MTL - Billion Technology Crystal System-Chapter 759 : Was watched! Be sure!

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So Ye Fan could not build the furnace column at all. The plan of the ion engine will definitely be put on hold for a while.

Thinking of this, Ma Luojie's face smiled naturally.

During this time, his heart was very suffering.

He was proposed to the institute and even his membership was stripped.

And all of his students have betrayed, no one wants to follow him, his reputation is stinking, and is it not Ye Fan who was responsible for it?

He was very jealous of Ye Fan.

Ye Fan ruined his life, and he also wanted to ruin Ye Fan's life.

After thinking about it for so long, he thought of a very perfect plan, that is, he could no longer be deceived by Ye Fan.

Any plan to escape from the solar system is simply a lie.

The whole plan cannot be completed at all.

Even if Ye Fan built a dungeon now, then, their ion engine can't be built at all, okay, especially with the central axis, without the central axis, how does the ion engine rotate?

Even with an engine, what about energy?

Ion engine is beyond the energy engine of nuclear fusion, so, to make the ion engine rotate, the energy required is innumerable times beyond that of nuclear fusion.

Ma Luojie can't think of any energy in the world that can provide ion engine start, is it a solar energy source?

You should know that in science, solar energy is just the simplest kind of energy.

And what is the plan of mankind, is it not to push the earth and escape from the solar system, if it escapes from the solar system and there is no energy, then what?

Without the sun, it would be equivalent to no energy. Without energy, the entire earth will float in the universe and become a wandering earth.

And wandering in the universe is an extremely dangerous thing.

Unable to control itself, the rotation of the earth will become a huge problem. Without energy, it will not be able to propel the earth, and the earth will start to get traction by being uncontrolled.

If it hits any planet, would n’t the earth be completely destroyed?

So, all this is Ma Luojie ’s plan to avenge Ye Fan. Ye Fan ’s plan to escape from the solar system is just a joke, an unsuccessful plan.

He is pulling everyone in the world to gamble.

Can he know Ma Luojie?

He wants to stop all this.

He wants to tell everyone all this.

He wants to make Ye Fan lose his reputation.

He wanted to destroy Ye Fan.

He also wants to stop this solar system plan completely!

He wants to return to the Academy of Sciences.

He wants to participate in this plan!

This is all the perfect plan for Ma Luojie.

All this, he is ready.

It is a pity that Ma Luojie didn't know one thing at all. The furnace column had been researched by Ye Fan three days ago, and even the central axis had been forged. It was still perfect.

It is no longer difficult to install a central shaft for 60,000 ion engines, and Ma Luojie ’s friend did not tell him the good news, because his friend was stimulated by Ye Fan and was studying madly Knowledge, crazy simulation construction.

They don't want to study technology anymore, they don't want to go through the technology, and then go to build.

Do not.

They understood one thing, that is, what is the use of learning alone. The biggest thing nowadays is to manufacture products according to all the techniques given by Ye Fan, that is the most important thing.

Not only to manufacture the product, but also to ensure the completeness of the product and the usability of the product.

This is the goal of all of them today.

Because of the stimulation, Ma Luojie was not told, and Ma Luojie was sitting at the moment stealing joy.

He didn't know all this yet.

Even Ma Luojie did not know one thing, that is the existence of Bai Jing.

After all scientists and researchers know that Bai Jing exists, all of them have signed a confidentiality contract, and Bai Jing cannot be disclosed.

Once Bai Jing leaked.

The smog absorbers all over the world will become the targets of some anti-human attacks.

Some people will do something extremely extreme when they encounter this apocalyptic situation, and even they will attack the haze absorber and want to drag all humans.

Are there fewer people like this?

Do not.

Such people are everywhere, but sometimes they are hidden deeper.

Ma Luojie, why not this kind of person.

His reputation, rights, and everything were destroyed by Ye Fan. He wanted to take it back. Since he couldn't take it back, he would destroy everyone.

In this way, his heart can be balanced.

As for whether humans can survive.

Is it related to yourself?

I am already in my 70s and even have a heart bridge. Can I live for 20 years?

It doesn't seem to be alive.

Since you can't live in your twenties, why do you still care about these things?

I have to say that these scientists from other regions care about these things. Even if they don't want money, their reputation must exist.

This is not just a matter of this era. Even generations and lifetimes will be passed down.

And Ma Luojie himself is a very arrogant person, otherwise, how could he make a big fuss at Ye Fan's meeting, not that he looked down on Ye Fan, not on Ye Fan, not even on the Tianchao area .

In his mind.

Only their region is the leader of science.

It is not Ye Fan, a future technology crystallization company.

Not even this Mao child.

After all, he still looked down on Ye Fan.

It's crackling.

Ma Luojie grinned at the corner of his mouth, he began to edit his own text, a lot of text is in the editing, he wants to send out all the things that will happen to the sun.

Let everyone know.

He refused!

He is going to destroy Ye Fan.

And in the process of his editing.

[Ding Deng ~ Your documents are locked, and the computer is locked! 】


Ma Luojie was shocked when he saw this sudden lock ~ ~ Isn't this just a hacker's method, who would invade his computer.

And it's still mandatory locking, which is obviously the rhythm of not letting yourself pass the news.

Is it a good thing for the future technology crystallization company.

Boom ~

Just when Ma Luojie doubted this doubt, the knock on the door suddenly sounded.

It's already more than three o'clock in the middle of the night, who will come to find themselves.

Ma Luojie giggled in his heart.

Could it be said that his computer was hacked and someone knocked at the door?

Ma Luojie's face suddenly became bad.

He understood.

I was monitored by myself.
