MTL - Black Clover: Runaway Asta-Chapter 48

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"Aw!" In an instant, a huge corpse wrapped in a shroud appeared in front of the pink-haired young man, and together with Jimmy, there was a black-purple spell bomb floating beside Jimmy!

These black and purple spell bullets, like flying jade, shot towards Asta, Noelle, and the little girl crazily as soon as they appeared.

"The sword of the demon!" Asta immediately took out the second sword from the magic guide book. This sword is more flexible than the sword of breaking the demon. Although he doesn't know how powerful these spell bullets are, Asta still Do your best not to let a spell bullet hit Noelle and the little girl!

"I've caught you!" Noelle lay on the flying jade, picked up the little girl with a clean hand, and then Asta controlled the flying jade to fly directly ten meters away from the ground. Watching the battlefield will not be affected.

Chapter 112 Flying Thunder God Slash!

"Sister, I'm afraid!" The younger daughter curled up on the flying jade and dared not move.

"It's okay, just hug my sister's waist if you're afraid!" Noelle knelt on the flying jade and said.

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded immediately, and then kept quiet, because she knew that her big brother and big sister were saving the Clover Kingdom!

"Help! Who will save me!" An ordinary citizen was cornered by three walking corpses, and there was a shadow clone of Asta not far from him, but this shadow clone was too busy, because the surrounding All enemies.

"Water bomb!" Noelle saw it, and immediately a dozen water bombs came towards the three walking corpses aggressively.

"Bang bang bang!" Seven or eight of these water bombs hit the walking corpse. Taking advantage of the gap between the knocking down of the walking corpse, the citizen immediately got up and ran towards the safe place of "040".

"Good job, Noelle!" Asta praised with sideways eyes.

"Hmph! Isn't this a matter of course!" After this attempt, Noelle gradually gained confidence in her heart, and she was no longer the useless piece that her brother and sister said she couldn't control magic accurately!

Of course, more importantly, Asta created an environment for her without worrying about being laughed at by others.

Otherwise, if they came here with the two members of the Red Lotus Lion King, it would be impossible for her to act so carelessly.

"The dead body broke into the church!"

"Everyone of the Magic Knights, save us!" A group of people hiding in the church cried out.

"The sea dragon's lair!" Noelle immediately cast a huge defensive magic to cover the church, forcing all the surrounded walking corpses back outside the protective layer.

"Saved, I didn't expect that it was the black bulls who saved us!"

"Thank you, thank you!" The crowd in the church immediately cheered.

"Are these people really praising us?" Noelle was a little hesitant, because she had a relationship with ridicule and indifference since she was a child, and it was really rare to hear someone applaud for her!

"Damn guy, you still have the mind to look elsewhere, NO.4 kill him!" The pink-haired young man is most angry that others look down on him, and now Asta has almost become his number one life and death enemy, "Everyone who looks down on him Everyone in my uncle deserves to die, all deserve to die!"

"Noisy!" Asta turned his head, really, he didn't even want to look at Noelle's shy expression twice!

"How dare you call me noisy? Don't be so arrogant, you little devils, don't you want to save these people? I'll let you save them!" After the pink-haired youth opened his arms, a helpless voice sounded like a headset in his ear. beeps in the device.

"Really, my magic power is also limited, how long do you want to pretend!"

"Stop talking nonsense, just lie there obediently as a corpse, and then quickly send my army over. Didn't that lord also say that the king should be as chaotic as possible!" the pink-haired youth whispered.

"Really, no matter how I look at it, it looks like you're doing business for your own gain!" After speaking, the teammate of the pink-haired youth dressed as a corpse immediately used space magic to send hundreds of walking corpses towards the North District again. For a while, Noelle and Aspen The shadow clone of the tower is simply too busy!

"Help!" For a while, there were voices calling for help everywhere in the North District, like a purgatory on earth!

"Flame Magic Spiral Flame!" At this moment, I saw two fire dragons sweeping across the audience. This is a completely different magic from Noelle's water magic. Burned to ashes with no second chance to stand up!

"It's a good thing I'm here to help you, otherwise we'd really be in trouble!" Leobert Vermilian looked at Asta and smiled.

"Thank you!" Asta finished with a smile, then picked up the Demon Severing Sword like throwing a javelin, and directly blew a whirlwind that pierced the air, nailing the pink-haired youth No. 4 Jimmy to the ground .

"That's how the **** is it solved?" The pink-haired youth looked at Jimmy who was lying motionless on the ground, and Jimmy, who had already cut off the magic connection with him, couldn't help but swear. This attack method is too nonsense!

His carefully prepared corpse was defeated in one blow?

"Oh, didn't you say that I'll beat you!" Asta laughed.

"Don't be too proud, look at my NO.2 Alfred!" The pink-haired youth didn't panic at all. Following his voice call, his teammates who were hiding aside immediately beat up the pink-haired youth's No. 2 corpse. send out...

"Crack!" As soon as NO.2 Alfred came out, there was lightning and thunder. This is a soldier's corpse with only one body. Although he has no arms and legs, his body can float in mid-air. More importantly, Yes, it has lightning speed!

"Hahaha, didn't you expect to encounter this kind of situation?" The pink-haired young man laughed wildly. Although he really didn't expect it, this did not prevent him from collecting Alfred's information. Corpse, this broken corpse just restrained Asta!

"Is it okay to pretend to be realistic like this? I'm still a brat in the worst black bull." The companion of the pink-haired youth couldn't help complaining.

"Found it!" Asta finally found the companion of the pink-haired youth among a pile of corpses through Sharingan. In fact, he had been looking for this companion who knew space magic from the very beginning.

Because the pink-haired youth can send his companions to send the undead as he likes, it proves that this space magic mage has been observing the pink-haired youth nearby, otherwise the cooperation between the two will definitely not be so perfect, and the solution to the crisis of the walking dead in the North District The key is to cut off the space magic user to teleport the corpse.

Now that Asta found the pink-haired youth's companion 5.0, he was not polite immediately, and immediately flew towards the pink-haired youth, the space mage, and Alfred with three Kunai sticking the Flying Thunder God spell in his hand!

"Have you been discovered?" The space mage hiding in the pile of corpses suddenly widened his eyes. He thought he had hidden well enough, but he didn't expect to be exposed to Asta's blood-red sight!

"One cut!" Asta first moved behind Alfred who was closest to him in an instant, and dealt with the pink-haired youth's trump card with just one strike. At this time, the second kunai was very close to the pink-haired youth. , but the pink-haired youth immediately teleported aside as an alert space mage.

"Why did you come out!" the pink-haired youth looked at the space wizard beside him and said.

Chapter 113 Undercurrent Surges!

"I've been exposed." The space mage said honestly.

"Then how can we send the corpse unexpectedly!" The pink-haired youth felt as if his fig leaf had been lifted.

"Haha, I thought it was the legendary time-space corpse wizard, but it turned out to be just an ordinary corpse wizard!" Leobert Vermilion laughed.

"Damn nobleman, how dare you laugh at me, do you think you are very strong! I happen to have a corpse of mud and water magic, let him come and make you realize how much you are!" the pink-haired youth As soon as the words fell, a corpse that looked like a patchwork of cloth bags was teleported over by the teammate of the pink-haired youth.

"Gudong! Gudong!" The corpse, which seemed to be pieced together from cloth bags, was constantly lying down in muddy water. There were two muddy water magics beside him that were as flexible as arms and could be lengthened and shortened.

"The attributes are exactly the same!" Leobert Vermilian suddenly became serious.

"Ladis, don't take it lightly. 13, the target hasn't appeared yet, and the other members of the magic knights have not yet reached the area marked by the space. You still need to work harder." The pink-haired youth's teammate reminded.

"Understood, Walters, I have brought all my wealth!" After the pink-haired youth Ladis finished, he looked at Asta who was staring at him, and felt shuddering, especially the NO2 who he had given high hopes for. Alfred also did not escape the fate of being beheaded by a sword.

"What is your premeditated plan?" Asta pulled out the Demon-Breaking Sword that was inserted into No4. Jimmy's body.

"Ahahaha, do you think I will tell you if you ask me? What are you thinking? Come out, my undead army!" Ladis spread his arms madly, and then saw his teammate Walters immediately turned Teleportation, hundreds of corpses reappeared in the already empty North District!

"These disgusting guys really make people unable to relax for a moment!" Noelle suddenly pouted, because the corpse that Ladis stole dared to rot for a long time, so the smell alone was enough to make people shy away. Fortunately, She is still in the air, a little farther away!

"It seems that only by defeating you can you speak normally!" Asta finished speaking and walked towards Ladis and Walters who were teleported to the roof by space magic.

"Teleport!" Walters knew that he and others were absolutely incapable of fighting Asta, so he activated the teleportation skill again and moved away from Asta, but they were still in the northern area. Obviously their mission here has not been completed, so they can't go far go.

"It's really troublesome to deal with such an enemy who can teleport through space!" Asta stopped, his speed obviously couldn't compare with the mage with space magic, so Asta began to shift his target to other corpses in the northern area on the spirit.

"Do you need help!" Asta looked at Leobert and said, he knew that according to Leo's personality, he would probably refuse, but Leo's combat power is a bit wasteful on a corpse like this, mainly because To him, this corpse is just a matter of a sword.

"Absolutely not!" Although Leobert had no way to deal with this muddy magic corpse for a while, he would never lose to Asta!

"Alright!" Asta nodded, and immediately jumped out to deal with the hordes of corpses. For a moment, Noelle and the nine shadow clones felt relieved.

"If this anti-magic persists a few times, maybe I will give up teleportation. After all, the current magic power is limited, and every point must be used wisely!" Walters said.

"Hmph, when he comes over to summon my NO.1 Carl, I don't believe he can break my magic defense!" Ladis said confidently.

"In the central area, the three members of Silver Wing's Giant Sculpture Group have entered the space marking area, and no target has been found!"

"In the northwest region, the three members of the Golden Dawn Regiment have entered the space marking area, and no targets have been found!"

"In the western area, the three members of the Golden Dawn Regiment have entered the space marking area, and no target has been found!"

"In the eastern area, the two of the Jade Wild Rose Group have entered the space marking area, and no target has been found!"

"Where can this damned head of the Red Lotus Lion King go? But his younger brother Leobert is here. I believe that as long as there is a little crisis, he will appear!" Walters listened to the reports of his teammates.

"So should we activate the space trap now?" A teammate lurking in other areas asked.

"Let's wait until Fagerian appears to activate it!" Walters said steadily.

"Ladis, the army of corpse spirits is not enough, send more!" A teammate in the central area said, Silver Wing's Giant Sculpture Group deserves to be the second-ranked magic knight group, especially at this time, the leader Nosai You are still there, the speed of cleaning up the corpses is simply not too fast!

"Understood!" Ladis said impatiently and once again cooperated with Walters to summon thousands of corpse spirits to appear in the five battlefields.

"My lord, these guys are really annoying!" Although Saul Malone rode on the riotous earth goddess formed by his own earth magic to kill all directions, but after seeing a group of kills, another group appeared. The batch of corpse spirits, can't help but have a headache.

"That's right, I've had enough. Thorn Creation Magic - Thorn Tree of the Body!" Xia 040 Lotte Lozley used a range of magic heroically, and suddenly a lot of people sprang up around him. The thorns in the shape of coniferous trees pierced these corpses into the midair.

"My lord, you are so handsome!" Saul Malone admired.

"Call me captain, Saul!" Charlotte corrected.

"Understood, my lord, but these idiots almost ran into my lord just now, don't they know that the only ones who can touch my lord are the women of our Blue Briar Group?" Sol stepped on the foot of a corpse. The head said angrily.

"Saul, don't use words that would cause misunderstanding." Charlotte wiped the dust off her body gracefully.

"Oh?" Sol was stunned for a moment, and then changed another adjective, "The one that can touch the tender skin of my sister..."

"It's not this!" Charlotte closed her eyes, thankfully she was used to it, otherwise she would really be annoyed by the naturally dumb Sol.

"It's really strange, with such a big fanfare, it's just such a weak rioter." Nosair looked at the central area that had subsided, and looked at the palace with deep eyes, but it was still calm there, and there was no sign of being attacked.

Chapter 114 Chaos Escalation!

"It's basically cleaned up!" Alquedra breathed a sigh of relief looking at the corpses all over the ground.

"It's... really disgusting..." Mimosa knelt on the ground and retched. Although she resolutely treated every injured civilian during the battle just now, she still stayed behind when she saw the corpses with varying degrees of decay. It cast a great psychological shadow!

"Long live the Magic Knights!"

"Long live!" At this time, the undead riots in the central, northwest, western, and eastern areas of the capital have all been suppressed, and the members of the Magic Knights who came to participate in the suppression stood still and accepted the praise of the surrounding civilians.

"At this critical moment, as the Magic Emperor, he ran around. Don't you know that there is nothing more important than my safety in the whole kingdom?" Auguston Kira Kuroba XIII was lying Rubbling in the arms of the two beauties.

"As you said, but we, the servants of the Magic Emperor, will protect you!" Marquez knelt on the ground respectfully and said, "Besides, the riots in the capital have been quelled, please rest assured."

"Well, then I'll have a good night's sleep." Auguston Kira Kuroba 13th originally had a lot of words waiting to complain about the Magic Emperor, but when he heard that the riots had subsided, he simply didn't bother. Having said that, he just murmured weakly when he closed his eyes, Julius the bastard.

"..." Marquez finally let out a sigh of relief, and finally dismissed this master.

"Roar!" At the same time, Fageline finally arrived at the northern battlefield on a flaming lion. He had already gone around the palace just now. When Leobert was close to the muddy corpse, he used spiral flames to dry it up and turn it into ashes.

"Good job!" Fageline praised.

"Brother, you are here〃'!" Leobert said excitedly.

"It seems that these two are the culprits in this area." Fageline looked at Ladis and Walters and said.

"Well, the one with long hair is the mage who manipulates these corpses, and the one who pretends to be a dead person is the space mage responsible for transporting the corpses." Asta released the shadow clone, and now this area is described as a pile of mountains The most appropriate, because there are the most corpses here.

"Brother, how are the other areas now?" Leobert asked.

"Other places have basically been resolved, and you are left here." Fagerian said.

"The target finally appeared!" Walters licked his lips, and then activated the space magic, teleporting the members of the Magic Knights who were marking to hundreds of kilometers away.

"Oops!" It was too late when Nosair realized something was wrong, and was immediately sent out together with his younger brother and younger sister.

"Huh? Where are people!" The civilians who had been praising the three of Noselle before were all shocked. The members of the Magic Knights left too quickly!

And this situation is also happening in several other areas. After the people of these magic knights reacted, they were all teleported out of the capital. Only Yuno, who was reminded by the wind spirit Sylph, escaped. robbery!

"Damn it, it's a trick!" Saul Malone scratched his hair angrily.

"Although I knew that the enemy had extremely powerful space mages, I didn't expect to pack us up and take us away together." Charlotte frowned.

"This is a disgrace!" Alquedra roared looking at the capital.

"None of the Red Lotus Lion King Group and the Black Bull have been teleported." Solid Shelba said.

"Maybe it's because the strength is too weak!" Nebra Shirba said.

"Stop making the sound of self-pity for the weak, now we should think about how to return to the battlefield!" Noselle said coldly.

"But brother, we are at least a few hundred kilometers away from the capital. Except for people who know space magic, we can't go back in a short time by flying!" Nebra Shirba said.

"It seems that we can only use that method." Noselle looked at Charlotte and said, now there are only the two captains here, so it's time for the two of them to make a decision.

"That's it, let's work together and use super compound magic to go back." Charlotte nodded, and when Charlotte and the others were about to return, everyone in the northern area had already noticed the changes in the capital.

"The magic power of the Magic Knights has disappeared!" Noelle said in shock.

"This large-scale space magic was released by you, right?" Fageline said, looking at Walters.

".々I didn't expect that all these big figures who are usually high above were fooled." Walters said sarcastically.

"Where did you send them all?" Fageline asked.

"Well, it depends on whether you have the guts to go by yourself." Walters said and cast space magic at the feet of Fageline. Because Gline was vigilant, he discovered the clue at the first time. Time jumped out, but Fageline changed his mind at the last minute.

"How can you catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den?" Asta naturally noticed Fagerian's operation. Thanks to the insight of Sangouyu Sharingan, he could clearly sense Fagerian's hesitation and decision .