MTL - Black Bellied Prince’s Stunning Abandoned Consort-Chapter 842 Immigration as usual, into the center

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"Witchcraft." Bai Shaozi also frowned slightly: "It seems that Wanjia is better at witchcraft."

"Wanjia" Zi Wuya looked at Leng Yan: "Is that Wan girl in the palace at that time the Wan family?"

"Yes." Leng Yan nodded, knowing the beginning and the end, "Just left, and no news came back."

"Wanjia is also under the hands of Mozun." Chu Fan remembered that Su Qiqi had said about the crystal ball.

"Yes." Leng Yan knew more about it: "But girl Wan loves Lei Yufeng with all her heart, so she doesn't care about Wan family."

"Love is really harmful." Zi Wuya shook his head and sighed.

While taking a deep look at Su Qiqi, that glance was too full.

Chu Fan smiled, "Don't you want to, but no one forced you to do anything."

"It is true that I am willing to help her with everything, but I also feel heartache. My purple bamboo forest, my past ambitions, and my previous dreams are all shattered." Zi Wuya joked generally.

"Why am I not paying?" Chu Fan glared at him and said dissatisfied: "Where do you complain so much, people still think that you are annoying, and Mo Wenchen still thinks you are annoying."

This is the truth.

But Qiqi is not bothered, they don't know, they only know that Mo Wenchen is very upset.

"Well, you two don't say these are useless." Suli also glared at them, "Don't you two understand witchcraft?"

They were also uncomfortable with Suli's words, but when Su Qiqi was there, it was not easy to get angry and could only endure it, but they both shook their heads: "No one dares to touch it.

"I heard that Mo Wenchen had learned the forbidden technique of Yuezhang Palace." Suli thought of something again, looked at Su Qiqi, walked a few steps, and walked side by side with her.

"Yes, after the seal of heaven and earth, the forbidden technique he learned can no longer be urged." Su Qiqi frowned: "We didn't care."

"You have n’t learned the forbidden technique, too" Zi Wuya looked at Chu Fan: "This thing has something to do with witchcraft"

"There is no connection." Chu Fan shook his head: "Prohibition is also a skill, but Yuezong Palace is listed for prohibition."

"It makes sense, too." Su Qiqi also wanted to ask Chu Fan this question. After hearing what he said, he dismissed his thoughts: "It seems that Girl Wan knows witchcraft best."

"Now it's too late to find Wan Wan." Bai Shaozi walked beside Su Qiqi and looked around: "It's too depressing here."

"Indeed, this is underground, after all." Leng Yan looked around with great caution.

"Although they are very busy, they will definitely send someone to guard us, and they will even stare at us." Zi Wuya is full-body alert, ready to start at any time.

"We have restored mana, and we are afraid they will not succeed." Chu Fan said coldly: "Without a crystal ball, witchcraft cannot be played."

"It can't be too careless." Su Qiqi's face looked, and he saw the wall in his sight now: "It's so standardized here."

"Well, they also want to unify one world, be an emperor or something." Suli went into the city and said sarcastically.

"Precautions are well done here." Zi Wuya also looked at the city walls and the patrolmen who were walking around constantly, frowning gently: "How did you get in?"

"These people are very easy to solve." Chu Fan smiled, and raised his hand while saying, a streamer across the sky, a bit dazzling in the darkness.

The next second, there was a fire in the city.

"We took advantage of this time to fly in." Su Li also smiled, and then left with a cold word.

Su Qiqi didn't hesitate. He pulled Bai Shaozi into a leap and jumped over the city wall. Those people were still looking at the fire and felt something was wrong. Looking back, they looked nothing but below.

Several people moved extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, they had entered the city center.

Relative to the dark outside, the city is radiant.

At the top of the palace is a crystal ball, shining like a little sun.

"There should be no sky here," Su Qiqi sighed. "No wonder they can live here."

"Yes, there is no difference between this city and our world." Chu Fan nodded gently: "However, we have to be careful, we are not the same as them."

Anyway, here is a little backward.

Several people in Su Qiqi were even in Jinyihuafu, and the differences were indeed too great.

"There's a tailor shop over there." Zi Wuya pointed to the opposite: "Someone must be watching us now, we need to use some tricks."

"In the advanced shop." Su Qiqi agreed very much with Zi Wuji, and several people strode to the tailor shop.

The small tailor shop became more crowded with the arrival of six of them.

The shop owner saw six people, firstly hesitated, and then said a few words to the guy next to him, the guy hit the back door and ran quickly.

Of course, the owner's actions did not escape the eyes of several people in Su Qiqi.

Su Li flashed, and quickly walked out of the back door by the owner.

The speed was so fast that the shop owner thought he was dazzled, shook his head vigorously, and looked back, but saw that the buddy had just fallen into a pool of blood.

It all came so suddenly that the owner of the shop was on the spot, and it didn't reflect for a long time.

By the time he reflected, he had been tied and tied by Chu Fan, and his mouth was sealed.

Zi Wuyashun wrote a big sign by hand: "Snoring."

Then the door was locked from the inside.

"Everyone change clothes that fit." Chu Fan looked at the owner again and raised his hand on his forehead. The painful facial features of the closed-up owner were distorted, and he fell asleep soon.

"He will forget everything that just happened." Chu Fan explained again: "This is the trick of Broken Soul Pavilion."

"That's right." Su Qiqi changed into a men's suit, nodded, and agreed with Chu Fan's methods: "In this way, we will have less trouble. If we die, we will always cause doubts."

"That dude's body needs to be cleaned up." Su Qiqi looked at Suli again.

"Relax." Su Li smiled. "I'm your brother, do you not worry?"

Suli's ability is indeed correct, that is, he has a bigger heart.

"Of course, rest assured." Su Qiqi also smiled. For these people, she was grateful. She could not give them anything, but they helped themselves desperately.

This time, if these people were not with her, she would come to the black market in the desert by herself, for fear that she would not die in the hands of Mo Wenchen, but would also die in the hands of the woman in red, that is, Feng Wen.

"Okay, almost, we should leave." Suli looked out of the street again, but no one has come for the time being. I am afraid that Fengwen's people will arrive soon.

Feng Wen must have never thought that Su Qiqi and his party did not leave, but came boldly in the city.

Feng Wen was frightened by Suli's appearance at first, and because Mo Wenchen and Lei Yufeng were a little out of control, she was afraid to run counter to it and left in a hurry.

She didn't send someone to stay, because she knew that sending someone to stay would be a dead end.

This is a black market. The dark outside the city is perennial, and there is no sunlight, and ordinary people cannot bear it.

She was thinking about taking a rest, and there was a little prince, Mo Wenchen and Lei Yufeng in his hands. Su Qiqi and his party would definitely come again.

At that time, I will lay down the Tianluodi net to greet them.

She hated Su Qiqi and hated the bone marrow.

She felt that if Su Qiqi was able to tolerate people and not put herself in the prison, she would not die tragically. At that moment, she felt pain, fear, and could not come out of that shadow.

Although the fox demon gave her a way of life at the time, it was not a place for ordinary people to stay, and she didn't like it at all.

Now, she wants to strengthen her power and fight back to the mainland. She also wants to capture everything from Su Qiqi, including Mo Wenchen and the world, so her heart is big.

"Go." Su Qiqi also said, and quickly walked out from the back door. Su Li had already dealt with the dude's body, leaving no trace.

Chu Fan also untied the owner before leaving.

When he wakes up, he will forget everything that just happened.

Several people picked their own rough clothes and took some silver from the store. They had to have silver to stay.

The silver they brought with them all had the silver number of the Great Swallow Kingdom, and the filling was exposed as soon as they were taken out, so this tailor shop must be robbed. Shao Hua Ji: Xiaoyao abandoned the concubine: ..

Six people changed their clothes and still couldn't hide their glory. They came out very eye-catching.

The back door of this tailor's shop is a residential area, but if you look at these houses, you should be rich or expensive.

Walking out of the residential area, it is another bustling street.

I found a relatively deserted inn. Six people walked in in three batches and opened six rooms.

The bustling area here is not worse than Qingcheng, so six of them are astounded.

When they got together again, the faces of all six people were quite dignified.

"We need to enter the palace to find out the details of these people." Su Qiqi watched the people coming and going on the street, and Xiu Mei frowned gently: "Mo Xieding is here, I can sense it."