MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-Chapter 19 How was the legend born?

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[Rolling for recommendations, seeking collection! 】

Fang Qi, who knows the plot, naturally controls all of this time. If it is slow, I am afraid there is no chance to put a signal!

"Old Wu, if you are right, how much is it?" Liang Shi looked solemnly at the beard and beard.

"Before, there should be seven or eighty percent." Wu Shan's face became extremely dignified, "but now... hard!"

This kind of attack, defense and resilience, coupled with the speed has just increased to a terrible point!

Almost perfect! Can't deal with it at all!

Wu Shan is the most powerful warrior in the field. Even he has no grasp of it. The rest of his face is naturally more dignified!

The name of the tyrant, really worthy of the name! It is too strong!

Of course, if you let them know that this is just a generation of trial-type tyrants, I don’t know what to say.

Fang Qi took a deep breath and finally pulled out the long-lost merlin gun!

The Merlin gun is very powerful, and it can guarantee enough power in the middle distance, but in the whole game, he relies on rich game experience to search all the wheat bullets that can be searched, but only ten.

And now he still has the remaining Mailin bullets, only single digits!

Fang Qi pulled the trigger, and a few powerful Mailin bullets were thrown into the tyrant!

However, such an attack seems to be only a deep squat in the Great Lakes, and it is not a big embarrassment!

Other players have also fired, but the attack of ordinary firearms is more ticking for it!

"The boss doesn't have many bullets!" Among the few people, Song Qingfeng's game experience is the most abundant, so he only knows what is the end of the bullet.

Song Qingfeng’s words also caused the hearts of other people who were eating melons to sink to the bottom.

Not only that, they saw that the tyrant inspired the charge at a very fast pace!

Its huge body shape, charging up, not only is not slow, but gives people a kind of overbearing power of Mount Tai!

Can you escape again? !

Everyone's heart hangs in unison!

Fang Qi was extremely calm at this time.

Choosing Chris is bringing his fighting skills!

Although he was originally a warrior who didn't come to the forefront of the forging, but after these days he is constantly familiar with Chris's own fighting skills, he has begun to integrate these skills into himself and become his own knowledge!

In addition, he is cultivating himself as a hunter. Some of the hunters' attack methods are very similar to the tyrants. They are rushing, fluttering, grabbing, and tearing. These are all the most familiar attacks by Fang Qi!

And he is still higher than everyone, the highest level of the game's highest level - twenty-three!

Multi-faceted, Fang Qi's combat power, can not be estimated in the ordinary way!

I saw Fang Qi leaping high, followed by a foot on the wall on the right side, and the figure was pulled up again. It was the difference of a mile to avoid the tyrant's slam, and once again pulled the Merlin gun trigger!

Three shots in a row, three children in the "good" shape, all blasted in the heart behind the tyrant!

Continuous and powerful attacks, obviously even the tyrant's defense ability can not hold it!

I saw it a cockroach, the place where it was hit, and the blood poured out like a spring!

"The boss is arrogant!"

"Can you survive in such a situation?!"

"Do not arbitrarily pick this monster! Is the boss still a person?"

The eyes of Fang Qi’s people are straight!

This has actually been hidden in the past!

Can not use the qi, actually able to do this, it is simply unbelievable!

Even if this defeat is defeated, it is enough to be proud!

"You didn't see the boss use a knife to clear the late mobs!" Lin Shao was behind the spit and flying, "That's a cloud!"

"Knife blame?!"

"Not afraid of infection?"

"Too confident?"

Lin Shao’s words suddenly caused an exclamation around.

"The Mailin gun has no bullets!" Song Qingfeng said a very serious fact.

In fact, they have a deep understanding of this game, they have gradually understood what kind of world this is - without martial arts, humans have invented a variety of powerful weapons to rival!

When there are ammunition in their hands, even an enemy who is several times stronger than itself can be easily beaten! But if these weapons have no ammunition, the situation will become extremely embarrassing!

It’s impossible to use a knife to fight melee, it’s not a good choice!

As long as you don't pay attention, you are definitely being separated!

too difficult!

Even if they looked at them behind, they only felt a scalp numb!

I saw that Fang Qi quickly ran away in the opposite direction of the tyrant, and the tyrant was beaten to the ground by Fang Qi, and it was obvious that he would not be able to catch up for a while!

No bullets!

You know that Chris is just an ordinary person who can't be arrogant. How can you fight this monster without a gun? !

"It's over, don't look at it." Although it was enough distance from the tyrant, everyone was desperate.

"The tyrant is too strong!" Xu Zixin shook his head and sighed. "Chris may not be able to pass the customs. It seems that I have to change Jill to change it."

Song Qingfeng also regretted: "It seems that Chris is just familiar with the way we play... even the boss can't live..."

"What kind of umbrella company, actually created so many powerful monsters!"

In the sky, a huge flash of helicopter wings sounded!

Fang Qi looked like a hi, and the tyrant had not caught up yet, and he quickly waved to the helicopter in the sky.

A square box of long squares was thrown off the helicopter!

At the same time, Fang Qi rolled over on the spot and quickly picked up the long black box.

"Get it!" Fang Qi’s heart was happy, and finally came!

He ran in the opposite direction, not to escape! And it is in order to have time to take this thing under the attack of the tyrant!

"What do the boss want to do?"

Originally, there was no hope at all. The people who were ready to turn around and leave were all messed up by Fang Qi.

"What is this?" Everyone's eyes stared strangely at the strip of black box.

They saw the long strip of "black box" in front of them, and extended four large round barrels.

Whether it is the outer body that reflects the metallic luster, or the silvery white barrel, it gives a shocking deterrent!

Fang Qi stabilized it against his shoulders and saw that the tyrant rushed forward, not only not afraid, but directly triggered the trigger!


I saw a rocket projecting from one of the barrels!

The small arm of the shell, with a long tail flame, accompanied by a huge sound, roar!

The tyrant seems to be aware of the danger, and immediately protects the vitality with the thick claws!

Then there was a huge roar!

The earth is also shocked!

I saw countless flesh and blood fragments erupting with the flames of a large piece of fire, and a hot air wave also pushed Fang Qi back and forth!

"One sent to the soul!"

Fang Qi satisfactorily reversed the barrel and gently blew the smoke that did not exist on the barrel. The vest was already wet!

"Fortunately, I have practiced!" Fang Qi haha ​​smiled and finally relieved.

The bird is silent!

The entire Internet cafe is so quiet that a pin can fall and you can hear it!

No one can believe that Fang Kai’s inconspicuous “black box” is so terrible!

This is the charm of hot weapons!

This is the power of hot weapons!

The hot weapon is more inclined to the result than the battle of the cold weapon.

This is a magnificent explosion! This is the romance of a man!

They stared at the screen and looked at the rocket launcher in Fang Qi. Such a weapon, not to mention the big martial artist, I am afraid that even the high-ranking Wu Zong and the great monks would feel scalp numb!

Chris took the rocket launcher and set foot on the helicopter with his teammates. The nightmare-like foreign pavilion was smouldering in a huge explosion!

Beside the teammate, Rebecca was tired of falling asleep on the helicopter, and Jill leaned against Chris's shoulders, and the sun shone through the scattered clouds, scattered in Chris's angularity, slightly with a little Bloody face.

At this moment, everyone in the room seemed to see the gods!



Is this the end of Resident Evil 1? !

Looking forward to a long time, I finally saw this scene!

The helicopter flew into the blue sky, this scene is magnificent and magnificent!

Every game, no matter how gameable, is not fun at all times.

There are hardships to fight with hunters, and there are also brainstorming when solving puzzles. When killing monsters for too long, they will be full of fatigue. When they are unable to pass the card, they will be discouraged.

But when I saw this scene, I turned around and found that everything is worth it!

It is true that not everyone in the world can be called a hero, but the pride that exists in the heart will not be annihilated!

It is precisely because of this that this scene can be loaded into the epic picture, especially precious!

It will perform all the heroic pride of a single hero, all in one!

If they still stayed on how to clear the customs, now they are beginning to understand how the game should be played!

This scene of the ending is simply too domineering!

In contrast, I used to play with the dog!

Looking at the helicopter in the picture disappeared into the depths of the sun, at this moment, whether it is Song Qingfeng and other old people who have certain qualifications or a newcomer who has just contacted the Resident Evil today, there is no feeling in the place. calm!

This is a scene that everyone hopes, but now it is presented in front of them!

They put a complex look on Fang Qi, and Fang Qi, with the familiar end of the music, retired from the game in due course.

Looking back, I screamed: "How are you all around here?"

"The boss is mighty!"

"Pure man! Real man!"

"I seem to witness a biographical novel with my own eyes."

"No, it's an epic!"

"This is what men should do!" The burly man Liang Shi looked like a **** boil.

"But actually... can you do this?!" Song Qingfeng squeezed his fists tightly.

"Suddenly, I feel that the boss is so handsome!" Xi Xiaoyun, who just came, whispered, "I see the boss playing, I feel that this game is not so scary, or let us try it later?"

"This thing reminds me of the monk's implement." Wu Shan, who has a beard and a beard, looked at the back for a long time, and could not help but itch. "I really want to try it myself! If there is such a guy? What kind of monk is afraid?" !"

"Zi Xin!" Shen Qingqing could not wait to call, "I have to play, teach me how good!"

"You just didn't say that you can't play?" Xu Zixin glared at her, how much water she had previously spent, and now she actually wants to play?

"Look at how fun you are!" Shen Qingqing smiled. "You see how wonderful the boss is."

"..." Xu Zixin, a beautiful face suddenly black lines, how can I play it when I play?

Look at my neglected zombie dog, you just don't understand it!