MTL - Black Bellied Prince’s Stunning Abandoned Consort-Chapter 876 If it is Xu Weiran, promised

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? For Su Qiqi's words, everyone has some indigestion.

"The demon dared to let Qin Feng come, but he had a certain plan." Chu Fan also supported his chin with his hands. If he thought about it, his brows froze. They felt that Qin Feng was not good at all.

"Brother." Su Qiqi looked at Xiao En: "Do you think Qin Feng has changed?"

"I can't see it yet." Xiao En shook her head, and her eyebrows twisted into a twine: "It seems that this time, I'm bringing trouble back to everyone."

"It has nothing to do with you. Qin Feng will return. Who can stop it?" Su Qiqi waved his hands and lowered his head. "I'm afraid Qin Feng's goal is too big."

"If it was sent by Mozun, all of us are his targets." Xiao En still couldn't restore his emotions, sighed, and didn't even dare to see Su Qiqi.

"No, only the little prince is his target." Suli shook his head. "So, everyone must protect the little prince and princess, and everything else is easy to say."

"Indeed." Mo Wenchen should also say: "These days people only care about Mo Xie and Mo Su."

"Understand." Zi Wuya, Chu Fan, Suli, and Lei Yufeng all responded. They also knew that there was a problem with Qin Feng, and the magical power emanating from him could not be concealed, even though he was trying to conceal it.

Can not escape the eyes of these masters.

"If he resolves the Li family within three days, what should we do with him?" Han Ziyu hesitated to ask at this time. This question is worth considering.

"Be more careful." Suli's expression sank. "If so, it means that the demon is preparing for the battle."

"Or he wants to use Qin Feng to break into us." Han Ziyu shook his head: "The demon is not injured lightly, there should be no major movements in a short time."

"Yes, even if there is action, you should take back the power of the demon world." Fen also came in at this time: "The demon is about to fight a protracted battle."

"It's just that he didn't expect that Qin Feng was suspected as soon as he came." Chu Fan shook his head: "It seems that the wishful thinking of this demon is not loud enough."

"Their brains don't respond as quickly as humans." Fan concluded, "And the deities are too self-centered."

"Um." Mo Wenchen nodded: "If this is the case, Qin Feng should have no action in a short period of time. At most, it has solved the Li family. It can be considered that the demon is about to give up the Li family, so we can use the Li family to fasten us. It was really a plan. "

"However, Mozun's mind has some problems. Can this method blind us?" Lei Yufeng sniffed and said dismissively: "See how we use Qin Feng to kill him."

"Well, Qin Feng can make good use of it." Mo Wenchen also smiled: "Isn't this the opportunity to come to your door."

"But" Su Qiqi poured a basin of cold water: "I don't think Qin Feng is like Qin Treasurer, it should be someone else."

"What kind of person do you think he is?" Zi Wuya also froze a bit. This is not a good thing. If a strong enemy comes, they have to be more careful.

"Like" Su Qiqi hesitated, and gritted his teeth: "Xu Weiran."

"Xu Weiran" Mo Wenchen couldn't calm down, and stood up: "That would make it impossible to stay, and to destroy the Li family, you don't need him to do it."

"Wait first." Su Qiqi waved her hand, and she hated Xu Weiran too much, otherwise he would have to fight against himself when he arrived at the prefecture, the last time he almost died in his hands.

This person must not let go.

"Xu Weiran" also repeated it gently: "It seems that Mozun is really anxious."

Even Xu Weiran was sent, but it was a dangerous move.

"Of course he will be anxious." Chu Fan smiled: "The demon world is in your hands, the heaven world is in the hands of Suli, and there are so many people protecting him here."

"It makes sense, too." Lei Yufeng held the tea cup in his hand and took a sip. The corner of his mouth that always smiled like the sun also sipped: "However, if he dare to use Xu Weiran, it means that he has his intention." Mo Wen Chen calmed down and waved his hand: "We need to be careful."

"In the past few days, Zixianren and Chuxianren are responsible for protecting the little prince and princess, can't stay apart, okay?" Su Qiqi also looked at Zi Wuya and Chu Fan very seriously, she couldn't let two If the child has any accidents, they must not, even if they do everything, they don't care.

No matter what the world is, she doesn't care.

"Girl, don't worry, as long as I'm alive, I will never let anyone take away the little prince and princess." Zi Wuya looked complexion and yelled, more like expressing determination.

Of course, he will not let Su Qiqi down. For Su Qiqi, he can disregard everything, not even his own life.

"Just assured, we will do our best to protect the two children. Even if I die, nothing will happen to the little princess and the little prince." Chu Fan's voice was also very low, word by word, but one copy Sutra, like swearing.

"Okay, I believe in you." Su Qiqi's eyes are full of gratitude, she knows that these people will be desperate for herself, but her heart is also very heavy, and this feeling is not to be reported in this life.

"Ask Chen, these big and small things are handled by Brother Hua these days. Now that you are back, let Brother Hua go back to Leijiabao." Su Qiqi looked at Mo Wenchen again, and he only cares about these days To take care of the children, he didn't hear anything outside the window.

Mo Wenchen originally wanted to take good care of his children. For him, the world suddenly made no sense.

No matter how big his rights are, his children are not as important.

However, Su Qiqi has arranged Zixian people and Chuxian people, which makes Mo Wenchen have no reason to refuse, only nodded: "Well, Lei Jiabao is only supported by rain rumors alone, it is also difficult, It's time for the Warburg owner to go back and look. "

"Yes." Hua Chi also swallowed back what he wanted to say, and he should go back and see the children and the thunderstorm rumors.

"By the way, before I leave, I think" Hua Chi hesitated a bit, but didn't say it, but looked at Su Qiqi: "Do you still want to learn Dementia with me?"

"There seems to be no chance now, so let the two children learn from you." Su Qiqi looked at Hua Chi and smiled, she also wanted to learn, but now this situation, she has no mood.

"As long as the two children want to learn, I'm willing to teach at any time." Hua looked late and said very forcefully: "But learning dementia, I can't practice other mana anymore."

"This" Su Qiqi froze a bit, it seems that Hua Chi does not have anything except dementia.

This seems a bit difficult.

"Do I have to abolish the skill of the streamer sword if I want to learn dementia?" Su Qiqi frowned, and this dementia seemed to be limited.

"No, you have Moon Soul, and you have absolutely pure mana to support your dementia." Hua Chi's eyes had a touch of light, he knew that the person I was most sorry for in my life was a thunderstorm rumor, now looking at the Su Qiqi family Sihehehemeimei, his heart is not the taste, knowing that he and Su Qiqi are impossible.

He seemed to have given up completely.

Two children are going to learn dementia, he must teach it.

But he wants to use his identity to tie up his relationship with Su Qiqi.

"It's easy to say, I'll just hand over this moon soul to Mo Su." Su Qiqi turned the ball and smiled and said, "Okay, when Mo Su is going to learn this dementia, you She accepted her as a disciple. "

"Okay, no problem." Hua Chi was a little surprised. He thought that Su Qiqi, who wanted to make a clear relationship with himself, would agree to worship himself as a teacher. He didn't want to, she refused so thoroughly.

For a moment, he did not understand what Su Qiqi was thinking.

"Then it's settled." Mo Wenchen also said, looking at Su Qiqi, his eyes were full of trust, and it was gentle and watery.

He will not doubt Su Qiqi, he absolutely believes it.

No matter if Su Qiqi wants to worship Hua Chi as a teacher, he will support her.

Full support.

"It's all a matter." Hua Chi also looked at Mo Wenchen and nodded gently.

At that time, they were all overlords. Mo Wenchen led the soldiers and bandits, and the soldiers killed him. He happened to be away, and the soldiers suffered an unprecedented blow.

He reorganized the drum and asked Mo Chen to take revenge.

But it was almost planted in the hands of a woman who had no power to bind chickens, and the woman used only a needle to make herself weak.

The woman doesn't have a stunning face, but she has absolute charm.

At that time, he couldn't forget her with just one sentence.

After knowing her death, she even searched the mountain at all costs and found her body.

In the Baihua Garden, facing Xiao Susu, who was the most beautiful in the world, he knew at once that it was the woman he cared about.

There is nothing wrong, even if he feels incredible, he firmly believes that it is the woman he loved

In the past few years, too many things have happened, so that Hua Chi has a sense of experiencing vicissitudes. At this time, he looked at Su Qiqi deeply. Looking at this, he has loved for many years, but can only watch from afar. woman.

After all, Hua Chi retired. If he wanted to leave, he also needed to clarify and arrange the matter at hand.

"Yu Feng, you can also arrange for it to go back to Yuezhang Palace, where you are needed, Mozun must have action, and Yuezhang Palace must ensure safety." Mo Wenchen looked at Lei Yufeng again.

If Qin Feng really is Xu Weiran, they must prepare in advance and prepare to fight against the demon.

Xu Weiran had floating beads on his hands. With this bead, he could come and go freely. It was very difficult to deal with him.

Su Qiqi did not speak again, but Ren Mo asked Chen to arrange everything.

She can be sure that there is something wrong with Qin Feng. He tried to cover it up, but he could also make her feel a powerful mana field. It can only be said that this man has a deep mana foundation, but he has no firepower and can't let nothing change.

And Mo Wenchen, Zi Wuya, masters like Chu Fan are not far away.

Most importantly, Xu Weiran is a very cunning man with a lot of tricks. Even if he doesn't have mana, he can still turn the river.

Encountering such an opponent requires 10,000 cautions.

"Ask the dust" Lei Yufeng hesitated: "I also need it here."

"I don't need you here, and I can solve it with Qiqi." Mo Wenchen shook his head: "Now is not the time for emotional affairs. Yueyue Palace is too important. There must be nothing."

"Feng Su is coming tomorrow, do you think about how to answer her?" Lei Yufeng sighed before asking again. Shao Hua Ji: Xiaoyao abandoned the concubine: ..

Mo Wenchen was stiff. If it was him, he would directly resolve Feng Su without hesitation. As long as Feng Su died, all the troubles would be solved.

But Su Qiqi had to consider Bai Shaozi's feelings, and he had to consider it.

Therefore, he gritted his teeth: "In this case, there is no other way to think about it. We can't let the enemy find a hole. If there is a contradiction with Feng Su at this time, Xu Weiran is afraid that he will take the opportunity, so I"

"You promise Fengsu" everyone looked at Mo Wenchen.

With Mo Wenchen's character, he would never make such concessions to anything.

But for Su Qiqi, he had to make concessions this time.

"Now promised, the children have grown up and have their own ideas." Su Qiqi also feels that it is not appropriate to antagonize anymore, especially Feng Su.