Whoever dares to spray their faith, they are anxious.

Everyone came out of each channel one after another.

The entire conference room was built with a huge factory building, and there were tens of thousands of scientific personnel participating in the conference.

The densely packed people, together, how magnificent it is. Ye Fan needs a loudspeaker to speak.

Around this, black bodyguards with sunglasses were everywhere.

They are all terminators.

There are too many people on the scene. If it is controlled, it is definitely not easy to control.

In case someone wants to murder Ye Fan, it is difficult to find out, if it is succeeded, it is estimated that it is just a bad news for everyone.

Everyone went towards the back of the plant ~ ~ dense crowd.

The moment when the researchers in front of the plant reached the back of the plant, they saw the incomparably huge spaceship. At this moment, a little blue light was flashing, especially the dark skin, under the sun, flashing an unusual black light.

If it is in the dark, it is definitely the existence of the black warrior.

Very cool.

The shape of the spaceship is also extremely cool, and the ion engine that emits a blue beam of light has only a burst of roar.

"The people in front go, why don't you go!"

"Why, no thunder 1!"

The people behind started to get agitated.

Especially the old man, he was so upset that he had heard some engine sound.
