MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 39 Sensational town

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The thirty-ninth chapter sensational throughout the town

"Are you sure that the block is placed here?" Bocker asked a little suspiciously, wondering if he had found the wrong place.

"It should be here..." Claude is not sure if it is this position. On that day, he only remembered that Eriksson said that the water was more than four meters away and he threw the block down. The surrounding scene did not pay much attention.

"I forgot..." Verricko spread his hand, and he simply went.

Eriksson looked at the surrounding environment carefully, and this is a very positive answer: "I am here, I remember correctly. Everyone who is familiar with water life will remember the location before blocking the net. I will not do this. Incorrect……"

"Then, is it possible that it will be taken away by others?" Bokal asked, if this is the case, then the loss will be great. The block of Eriksson’s family is worth at least a dozen Gentale.

"It shouldn't be possible," Eriksson couldn't be sure: "The buoy on the bottom of the net has the logo of our Otulani home, and the people in White Hart know what it is at home." The network cable interlacing method for compiling the block is also unique. It is specially used on the sea network. Others can quickly find it by collecting it. Besides, the fishermen in Bailu Town know the rules and can’t collect it. block……"

"You said last time that there have been a lot of newcomers in Bailu Town in the past six months, some of them are not honest..." Bokal said.

"There are some new fishermen who don't know much about the rules, but they don't have the courage to collect the block of our house. The dock inspectors in the town stare at them the most tightly. Once they commit something, they are heavily fined. You know that this year we The number of campers in the town is still quite different. Those patrol tax officers and inspectors are counting on these people to fill the hole..."

Well, Eriksson is right. This year, Bailu Town decided to refurbish the eastern avenue and prepare to expand the town to the east again next year. It’s just that human resources are lacking, and the idea is hit by the people. The name is for labor reform. As long as the civilians in the town commit crimes, even a small mistake is a minimum of three months of labor, so that you only need to provide some pig food and tools to get free labor...

If someone picks up the block, then he has no place to shoot. Once he gets on the dock, he will be discovered. It’s the shops in the town that collect black goods, and they don’t want to spend money on the block of Eriksson’s house. It’s easy to get to the captain of Otuluni’s ear, whether it’s sold or received. There is nothing good to end...

"Let's look for it again, maybe it's just drifting away, or it's just that the ship that was being transported has been taken to another place," Verricko said.

"Impossible, there is a plumb bob under the block, so how can it drift away? It is impossible to take it away by the boat. The person hooked on the boat will find it..." Eriksson muttered.

However, after half an hour, I almost made a big circle there and finally found the block.

"Weird, how did this block come here, it’s already the lake..." Eriksson couldn’t understand.

This place can be said to be next to the stone sentry post, almost a hundred meters away from the place where the net is placed. If it is not the red pontoon on the surface of the Internet that is conspicuous on the surface of the water, it is really not easy to see at a time.

One pulls the net, and Verricko frowned. "How is it so heavy, it won't be hooked to the grass at the bottom of the lake?"

As the block was dragged onto the boat, Verricko suddenly screamed with surprise: "There are fish, big fish!"

There are really big fish, only one, and it is already dead.

However, this big fish is at least one meter long. It breaks through a grid of the net, but it is netted by the grid next to it. How can it not get rid of it? It’s been a struggle for a long time, bringing the block to here. Finally, I tried to die...

After the fish was dragged onto the boat, Eriksson laughed happily: "It turned out to be a black tiger fish, such a **** tiger fish, haha, no one in the town could have captured such a **** tiger fish..."

The black tiger fish is also a special fish of the Beringa Lake. This fish lives at the bottom of the lake and is extremely difficult to capture. The meat is delicious and smooth, and it is a treasure in the fish. Moreover, the fish is violent and fierce, and will soon die after being caught by the fishermen and cannot be farmed.

This is another big gift that I picked up on the return trip. No one thought that the block that was laid down casually had such a big gain.

"Get some water in the cabin, this black tiger fish should be placed on the deck and it will not be fresh soon. It will be better in the water, even if it is already dead. We will go to the dock in about two hours. Then come out and let those people open their eyes." Eriksson opened his eyes and smiled, and his heart might be thinking about going back to the dock and how to put the harvest out to the eyes of the audience.

Claude had no idea to guess what the partners thought. He helped decide to take a nap on the deck after he had collected the black tiger fish into the discharged cabin. Last night, until now, he finally got a feeling of wanting to sleep.

Didn't feel it in the confusion for a long time, Claude was awakened by Bok Al: "Claude, wake up, arrived."

At first glance, I saw that the private dock of the Eriksson family was not far from the front. The owner of the fishing boat, Sonny, was waving at the dock.

Eriksson is turning the rudder to dock the fishing boat, and Verricko is standing at the bow with the gun. Claude touched his face with his hand and made himself awake, only to find that he was covered with a blanket.

Just climbing up from the deck, Claude felt his legs soft, almost squatting on the deck, and hurriedly held the ship's side to stabilize his body.

Zhang mouthed a big yawn: "How come so soon?"

Eriksson smiled and said: "Also fast, you have slept for more than two hours. Vero said that you also had an overnight night, let us not wake you up, Boa also gave you a blanket."

"Thank you, brothers." Claude yawned again: "But how can I still sleep like this?"

Verricko used a boat to support the stone wall of the dock, allowing the small fishing boat to traverse the hull and stick it on the dock, put down the bow, throw the rope of the bow to the old Sonny on the dock, and turn back to Claude. Smiled: "You are scared, and now the reaction is normal. I was still wondering last night, why did you feel a little nervous after the fight with the big python?

I used to go hunting with my father for the first time. After killing a little wolf for the first time, I couldn’t sleep all night. I dreamed that the little wolf was covered in blood. It took two days to slow down. You are the same, killing the python, the spirit of your whole person has been hanging, and when you get to the boat, you will relax, and then you will fall asleep with peace of mind.

But you should have not slept enough, so the whole person feels weak and sleepy. Like my father going hunting, every time I come back, I have to sleep for ten hours before I get up. If you don't like this, you should go home and have a good night's sleep. The things here are handled by us. ”

Claude understood that this is a sense of security. After killing the big python in the underground floor of the site yesterday afternoon, his whole spirit is indeed hanging like Villicroe’s, fearful, ready to suffer again. Attack. So last night, the spirit was so good that I didn't want to sleep. To put it bluntly, there was no sense of security. It was only after getting on the boat that the spirit relaxed and felt safe and secure, and that it took a nap.

The third time he yawned, Crowd nodded. "Yes, then I will go home first and help me call a carriage. I now suspect that if I walk, I will fall asleep on the road."

Picking up his backpack, Claude got on the carriage and barely squinted at the door. The coachman and other Claude drove off the car and drove away. Eriksson had already said hello, let the coachman go to him to get the money, just take Claude home.

Sleepy Claude and downstairs sister Angelina casually said hello, did not notice the traces of crying on her sister's face, and took the stairs and returned to her small attic. I planted it on the bed. However, he still remembers to put his backpack under the bed, and then he went to sleep.

I don't know how long it took, and Claude was awakened by people. It was a mother and a little fat pier.

Xiaopangdun has climbed onto the bed and is climbing to Claude's body. Seeing Claude woke up, his mother asked: "Claude, what's wrong with you, is it uncomfortable?"

Shaking his head and smashing the chubby pier into his arms, regardless of his struggle, Claude smiled and said: "Nothing, last night, night, no sleep, so I feel very tired during the day."

The mother sighed with relief: "Let's go eat, your father has something to look for. Also, you guys go fishing together, why do you let everyone alone, isn't this bully?"

Crowder just shook his head with a smile and didn't want to explain anything to his mother. He grabbed the chubby piercing in his arms and kissed him on the face. Then he got up and prepared to go downstairs.

"I want my brother to hold it." Xiaopeng Duojia said.

"Yes, my brother hugs his brother." Claude took over Xiaopengdun again and placed it directly on his shoulder: "Then we will go downstairs first."

The mother was worried in the back and shouted: "Be careful, don't lie..."

Claude still knows this. When he passes the door, he directly squats down the door and makes a little puffy.

All the way to the squatting down the stairs, the restaurant was only put down the chubby pier.

At the table, Mr. Morssan and Albert were still sitting, but when they heard the sound of washing dishes in the kitchen, Claude knew that he was the last one to have dinner.

"Father, are you looking for me?" Crowder asked as he sat down and pulled the white bread basket on the table.

"Take your blessing, today's dinner is very rich." Mr. Morssan took off the pipe and said.

At this time, Claude discovered that he was familiar with the table, the mountain deer meat, the mountain antelope leg bone boiled potatoes, and the fried python meat.

"Oh..." Claude was a bit strange: "How come there is no black tiger fish? Isn’t Boa they sent it? Impossible, so a **** tiger fish, you should be able to get a big section. Why didn't you eat it?"

"Black tiger fish?" Mr. Morssan replied: "There is no black tiger fish. Your black tiger fish was bought by pub chef Pied. He wanted to buy this python and mountain venison. They were rejected by Boa."

"You, how do you know?" Crowder almost didn't be squatted by the bread.

"You went to sleep for an afternoon, but you didn't know that your friends had sensationalized the whole town. They put the skin of the big python that was hunted directly on the dock, and the people around it were leaking. It’s really rare for such a large python to be crowded.

There is also a mountain deer skin, so a **** tiger fish, I really don't think you will have such a big harvest when you go fishing this holiday. The owners of several shops in the town just hit up to buy your python and mountain deer skin. Boa was quite capable, and came directly to the auction on the dock, and finally sold a high price.

By the way, these mountain deer meat, antelope hind legs and python meat are all sent by Vero, saying that it is your share. It’s just that I am a bit strange. You told me to go fishing. Are these all caught in the water and caught by you? ”

Crowder understood why his father didn't look so good. He said that he went to fish. He actually went hunting. His father thought he had deceived him.

"Sorry, father, I am worried that you will not let me go, so I said that I am going fishing. But we also brought a musket, and we were prepared to fish while hunting." The mistake is to recognize that Claude’s attitude is still More sincere.

"Who brought the musket?" asked Mr. Morssan.

"Vero and Ike, all use their father's musket. In fact, I also want to have a gun of my own..."

Mr. Morssan didn’t talk any more, just tapping his fingers on the table and seemed to wonder what was in his heart. What makes Claude strange is that Albert's goods are not stunned today, as if dumb, his usual favorite is to jump out and sneer at the side of his father's lesson.

"You should eat first. This time, even if you don't make up an excuse to deceive your family later..." Mr. Morssan let go of Claude so easily, stood up and went out.