MTL - Black Bellied Prince’s Stunning Abandoned Consort-Chapter 32 Kneeling

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"If Su Qiqi does not want to stand up in the palace, she will not take the initiative to save you. If it is not for her life threatening, she will not take the initiative to prepare an antidote for you.

This time, she is also hesitant to help which side. In my opinion, she definitely has this ability, but she doesn't want to do her best for you.

What's more, with her ingenuity, it should not be just such a simple response.

What kind of worries did she have when she treated her like that? Lei Yufeng always used Qi Mo to ask for dust as a pleasure. At this moment, he was in a good mood. Of course, he should be angry, let alone let him protect Su Qiqi's mother, and of course charge some interest.

Su Qiqi is not astonishing in appearance and talentless, but he ignores Mo Wenchen.

Take a look at the flowers in the yard, known as a beautiful woman in the northwest, all crazy about Mo Wenchen.

I don't know if it was Su Qiqi's cold feelings, or whether this Mo Wenchen was really charming.

"Continue." Mo Wenchen just stared at Lei Yufeng.

He also knew that Su Qiqi's hesitation on that day, and at that time he was also angry, although on the surface he looked so secure.

He still doesn't understand Su Qiqi.

Sometimes she is gentle, but sometimes she is cold and indifferent.

"In this way, if you can make Su Qiqi fall in love with you, I will give you the Xuanyuan Sword of Leijiabao. If you can't ... you will give me the famous scorching tail." Of course, Lei Yufeng was thinking of wishful thinking.

Hearing that, Mo Wenchen didn't immediately answer the question, Lei Yufeng became so foolish and always been scoring the idea.

But Mo Wenchen also wanted to get Xuanyuan Sword.

In this way, the two just hit it off.

Although Su Qiqi is very cold and overly arrogant, Mo Wenchen knows what her eyes on her body represent.

It is not too difficult for Su Qiqi to fall in love with himself, as long as he works hard.

Lei Yufeng did not think so. He felt that Su Qiqi now hated Mo Wenchen.

Of course, he didn't want Su Qiqi to be like that, but it was all caused by Mo Wenchen.

The scene on the road when I was here always made Lei Yufeng look at Su Qiqi, and he felt that Mo Wenchen was too ruthless and cold-blooded.

But as long as you can get the scorch into your hands, you don't care so much.

Leaving the alley, Mo Wenchen always felt that something was moving deep in his heart along the way.

He was so proud and arrogant that he couldn't even convince a woman?

At this moment, Mo Wenchen wanted to know, if it was time to decide, who would Su Qiqi choose?

Su Qiqi was taken to the queen mother by Su Mengzhula.

The queen mother looked young and well-maintained, but when she saw Su Qiqi and Su Mengru, it was a little bit colder on the kind side.

The queen mother who worships the Buddhist scriptures and eats fast every year at this time with her eyes closed and playing with the beads on her hands, Ren Su Qiqi and Su Mengru kneel there.

The two sisters looked at each other and did not dare to say anything.

I don't know how long before, the queen queen opened her eyes and waved her hand to let Su Mengru stand up: "The queen is in charge of the harem's trivial matters. Don't delay here, just leave."

This is a clear order for each passenger.

Su Mengru entered the palace for more than half a year, knowing that the empress does not like herself, but she intends to bring Su Qiqi together today. She wants to test whether the empress has an opinion on the Su family or on her own. .

Seeing this attitude of the queen mother, Su Mengru frowned fiercely, thanked En and turned away.

I didn't look at Su Qiqi a lot. She was as clever as Su Mengru. She already understood that it was the Su family that made the old lady happy.

It seems that I have to think of a way.

The emperor obeyed the empress's words.

Of course, except for major events.

"You are Su Shichang's eldest daughter?" The Queen Mother asked coldly without asking Su Qiqi to stand up.

Those cold eyes made Su Qiqi froze for a moment, his heart tightened, and he planned to be cautious, otherwise he would suffer the flesh again.

"Back to the queen mother-in-law, yes." Su Qiqi said with a low eyebrow.

Try to calm yourself.

What happened to her in this palace, it is hard to say that Mo Wenchen would stand idly by. Although his attitude has been very good and his tone soft in these days, Su Qiqi dare not give him any hope.

She knew that everything could only be on her own.

Only you are the most reliable.

"Is your mother okay?" The Empress Dowager's words turned sharply, her eyes still cold, staring at Su Qiqi straightly.

"Returning to the queen mother-in-law, it's fine." Su Qiqi couldn't figure it out, and could only answer carefully.

While thinking about it in my heart, the gentle temperament of her mother-in-law should not get on the queen mother-in-law's head. Just looking at it like this, the queen- mother-in-law seems to hate her mother-in-law.

The queen mother sneered, "Yeah ..."

She clapped her hands as she said, "Okay, good. As long as she's doing well, Ai's family will be relieved, but if you have a chance, you tell her that what she wants will never be obtained."

Frown gently, Su Qiqi calmly responded.

"However, you are her daughter. You should atone for her sins. Before dark, you are not allowed to leave, and kneel." The queen mother dropped a word and turned away.

Only Su Qiqi remained on his knees on Caopu and felt a little numb in his legs, but he dared not say much.

She laughed secretly in her heart. The person who was provoked by her mother turned out to be a queen mother-in-law. I really can't see it. A fragile woman like her mother has this courage?

Everything here is too complicated.

Mo Wenchen, who returned to the other hospital, didn't see Su Qiqi's shadow. He was upset. He wanted to send someone to find Su Mengru, but the eyeliner he left behind told him that Su Qiqi was left by the queen mother.

For a while, Mo Wenchen couldn't ask his queen mother to ask someone, so he waited anxiously in another courtyard.

With anxiety and anxiety in his heart, he grew up in the palace. He knew the queen queen the best. He didn't know how Su Qiqi was related to the queen queen, but he knew it was very difficult this time.

Until it was dark, Su Qiqi slowly got up, but kneeled too long, her legs were completely numb, and she didn't listen to her call. She only took one step, and the whole person fell to the ground.

The door suddenly opened, and the queen mother-in-law came slowly and gracefully, with a faint smile on her face. To outsiders, she was kind and ruthless to Su Qiqi.

If she could, she would let Su Qiqi break up the dead.

I really don't know what kind of hate it makes this woman so.

"Okay, continue tomorrow." Seeing the howling Su Qiqi fell to the ground, and the usual expression of a lowered eyebrow on her face, and a receptive expression, made the queen mother-in-law very useful, nodded, and signaled her Can leave.

No palace maid came forward to support her, they all looked coldly. Su Qiqi barely stood up with her hands on the ground, but she didn't dare to be too big, so as not to provoke the queen mother again.

"Thank your queen mother-in-law." Su Qiqi still gritted his teeth and thanked him, and then limped away.

With a dull pain in her heart, she looked up at the sky. She didn't know what she had done wrong. This life was so unsatisfactory.

Did not cry, but felt the road ahead was dark.

She couldn't talk to anyone about this, because she was afraid that her mother-in-law would worry.